Pathfinder Pawns: Summon Monster Pawn Collection

4.00/5 (based on 5 ratings)
Pathfinder Pawns: Summon Monster Pawn Collection

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Summon legions of extraplanar creatures to your tabletop with this collection of more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a monster from the summon monster spell lists in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly summoned creatures, the Summon Monster Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect monsters to conjure for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

Legions of summoned extraplanar creatures come to life on your tabletop! Each pawn has its own abbreviation and identification number for easy sorting. The Summon Monster Pawn Collection includes:

Small (and Smaller)

  1. Archon, Lantern (4)
  2. Demon, Dretch (2)
  3. Dog (3)
  4. Eagle (4)
  5. Eel, Electric (2)
  1. Elemental, Air (3)
  2. Elemental, Earth (3)
  3. Elemental, Fire (3)
  4. Elemental, Water (3)
  1. Frog, Poison (2)
  2. Mephit, Fire (2)
  3. Mephit, Ice (2)
  4. Mephit, Ooze (2)
  1. Mephit, Water (2)
  2. Octopus (2)
  3. Rat, Dire (2)
  4. Viper (2)


  1. Angel, Astral Deva
  2. Ant, Giant Drone (2)
  3. Ant, Giant Soldier (2)
  4. Ant, Giant Worker (2)
  5. Archon, Hound (2)
  6. Archon, Trumpet
  7. Azata, Bralani (2)
  8. Azata, Ghaele
  9. Beetle, Fire (3)
  10. Boar (2)
  11. Cat, Cheetah (2)
  1. Cat, Leopard (2)
  2. Centipede, Giant (2)
  3. Demon, Babau (2)
  4. Demon, Shadow (3)
  5. Demon, Succubus (2)
  6. Devil, Barbed (2)
  7. Devil, Bearded (2)
  8. Devil, Erinyes (2)
  9. Devil, Lemure (2)
  10. Dinosaur, Deinonychus (2)
  1. Dolphin (2)
  2. Elemental, Air (3)
  3. Elemental, Earth (3)
  4. Elemental, Fire (3)
  5. Elemental, Water (3)
  6. Frog, Giant (2)
  7. Goblin Dog (2)
  8. Hell Hound (2)
  9. Horse, Pony (2)
  10. Hyena (2)
  1. Invisible Stalker (2)
  2. Kyton (2)
  3. Lizard, Monitor (3)
  4. Salamander (2)
  5. Snake, Constrictor (2)
  6. Spider, Giant (2)
  7. Squid (2)
  8. Wolf (2)
  9. Wolverine (3)
  10. Xill (2)


  1. Ape, Gorilla
  2. Ape, Dire
  3. Azata, Lillend
  4. Bat, Dire
  5. Bear, Dire
  6. Bear, Grizzly
  7. Boar, Dire (2)
  8. Crocodile
  1. Demon, Hezrou
  2. Demon, Vrock
  3. Devil, Bone
  4. Devil, Ice
  5. Dinosaur, Pteranodon
  6. Eel, Giant Moray
  7. Elemental, Air
  1. Elemental, Earth
  2. Elemental, Fire
  3. Elemental, Water
  4. Herd Animal, Aurochs
  5. Herd Animal, Bison
  6. Horse
  7. Lion
  1. Lion, Dire
  2. Octopus, Giant
  3. Rhinoceros
  4. Rhinoceros, Woolly
  5. Scorpion, Giant
  6. Shark
  7. Tiger, Dire
  8. Wasp, Giant
  9. Wolf, Dire


  1. Bebilith
  2. Demon, Glabrezu
  3. Demon, Nalfeshnee
  4. Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus
  1. Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus
  2. Dinosaur, Triceratops
  3. Dolphin, Orca
  4. Elemental, Air
  1. Elemental, Earth
  2. Elemental, Fire
  3. Elemental, Water
  1. Elephant (2)
  2. Elephant, Mastodon
  3. Squid, Giant

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-783-3

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4.00/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Surprisingly Useful!


I'm well-known for my disdain of pets (familiars, animal companions, etc.) and monster summoning in RPGs (both as a GM and as a player), but I've gotten a surprising amount of value out of the Summon Monster Pawn Collection. The set contains an excellent array of the creatures that you suddenly realize you need a pawn for: animals, elementals, celestial and fiendish outsiders, and more are included. There are multiples of most of the small and medium creatures, but also a good array of large and huge creatures. Many of these pawns can be found scattered across other sets, but it's always useful to have additional ones. I wouldn't say this set is essential, but it's a good value and one you'll also probably use a lot--even if, like me, you hate pets and summoners.

If you're new to Pathfinder pawns, note that this set doesn't include the bases, and you'll need to purchase those separately.

Perfect Set for Monster Summoners and the Like!


There's a full list of the creatures included here on If you need creatures for your players or NPCs to summon, then this is the set that you need! This set continues the high quality pawn line with gorgeous art and sturdy construction. This is also the only set to date that features the HUGE elementals!

I always enjoy reading whiny reviews on Paizo, because honestly, people just love to complain. If you don't understand the quantity involved by reading the description online or the box itself, you need comprehension lessons. If you need more creatures than those included in one set, here's a novel idea, buy more than one set!

Good quality, but incomplete.


Product quality is good. Nice distinct artwork. Standing bases and creature size looks good.

My issue is the quantity of creatures this pack contains. There is a max number of creatures you can summon with the summoning spells. This product does not provide enough tokens for a basic summoning on almost all creatures included. Some creatures only have 1 of a given token. So while it's a great idea, this product, in my opinion, is incomplete and thus reduces it's overall usefulness quite a bit.

A Must Have Item


If you use Pathfinder Pawns, this is a must-have item. In fact, I'm going to buy a second one!

It has a great variety of common animals and monsters, especially really important ones that have been oddly neglected in other sets, like horses and ponies.

Also, the new huge elementals look frakking amazing! Seriously, I want to write them into my next adventure just to have those big beautiful bastards on the tabletop.

The art is, on average, also larger and easier to see than previous sets. Great job, Paizo.

If you are new to Pathfinder Pawns and don't know where to start, here's what I recommend:

1) Monster Codex
2) NPC Codex
3) Summon Monster
4) Bestiary Box 1

These four will give you a solid base of almost everything you need. Everything else you get after that will add variety and zest to your pawn collection.

Lots of variation


I recently bought this pawn collection at a local game store and I have to say I'm quite happy with it already. I love that the art on many of the pawns is a bit different from in the bestiaries, no longer does all dogs need to look alike! Actual cheetah pawns! More variations of mephits! I remember being disappointed that the Bestiary Box only had fire mephits. I also like that huge elementals have been included as it seems I don't have any from before. But speaking of elementals, I do wish you hadn't only included the base types.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is awesome! I'll be getting this when it comes out. I love the Pawns line, I really hope you guys come out with a Box of the gargantuan and colossal creatures. ... Pathfinder Pawns Colossal Creature Collection ... feel free to use that name =P But seriously I'd really like to have a representation of all the giant dragons, tarrasque, demons, and Cthulhu of course.

this is pretty brilliant
and I will buy it

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I'll buy it, but this would make an epic battles set :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
arioreo wrote:
How will you keep track of which summons are from the PC and which from the NPC?

I've marked my bases with 1/4" color coding labels . Four colors with either one or two dots per base gives twenty permutations. You could reserve all the ones start with green or blue for the PCs (reading the color dots L to R), and red and yellow for enemies. You could expand it to include zero and three dots to get 85 permutations.

The only problem is that the dots were designed to be removable, so sometimes they start peeling up.
(Credit: I got the idea when I saw Devon T. using single dots on his bases; I expanded it to two.)

Need colored bases for multiple pawns?

Drink milk? Save and use the caps and/or the rings for color base options.

Or use something like this:

Errata: The Fire Beetle pawn is medium-sized, but should be small. Also, it prominently depicts a giant stag beetle instead of a Fire Beetle.

Dark Archive

LastFootnote wrote:
Errata: The Fire Beetle pawn is medium-sized, but should be small. Also, it prominently depicts a giant stag beetle instead of a Fire Beetle.

You are right.

They even got it wrong in the list as #26.

That is dissapointing because even as Miniature they used the Mining Beetle and you would have to buy a repaint for $5 which is already sold out.

One could argue they only got the size of 1 mini out of 103 wrong but also the image?

Come on Paizo - you can do better than that!

What is here that is not already covered in the Bestiary Box?

At first glance, it looks like most of the Huge pawns are not in the BB. Any others?

Dark Archive

The Rot Grub wrote:

What is here that is not already covered in the Bestiary Box?

At first glance, it looks like most of the Huge pawns are not in the BB. Any others?

Not in the Bestiary Box (and NEW) are:

3 of the 4 mephits (BB has only 1),
Octopus & Viper.

-Horse, pony
-Lizard, monitor
-Snake, Constrictor

-Bear, Grizzly
-Eel, Giant Moray
-Octopus, giant

-4 Elementals

So 25 new creature images.

But take note that most creatures are only once in the Bestiary Box and more often in here.

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

LastFootnote wrote:
Errata: The Fire Beetle pawn is medium-sized, but should be small. Also, it prominently depicts a giant stag beetle instead of a Fire Beetle.

Oops, that's right, it should be Small, not Medium (though Small pawns still use Medium bases, so they're still usable). However, the art is of a fire beetle (taken from the Bestiary), not a giant stag beetle.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If I might make a suggestion for a second Summon Monster set, use the expanded tables from the Summon Good/Neutral/Evil Monster feat. Also, please add huge Ice/Mud/etc. elementals. :)

I just bought this one from Amazon (buying from Paizo is prohibitively expensive due to shipping to Germany). Even with only the normal table, this will be a big asset, because you quite often get opponent sets like "6 Erinyes" at higher levels.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Seems like there should be a celestial looking version and a fiendish looking version of creatures that can be summoned with those templates.

Seems like a missed opportunity.

Dark Archive

There are 177 pawns in this set:

-43 small!
-87 medium
-32 large
-15 huge

I don't know why you would go with the PDF for this... I know my printer would never be able to put it on the quality of card stock or whatever it is printed on...
Summons can now be well represented at a fraction of the cost of metal minis.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Fourshadow wrote:

I don't know why you would go with the PDF for this... I know my printer would never be able to put it on the quality of card stock or whatever it is printed on...

Summons can now be well represented at a fraction of the cost of metal minis.

Some people use the PDFs to create tokens for digital tabletops. Others print them out on other materials (such as clear laminate) others like to cut around the figure and get around the "bleed".

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:

I don't know why you would go with the PDF for this... I know my printer would never be able to put it on the quality of card stock or whatever it is printed on...

Summons can now be well represented at a fraction of the cost of metal minis.
Some people use the PDFs to create tokens for digital tabletops. Others print them out on other materials (such as clear laminate) others like to cut around the figure and get around the "bleed".

Ah, thanks for enlightening me.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will this set be seeing a reprint?

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