Pathfinder Society Quest #2: Unforgiving Fire

4.40/5 (based on 8 ratings)

Our Price: $5.99

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A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

Venture-Captain Rashmivati Melipdra has called for a group of Pathfinders to travel to Jalmeray and assist her in retrieving a stolen relic. A former member of the Monastery of Unblinking Flame, Melipdra was in the process of negotiating with the monastery for custody of some of their most ancient and historically significant training devices. Before the deal could be completed, a rogue monk stole one of the relics and fled the monastery for the island of Veedesha. There, the monk seeks to use her training and the stolen devices to create a new competing monastery. As the PCs travel to a lawless island controlled by bandits and martial artists, they must find a way to retrieve the stolen goods from the new master of the Monastery of Unforgiving Fire.

Written by Leo Glass.

Scenario Tags: None

Note: Pathfinder Society Quests are not included in the Pathfinder Society Scenario subscription.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

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Average product rating:

4.40/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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I Know Kungfu


As a player, I enjoyed this quest and I would recommend it to anyone. The Saturday Morning Kungfu Theater vibe was established quickly and embellished throughout the quest. The challenges were worthy and I hope I was worthy of my master's teachings.

great quest


This was a solid quest. It has a variety of things going on (skill checks, roleplay, a good NPC, a hazard, and a combat) and it does each of them pretty well. It stands out in my memory pretty well and feels like a full-length session even though it only takes an hour (in a good way).

Can't believe I didn't review this already?


Thus so far this is my favorite quest in Pathfinder (first or second edition)! The NPC is memorable, the challenges are exciting and fulfilling, the boon is really cool and I hope we get to see this particular story evolve into an ongoing plotline in a future quest or scenario! My players from my first group loved this NPC so much they literally wanted to quit the society and join her. Yet my second group absolutely hated her which...just shows she's a character with lots of depth and angles that can be played to help promote your party's needs! There's lots of room here for improvising, and I've run this as both a 1 hour game and a 3 hour game: It's really up to the GM and the party how much you want to explore this fantastically written and designed adventure!

Fun quest with lots of options for the players


Played through this with a rather unexperienced, unoptimized group and everyone had a good time.

There is plenty of roleplaying opportunity for those who enjoy that and plenty of opportunity to Kung Fu Fight! for those who want to cut to the chase.

All in all an enjoyable quest in an exotic setting.

Quite solid!


I fleshed out the introduction a little more to give it a 2hr play slot since we were playing at home, but it's quite a unique little adventure.

I like that Paizo are toying with introducing characters, or "player wide unlocks" via chronicles in quests. I hope to see this continue, because it's quite fun to recommend players get on a table to get new unique options.

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Huzzah. Exciting stuff.

But should the quests be tagged "Repeatable"?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

JohannVonUlm wrote:

Huzzah. Exciting stuff.

But should the quests be tagged "Repeatable"?

No. Not all quests will be repeatable, and this one falls into the "not" category. We should have a replayable scenario in October and a replayable quest in November, however.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Can we get a street date?


Could we get a map list?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer


This scenario does not use any currently available flip-mats. It uses the layout from Flip-Mat: Monastery

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Are there any changes to that map? Thereby making it a custom map, or is the map used the same as the currently out of print flip map?

Because I have that particular flip mat, so either, I'm already set for maps, or I have a map I have to print when I get the quest.

Michael Sayre wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

What's the point of designing adventures around maps that you can't get hold of?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

Thes Hunter wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Are there any changes to that map? Thereby making it a custom map, or is the map used the same as the currently out of print flip map?

Because I have that particular flip mat, so either, I'm already set for maps, or I have a map I have to print when I get the quest.

It's used as-is.

Wolftame wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
What's the point of designing adventures around maps that you can't get hold of?

The same as any adventure that uses a custom map. In this particular instance there was a bit of a miscommunication several months back regarding which maps were going to be getting the Classics treatment, but the PDF is still available for GMs to reference and draw out on a plain battle-mat or print out as they'd like, which is more than we'd typically have for a custom map.

when may i ask will this quest be available for purchase?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

Braxton stormflower wrote:
when may i ask will this quest be available for purchase?

This month's release date for scenarios and quests is the 25th.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Can you confirm that this module is not part of the subscription? It wasn't included in my auth e-mail.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I second the Question of David Knott 242 - it did not appear in my subscription either.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

One bit of evidence -- Pathfinder Society Quest #1 appears not to have been part of the subscription either. My order history shows that I bought it and never got a refund as I did for 1-00.

Grand Lodge

This one is not short. We needed 3 hours to finish that one.

Dark Archive

Is there GM Prep forum for this? I have a question...

Sovereign Court

Was it ever confirmed that Quests are not part of the Subscriptions?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jib916 wrote:
Was it ever confirmed that Quests are not part of the Subscriptions?

Apologies for the delayed answer, there was a lot of traveling and illness going around the last two weeks that was making it hard to track down someone who could confirm the answer and that it was working as intended:

Per Tonya, the quests are not currently part of the subscription package, as the subscription pricing is based on two Pathfinder scenarios a month.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the update Micheal! This is what i figured but thought it was worth asking before purchasing it :)

Grand Lodge

Couple of [potential] editing errors...

On page 14, Meleeka has +1 striking handwraps of mighty blows, but her damage is only listed as 1d6+2. Shouldn't it be 2d6+2?

Also, can you confirm that the shuriken on page 14 are supposed to be 1d4+8 damage? The +8 seems high and I cannot mathhammer how it got that high.

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TwilightKnight wrote:

Couple of [potential] editing errors...

On page 14, Meleeka has +1 striking handwraps of mighty blows, but her damage is only listed as 1d6+2. Shouldn't it be 2d6+2?

Also, can you confirm that the shuriken on page 14 are supposed to be 1d4+8 damage? The +8 seems high and I cannot mathhammer how it got that high.

This is less an editing error and more a "we didn't sudoku things well enough" kinda thing. NPCs and monsters aren't built with the same rules as PCs, and they have numeric metrics that they're supposed to hit at different levels based on role, damage type(s), etcetera. Long story short, Meleeka's damage is correct for an NPC of her level, but normally we feng shui the numbers around more so that they match up more closely with what a PC in the same basic loadout would look like.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't seem to be able to submit a review for this? I think it's because I haven't purchased it but I just played in this and I have to say this is hands down the most fun I've had in pfs2 so far. Don't misunderstand, I've really enjoyed all the pfs2 quests and scenarios I've played in so far but this tiny quest blew everything else out of the water and I'm pretty sure my entire table would agree with me on that.

Without spoiling anything beyond what's already in the product description, I played a paladin of Shelyn who was very conflicted the entire time over the relic and wanting to preserve the martial ART that the rogue monk was creating. This quest was only supposed to take an hour but we spent a solid 4 on it and had SO much fun with the roleplay and characters. All of us got super into it and I cannot stress enough how much fun we all had.

Our outcome:
We tracked down the thieves, tried to convince them to return the statue, instead they convinced us to take the initiation challenges, we DESTROYED the bandit students at the challenges, found the scrolls and journal, felt really bad for Master Sanvara, all decided we wanted to help her but didn't want to fail the quest, tried basically everything we could before finally getting into a duel with her, won through AWESOME prepping and planning on our part, and convinced her to join the PFS.

10/10 amazing quest and all of us lost it over how cool the chronicle sheet was.

Please please please do more with:
This style, it's feats, and Master Sanvara.

I seriously loved all of this quest so so much. Thank you!


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Rain Quinn wrote:

I don't seem to be able to submit a review for this? I think it's because I haven't purchased it but I just played in this and I have to say this is hands down the most fun I've had in pfs2 so far. Don't misunderstand, I've really enjoyed all the pfs2 quests and scenarios I've played in so far but this tiny quest blew everything else out of the water and I'm pretty sure my entire table would agree with me on that.

Without spoiling anything beyond what's already in the product description, I played a paladin of Shelyn who was very conflicted the entire time over the relic and wanting to preserve the martial ART that the rogue monk was creating. This quest was only supposed to take an hour but we spent a solid 4 on it and had SO much fun with the roleplay and characters. All of us got super into it and I cannot stress enough how much fun we all had.

** spoiler omitted **

10/10 amazing quest and all of us lost it over how cool the chronicle sheet was. ** spoiler omitted **

I seriously loved all of this quest so so much. Thank you!

I was having the kind of writing day yesterday where you need to write 3,000 words but only 500 came out. As I ubered home, I read this post and was reminded how lucky I am to write for Organized Play and how amazing our fans are. This post brought a huge smile to my face. Thanks so much for all your support. Really glad you enjoyed the quest. I'm hoping we can do more with some of the material here in the future too!

Big shout out to Michael Sayre for all his work as developer on this quest. Cheers!

EDIT: I also ran this for Michael and some other Paizonians a few weeks ago and we had fun, too. Took us about an hour and 20 minutes.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't get it - why use maps that are no longer available?
I can go to amazon to get this - at $45...

Seriously this is a WotC move guys.
Do better.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kordrath wrote:

I don't get it - why use maps that are no longer available?

I can go to amazon to get this - at $45...

Seriously this is a WotC move guys.
Do better.

Answered above

Michael Sayre wrote:
The same as any adventure that uses a custom map. In this particular instance there was a bit of a miscommunication several months back regarding which maps were going to be getting the Classics treatment, but the PDF is still available for GMs to reference and draw out on a plain battle-mat or print out as they'd like, which is more than we'd typically have for a custom map.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm also noticing that not only are the quests exempted from the scenario subscription, they are also exempted from the Paizo Advantage discount.


I realize the price is only $2 (Insert 80's movie reference here), but I have to wonder what else is exempted from the discounts subscribers get for subscribing. And is there a plan to make the quests part of any subscription, maybe their own?

Just my pair of coppers. Thanks!

Sovereign Court

No Subscription coming soon. I asked this in general paizo forum last week and Sara Marie reached out .

Sara Marie wrote:
At this time we have no plans to make the Quests part of a subscription. Thanks for the feedback though, I will certainly keep it in mind.

I did not notice that the scenarios do not get the Paizo Advantage either...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Paizo Advantage should apply to quests. I've asked Katina to check into it.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Sorry for the confusion! This issue should be fixed now. If folks need a refund for a subscription discount they should have received, please contact our Customer Service to get that all sorted. Thanks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One of the maps that is used in this quest is not available.

It would be helpful if all maps used in the current season could actually be purchased to run the game.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The reporting system seems to think that this quest is repeatable. I assume it is the system that is in error, but thought the good folks at Paizo might want to know.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

caps wrote:
The reporting system seems to think that this quest is repeatable. I assume it is the system that is in error, but thought the good folks at Paizo might want to know.

Due to a technical glitch, the "this scenario is repeatable" message does appear, but the system won't actually treat it as if it's repeatable on the back end. It's a known issue and we're working on a fix for it, thanks!

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