Patman wrote:
I just picked it up, and have only skimmed it so far. 1 thing jumped out at me. In chapter 3, it talks about the 3 spawn in the basement. Are your PC's supposed to deal with them, because I know mine will attempt it.
Yep, that's what it says three nasty undead worm infested evil spawn creating sob's! In Part One the original is still trapped within the basement (again mind you). If the party does not deal with it then, looks like they'll have more trouble later on in Part Three.
(3) CR 5 = EL 8. (This could be tough, even for a party of four 7th level adventurers. Although, depends on what classes they are and what not.)
Depending on your groups number and level, you might need to adjust, perhaps remove one from the encounter.
Also, beware those "slow worm" infested potions. Who knows what the group will actually do with them, but most "gamers" will hold on to them. "Never know when you'll need a potion of *insert potion name needed here*." So it may be some time before they are "consumed", until the need to *whatever the potion name is* arises.