A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).
The Pathfinders travel to Iobaria, where elven druids and centaur warriors are united against an unlikely threat: a self-propogating horde of corrupted leshys! The source of the Abyssal corruption may be tied to a previous trip to Iobaria by the Pathfinder Society, so it falls to the PCs to seek out the source of the leshy incursion and restore balance to the woodlands.
Written by: Mikhail Rekun
Scenario tags: Faction (Verdant Wheel)
[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]
The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on paizo.com:
Combat had not just enemies to fight, but tasks to do in the meantime to limit the damage they caused. Other enemies were intimidating, but not overpowered. I would have rather fought the final boss instead of automatically winning with a single check from one player, but that didn't really bring down the rest of the session.
This is probably my favorite scenario I've run so far. The npc characters are really fun and there are a ton of ways for the players to deal with most of the problems in this scenario. Be warned that this scenario is RP heavy and punishes players for violent solutions in some encounters. So be careful stressing when violence is good and when it is bad if you run this scenario.
It's a well written scenario, almost overwhelming, that supports multiple solutions to several problems and a sandbox approach to the scenario. It should not be run cold.
There were several great scenes in the scenario.
I've GMed it three times now at subtier 1-2 and had a blast each time.
The only downfall to this scenario is that it can run too long. My last session ran 4 hours but the previous sessions ran 6 hours each.
Loved playing and running this, it's definitely one of the most enjoyable ones :) As usual, running it online requires several extra maps and some extra art (kids and Jaldan, some of the camp inhabitants...). The story is good, the setting is compelling. Nice NPCs :) Shame that completing the secondary objective only hinges on one or two skill checks.
Chronologically it's Scourge of the Farheavens > Breath of the Dragonskull > The Blooming Catastrophe. Of course, you don't actually need to play all/more than one of those to get a complete story and adventure, but if you've played the first two you'll bump into some old friends and familiar locales.
Been running/playing PFS for a few years now. This scenario is solidly in my top 5 after tonight. Really enjoyed the dialogue and references to locations. Combat was challenging (almost too much, but they managed). Looking forward to more from Mikhail. Keep it up!
leshy alliance becoming canon :3 We managed to distract leshy and shut down monolith. Though sadly we failed at checks to befriend the centaur shaman due to not having good skills for that particular camp encounter xD
I just ran this, this past sunday, aug 9. At the end of the scenario, it says that the Verdant wheel reputation given is 1. Is this correct, or should it say 2?
This was a lot of fun, and played out well! I liked that there were a lot of options for resolving the outcomes.
Regarding a flavor question on the chronicle sheet...:
I'm building a leshy sorcerer with the background provided in this adventure. I know the Abyssal influences tend more towards "demonic" but the unnatural feel of the monolith had me thinking more "aberrant," or at least that's how my GM ran it. How did others perceive this?
Really stupid question.. I just ran this and I want to rate it but I can't for the life of me see where I need to go to post a rating. sorry for the noob question but I'd like to start reviewing this more frequently..
Something about clicking right into the discussion thread seems to keep the various tabs from appearing. Go to the default product link, and just below the "See Also" section you should see the review tab!