Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hell's Rebels Player's Guide (PFRPG) PDF

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The Hell's Rebels Player's Guide gives players all the spoiler-free information, inspiration, and new rules they'll need to create characters prepared for delving into the adventure and excitement of the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path.

Within, players of this campaign will find everything they need to create character backgrounds tied to personalities and events vital to Pathfinder Adventure Path's themes of urban rebellion and building a seditious group to fight against the oppressive tyranny of House Thrune, along with new campaign-specific traits to give bold adventurers the edge they'll need to take on the dangerous threats faced in the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path. This player's guide also features a view of the city of Kintargo where the adventure takes place, as well as various class options and advice for heroes ready to take on a Hell's Rebels campaign.

Don't let the man keep you down! Gather your allies and let the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide light the fuse on your adventures to save the city of Kintargo.

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I know this is free and it doesn't really need reviews but I still wanted to tip my had to the author(s) for the degree of mechanics theme and story integration I'm seeing here on the campaign traits.

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Thanks James for the replies. In the interest of managing expectations on Hell's Vengeance, I was wondering which of the following right now best summarizes your thinking on mini-systems:

  • Hell's Vengeance will have a counterinsurgency system of some kind, complete with a tracking sheet like in Hell's Rebels.
  • Hell's Vengeance will be more like Mission Impossible, where Abrogail Thrune or her agents assign missions to the PCs directly, so that each volume is more independent than the usual in an AP. There are plans for no subsystems like kingdoms, caravans, or rebellions.
  • Hell's Vengeance will support the faction rules, at the GM's option, with the PCs part of a house Thrune type organization.
  • It's too soon to say about Hell's Vengeance.

since while some like and enjoy them, others find there's enough arithmetic in running just their characters.

DM Beckett wrote:
Andoran influence/reaction/instigation also seems to be surprisingly absent

This is true, one would think Andoran would go all in on joining forces with the Glorious Reclamation. Perhaps that is a story element we will see when it gets to that point. It just makes too much sense for it not to happen.

Shadow Lodge

I don't know, you'd think like half the Players Gould be devoted to how Andoran freedom fighters did it if that where the case.

Shadow Lodge

I'm also noticing that the Vigilante is notably absent as well. Very odd, as while the mechanics for the class are, well, they are what they are, it does seem that at least thematically they should fit pretty well.

Or did I miss it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Vigilante is still in its playtest version. Until there's a final version out, I wouldn't expect it to show up in any "official" product.

EDIT: James Jacobs's response to a similar question:

James Jacobs wrote:
Darius Darrenbar wrote:


Would it be safe to say that the vigilante class would be ideal for Hell's Rebels?

In theory, yes, but since the class is still being designed, and I'm pretty sure the design team hasn't had the chance to read the Hell's Rebels adventures, and I know I've not had a chance to look into the vigilante more than just to look it over to make sure the initial playtest won't break Hell's Rebel's design (at this point it does not seem to do that... whew!)... fact, I can't say yet. Won't know for sure till the class is actually done being designed. Which, alas, will be after all six Hell's Rebels adventures will be in the can and off to the printer.

This is a very nice Player's Guide. I like that the differences between this and Hell's Vengeance are spelled out. As well as talking about the Crusade as the catalyst behind the two APs. I like the level of detail and thought put behind the guide. Well done.

I know this discussion is kind of dead, but I'm having a small issue when reading it. There seems to be sections that imply you can roll for multiple events per event period, but I'm not quit sure where it says that you do that? I was under the impression that one event happens per event period, but I could be mistaken. Would anyone be able to help me out with this? Sorry if I come across as a bit of noob. :/

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JosefJoestar wrote:
I know this discussion is kind of dead, but I'm having a small issue when reading it. There seems to be sections that imply you can roll for multiple events per event period, but I'm not quit sure where it says that you do that? I was under the impression that one event happens per event period, but I could be mistaken. Would anyone be able to help me out with this? Sorry if I come across as a bit of noob. :/

You only roll an event once per event phase.

Can someone please clarify: Do (a) teams, and (b) the heroes count towards the total number of supporters on the Rebellion Sheet?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ben-evolent One wrote:
Can someone please clarify: Do (a) teams, and (b) the heroes count towards the total number of supporters on the Rebellion Sheet?


Supporters are ONLY the mass of Kintargo citizens who support the cause. They are not actually members of the Silver Ravens.

Recruiting more PCs and more team members does not increase your supporter level. AKA: Recruiting more PCs and more team members does not build toward increasing your revolution's rank.

Thanks James :)

I'm looking forward to starting this AP up- however, I'm confused by the team management. On Pg.23 of the Players guide, it reads.

'Max. Teams: The rebellion can support a limited number
of teams, as set by its rank (see Table 1) and modified by
officer roles. Record your maximum number of teams
here. Note that bonus teams you earn through play in the
campaign do not generally count against this maximum.'

However, looking at the officer section there doesn't seem to be anything that indicates a role that adds more teams. The only thing I can think is either Leadership or 'an officer can
manage a number of teams equal to his or her Charisma
bonus (minimum of 1).'

I'd love if someone could clear this one up for me, thanks!

Same question as the guy before, our group did not find any indication of any modification to the maximal number of team except the one related to the rank of the rebellion.

Is there any kind of officer related bonus?

Silver Crusade

I'm nearing the end of book 2 running Rebels, and we have not used any officer bonus to add to the number of teams. It's probably an error in the guide.

Shadow Lodge

Eikfo wrote:

Same question as the guy before, our group did not find any indication of any modification to the maximal number of team except the one related to the rank of the rebellion.

Is there any kind of officer related bonus?

There is no officer role that grants more teams than a rebellion would be entitled to based on its rank. However, the number and condition of officers can impose a lower cap on the number of teams. Imagine a rank 15 or higher rebellion led by a set of 6 officers all of which have Charisma modifiers less than or equal to +1, and none of which has the Natural Born Leader campaign trait. Each officer would be able to manage one team. So despite the rebellion being entitled to 7 teams based on its rank, it would actually be able to have only 6 teams.

This is highly unlikely to ever come up. In the first place, surely at least one officer will have a higher Charisma modifier than +1 (whether naturally or through magic items), or the Natural Born Leader campaign trait. In the second place, you can have more than one officer per role at a time (while, with the exception of Recruiters, the bonuses granted by two officers holding the same role don't stack, two officers holding the same role should still be able to manage teams as normal).

Question about the Rebellion Sheet:

  • In the copy I can download of the PG, the Rebellion Sheet has several checkboxes already checked...which precludes ever being able to print/export a blank sheet with them unchecked. Is there a place to download a clean Rebellion sheet, preferably separate from a full HR PG download?

EDIT: Or maybe I should be asking, is there any reason those events would not be available thus requiring a clean sheet without their checkboxes checked?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think they're checked because you start off with them available.

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now available on Pathfinder Infinite: Hell's Rebels PF2 Conversion.

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