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Adventure Subscription 'Malevolence'

Humble Bundle FAQ

December 2021 New Releases and Subscription Shipping

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Orders 36745568, 36684661

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Does the Print Edition Come With PDF? (ANSWERED)

Order 36740289

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Order 36736187

Order 36736986

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[CANCELLATION] Pathfinder Lost Omens

Suggestion for mods: please add (banned) suffix to the names of posters that have been banned.

Shipping for January items

Order 36680641

Cancel order 36753149

Order 16779117

Missing Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth from shipment

Accessories subscription required both Spell Cards and Alchemy Deck

Order 20986766

Started subscription to Lost Omens and thought I was getting 3 books before Map Folio

Order 36739481

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Player ID

Order 36736914

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PDF from sales glitch

Books updates

Order 36709506

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Order 36692392

Demand for complete refunds of all PDF products.

Card charged item not in order history

Order 36734394

Subscription Cancellation

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Order 36698352

As of December 31, please cancel all of my subscriptions.

Order 36736319

Humble Bundle Redemption - Missing Physical Order + Payment issues

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Tracking for order #36737357

Adventure Path subscription - please remove #174

Payment issues

Names of Digital Downloads - please add them to the PDFs!

Order 36735880

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Order # 36707360

Piazo Rulebook subscription

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Sidecart Items

Order 36739465 and 36739466

Order 36696866 shipping rate

Order 36732767

Items in sidecart

Order 36737041

Order 36735369

Humble Bundle did not include digital copy of Starfinder Core Rulebook as shown on Humble's site.

Order 36701430

Order 36735304 Payment

Inquiry about shipping delay / christmas sale

Temporarily suspend my subscriptions

Cancel Starfinder Subscription

Ending my subscription

December 2021 Digital Subscriptions and Organized Play Scenarios

Cancel Two Subscriptions

Changed EU Import Taxes

Order 36664331

Update Payment Method

Order 36700395

Cancel Pathfinder AP

Please cancel plush Cthulhu from sidecart

Can I get orders 36696866 and 36737361 combined?

Please cancel Order 36715986 and Subscriptions

Adjustment for Order 36732767

Suspend subscriptions

Order 36655018 & Order 36735715

Order 36736143

december subscription 36699193

Order 36632361 not reveived

Side cart vs checkout

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