Advanced Bestiary (PFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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The Advanced Bestiary was one of the classic books of the d20 era and now it’s back for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! The revised and expanded book features over 100 templates, a sample creature for each one, and brand new color art throughout. With concepts ranging from the fearsome blood knight to the bizarre id ooze, the Advanced Bestiary offers unprecedented flexibility for campaigns of any style. These templates can be combined with monsters from any other source to create an endless variety of new creatures, making every monster book you already own more valuable. The Advanced Bestiary: it’s not just a monster book, it’s a force multiplier!

Designed by Jeffrey Hersh
Developed by Owen K.C. Stephens
Edited by Christina Stiles, Jeremy Miller, and Spike Y. Jones
Cover Art by Svetoslav Petrov
Pages: 296, full color

ISBN-13: 978-1-934547-59-5

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5.00/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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You get a monster template! You get a monster template! Everyone gets a template


This book brings you a selection of some of the most imaginative and in some ways comprehensive template selection available to date. It doesn't matter if your players have seen everything this side of the Tomb of Horrors or are just learning to roll their first d20, this bestiary gives you the tools to alter any monster with a wide variety of templates. If you have Hero Lab, this is an absolute "must buy" product.

I couldnt believe how good it was, quantity and quality both


I normally roll my eyes at books like this - either goofy silly or otherwise unusable monsters, or just a blathering list of templates written with the passion of a tax return.

This is a wonderful book. The quality of the writing - and art! - is outstanding, the templates and content are interesting and *balanced*.

I added a scalding template to a minotaur and it had my players terrified.

This is the kind of book that gets your mind racing with new ideas and hooks!

Could be first party, for all I care


Like others have said, this is the single most useful third party book available to Pathfinder GMs. Absolutely fantastic stuff, well done, well executed, and accompanied with great art. Five most deserved stars.

Great book


Very useful to surprise your players with unexpected twist of old monsters.


Have 5 stars.

Seriously this is just really good for a GM. Its more than a bestiary or a compilation of templates, or an NPC book. Its all three. In fact its more considering that the templates are often very involved. This massive book effectively multiplies the entries in all the bestiaries and NPC codexes saving me a ton of trouble and making for incredible encounters.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

mach1.9pants wrote:
Is there going to be a bundle?

That decision is not mine to make.

OK thanks, hopefully a GRP rep will pop by and answer.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Where can the kickstarter backers get the final pdf version?

You should have gotten an email directing to RPG Now or the other one. I forgot which one it came on. You follow the link and jump through a couple of hoops and download it.

Painless. I would send a message on kickstarter and ask about it.

Like many game companies, Green Ronin generally offers pdf/print bundles at a discount only under specific circumstances. People who pre-ordered on the GR site even until recently got the pdf for $5. I don't know that a reduced-price bundle will be available here (though i don't know it won't either).

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Got my book today, and it looks awesoms! Great work, everyone!

Shem wrote:
Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Where can the kickstarter backers get the final pdf version?

You should have gotten an email directing to RPG Now or the other one. I forgot which one it came on. You follow the link and jump through a couple of hoops and download it.

Painless. I would send a message on kickstarter and ask about it.

Yeah I got that a bit ago. In fact I already posted a review for it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jeffrey Hersh wrote:

FYI, for those who have been asking. The 1.0 version of the Hero Lab files has been submitted to Lone Wolf for their approval process. I do not know how long it will take to get the files in the store since there is a great deal of custom work with these files beyond data entry to make the templates work like they are supposed to.

This first version will not have the Augmented and Eldritch templates which require some very difficult and specialized coding which I am still working on. However, every other template and its variants are in the HL files as well as all the sample creatures.

Thank you for your hard work.

I'm really looking forward to using this and HL makes it far easier for me :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
chavamana wrote:
Jeffrey Hersh wrote:

FYI, for those who have been asking. The 1.0 version of the Hero Lab files has been submitted to Lone Wolf for their approval process. I do not know how long it will take to get the files in the store since there is a great deal of custom work with these files beyond data entry to make the templates work like they are supposed to.

This first version will not have the Augmented and Eldritch templates which require some very difficult and specialized coding which I am still working on. However, every other template and its variants are in the HL files as well as all the sample creatures.

Thank you for your hard work.

I'm really looking forward to using this and HL makes it far easier for me :)

You are very welcome. This project has been a blast for me.

Strangely enough, I got my book today too. Only odd thing is... I'm in Canada. And we don't have weekend delivery. So it's very strange.

But hey, awesome book!

Hey folks,

Just got the word from Lone Wolf. The initial release of the Hero Lab files are out!


sweet going to download now.

Whoa, gargantuan or colossal burning skeleton! Or is it a burning skeletal champion (can the burning skeleton template be added to the Skeletal champion I wonder)? Either way, the heroes's (or villains) are in for a HELL OF A FIGHT! Hope they brought a cleric along with them. ^_^

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Berselius wrote:
Whoa, gargantuan or colossal burning skeleton! Or is it a burning skeletal champion (can the burning skeleton template be added to the Skeletal champion I wonder)? Either way, the heroes's (or villains) are in for a HELL OF A FIGHT! Hope they brought a cleric along with them. ^_^

Actually, if I recall the Kickstarter updates correctly, the cover is the CR 25 Dread Lich Thanatotic Titan. 333 hp of utter badassery with a 53 Str score and DR 15/epic, good, lawful, and magic.

It's an Instrument of the Gods (among other things)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Owen KC Stephens wrote:
It's an Instrument of the Gods (among other things)

Oh, so it's that thanatotic titan. I stand corrected.

(There are no less than three different instances of thanatotic titans in this book, and the one on the cover is actually a CR 29. O_o)

Holy crap! How did I miss this being released?! I missed the KS, and have been waiting patiently, but I guess I got too patient and didn't pay enough attention. I didn't even see the page go up for preorders! I could have sworn that I'd checked on it since August...

And now I'm semi-broke until after New Year's, so I can't order it right away. Poop. I guess I just have to wait and be jealous, and hope that I either get one of the initial color print run, or that the second/subsequent runs are also in color. Not that I'd hate a black and white copy, but color just makes things better.

Kvantum wrote:
Owen KC Stephens wrote:
It's an Instrument of the Gods (among other things)

Oh, so it's that thanatotic titan. I stand corrected.

(There are no less than three different instances of thanatotic titans in this book, and the one on the cover is actually a CR 29. O_o)

That is because they make great high CR foes though I also love the Protean Plague (gigantiean chaos beast [CR 29]) and the crawling rot (shaggoth ghast [CR 20])

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My only regret is that since I backed the Kickstarter, I can not write a review here... it's an awesome book, buy it!

Unseelie wrote:
My only regret is that since I backed the Kickstarter, I can not write a review here... it's an awesome book, buy it!

What? There's nothing saying you can't write a review here. Click on the review tab, then click on "Write A Review". Easy.

My copy arrived yesterday, and I'm already looking through it for ideas for when I finally get back to playing Pathfinder. Will get a review written when I've had time for a proper read through.

Scarab Sages

There is no "Write a Review" for me. It only shows up for things that I have purchased here.

EDIT: Or I'm an idiot... *sigh*

Nevermind, I just missed it somehow and made an assumption.

Can a Thanatotic Titan even BECOME a Lich? Isn't it an outsider (and thus it's body and soul are pretty much one thing)?

Many thanks to Alex Smith 908, DJEternalDarkness, eggplantman, and Slothsy for their four 5-Star reviews!


Berselius wrote:
Can a Thanatotic Titan even BECOME a Lich? Isn't it an outsider (and thus it's body and soul are pretty much one thing)?

Let's hope that for your sake, your PCs are never unfortunate enough to find out the answer to that question.

Dark Archive

Berselius wrote:
Can a Thanatotic Titan even BECOME a Lich? Isn't it an outsider (and thus it's body and soul are pretty much one thing)?

Yes, because it's a dread lich, which any living creature can become. With its Spellcraft bonus of +40 there shouldn't be a problem making the DC. The only problem is it doesn't have Craft Wondrous Item, but I imagine a being with its intense level of confidence probably retrained it away.

Been slowing going through this book, and just read the Clockwork entry, including the sample NPC, Siege Perilous. In said entry, it mentions three abilities, Difficult to Create, Swift Reactions and Winding, which are supposed to be in the Clockwork entry. However, all three of these are missing....

Will a PDF update contain these missing traits?

Dark Archive

Monkeygod wrote:

Been slowing going through this book, and just read the Clockwork entry, including the sample NPC, Siege Perilous. In said entry, it mentions three abilities, Difficult to Create, Swift Reactions and Winding, which are supposed to be in the Clockwork entry. However, all three of these are missing....

Will a PDF update contain these missing traits?

Those are part of the clockwork subtype.

Monkeygod wrote:

Been slowing going through this book, and just read the Clockwork entry, including the sample NPC, Siege Perilous. In said entry, it mentions three abilities, Difficult to Create, Swift Reactions and Winding, which are supposed to be in the Clockwork entry. However, all three of these are missing....

Will a PDF update contain these missing traits?

Justin's right. Anywhere possible when we're referring to universal monster rules or type/subtype rules that are on the PRD and in the Bestiaries, we didn't take the space to recreate those.

I have a question about the "host" templates (daemon-host and demon-host).

Does the CR increase affect the creature hit die in any form? Or it's simply a CR increase based on their (now) demon resistances and new spell-like abilities? If so, some of the CR increases arent justified at all (example: balor CR+5 on a fighter 1 goblin that still would need 10 damage to take down).

Also, the example creature, a quasit-host goblin warrior 8, says he is CR 7. The quasit-host is CR+1, shouldnt he be CR 8 then?

Warrior 8 = CR 7, plus CR +1 for the demon-host quasit type.
Total CR 8.

Or i forgot something?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Warrior, as an NPC class has CR = level – 2.

True, i was thinking fighter.That exaplains it. Thanks @Zaister.

Dark Archive

I noticed that both the holy and unholy templates give DR 5/good. Is this intentional?

That is an error. It should be DR 5/evil for the holy creature.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And bought.

*shakes fist at Gninja*

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