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Oooh! Rage of the Elements spell cards!! Over 240 cards... So, based on my previous "out of my X" guesstimate numbers that ended up being suprisingly close for Secrets of Magic... (My guess was 170, ended up being 175!!)
If I assume about... 20 focus spell? And the same "45%" of spell overlaps between traditions...
My new (almost) completely blind guesstimate for "number of unique new spells in Rage of elements" is... around 100!
Let's see if I'm lucky a second time. ;)

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It's been said that there will be 4 pages of spells per element in rage of elements (so 24 pages total). So pretty likely the spell cards will pull from core/advanced players guide/secrets of magic/etc.
TL;DR: I take my almost blind guess for 100 new spells, combine them with the claim of 24 pages, and try to rationalize them together, and explain why that number of pages might mean that my guess is wrong (a new guess I could make, more pesimistic, would be 80ish spells), and why it might still be correct.
If my guess of around 100 new unique spells is close to the truth, and that it's 24 pages of spells, that would make it an average of about 4.2 spells per pages...
Flipping through the pages of Secrets of Magic, I see many pages without art having ~4 spells, and a couple of them that even have 6! Pages with arts are usually half-page art, and have about 2 spells...
To be able to reconcile "100 new spells" and "24 pages of spells", we can make some assumptions (I have not seen who claimed the 24 pages things, and where it was done, as that information wasn't shared, so some of these assumptions will be made on that missing data).
Note: These assumptions are all "stand alone".
AKA: They should be enough to explain the disparity by themselves. Combining them might need some "moduling".
1- The person that spoke about the 4 pages per elements was speaking about a document without art breaks, like the spells's text before copy-fitting and art splicing. That's probably the less likely possibility, but it would make the numbers fit.
2- The spells will be split per elemental sections. That would make it possible for them to be 4 solid pages without art, even more so if it's opened by like a full-page art, then a full page of lore about spells of that specific element. Other sub-possibility would be that the book is globally split between the elements, and thus there would bu 6 spell sections. If the surrounding text have lot of art, it could be possible that the 4 pages of spells doesn't have/need any. This also make the numbers work.
3- The percentage of duplicate cards is higher than in other books. This make the guessed number of spells too high. But then, how many could there be? We can instead try to guess based on page layout! If we assume about one half-page art per elements (thus 1 half-page art per 4 pages), that means that 3/4 pages can have average 4 spells, and 1/4 only have about 2ish spells. That give use around 80ish new spells.
NOTE: I flipped real fast through the pages of SoM. These are not the real averages. This also assume that SoM will be representative of the spells in Rage. The CRB and APG lists of spells were way more dense, and had way less art scattered through it. There's a couple pages in both with 7-8 spells, and they seems to be shorter after a quick look... quick counting across a dozen pages for both makes me thing the average per pages are closer to 5 than 4 (with half-art pages still at around 2 though).
Hum... Funnily, if we go with 1 half-page art, and average of 5 spells per full page, that gives us back the approx. 100 new spells...
... Hum...
3(bis)- Using the new information based on the APG and CRB spells, I can modify my conclusion for assumption 3: 80 new spells if they are more complex on average, on the same level as SoM, or 100 new spells if they are closer to CRB level of average complexity.
YES. I take my non-scientific studies of these unfounded pseudo-statistically unviable approximatively guessed quasi-numbers VERY seriously. </annoying gnome voice>

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Holy moly. The 4 pages per element but was mentioned in a Wargamer article, an interview with Logan. But uh, yeah, carry on with your calculations.
Nice! Ok. Then yeah, that was probably looking at a layouted version of the rules. So it's either 2, 3, or 3(bis). :P

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Ok! I now have my RoE book PDF! This mean it's time to count the spells and... Test my uneducated guess!
103, 107 counting the 4 mixed elements spells...
There's also 14 focus spells and 3 rituals.
My guess was 100 new spells, based in a blind guess of 20 focus spells...
... Once again, my original guess of 100 new spells was very close to the actual number! xD
Though my updated pessimistic guess of 80 based on the number of pages and "average of spell per pages" was wrong, as the page average is higher than in other books (closer to CRB average than the other "expansion" books, which I noted that, if it was the case, it would still be my old guess).
So, now we have, for unique spells count:
Core Rule Book (Original): 386 Spells, 151 Focus
Advanced Player's Guide (Original): 72 Spells, 77 Focus
Secrets of Magic: 180 Spells, 25 Focus
Book of the Dead: 0 Spells, 4 Focus
Dark Archives: 49 Spells, 20 Focus
Treasure Vault: 1 Spell, 0 Focus
Total (excluding RoE): 900 Spells, 368 Focus
Total (including RoE): 1007 Spells, 382 Focus

Davelozzi |

Are any other subscribers having problems with the downloads for these RoE Spell Cards besides me? With both these and the Planes of Fire & Metal flip-mat, the files are downloading as empty. Yeah, I already emailed customer service, but I was just curious if it was a more widespread issue or was me-specific.

Davelozzi |

I *had* problems. It was recommended to delete cookies from my browser. Did that for this site, problems went away.
Hmm, thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it did not work for me (nor did trying a new browser).