Advanced Bestiary (PFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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The Advanced Bestiary was one of the classic books of the d20 era and now it’s back for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! The revised and expanded book features over 100 templates, a sample creature for each one, and brand new color art throughout. With concepts ranging from the fearsome blood knight to the bizarre id ooze, the Advanced Bestiary offers unprecedented flexibility for campaigns of any style. These templates can be combined with monsters from any other source to create an endless variety of new creatures, making every monster book you already own more valuable. The Advanced Bestiary: it’s not just a monster book, it’s a force multiplier!

Designed by Jeffrey Hersh
Developed by Owen K.C. Stephens
Edited by Christina Stiles, Jeremy Miller, and Spike Y. Jones
Cover Art by Svetoslav Petrov
Pages: 296, full color

ISBN-13: 978-1-934547-59-5

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5.00/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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You get a monster template! You get a monster template! Everyone gets a template


This book brings you a selection of some of the most imaginative and in some ways comprehensive template selection available to date. It doesn't matter if your players have seen everything this side of the Tomb of Horrors or are just learning to roll their first d20, this bestiary gives you the tools to alter any monster with a wide variety of templates. If you have Hero Lab, this is an absolute "must buy" product.

I couldnt believe how good it was, quantity and quality both


I normally roll my eyes at books like this - either goofy silly or otherwise unusable monsters, or just a blathering list of templates written with the passion of a tax return.

This is a wonderful book. The quality of the writing - and art! - is outstanding, the templates and content are interesting and *balanced*.

I added a scalding template to a minotaur and it had my players terrified.

This is the kind of book that gets your mind racing with new ideas and hooks!

Could be first party, for all I care


Like others have said, this is the single most useful third party book available to Pathfinder GMs. Absolutely fantastic stuff, well done, well executed, and accompanied with great art. Five most deserved stars.

Great book


Very useful to surprise your players with unexpected twist of old monsters.


Have 5 stars.

Seriously this is just really good for a GM. Its more than a bestiary or a compilation of templates, or an NPC book. Its all three. In fact its more considering that the templates are often very involved. This massive book effectively multiplies the entries in all the bestiaries and NPC codexes saving me a ton of trouble and making for incredible encounters.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Where can the kickstarter backers get the final pdf version?

I believe the latest Kickstarter backer update has information regarding that.

Cheers, Liz.

cool cover

is that a dread lich titan?

Numerian wrote:

cool cover

is that a dread lich titan?'s a Dread Lich Thanatotic Titan

followed by a Dread Mohrg Seven-Headed Cryohydra

sitting at the heart of a zombie infested swamp

Okay I have just recently gotten ahold of my final backer copy of this and it is a really excellent book. All of the typos and weird rules that I noticed in the preview prints seem to have been cleaned up, the rules are all really flavorful and evocative, and the art is gorgeous. If someone is to only get one 3rd party book it really should be this one. I will likely be putting up a more full review in a few days.

Numerian wrote:

cool cover

is that a dread lich titan?

No, that's a Clockwork Thanatotic Titan Instrument of the Gods.

We have another example, The Inexorable, inside the book.


Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Okay I have just recently gotten ahold of my final backer copy of this and it is a really excellent book.


Alex Smith 908 wrote:
All of the typos and weird rules that I noticed in the preview prints seem to have been cleaned up, the rules are all really flavorful and evocative, and the art is gorgeous.

I'm really glad to hear that. We decided to give it more than one extra editing pass. As Chris Pramas says "A print book is only late until it comes out. If it's wrong, it's wrong forever."

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
If someone is to only get one 3rd party book it really should be this one.

High praise indeed!

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
I will likely be putting up a more full review in a few days.

I look forward to it!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, when can we except to see a Kickstarter for Advanced Bestiary 2? ;)

Liberty's Edge

Is it possible to get a estimated release date?

Will all physical books be in full color, or will there be a color version and a black-and-white version?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Sluder wrote:
So, when can we except to see a Kickstarter for Advanced Bestiary 2? ;)

Are you trying to kill me!?

memorax wrote:
Is it possible to get a estimated release date?

The general updates for all GR products is the best we currently have, and it's here.

Short version regarding Adv Bestiary:
The PDF is available now. Kickstarter backers already have access to it.
The print book should be in from the printer by the end of the month. There will be a pause as it is shipped to KS backers first, and then it'll go through regular distribution.

Nighthorror888 wrote:
Will all physical books be in full color, or will there be a color version and a black-and-white version?

At least with this print run, all physical books are in color.

Liberty's Edge

My only complaint about the product is that Paizo has already updated many of the templates in the Bestiaries and elsewhere. I'm still getting AB. Just wished that GR would not have taken so long to update the book

Owen thanks for the update.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's true Paizo updated about five templates in Bestiary 4. They used many many more, but without printing the templates themselves. So we simply didn't republish the templates Paizo had in a Bestiary. We added new things instead. :)

I supported the Kickstarter and am really enjoying the PDF. There are some really great pieces of art and I like a lot of the templates. I can't wait until the physical book arrives at the house. I assume the physical quality/materials for the book will match other recent Green Ronin products like DC Adventures.

memorax wrote:

My only complaint about the product is that Paizo has already updated many of the templates in the Bestiaries and elsewhere. I'm still getting AB. Just wished that GR would not have taken so long to update the book

Owen thanks for the update.

None of the templates completely updated by Paizo were included.

Liberty's Edge

Makes sense either way AB was one of the few 3.5 books that really saw multiple use. So one way or the other I'm still buying it.

Owen KC Stephens wrote:
It's true Paizo updated about five templates in Bestiary 4. They used many many more, but without printing the templates themselves. So we simply didn't republish the templates Paizo had in a Bestiary. We added new things instead. :)

Silly question, were either the Manimal or Bipedal templates redone for this book?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Silly question, were either the Manimal or Bipedal templates redone for this book?

Both were, yes.

Everything from the original AdvB that Paizo didn't put in Bestiary 4 is included in the new version, plus several brand-new templates.

Any word on when the Hero Lab files will be available to the Kickstarter backers?

Also, can we have or order linked to our Paizo account? I'd like to be able to download any updates from here.

The HL files are, as you might expect for templates, pretty complicated. We have the first draft of them done but found some issues we are working on fixing. I don't, in fact, know when we'll have a release draft.

And sadly no, we're not linking KS copies to Paizo. I love Paizo, but the publisher management tools for things like overseeing and mkonitor8ing pdfs we send out are much, much better at DriveThru/RPGNow. Also, it would be much more work for us to offer the Kickstarter pdfs through the three major sales sites people use (DriveThru, Paizo, and than sticking to the one that makes it easy for us, especially since we've already sent out surveys and have that data in one place.

Thank you for the info. I'm looking forward to getting them once they are complete!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As Owen said, the Hero Lab files were in review. I submitted them for final approval from Lone Wolf this past week. I expect they will be available ver soon (crossing fingers).

My short review:
+ Awesome convertion there guys, great work ^_^
+ Love the new templates
+ Great fluff for the creatures too
+ Thank you for the Monstrous Lycanthrope's ability to use both the speed and special abilities to the transformed creature

- Still not fond of having the Bramble's prickle whip a temporary weapon; yeah, I would have prefered if the whip was simply a natural weapon that can be use with iterative attacks at will without being screwed after an hour.

- I'm surprised that the Jotunblood Giant doesn't grant mental ability scores increases... One would think that a Jotunblood Hill Giant wouldn't be as dumb as a regular one, for instance.

- The Limbjack template... seems to lack some rules, especially concerning the Upgradable Limbs ability. For instance, while an adamantine arm gives the same weapon properties, what about the armor properties? Does having an adamantine arm grants you DR 1/- like a regular adamantine shield? Does having an alchemical silver arm bestow you with a -1 penalty to damage rolls?

- I would have made the Negative Energy-Charged's Searing Darkness an at-will ability to be honest. If it's overflowing with it, I don't see why it couldn't dish it out more often.

- For the Pyrokenitic, I would have given it the Fire Creature's Fire Bolt ability instead of produce flame as a SLA.

- The Shadow-Traced kobold... seems to have a lower CR than expected. Shouldn't it be CR 4? I'm calculating 0 (Kobold) + 2 (magus 2) + 2 (template)

- I feel like the Swarmblooded template could have been applied to Construct and Undead as well, using the idea that a swarm has nested inside them. On a sidenote, a Treant hosting a swarm isn't too "wrong" come to think of it.

- I would have added vermins to the Teratocephalos's options. Also, I would have given a fish-headed creature the amphibious quality instead of replacing air with water breathing.

Aside from that, great work people ^_^

Thank you very much. Next time I will think about an Insectocephalos if I can. ^_^

JiCi wrote:

My short review:

+ Awesome convertion there guys, great work ^_^
+ Love the new templates
+ Great fluff for the creatures too
+ Thank you for the Monstrous Lycanthrope's ability to use both the speed and special abilities to the transformed creature

- Still not fond of having the Bramble's prickle whip a temporary weapon; yeah, I would have prefered if the whip was simply a natural weapon that can be use with iterative attacks at will without being screwed after an hour.

- I'm surprised that the Jotunblood Giant doesn't grant mental ability scores increases... One would think that a Jotunblood Hill Giant wouldn't be as dumb as a regular one, for instance.

- The Limbjack template... seems to lack some rules, especially concerning the Upgradable Limbs ability. For instance, while an adamantine arm gives the same weapon properties, what about the armor properties? Does having an adamantine arm grants you DR 1/- like a regular adamantine shield? Does having an alchemical silver arm bestow you with a -1 penalty to damage rolls?

- I would have made the Negative Energy-Charged's Searing Darkness an at-will ability to be honest. If it's overflowing with it, I don't see why it couldn't dish it out more often.

- For the Pyrokenitic, I would have given it the Fire Creature's Fire Bolt ability instead of produce flame as a SLA.

- The Shadow-Traced kobold... seems to have a lower CR than expected. Shouldn't it be CR 4? I'm calculating 0 (Kobold) + 2 (magus 2) + 2 (template)

- I feel like the Swarmblooded template could have been applied to Construct and Undead as well, using the idea that a swarm has nested inside them. On a sidenote, a Treant hosting a swarm isn't too "wrong" come to think of it.

- I would have added vermins to the Teratocephalos's options. Also, I would have given a fish-headed creature the amphibious quality instead of replacing air with water breathing.

Aside from that, great work people ^_^


Thanks for the feedback. Feel free to modify the templates as you want them for your game. :)

Jeffrey Hersh wrote:


Thanks for the feedback. Feel free to modify the templates as you want them for your game. :)

True... too bad I suck at adjusting CRs XD

Yeah adjusting CRs with templates is more art than science. I usually compare a templated creature with one of the same CR so see how they compare. Also, there are electronic tools (like Hero Lab), that have modes which dynamically tell you what the various average stats should be for a specific CR. I find those very helpful as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeffrey Hersh wrote:
Yeah adjusting CRs with templates is more art than science. I usually compare a templated creature with one of the same CR so see how they compare. Also, there are electronic tools (like Hero Lab), that have modes which dynamically tell you what the various average stats should be for a specific CR. I find those very helpful as well.

Well... let's try it out with what I said:

- At-will prickle whip: +0 CR, doesn't sound OP if you can use it all the time.

- Mental boost to Jotunblood: +1 CR, more skills, better Will save, better tactics... provided the GM knows what he or she's doing :P

- Limbjack limbs: that... sounds like missing rules than actual adjustments here.

- At-will searing darkness: +1 CR, you're giving an undead creature a laser cannon, hurtful to your PCs, which are 100% living.

- Pyrokenitic's Fire Bolt: +0 CR, if it's to replace produce flame, I don't see much of a balance issue here.

- Shadow-traced: like the Limbjack, that sounds more like an errata.

- Construct/Undead Swarmblood: +0 CR, the ability itself doesn't change, only the vessel.

- Various changes for Teratocephalos: +0 CR, so many possibilities, so little space to list them all... no change to that.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Got my copy yesterday. Absolutely gorgeous book. I have some pictures of the interior on my blog for anyone interested. The artwork is top notch. Very nice job Green Ronin.

Advanced Bestiary Pictures.

It made its way to Houston TX yesterday. I welcomed it home.

Mine arrived in central VA yesterday. Very nice book!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Shem wrote:

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Oh you know you love it. :)

JiCi wrote:
Jeffrey Hersh wrote:
Yeah adjusting CRs with templates is more art than science. I usually compare a templated creature with one of the same CR so see how they compare. Also, there are electronic tools (like Hero Lab), that have modes which dynamically tell you what the various average stats should be for a specific CR. I find those very helpful as well.

Well... let's try it out with what I said:

- At-will prickle whip: +0 CR, doesn't sound OP if you can use it all the time.

- Mental boost to Jotunblood: +1 CR, more skills, better Will save, better tactics... provided the GM knows what he or she's doing :P

- Limbjack limbs: that... sounds like missing rules than actual adjustments here.

- At-will searing darkness: +1 CR, you're giving an undead creature a laser cannon, hurtful to your PCs, which are 100% living.

- Pyrokenitic's Fire Bolt: +0 CR, if it's to replace produce flame, I don't see much of a balance issue here.

- Shadow-traced: like the Limbjack, that sounds more like an errata.

- Construct/Undead Swarmblood: +0 CR, the ability itself doesn't change, only the vessel.

- Various changes for Teratocephalos: +0 CR, so many possibilities, so little space to list them all... no change to that.

Looks good. I am working on a rules errata right now. So if folks see anything they think is broken or needs further explanation, let me know and why.

Webstore Gninja Minion

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Shem wrote:

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Too late. Several copies were hand-delivered to staff throughout the building.

To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.

Shadow Lodge

Liz Courts wrote:
To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.

If it has templates, we can kill it.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Shem wrote:

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Too late. Several copies were hand-delivered to staff throughout the building.

To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.

That is unfortunate.

TOZ wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.
If it has templates, we can kill it.

What if the template says it can't be killed?

Is there going to be a bundle?

Dark Archive

Shem wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Shem wrote:

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Too late. Several copies were hand-delivered to staff throughout the building.

To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.

That is unfortunate.

Please explain.

Justin Sluder wrote:
Shem wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Shem wrote:

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Too late. Several copies were hand-delivered to staff throughout the building.

To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.

That is unfortunate.
Please explain.

It's a joke. They're saying that the staff are now able to use the horrors in the book against players. Not actually unfortunate, but played that way for laughs... unless he really does think it's unfortunate for some reason, in which case I have no idea.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Yes, a joke. Paizo made good use of the previous version even though it was a 3.5 book. Also, Paizo has actually converted some of those 3.5 templates in Bestiary 4.

The previous book has been one of Paizo's favorites as they have created monsters to torture us in modules and APs.

Okay, just making sure. :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I got my PDF copy. It's an outstanding book, and it's great that it will be backed up with Hero Lab files. Splendid job, Green Ronin!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now we just need an updated Book of Fiends....full color of course.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FYI, for those who have been asking. The 1.0 version of the Hero Lab files has been submitted to Lone Wolf for their approval process. I do not know how long it will take to get the files in the store since there is a great deal of custom work with these files beyond data entry to make the templates work like they are supposed to.

This first version will not have the Augmented and Eldritch templates which require some very difficult and specialized coding which I am still working on. However, every other template and its variants are in the HL files as well as all the sample creatures.

Liz Courts wrote:
Shem wrote:

I got mine today and when through it. I do not think Paizo should be allowed to use this book...

Too late. Several copies were hand-delivered to staff throughout the building.

To those PCs that are about to die, we salute you.

I am really looking forward to see what the designers at Paizo will make from these. Personally, I am looking forward to an implementation of the Dread Blood Knight. Its slithering blood form is full of WTF.

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