Starfinder Adventure Path #11: The Penumbra Protocol (Signal of Screams 2 of 3)

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Starfinder Adventure Path #11: The Penumbra Protocol (Signal of Screams 2 of 3)
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A Killer App

Infected with a sickness that threatens to turn them into twisted sadists, the heroes travel to the city of Cuvacara on the planet Verces to find the possible origin of their affliction! They soon discover that a sinister company plans to release a new social media app that will corrupt the entire city. If they can survive attacks from corporate assassins, the heroes must save the metropolis by shutting down the transmitters set to broadcast the corrupting signal. Along the way, they learn the location of the company's hidden underground base on the planet's Darkside, where a sinister executive awaits their arrival.

This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path continues the Signal of Screams Adventure Path and includes:

  • "The Penumbra Protocol," a Starfinder adventure for 9th-level characters, by Jenny Jarzabski.
  • An exploration of the twilight-drenched city of Cuvacara on the tidally locked planet of Verces, by Jenny Jarzabski.
  • A look at the history and motivations of the Shadow Plane outsiders known as velstracs, by Isabelle Lee.
  • An archive of alien horrors, including a skin-harvesting, wormlike humanoid and a cruel fey exiled from the First World, by Jenny Jarzabski and James L. Sutter.
  • Statistics and deck plans for a corporate attack vessel, by Jenny Jarzabski, plus a glimpse at a fiery planet infested with devils, by Owen K.C. Stephens.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-0-972

The Signal of Screams Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.2 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Adventures Subscription.

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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A decent bridge AP with a rather constrictive final encounter


I thought this was a pretty decent AP - not mind-blowing but some good interesting stuff in there. Part 2 is really where it gets to be the most open-ended and interesting with a lot of cyberpunk-y mini encounters scattered about.

The jarring part of this AP is the map design - you see this in two parts:

In part 1 you infiltrate a facility which has a Terminator-class Security Robot patrolling the C-suite section of the hallways. The problem is the Terminator is a LARGE construct and the hallways he's designated to patrol are 5 feet wide. This pretty clearly does not make sense.

In the final facility you go through the corridors are VERY tight -- Like 1-grid square corridors in a lot of places. Power armor is out of the question. And the final fight takes place in a 3x3 grid which is like a knife fight in a phone booth.

Just very poorly linear-designed encounters. Signal of Screams 1 had this in a few instances but not to this degree.

Also there are very few encounters in the finale - after you wreck the 1st floor you can basically stomp your way around it without encountering much resistance until the very last encounter.

Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

Announced for December! Image and description are provisional and subject to change prior to release.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Killer ap! My life is no complete

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also fihgting evil corporate makes this mod seem a littel cyberpunky wich in my book is a good thing

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, Isabelle Lee, are Velstracs the Kytons of Starfinder? ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Like this cover has a cyber punk horror vibe

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nice, we are getting kytons in starfinder? :D

It seems like we are getting a really painful Christmas this year, filled with velstracs in both Pathfinder and Starfinder... THAT AWESOME!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
So, Isabelle Lee, are Velstracs the Kytons of Starfinder? ;-)

Velstracs is the actual real name of these fiendish outsiders, and "kyton" is just how they came to be misnamed by commoners. So the Velstracs are the kytons of Starfinder AND Pathfinder too.

Dark Archive

deep breath

I guess we are getting closer, eh?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, hey, my involvement in this has been announced. Awesome! ^_^

Isabelle Lee wrote:
Oh, hey, my involvement in this has been announced. Awesome! ^_^

Woohoo! Interest in this AP VASTLY increased!

New playable race? Yes, no?

Cavacara? Excellent! My current campaign is largely set there, and that'll help me a lot!

Have any subscribers received their PDF copy yet?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I do like the fellow on the cover, so confidently coming for you!

HTD wrote:
Have any subscribers received their PDF copy yet?

I have.

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
HTD wrote:
Have any subscribers received their PDF copy yet?
I have.

Any details on the new monsters (name, alignment, type, subtypes, CR)?

HTD wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
HTD wrote:
Have any subscribers received their PDF copy yet?
I have.
Any details on the new monsters (name, alignment, type, subtypes, CR)?

There are a few cool ones:

Creeping Shade, NE outsider (incorporeal), CR 8. The Shadow Plane is not a friendly place.

Ihonva, NE Monstroud Humanoid, CR 4. I would not like to meet those in person.

Niaq, N Magical Beast, CR 6. I wold not like to meet those in person either.

Robot, Security, N Construct (technological), CR 10. The "DO YOU EVEN LIFT, BRO?" of bots.

Shadow Mastiff. NE Outsider (evil, extraplanar), CR 5. Not-so-good boys.

Svartalfar, LE fey (extraplanar). Playable race, means ones. I think this is the first playable fey race too?

Velstrac, Sexton, LE outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful, velstrac), CR 11. You thought all velstracs are fanatic? Wait until you meet this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Creeping Shade (8 NE incorporeal Outsider) shadowy plant creature native to the Shadow Plane, they like to make creatures go comatose so they'll get killed by predators and there body will fertilize the nearby area.

Ihonva (4 NE Monstrous Humanoid) shelled wormlike creature with tentacles and lamprey mouth (and a weird single eye that look like 2 smushed together), they use humanoids to host their young, and like to wear the flayed skin of humanoids as clothing.

Niaq (6 N Magical Beast) space pterodactyl with quills for a face and tentacles for hair. They have a toxin that send people on a really bad trip. Rich people tend to collect those suffering from the toxin so they can synthesize a drug from the victim.

Terminator-Class Security Robot (10 N technological Construct) sexy robot, it can heal and haste itself.

Shadow Mastiff (5 NE evil extraplanar Outsider) shadow doggos!

Svartalfar (playable Fey) Fey Drow, they gain SLAs and can infuse their weapons with the Bane Quality.

Sexton Velstrac (11 LE lawful evil extraplanar Velstrac Outsider) 4 armed and sewn together with nanocarbon chains they have shadow spines sticking out of them that they can fire off. Literal pain addicts, if they don't take enough pain (damage) within a certain amount of time they're sickened and fatigued until they do.

Ninjaed by like 35 seconds XD

Edit: make that 4 minutes do to the way the site is hiding the last post now adays.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

Ninjaed by like 35 seconds XD

Edit: make that 4 minutes do to the way the site is hiding the last post now adays.

Well, your post is a bit more detailed. And I very much approve of your description of the Security Robot.

In a weird quirk the PDF was missing one of the NPC portraits when I downloaded it to my tablet, but it looks normal re-downlaoded now to the PC.

Mimski wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

Ninjaed by like 35 seconds XD

Edit: make that 4 minutes do to the way the site is hiding the last post now adays.

Well, your post is a bit more detailed. And I very much approve of your description of the Security Robot.

In a weird quirk the PDF was missing one of the NPC portraits when I downloaded it to my tablet, but it looks normal re-downlaoded now to the PC.


And I'm having the same situation for my phone and PC, weird.

How different are the kytons in the distant future from their Pathfinder predecessors?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am not well-versed in kyton lore in Pathfinder, outside of the Iron Gods adventure path, but they don't look that different to me at all. They also look similarly capable combat-wise, outside of the usual PF/SF differences.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, mark me down as scared and horny.

Dark Archive

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

Creeping Shade (8 NE incorporeal Outsider) shadowy plant creature native to the Shadow Plane, they like to make creatures go comatose so they'll get killed by predators and there body will fertilize the nearby area.

Ihonva (4 NE Monstrous Humanoid) shelled wormlike creature with tentacles and lamprey mouth (and a weird single eye that look like 2 smushed together), they use humanoids to host their young, and like to wear the flayed skin of humanoids as clothing.

Niaq (6 N Magical Beast) space pterodactyl with quills for a face and tentacles for hair. They have a toxin that send people on a really bad trip. Rich people tend to collect those suffering from the toxin so they can synthesize a drug from the victim.

Terminator-Class Security Robot (10 N technological Construct) sexy robot, it can heal and haste itself.

Shadow Mastiff (5 NE evil extraplanar Outsider) shadow doggos!

Svartalfar (playable Fey) Fey Drow, they gain SLAs and can infuse their weapons with the Bane Quality.

Sexton Velstrac (11 LE lawful evil extraplanar Velstrac Outsider) 4 armed and sewn together with nanocarbon chains they have shadow spines sticking out of them that they can fire off. Literal pain addicts, if they don't take enough pain (damage) within a certain amount of time they're sickened and fatigued until they do.

Just as AP#10 gave us a Starfinder conversion of the "Gloomwing" & "Tenebrous Worm", AP#11 gives us the "Shadow Mastiff", which can be found in Pathfinder Bestiary 3 (same CR 5) & the Svartalfar from Bestiary 4 (CR 8).

Here's hoping that we'll get two more shadow themed creatures in AP#12!

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