Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)

4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)
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Grim Fairy Tales

Explore the First World, the legendary realm of the fey, where reality reinvents itself and strange creatures peddle stranger wares to the unwary. Learn about the godlike Eldest who rule this plane, and how to navigate their fairy courts. Delve for legendary treasures in locations too weird for mortal lands, study the lost origin of gnomes, and bargain with ageless adversaries in a realm where death is seen as a game. Whatever you do, don't blink—because nothing in the First World stays the same for long.

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • Detailed information on all the Eldest, including overviews of their strongholds and magical boons for their worshipers.
  • Dozens of bizarre fey adventure locations, from the legendary Witchmarket to the Chittering Tabernacle, with secret histories, maps of prominent cities, and more.
  • The new feysworn prestige class, allowing you to harness the power of the fairy lords.
  • New spells and magic items to help you survive the First World, as well as rules for spellcasting in the fey realm and bending the landscape itself to your will.
  • Six new fey monsters, including the skull-headed escorite and the technology-trashing bulabar, plus a new First World template and suggestions to help you create unique fey foes on the fly.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-909-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Not worth the cost


For the little you get it is simply not worth the cost. There is a lot of skimming over, but not a lot of detail for my taste. Playable fey races would have been nice.

If you only buy one Pathfinder product this year...

5/5 this one twice and give the extra to someone you really like.

This campaign setting guide does a fantastic job of describing the paradoxes of the First World. The descriptions of the Eldest manage to flesh them out as deities, while at the same time maintaining their maddening ambiguities and mystery. The locale descriptions are the same way--an "M.C. Escher meets Hieronymous Bosch" treasure trove of wild verbal imagery.

I've always liked the fey in Pathfinder, and this book only made me love them more.

And the artwork... wow, the artwork. Just. Wow. I wish there were poster prints available of some of the images inside.

Consider this a five woot! review.

Creativity in Spades


There's stuff in here that while reading it, I'd often look away and wonder how they managed to think up something so creative. This type of high fantasy world is wonderful and there's so much contained on the relatively small amount of pages on here. I've never written a review on anything on this site, but this compelled me to do so.

The only problem is getting the players there without seeming like I'm shoe-horning it in just because I wanna play around in the First World :P

So much awesome


The flavor in this book just oozes. It's really good. REALLY GOOD.

How the Fey Realm came to be, how it operates, locations, demigods that 'run the place', and a reason why gnomes left back in the day.

This is the first Campaign Setting book that I had trouble putting down when reading, it was so engrossing.

5 stars. Awesome.

Buy this now


Everything about this book is great. The high level background on the First World (time, magic, fey immortality, history) is comprehensive and surprisingly detailed given the limited space they had to work with. The section on the Eldest is fascinating and sets them apart from your ordinary demigods, plus the fey obedience boons are generally very strong, inventive, and thematic. The gazetteer of First World locations provides dozens of great ideas to develop your own adventure locations, and the Bestiary adds several interesting and creative new critters to serve as allies or adversaries.

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Did Books of the Damned have monsters though?


I like green. It's the color of rage in my book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:


Did Books of the Damned have monsters though?

They did. The first one had five new devils, the second one had four new demons, and the third one had eight daemons. Though, of course, some have been reprinted by now.


I thought so. I just wanted to be sure we'd get monsters.

Also I'm still waiting on at least 3-4 more devils in Bestiary 6.

Scarab Sages

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Day 1 purchase. Can't wait.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


I thought so. I just wanted to be sure we'd get monsters.

Well, the product description says we're getting six new monsters, so I think it's pretty safe to be sure we are.

This book was announced in June and I just discovered it today- what rock have I been under. Anyway...
Excited is an understatement. I'm a sucker for all things fey, and I've been chomping at the bit for a book about the First World.

I do have a question if anyone can help me with it- I've read some mentioning that this book would be useful with the Kingmaker adventure path. I was planning on running Kingmaker before diving into Strange Aeons, so survivors of that AP and other past APs can have a cool new kingdom to retire in since from what I understand about Kingmaker from the description, it's the AP to create a new kingdom. So, should I wait for First World before starting King Maker? All four of the players' characters are fey(ish) themed, or could be enhanced depending on what's in the book- fey and harrow bloodlines, fey trickster mesmerist archetype from UI, and a witch with a First World patron.

Luthorne wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


I thought so. I just wanted to be sure we'd get monsters.

Well, the product description says we're getting six new monsters, so I think it's pretty safe to be sure we are.

Well I know that NOW but I forgot at the time I wrote that. :p

Btw what other things should be in this? Like "Summon Eldest" or "Occult Ritual to First World"? perhaps?

Joe Hex wrote:

This book was announced in June and I just discovered it today- what rock have I been under. Anyway...

Excited is an understatement. I'm a sucker for all things fey, and I've been chomping at the bit for a book about the First World.

I do have a question if anyone can help me with it- I've read some mentioning that this book would be useful with the Kingmaker adventure path. I was planning on running Kingmaker before diving into Strange Aeons, so survivors of that AP and other past APs can have a cool new kingdom to retire in since from what I understand about Kingmaker from the description, it's the AP to create a new kingdom. So, should I wait for First World before starting King Maker? All four of the players' characters are fey(ish) themed, or could be enhanced depending on what's in the book- fey and harrow bloodlines, fey trickster mesmerist archetype from UI, and a witch with a First World patron.

Depends on what you're looking for out of it. According to what I've read earlier on this thread, it seems like there won't be too much mechanically, as that apparently is the case for most Campaign Setting books, although Feysworn still looks fantastic. If you're looking for new character options, maybe just let them retrain when the book comes out.

However, given the lesser amount of mechanical goods that seem to come with this, it seems like there will still be a huge amount of lovely fluff which you and your players can make use of, you to build/enhance the world it takes place in, and for them to use to build their kingdom.

tl;dr: If you're looking for mechanical stuff for your campaign, just start now. If you want fluff, you may want to wait.

At least that's what I've gathered from comments.

Not sure I'd get it for the mechanics, but certainly for deeper look at the First World, the Eldest and now the Feysworn.

I am curious to what the first world monster template will be like, you can go a lot of different design directions with that one.

I imagine there will be wings involved...

We already have a fey creature template that grants wings so I doubt it will be like that one. It might be a template for fey instead of one that turns other creatures into fey. Though it might be something completely different.

I still sticking with butterfly wings, dragonfly wings, and occasionally, beetle wings.

Rules for spellcasting in the fey realm, I don't remember anywhere stating that casting spells in that dimension has any limits or issues.


I assumed that it would be like casting in a primal magic zone. Or something akin to it.

Dark Archive

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Dragon78 wrote:
Rules for spellcasting in the fey realm, I don't remember anywhere stating that casting spells in that dimension has any limits or issues.

I suppose if the First World is sort of a planar opposite to the Plane of Shadow, it would make sense that there would be some effects on magic, particularly magic that creates energy or matter (or heals the living) being enhanced in some way.

Well I can see spells dealing with enchantment, illusion, and transmutation. Also spells dealing with plants (and nature in general) being enhanced as well.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Dragon78 wrote:
Rules for spellcasting in the fey realm, I don't remember anywhere stating that casting spells in that dimension has any limits or issues.

This is partly because, unlike the other planes (which received those rules in the GameMastery Guide), the First World is not world-neutral content.

This book would be an excellent opportunity to provide those rules. ^_^

Well yeah Kal. I mean if it was setting neutral, we'd have it on the SRD.

Also agree or disagree: Primal Magic appears from the First World?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Thomas Seitz wrote:

Well yeah Kal. I mean if it was setting neutral, we'd have it on the SRD.

Also agree or disagree: Primal Magic appears from the First World?

While it's not necessarily from the First World, I have no doubt that you can encounter it there. ^_^


What kind of magic do you think is in the first world then?

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


What kind of magic do you think is in the first world then?

All kinds. Arcane, divine, primal, psychic, wild, good, evil, chaotic, lawful...

Anything you can think of or imagine... and more. ^_^

So in other words "It's just like home only stranger" huh?

Thomas Seitz wrote:
I imagine there will be wings involved...

God's I hope not....that "image" is the thing that bug's me the most...making fey all "winged and glittery"....that's not how the good folk look.....:P

Well technically it is how some of them look in Pathfinder and in modern society in general;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Well technically it is how some of them look in Pathfinder and in modern society in general;)

I prefer it when they look to older folklore, which Pathfinder has actually been pretty good about ;)

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Kalindlara wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


What kind of magic do you think is in the first world then?

All kinds. Arcane, divine, primal, psychic, wild, good, evil, chaotic, lawful...

Anything you can think of or imagine... and more. ^_^


Last time on 'Why Won't That Slaad Shut-up' wrote:

...Perhaps the First World and Shadow were once the same transitive plane, and have slowly drawn apart over the eons? Or perhaps there was a Plane Shattering Event in the immemorial past?...

To me, First World is more than a prototype for the Prime Material; it's the realm of ultimate possibilities. While it may be lightly bound to pesky dull laws of physics and axiomatic powers, it should instead be shaped and reforged by sort of a collective narrative by both it's inhabitants and the unwitting daydreamers/storytellers on the Prime. Realms right out of Lewis Carroll, Suess, Dali, Van Gogh, cubist Picasso, Chuck Jones, Roger Dean, and thousands more all exist as neighbors. Some areas are oversaturated HDR-corrected color explosions, some are translucent watercolors and pastels, some are pointillist, and some are stark chiaroscuro landscapes... and they can bleed and shift into each other. It's a place even gods would hesitate to inhabit: a plane that can reshape itself and entire species into fantastic creations based on the collective Id, stories, and songs of Primes would also have the ability to eventually bend, fuse, or splinter the Powers themselves if they dally too long.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Do not mess with the fair folk, they'll cut ya. If you're lucky.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

"If they capture us, they'll stab us to death, polymorph our flesh, and wear our skins for their clothing – and if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order."

6 people marked this as a favorite.

And for Desna's sake, do not eat anything they offer you!

They are still nicer then demons, kytons, aboleth, drow, hags, etc.

In folklore Hag's are numbered among them ;)

Wonderful cover!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
They are still nicer then demons, kytons, aboleth, drow, hags, etc.

Depends on the fey, doesn't it? Bogeymen, cold riders, fossegrims, fuaths, lurkers in light, nuckelavees, nuglubs, quicklings, redcaps, rusalka, sangois, spring-heeled jacks, vilderavns...and those are just the ones in the Bestiaries! The skin stealer from Carrion Crown definitely gives me the shivers...and I remember one from one of the recent APs who loved to kill children and use their fat to make potions to sell to people unaware of its origins...

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I hope this means we'll get more fey based storylines in the upcoming APs and modules.

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Kajehase wrote:
And for Desna's sake, do not eat anything they offer you!

Plus, be very, very careful about visiting one of their celebrations for 'just one night'.

Dragon78 wrote:
They are still nicer then demons, kytons, aboleth, drow, hags, etc.

Depends on which court you meat, I'd suppose.

While I'd love a hardcover 200+ page setting book on the First World I'm happy to see this publication which somehow escaped my notice until now. Already pre-ordered it!

I would love a hardcover as well but I happy to get at least something.

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I hope we get some previews for this, especially before the PDFs start shipping;)

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I hope we get James Sutter's take on the book some more. :)

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I am sure we will;)

Creative Director, Starfinder Team

6 people marked this as a favorite.
nighttree wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I imagine there will be wings involved...
God's I hope not....that "image" is the thing that bug's me the most...making fey all "winged and glittery"....that's not how the good folk look.....:P

Putting in a fey template that doesn't restrict you so much in terms of your physiology was one of the first things I did. :)

And thanks for the kind words, everybody! I've got my head down in Starfinder right now, but I'm definitely planning on doing some preview blogs before the book releases next month.

Silver Crusade



Excellent! Thank you Mister Sutter!

Can't wait to get a hold of this book! I'm going to run Courts of the Shadow Fey soon and need to integrate the Shadow Fey with the First World.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope this book and the planes of power book sells very well so we can get books about other interesting places like the positive energy plane, dimension of time, dimension of dreams, etc.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Maybe even the plane of lost toys?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would settle for the Island of Misfit Toys or Candyland.

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