Pathfinder Pawns: Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Pathfinder Pawns: Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection

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Bring the hazards and riches from your dungeon to your tabletop with this collection of more than 100 pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a dungeon peril or stronghold feature. Each cardstock pawn lays flat or slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for common traps and items, the Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect set dressing for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection includes:

1"-by-1" Pawns

  • Barrel (×4)
  • Bear Trap (×2)
  • Blood Pool (×4)
  • Books and Scrolls (×2)
  • Brazier (×2)
  • Caltrops (×4)
  • Chest, Iron (×2)
  • Chest, Magic (×2)
  • Chest, Open (×4)
  • Chest, Ornate (×4)
  • Chest, Wooden (×6)
  • Crate (×2)
  • Crumbling Floor (×2)
  • Giant Crystal (×2)
  • Hole (×2)
  • Ice (×4)
  • Iron Plate (×2)
  • Lava (×4)
  • Lectern (×2)
  • Lever (×2)
  • Mold (×2)
  • Oil Spill (×2)
  • Orb (×2)
  • Ornate Chair (x2)
  • Pile of Bones (×2)
  • Poison Gas (×4)
  • Rope Coil (×2)
  • Rubble (×2)
  • Rune (×8)
  • Sewer Grate (×2)
  • Spikes (×2)
  • Square Pit (×4)
  • Square Pit, Gas (×2)
  • Square Pit, Spiked (×4)
  • Swarm, Insect (×4)
  • Swarm, Snake (×4)
  • Trapdoor (×2)
  • Treasure, Gold (×4)
  • Treasure, Mixed (×4)
  • Treasure, Various Coins (×4)
  • Vent (×2)
  • Vines (×4)

1"-by-2" Pawns

  • Altar, Evil (×2)
  • Altar, Good (×2)
  • Bookshelf (×4)
  • Broken Statue (×2)
  • Cabinet (×2)
  • Candelabrum (×4)
  • Cargo (×2)
  • Claw Scratches (×2)
  • Cracked Floor (×2)
  • Desk, Clean (×2)
  • Desk, Cluttered (×2)
  • Display, Lamp
  • Display, Skull
  • Display, Sword
  • Display, Tome
  • Flame Jet (×4)
  • Floor Blades (×4)
  • Floor Spikes (×4)
  • Floor Vents (×2)
  • Grinding Gears (×2)
  • Iron Plate (×2)
  • Lava Cracks (×2)
  • Museum Case (×4)
  • Pillar, Sculpted (×6)
  • Pillar, Stone (×6)
  • Rug (×2)
  • Sarcophagus (×2)
  • Scroll Case (×2)
  • Skeleton, Human (×4)
  • Skeleton, Monstrous (×2)
  • Statue, Cleric (×2)
  • Statue, Fighter (×2)
  • Statue, Wizard (×2)
  • Suit of Armor (×4)
  • Tall Throne (×2)
  • Tesla Coil (×2)
  • Tomb, Open (×6)
  • Tomb, Stone (×6)
  • Wall Blades (×4)
  • Weapon Rack (×2)

2"-by-2" Pawns

  • Boulder
  • Gaping Gate
  • Large Pit (×2)
  • Large Sinkhole (×2)
  • Large Spiked Pit (×2)
  • Large Treasure Pile (×4)
  • Magic Circle, Destructive
  • Magic Circle, Protective
  • Ornate Stone Tomb
  • Rug, Large
  • Sculpted Pit (×2)
  • Sculpted Portal
  • Treasure Hoard (×4)
  • Vault Door

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-971-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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A wide variety to ensure something suits your needs


Most of this set is very specific in use. The set list highlights that there are over a hundred 1x1 tiles of various items. I personally have little use for them, and could have used more 2x2 tiles for pits and the like.

However, even the smaller subset of things I feel I will actually use is worth the price to have, and having those 1x1 tiles may come in handy somewhere down the line. The main complaint I have is the small number of certain types of tiles, but given the wide variety, the breadth of items is more important than the depth of each one.

Updated: Great Collection


Update to my original review — my subscription order was short one sheet of pawns (the last sheet), instead of eight total sheets, I only received seven. I contacted customer service and a replacement sheet has been dispatched!

I originally gave 4/5 stars because I was short twenty-two pawns, but they are now on their way... so now I’m bumping up my review to 5/5 for creativity, masterful artwork, and the total number of different pawns. I’m looking forward to using these pawns quite a bit!

Side note: if it wasn’t clear from the description on the website, this set does not include any bases. The pawns can either lay flat or can be inserted into Paizo bases.

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Community & Digital Content Director

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Announced for September! Image and description are not final and subject to change.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Playing the game will just get so much better when these come out! I now tend to collect most if not all of the pawns and some of the plastic that comes out and will have to add this to my collection when it does!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

After however many years it's been, the second half of this year is still bursting with creativity and innovation.
Yay, Paizo!

Sovereign Court

Excellent :D Will save time for prepping conventions/game days, and save my players from my horrific artistic skills.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sweet idea.

I approve of these tiles! :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is amazing!!! Thank you for expanding the pawn series like this!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nice. Looking forward to picking this up.

Now to get them to do 3d terrain in cardstock... ;-)

I like the concept but I'd have to see some examples to really get a feel for how they work.

Dark Archive

Jhaeman wrote:
I like the concept but I'd have to see some examples to really get a feel for how they work.

I feel exactly the same, Jhaeman.

The idea is wonderful, i hope we´ll get lots of fireplaces, beds, book-racks, stairs, couches, wells, grandfather clocks and so on in a future set.

I don´t know how useful a (flat) trap is, as i can easily draw that on a map, but treasures sound good.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Interesting. Furniture would definitely be cool. I hate drawing it all out. Traps... dunno. Having a hunk of cardboard sitting in the middle of the floor seems a bit of a tell, but I can imagine ways it could work. Color me hopeful.

Edit: what I hate about drawing it out is burning through my wet-erase markers for stuff that doesn't really add to the feel like something more detailed would.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Silver Crusade

Hmm, I might actually get these.

Dark Archive

I like the concept of these and look forward to seeing examples of them. Perhaps if these do well we can see some dressing packs (bookcases, tables, chairs, beds, etc.) down the road.

This set can't get enough pre-release love!


4 people marked this as a favorite.

"And that's when he took to highway robbery and smuggling antiquities to pay for his Pathfinder habit..."

--My future biographer and/or defense attorney

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to be the nation's largest smuggler of hugs and raw honey. :-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Very interesting. I was strongly considering dropping by Pawns subscription since I've gotten pretty much anything I thought I needed, but this adds a nice touch. A future set (or sets) with other common dungeon dressing, furniture, terrain, and vehicles would be neat like large sacks, crates, barrels, tables, chairs, beds, bedrolls, campfires, tents, rubble piles, skeletons (the broken up in pieces and lying on the floor variety, not the mostly-intact monsters trying to kill you variety), stairways, braziers, cages, magic carpets, small canoes/boats/rafts, and a flat horse (for laying tokens on top of to indicate they are riding it).

Dark Archive

The real question for me is: are the "standing fixtures" going to require bases or will they be able to stand on their own?
Because i have no problem with say for example a grandfathers clock on a medium (1 by 1) base, but i wouldn't like dressing pieces on the standard large bases.

Seeing how easy it is to create 3D puzzles these days, i'm hoping for pieces made of 2-6 parts which slot easily inside each other. ;-)

Liberty's Edge

I would expect anything that stands upright to require a base. The way I read the product text is:

* upright standing pawns that require bases, just like all pawns up until now -- these are for things that occupy a space, like a pillar, that prevent a character from standing there

* flat-laying pawns that do not require bases but are placed on top of the map, and characters can be stood on top of them -- these are for things that do not prevent a character from standing there, like tables

D&D Dungeon Tiles had a few 3D releases, all of which slotted together and did not have bases. This worked pretty well, and although that particular implementation was a little rough, it could easily be improved upon. Things like tables or doors would work particularly well without bases.

However, even if they go the base route, I'll be picking up at least a set of these. Possibly several, depending on how much I like the specific items on offer.

BTW, any chance we can get a look inside this thing in a preview? I'd love to see more details.

It's supposed to come out September, so any preview will likely be in August or so.

Franz Lunzer wrote:
It's supposed to come out September, so any preview will likely be in August or so.

But...that requires PATIENCE! ;-)

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

"Patience, my ass! I'm gonna kill something!" -- A. Vulture

"one depicting standing fixtures and the other designed to lay flat"

Point of grammar: That should be "designed to lie flat".

Oh, and, in "These pawns come in a variety of sizes that compliment the 1" by 1" spaces," it should be "complement".

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
J. Woodward wrote:
Oh, and, in "These pawns come in a variety of sizes that compliment the 1" by 1" spaces," it should be "complement".

Aw -- I was looking forward to hearing those pawns say, "You're a very nice square!" ;)

J. Woodward wrote:

"one depicting standing fixtures and the other designed to lay flat"

Point of grammar: That should be "designed to lie flat".

J. Woodward wrote:
Oh, and, in "These pawns come in a variety of sizes that compliment the 1" by 1" spaces," it should be "complement".

Well done; I missed both of those.

Dark Archive

I need lots of fireplaces - every single indoor location has them! ;-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Or should. :)

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Any chance Paizo would consider producing a set of clear base-stands for these? 1) I love decoration/details, but I don't like when I put them on the map and they cover up details of the map. Too many decorations and the map almost disappears! 2) Clear vs. black/colored bases would be a nice way to distinguish between object or maybe non-combatant (yet) vs. active threat.

I'm not sure how the colored base sets sold, but I think clear (or at least that semi-clear) bases would be a nice addition to the line.

Mosaic wrote:

Any chance Paizo would consider producing a set of clear base-stands for these? 1) I love decoration/details, but I don't like when I put them on the map and they cover up details of the map. Too many decorations and the map almost disappears! 2) Clear vs. black/colored bases would be a nice way to distinguish between object or maybe non-combatant (yet) vs. active threat.

I'm not sure how the colored base sets sold, but I think clear (or at least that semi-clear) bases would be a nice addition to the line.

Possibly of interest to you.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
bugleyman wrote:
Mosaic wrote:

Any chance Paizo would consider producing a set of clear base-stands for these? 1) I love decoration/details, but I don't like when I put them on the map and they cover up details of the map. Too many decorations and the map almost disappears! 2) Clear vs. black/colored bases would be a nice way to distinguish between object or maybe non-combatant (yet) vs. active threat.

I'm not sure how the colored base sets sold, but I think clear (or at least that semi-clear) bases would be a nice addition to the line.

Possibly of interest to you.

Interesting. All the slots seem to be curved or wavy. Do you thing the pawn cardboard would give that much?

Mosaic wrote:
Interesting. All the slots seem to be curved or wavy. Do you thing the pawn cardboard would give that much?

I just tried it on one of the pawns from my Beginner Box, and it worked without too much trouble (though it probably isn't good for the longevity of the pawn). However, you'd also need to cut down the sides a little bit to fit the pawn into that particular slot, which you may not want to do. If you poke around the Internet a bit more, you could probably find something from a board game that would work without either compromise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
Interesting. All the slots seem to be curved or wavy. Do you thing the pawn cardboard would give that much?

I just tried it on one of the pawns from my Beginner Box, and it worked without too much trouble (though it probably isn't good for the longevity of the pawn). However, you'd also need to cut down the sides a little bit to fit the pawn into that particular slot, which you may not want to do. If you poke around the Internet a bit more, you could probably find something from a board game that would work without either compromise.

Such as these.

and they're only 10 cents a piece.

Vanulf Wulfson wrote:

Such as these.

and they're only 10 cents a piece.

I bow to your superior Google-fu.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also this.

These pawns are definitely on my To Buy list! :)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Same here. My group usually uses minis for combat encounters, but my GM agreed that pawns for traps and treasures would be very useful.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I really like the idea of these! Maybe we could see just a set with walls and floors...of course we would need a ton of standees...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are a lot of people who like to play with 3D props, me included.
I prefer pre-painted plastic, but cardboard pawns are both cheaper and easier to transport.
So i really hope we get more props in the future, both flat ones for things like rugs, pits or treasure piles & standing ones that obstruct vision/give cover like pillars, racks and stairs.

I also second a walls and doors set.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

There are a lot of people who like to play with 3D props, me included.

I prefer pre-painted plastic, but cardboard pawns are both cheaper and easier to transport.
So i really hope we get more props in the future, both flat ones for things like rugs, pits or treasure piles & standing ones that obstruct vision/give cover like pillars, racks and stairs.

WotC made a few dungeon tiles sets along these may be able to hunt them up at a reasonable price.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
I also second a walls and doors set.

Doors? Yes, please. I'd love to be sold on walls, but I'm not sure how well that would work. I really think both would benefit from a different kind of (transparent) stand.

Meanwhile, have you seen these? I have a set, and the doors are great. The walls could really stand to be taller, but they're a decent option.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

There are a lot of people who like to play with 3D props, me included.

I prefer pre-painted plastic, but cardboard pawns are both cheaper and easier to transport.
So i really hope we get more props in the future, both flat ones for things like rugs, pits or treasure piles & standing ones that obstruct vision/give cover like pillars, racks and stairs.

I also second a walls and doors set.

I would buy these sets. I use every sort of 3-d prop that I can get a hold of. Most of my doors come from Litko.

Dark Archive

I don't know if any of you have seen the "D&D Icons of the Realms: Tomb of Annihilation" Case Incentive, but it features a lot of (3D painted plastic) floor tiles that i expect to be in this set too (as cardboard versions):

-Pit traps
-floor spikes
-flame traps
-coin piles

and more.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is the first I've seen of this. This is fantastic. It'll be a good addition to my Hero Quest furniture I often use.

Will these be labelled as normal?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
There are a lot of people who like to play with 3D props, me included.



I prefer pre-painted plastic, but cardboard pawns are both cheaper and easier to transport.

So i really hope we get more props in the future, both flat ones for things like rugs, pits or treasure piles & standing ones that obstruct vision/give cover like pillars, racks and stairs.

I also second a walls and doors set.

In general, me, too. However, I could easily see a box of simple props injection molded in the same manner as model airplanes and cars. Little chests and pieces of furniture that you have to pop out of the plastic frame, file down the nubs, and paint.

Either way, I'm soooo getting this pawn set.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
bugleyman wrote:

WotC made a few dungeon tiles sets along these may be able to hunt them up at a reasonable price.

I think I have a box. Cardboard tiles? The father of the boy that games with us on Sunday (my son's friend) loaned it to me. He said he found it new in a garage sale or something. I haven't had a chance to use it yet since I play APs and most maps work out better on my mats with wet-erase markers. The set isn't big enough to do any of the Giantslayer dungeons, typically, but there is a room or two coming up in book 5 that may have potential.

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