Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)

4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)
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Beyond the veil!

Creatures strange beyond imagining and more terrifying than any nightmare lurk in the dark corners of the world and the weird realms beyond. Within this book, you'll find hundreds of monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Face off against devils and dragons, deep ones and brain moles, robots and gremlins, and myriad other menaces! Yet not every creature needs to be an enemy, as whimsical liminal sprites, helpful moon dogs, and regal seilenoi all stand ready to aid you on your quests—if you prove yourself worthy.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 is the fifth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters.
  • New player-friendly races like caligni dark folk, deep one hybrids, plant-bodied ghorans, and simian orang-pendaks.
  • Psychic creatures both benevolent and terrifying, from the enigmatic anunnaki and faceless astomoi to the howling caller in darkness and insidious, alien grays.
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies, such as clockwork familiars, red pandas, and many-legged wollipeds.
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters.
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat.
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat.
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-792-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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My Favourite So Far


Don't have really anymore to add beyond that, love all the eldritch and occult flavor being pumped in ^w^

The weakest of the bunch


On the one hand, there are a good couple of gems and some very inspired entries throughout this book and, in truth, two stars is somewhat unfair, especially for the PDF. But, personally, I feel they're warranted, as this book seems to signal a shift in Pathfinder's direction, and one that I'm not happy about in the least.

First off, while Occult Adventures is readily available for consultation online in the SRD, I did not like to see a sizable number of monsters using rules from that book. It's one thing to have spells or feats from, say, Advanced Player's Guide or Mythic Adventures, as those are books that complement the game as a whole and present options for all classes, whereas Occult Adventures is a very specific niche that not all players will want to incorporate in their campaigns.

Secondly, I did not like the muddled product identity Paizo is showcasing here, with monsters such as the Android, Gray (Roswell), Reptoid (Reptilian) and Robot. Even the Annunaki seems more at home as the antagonist of, say, a Legion of Super-Heroes comic book. It's one thing to want to provide the tools for varied and diverse fantasy campaigns - in which constructs, space aberrations and even clockwork creatures can easily work without sticking out like sore thumbs - but quite another one to insert borderline hard-SF or contemporary conspiracy theorist creatures on a lark. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks this is not, and let's endeavor to keep it that way, please.

Thirdly, snake-bodied weasels with boar tusks? Serpentine bulls? Shark-headed sea serpents? Wolf-headed sea serpents? A chinchilla with a bat wing on the tip of its tail? An octopus with three shark heads? Really? Unless you have an absolutely amazing hook or a compelling campaign seed, why bother putting out this silly, uninspired dross? You can do much better than this, Paizo.

Monsters Galore


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

I like Bestiary 5 a great deal. On an initial look-through before reading it more thoroughly, there were numerous monsters that drew my attention, that made me want to know more about them, and screamed to be included in one of my games sometime down the road. There's a wide variety of monsters present, with every type represented and the spread between them being fairly even. Ooze is a monster type that is often under-represented, but there are quite a few new oozes in this book. Along with that there are lots of magical beasts, constructs, undead, vermin, fey, and so on. In addition, there are several mythic monsters, and Bestiary 5 is the first hardcover book to contain monsters using the occult rules from Occult Adventures. The monsters cover a wide variety of challenge ratings as well, from 1/6 to 24. The bulk of the creatures are in the low- to mid-CR range, but there are also a sizeable number of high-CR monsters as well.

Grim Reapers, Deep Ones, and Greys Oh My!


I have always loved Bestiaries and Paizo has yet to disappoint in department. Now with a 5th hardcover bestiary they continue with quality and variety. I will list the good and the bad of this fine product.
The Good
-Dragons, 5 great new true dragons, along with a variety of "lesser" dragons such as jungle drake, rope dragon, vishap, and awesome shen.
-Fey, a variety of ranging from low to high CR such as the house spirits and the glaistag.
-Giants, we finally get the Firbolg, been waiting to see this one for a long time.
-New 0HD races like the Astomi, Caligni, and Reptoid.
-Aliens such as greys and the Anunnaki.
-Elementals such as aether, the wysps and the awesome anemos.
-Interesting oozes such as animate hair, apallie, and living mirage.
-New clestials and aeons.
-Creatures from mythology.
-Old school monster such as moon dogs, muckdwellers, brain moles, and thought eaters.
-Some interesting undead like bone ship and death coach.

The Bad
-Some minor design issues.
-Some art issues.
-The Sahkil, another evil outsider group, could have used this space for Oni, Azura, or Rakshasa.
-Continued use of the mythic rules that to me should be a completely optional rule.

3 STARS?????


I can't agree with the below rating of 3 stars. (Read Below) This is on-par with any other bestiary piazo has produced. Although i cant speak of quality due to just buying a pdf, this bestiary has the best range of monster selection in my opinion. It adds some technology driven ideas, unique story driven monsters and my favorite: A BoneShip, literally the pcs can fight an undead ship!!!! The complaint of no new monster over CR25 is a lazy lie, using templates the Esoteric Dragons can be over CR25 with other CR20+ monsters utilizing templates provided can increase above CR25. This book contains ideas for familiars, companions, and constructs for many classes and pairs amazingly well with content from the Occult Adventures. I Love this book, and pathfinder in general due to the wealth of information it has for both a PC and a DM. Cant wait for more!!!

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I can't wait for tonight, which 4 monsters will we see this time? The last preview before the PDF comes out!

Sovereign Court

So, do we know some of the creatures (aside from the 0-hit dice creatures)in the bestiary? And any more information about the 'player' races that this book introduces?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
Kevin James 289 wrote:
Well, for me personally, I have no problem with the Muse art, except for the face. It just looks weird to me.
I think it is the way that the shadows makes the bottom of her nose seem to be squared off unless you look closely. Her right hand seems to show a lot of webbing between her thumb and forefinger, too. But then she isn't human. I think the art looks fine.

Shadow on the nose is a bit weird, I admit, and I find the contours of her cheeks (showing her mouth stretched) combine to make her face look a bit flat. Other than that, I was extremely pleased to see an operatic-diva stereotype in the art, so it's a win for me.

I really love the artwork for the Muse, it is so suiting for me.

Jurassic Bard wrote:
So, do we know some of the creatures (aside from the 0-hit dice creatures)in the bestiary? And any more information about the 'player' races that this book introduces?

Yup, pretty much the entire list of monsters was posted earlier in this thread a few times.

I will have to wait till after work to find out wich ones won this round.

Chemlak wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Kevin James 289 wrote:
Well, for me personally, I have no problem with the Muse art, except for the face. It just looks weird to me.
I think it is the way that the shadows makes the bottom of her nose seem to be squared off unless you look closely. Her right hand seems to show a lot of webbing between her thumb and forefinger, too. But then she isn't human. I think the art looks fine.
Shadow on the nose is a bit weird, I admit, and I find the contours of her cheeks (showing her mouth stretched) combine to make her face look a bit flat. Other than that, I was extremely pleased to see an operatic-diva stereotype in the art, so it's a win for me.

I like the operatic-diva theme too. The Greek-style of clothing is nice. Are any areas of Golarion Greek-analogues?

The glowing, spiraling musical notation is really cool. Would that qualify as a magical staff? ;)

Has anyone tried to play the song?

Papinijuwari is so insanely cool!

I like the art for Encantado and Akaname too, but the Papinijuwari blows them away!


8 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
Chemlak wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Kevin James 289 wrote:
Well, for me personally, I have no problem with the Muse art, except for the face. It just looks weird to me.
I think it is the way that the shadows makes the bottom of her nose seem to be squared off unless you look closely. Her right hand seems to show a lot of webbing between her thumb and forefinger, too. But then she isn't human. I think the art looks fine.
Shadow on the nose is a bit weird, I admit, and I find the contours of her cheeks (showing her mouth stretched) combine to make her face look a bit flat. Other than that, I was extremely pleased to see an operatic-diva stereotype in the art, so it's a win for me.

I like the operatic-diva theme too. The Greek-style of clothing is nice. Are any areas of Golarion Greek-analogues?

The glowing, spiraling musical notation is really cool. Would that qualify as a magical staff? ;)

Has anyone tried to play the song?

Iblydos is the Greek-ish area (check out Distant Shores for a city there).

As to the muse, her appearance shows up based on a vision of beauty from the viewer, so that's how some mortal she's inspiring (who knows, maybe an opera singer him/herself) pictures beauty. She wound up losing this ability for space (them bard spells take lots of space!), so here's a hidden nugget about muses that might cause you to have an aha moment if you see a picture of a muse who looks pretty different. ;)

Sekrit Muse Ability:
Subjective Form (Su): A muse can use her change shape ability to appear as any humanoid creature’s inner embodiment of idealized beauty, without knowing consciously what that form might be.

So for me she would look like a Succubus?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:
So for me she would look like a Succubus?

As a demon lord, she could not use her ability on you.

Shadow Lodge

Are Orang-Pendak racially proficient with bolas or are the numbers for their attack modifiers a misprint?

I didn't see any racial ability that gave then prof. with bolas.

Shadow Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:
I didn't see any racial ability that gave then prof. with bolas.

Neither did I but if that's the case than the Orang-Pendak presented in here should have a +0 to hit with that bolas. That said, totally would be cool with them getting it, as it stands the special abilities for the Pendak isn't so crazy that they couldn't get a few free proficiencies (thinking like bolas, net, some spear...). I'm actually wondering what the cost of that own two feet ability is in BP since it's a pretty stiff one in the right game.

Really sad to see the Demon-AP Putrid OOze make it in over the Curupira, Squonk and Mahaha (and many other AP monsters)...

I mean the book has only 2 fire-based creatures and only 3 cold based monsters, and 3 black ooze monsters, from which I find the Putrid ooze the weakest link.

I mean the Roiling Oil and Gunpowder Ooze are original and have something to add, but the Putrid Ooze is just another acid ooze without very much special about it.

What do choral angels look like?

Which creatures from the Wrath of the Righteous AP bestiary made it into this book anyway?

I know the three best ones made it in, the Corpse Lotus, Vespacor Queen and the Lamhigyn, and my least favorite, the Putrid Ooze.

But which others?

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The cambion demon, the stringy demodand, and the devastator all originate in Wrath of the Righteous. There's also a bunch of reprints from related volumes in the Campaign Setting line - fully 8 of the 16 monsters from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Worldwound made it in, and the seraptis demon from the second Book of the Damned is here.

xavier c wrote:
What do choral angels look like?

A very pretty man angel with hair in freefall (might be falling?) wearing a robe that shows off part of his chest and shoulder. Also fluffy wings.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't what they don't like about the older AP volumes but they still have great monsters like the Skirk Nettle, Danse Macabre, Buraq, Blodeuwedd, Stygia, Calathgar, Dweomer Cat, Miengu, Raiju, Gare Linnorm, Hell Gigas, various Oni, and Various Kami.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for that answer Kalindlara! The extra answer is also very helpful!

I really like the Riftcreeper, Maggot-Thing, Urranag (that living trap) and Warmonger Wasp from the Worldwound, so i'm happy those made it in over the demons, which I never liked that much.

Re-uses that need new artwork in my opinion are: Leechroot / Delgeth / shasalqu / Ved / Giant Scarab / Capramace / Dragonkin / Living Mirage / Stranglereed / Ursikka (more because I want more different artworks of the creature, the other art is also beautiful) / Putrid Ooze / StormGhost (really not my style) / Khala / Lusca (other position) / Devastator / Grim Reaper

All others have great artworks (in my humble opinion) anyway, so I don't mind them using those.

Dragon78 wrote:
I don't what they don't like about the older AP volumes but they still have great monsters like the Skirk Nettle, Danse Macabre, Buraq, Blodeuwedd, Stygia, Calathgar, Dweomer Cat, Miengu, Raiju, Gare Linnorm, Hell Gigas, various Oni, and Various Kami.

I'm really surprised they didn't used the Skrik Nette, Raiju, Ammut and Serpopard yet...

I was so certain they would put them in bestiary 5, but instead we get Putrid Ooze lol, the one that I expected least.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They probably want to keep the reprints to a minimum and really only hve a limited amount of space for them. I'll be honest, if the Bestiary had more and more reprints than new stuff, I wouldn't be very happy, especially since those reprints are on the SRD/AoN.

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I prefer the AP versions of the monsters, personally. Two pages of details per monster, and Golarion-specific details on them. So the reprints are usually a step down for me.

If anything, I'd love to see that level of detail provided for more creatures. (I still don't have a really compelling reason to use deep ones when I like ulat-kini just fine.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think they re-print creatures so they can also be used by people that can't effort or buy all the AP's.

I don't really mind re-prints, but like Odraude said, I don't want more reprints than new monsters, like 50 reprints from all types of books are enough for me, and also give them new artwork, so people that already know the creatures at least have something new to look about and can see another version of them.

Oh... just found out Uraeus is also a re-print... Too bad! Thought it was a new creature...

Scarab Sages

Is it just me or is the Animate Hair directly lifted from Snake's Hair in the Simpsons Treehouse of Terror?

Silver Crusade Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's also reminiscent of something from one of H. P. Lovecraft's more obscure collaborations, "Medusa's Coil".

Is the animate hair Medusa based? I thought it was actually an ooze made out of human hair?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Myth Lord wrote:
Is the animate hair Medusa based? I thought it was actually an ooze made out of human hair?

It is human hair.

The story I mentioned just had a very different interpretation of the legend of Medusa.

Oh, ok.

Well you said Medusa's Coil and Imbicatus said Snake's Hair, so without having seen the picture I got the feeling the Animate Hair was actually the living wig of the Medusa :-p

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I choose Kalindlara as teammate for the next pub literary trivia duel. :-)

Scarab Sages

Myth Lord wrote:

Oh, ok.

Well you said Medusa's Coil and Imbicatus said Snake's Hair, so without having seen the picture I got the feeling the Animate Hair was actually the living wig of the Medusa :-p

Snake was the character's name, not actual snakes as hair. :)

Imbicatus wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:

Oh, ok.

Well you said Medusa's Coil and Imbicatus said Snake's Hair, so without having seen the picture I got the feeling the Animate Hair was actually the living wig of the Medusa :-p

Snake was the character's name, not actual snakes as hair. :)

Lol, then its coincidence! I couldn't see the picture you posted the link for, as i'm not American? :-p

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:
Is the animate hair Medusa based? I thought it was actually an ooze made out of human hair?

It is human hair.

The story I mentioned just had a very different interpretation of the legend of Medusa.

I just looked this up and read it for the first time. Not bad for the meat of the story, but damn, I hate having to wade through Lovecraft's racism.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nightterror wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:

Oh, ok.

Well you said Medusa's Coil and Imbicatus said Snake's Hair, so without having seen the picture I got the feeling the Animate Hair was actually the living wig of the Medusa :-p

Snake was the character's name, not actual snakes as hair. :)
Lol, then its coincidence! I couldn't see the picture you posted the link for, as i'm not American? :-p

I don't know if This might work for you instead.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Imbicatus wrote:
I just looked this up and read it for the first time. Not bad for the meat of the story, but damn, I hate having to wade through Lovecraft's racism.

Is that the one where the horrifying shocker twist ending is that the lady had an ever so slight trace of African ancestry?

Because... yeah.

Lovecraft was a nihilist, he hated everyone:)

Mark Seifter wrote:
Iblydos is the Greek-ish area (check out Distant Shores for a city there).

That makes sense. Cyclops prophets and Doru spears. Thanks.


Imbicatus wrote:
Is it just me or is the Animate Hair directly lifted from Snake's Hair in the Simpsons Treehouse of Terror?

Not just the Simpson's "Hell Toupee", also the original Amazing Stories' "Hell Toupee" and M.R. James's "The Diary of Mr. Poynter".

Myth Lord wrote:

Really sad to see the Demon-AP Putrid OOze make it in over the Curupira, Squonk and Mahaha (and many other AP monsters)...

Huh? Which AP book had the Squonk in it?

Are people allowed to say what the dragons are in this bestiary yet? Cause I am going crazy here. :D


I'm pretty sure they covered back towards the 21st/20th page mark.

However I could give you the list again, but I would require if you want true dragons or just creatures with the dragon type.

Does anyone know if this book has any critters with CRs over 20, and if so, how many and how high they go? I'm running a campaign with characters at about 35th level, so I'm always on the lookout for higher CR creatures. Thanks! :-)

Dragon78 wrote:
I don't what they don't like about the older AP volumes but they still have great monsters like the Skirk Nettle, Danse Macabre, Buraq, Blodeuwedd, Stygia, Calathgar, Dweomer Cat, Miengu, Raiju, Gare Linnorm, Hell Gigas, various Oni, and Various Kami.

Don't worry Dragon-sama. Nobody's ruling them out of an official bestiary appearance yet. Who knows, at the rate Adventure Paths keep pumping monsters out we might get an entire Bestiary full of nothing but revised AP monsters. :D

6 people marked this as a favorite.

CR < 1:
CR 1/6: chicken

CR 1/4: muckdweller, nuno, pyrausta, trilobite, undigested

CR 1/3: flying fox, penguin, seal

CR 1/2: animate hair, astomoi, caligni, deep one hybrid, hobkins, orangpendak, ramidreju, red panda, reptoid, shabti, skinwalker, wizard’s shackle

CR 1-6:
CR 1: akaname, android, brain mole, celedon, deep one, echeneis, etiainen, ghoran, grioth, horn caterpillar, hunter urchin, ostovite, small aether elemental, troodon

CR 2: aether wysp, air wysp, apallie, cambion, chuspiki, clockwork familiar, earth wysp, esipil, fire wysp, giant muckdweller, koto-furunishi, liminal sprite, moa, ovinnik, plagued beast horse, plesiosaurus, thought eater, tsaalgrend, water leaper, water wysp, xiao

CR 3: abrikandilu, deep merfolk, digmaul, domovoi, giant assassin bug, giant termite, goliath frog, guardian scroll, hag eye ooze, kawa akago, lamhigyn, medium aether elemental, narwhal, scarab swarm, shasalqu, taxidermic creature, vukodlak, witchcrow, wolliped

CR 4: ahkhat, amphiptere, blood caterpillar, dvorovoi, firbolg, flytrap leshy, gancanagh, gearsman robot, gravebound, gray, heikegani, karkadann, kasa-obake, knight ant, leechroot, reptial, sha, spear urchin, swamp mummy, unfettered phantom

CR 5: blightspawn, boroboroton, brain mole monarch, ceratosaurus, cuero, doppeldrek, frog father, great assassin bug, ichthyocentaur, kaprosuchus, kikimora, large aether elemental, lotus leshy, othaos, polar bear, rope dragon, tizheruk, undigested swarm, uraeus, ved, vescavor swarm

CR 6: bagiennik, chalicotherium, choral, cytillipede, delgeth, emotion ooze, giant scarab, griefgall, grimslake, jungle drake, kurobozu, megapon ant, rhu-chalik, roiling oil, termite swarm, thriae dancer, tiyanak, tulpa, wihsaak, young nightmare dragon, young occult dragon

CR 7-12:
CR 7: aatheriexa, air veela, capramace, cerynitis, duppy, earth veela, fire veela, huge aether elemental, mngwa, mutant orc, psychepore, sangoi, storm hag, terraformer robot, uintatherium, warmonger devil, warmonger wasp, water veela, young etheric dragon

CR 8: balisse, encantado, dire polar bear, megaprimatus, polong, psychemental, shadow collector, su, urannag

CR 9: ahool, bisha ga tsuku, caller in darkness, dragonkin, giant mantis shrimp, greater aether elemental, kabandha, living mirage, makara, moon dog, pakalchi, stranglereed, vescavor queen, yangethe, young astral dragon

CR 10: adult nightmare dragon, adult occult dragon, cursed king, egregore, ether drake, fext, lead golem, leng ghoul, mummy lord, peuchen, raelis, therizinosaurus, trench mist, ursikka, young dream dragon

CR 11: adult etheric dragon, aerial servant, cameroceras, crystal golem, elder aether elemental, fastachee, myrmidon robot, nulmind, pharaonic guardian, putrid ooze, rat plague swarm

CR 12: amarok, blue whale, exscinder, heresy devil, manu, scitalis, somalcygot, syricta

CR 13-18:
CR 13: adult astral dragon, cetus, cherufe, corpse lotus, dwiergeth, ketesthius, papinijuwari

CR 14: adult dream dragon, death coach, elder deep one, gray goo, gunpowder ooze, rishi manu, sphinx colossus, thriae constructor, wakandagi

CR 15: ancient nightmare dragon, ancient occult dragon, crone queen, isonade, locust plague swarm, moon giant, nemhain, riftcreeper, seraptis, stormghost, stringy demodand

CR 16: ancient etheric dragon, annihilator robot, gegenees, lesser death, maharishi manu, muse, ningen, qolok, sun giant, vilderavn

CR 17: apostate devil, bat plague swarm, cervinal, gate archon, gristly demodand, khala, lusca, ophiotaurus, plankta, wood colossus, wyrmwraith

CR 18: ancient astral dragon, anemos, anunnaki, bone ship, lipika, saxra, twilight pitri, zygomind

CR 19+:
CR 19: ancient dream dragon, eclipse giant, seilenos, turul, vishap

CR 20: empyrean, kimenhul, lotus tree

CR 21: glaistig, hundun

CR 22: devastator, grim reaper, solar pitri

CR 23: apkallu

CR 24: danava, shen

Luthorne wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks very much, Luthorne!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope you don't mind Luthorne, but I'm going to attach myself to you ethereally and start draining you of your precious free time. Lord only knows I need more of it myself. Anywho, (attaches) OMN NOM NOM NOM NOM...

Thomas Seitz wrote:


I'm pretty sure they covered back towards the 21st/20th page mark.

However I could give you the list again, but I would require if you want true dragons or just creatures with the dragon type.

I did mean the true dragons, but I found it in the spoilers below. Thanks though! :D

To go back to a theme of a few earlier pages, I'd like to point out that none of Paizo's monsters have ever had a WWII motif. Certainly not those from Rasputin Must Die.

I do find it odd that a megaprimatus is a Gargantuan creature with the strength of a Large sized dire polar bear, and nearly half the HD of a T-rex. Even assuming Kong was an advanced version (since he defeated three advanced Rexs), this seems to be slightly off.

It's four times bigger than a smilodon, but barely stronger and no tougher. A little disappointing.

Anunnaki is probably my favorite. All the aliens are pretty cool, but this guy, especially with the tie-in between them and the elohiim really takes the cake.

I noticed that a lot of the new angels, archons and some other creatures felt familiar somehow...I think maybe taken from Gross or Sutter's Pathfinder novels?

Liked seeing the Elder Deep Ones and firbolgs too.

The bulk of the book is fantastic, although I wouldn't mind seeing at least 1 if not more of the unique demigods in subsequent bestiaries like there were in 4.

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