J. Woodward's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


While "psychophant" sounds like an awesome prestige class, the word meaning "butt-kisser" is "sycophant".

Having purchased one: The hexes appear to be closer to 1.25" than 1".

Oh, and, in "These pawns come in a variety of sizes that compliment the 1" by 1" spaces," it should be "complement".

"one depicting standing fixtures and the other designed to lay flat"

Point of grammar: That should be "designed to lie flat".

"To solve this problem, send a character to the location to sort the deck. The Augury and Scrying spells do this best..."

Minor correction: Scrying can be used on any location deck, so you don't need to move, to use it like this.

I would say no. The classic "heartbreakers" are derivative of 1st and 2nd edition D&D, and often show that the creator had little experience with *any* other RPGs. D&D's third edition already took a big step away from heartbreaker territory by being created with full knowledge of the state-of-the-art in RPGs, and Pathfinder in turn builds on over a decade of feedback on 3e. It possibly hews too closely to 3e, but it simply can't be said that they didn't make those choices consciously and in an informed manner.

Heartbreakers are also often broken qua game (i.e., suffering from poor organization and lacking the necessary support structure needed for a game), due to its creators not being experienced publishers. Pathfinder is extremely well-supported!


Who are the writers on _Gallows of Madness_?


"All paths have lead to the heart of Numeria"...

You mean "led" not "lead".

Do them in multiple colors, please?

'Beyond the wrath and tears, adventurers in the Worldwound have a city to rebuild with Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: "Demon's Heresy!"'

...I believe you mean Adventure Path #75, not 78.

I need some advice on the Shattered Star path. I'm GMing, and my players are partway through the first book. One of my players is playing a druid, and she feels she hasn't been terribly effective to date, since it's been an urban adventure so far. She's hoping the game goes out into the wilderness more. Since the adventure path is mostly dungeon crawls across all six books (with some exceptions, but still), I'm worried she'll be disappointed.

Does anyone have advice on how best to play a druid in a dungeon? Are there particular spells that are more useful, or a feat she should take? Should I advise her to refocus her PC as a cave druid or urban druid? (I'm willing to let her respec, within limits.)

Thanks for any advice...


I need some advice on the Shattered Star path. I'm GMing, and my players are partway through the first book. (They've just recovered the first shard.) One of my players is playing a druid, and she feels she hasn't been terribly effective to date, since it's been an urban adventure so far. She's hoping the game goes out into the wilderness more. Since the adventure path is mostly dungeon crawls across all six books (with some exceptions, but still), I'm worried she'll be disappointed.

Does anyone have advice on how best to play a druid in a dungeon? Are there particular spells that are more useful, or a feat she should take? Should I advise her to refocus her PC as a cave druid or urban druid? (I'm willing to let her respec, within limits.)

Thanks for any advice...