The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

It's time for a new feature I'd like to call Aunty Amby's Seemingly Obvious Advice for the Seemingly Oblivious.

** spoiler omitted **...

O. M. G. She just created a new drugstore account and closed the old one. How do I know? Because the drugstore sent an email notification; SHE USED MY EMAIL ADDRESS AGAIN!

I think I'll mail her home address a postcard and try to explain it again.

Edit: Nekkid Inside-out-clothes frustration?

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At least she recognizes there's a problem, even if she took the exact wrong action to fix it? O.o

I'm guessing she's a bit on the older side and doesn't get this newfangled internet thing.

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If I was a paranoid slaad, I might suspect that this is all some test to see how Chaotically I'd handle weirdness... a test which I have clearly failed by taking logical, rational steps to resolve.

Edit: OH NO! This was a recruitment pitch from the proteans, wasn't it?! AND I BLEW IT!!! AUGH!!!

Dark Archive

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Laaaaaaaame. And I used to think you were COOL.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Amby's Brain wrote:
I keep telling me that life would be less irritating and more entertaining if I'd just give in and become Chaotic Evil.

Yess, that is the path of a death slaad, step further on it and embrace your destiny!

Wait, isn't that becoming harassment?

Okay, Cal. Here is Doklam Aliij

Favor Of The Sea Queen, a myth of a proud captain and a cruel sea goddess.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Okay, Cal. Here is Doklam Aliij


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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

It's time for a new feature I'd like to call Aunty Amby's Seemingly Obvious Advice for the Seemingly Oblivious.

** spoiler omitted **...

O. M. G. She just created a new drugstore account and closed the old one. How do I know? Because the drugstore sent an email notification; SHE USED MY EMAIL ADDRESS AGAIN!

I think I'll mail her home address a postcard and try to explain it again.

Edit: Nekkid Inside-out-clothes frustration?

Wow, She is a Low Slearner! :P

Postcard: Dont change your accounts, change your EMAIL ADDRESS!
Sincerely, the one who is about to rob you blind if you dont get your act together.

Heh, thinking about it, she probably has a very SIMILAR gmail account to yours, but recently started typing it incorrectly, (?!?) (Extra space, no space, etc)
Maybe? Meh.,

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Okay, Cal. Here is Doklam Aliij

EEnteresting. Veeery EEenteresting,...


Drejk wrote:
Favor Of The Sea Queen, a myth of a proud captain and a cruel sea goddess.

Good stuff! :)

I hate (working on) weekends! :P

Happy Monday?!?

(There's an oxymoron for you!) O_o

But for now, there IS coffee. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Amby's Brain wrote:
I keep telling me that life would be less irritating and more entertaining if I'd just give in and become Chaotic Evil.

Wouldn't it really be more Lawful? You're working entirely within the system.

It's a sunny, warm Spring day here in Central Arkansas. But it's a meh kinda day for me. My knee is swollen and hurting enough that I can't enjoy walking the dogs.

Gripe grumble gripe gripe grumble...

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I enjoyed today for the warmth. I loved Saturday and Sunday for the gaming. :) I can provide more details, but I remain skeptical that people other than Cal might want to hear it.

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Today was a nice day, temperature wise. I just screwed up my knee. It's better now, though I'm still limping on it. And I'd love to hear how your games went!

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I'd love to take advantage of the lovely(?) outdoor weather lately.

Too bad I'm in the INside, and can't get off work long enough to get into the OUTside! :P

Can I come into the out now? o_O

We have snow. Yay!

Silver Crusade

Show has closed. Endless parade of house guests is over. Now what?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Show has closed. Endless parade of house guests is over. Now what?


Sharoth wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Show has closed. Endless parade of house guests is over. Now what?

Mass Effect.

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A nap. Wait, that's not a video game, is it?

Ugh. My life is in fast forward mode

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ugh. My life is in fast forward mode

I hate it when that happens. Especially since it's impossible to rewind and find out what you missed!

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ugh. My life is in fast forward mode

Here's hoping it slows down and lets you catch up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Naps are good. Also I fell asleep trying to write what happened on Saturday. So...I might write it up tonight instead. :p ;)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

It's time for a new feature I'd like to call Aunty Amby's Seemingly Obvious Advice for the Seemingly Oblivious.

** spoiler omitted **...

O. M. G. She just created a new drugstore account and closed the old one. How do I know? Because the drugstore sent an email notification; SHE USED MY EMAIL ADDRESS AGAIN!

I think I'll mail her home address a postcard and try to explain it again.

Edit: Nekkid Inside-out-clothes frustration?

I get all kinds of emails from Tiffanys and some fancy golf club store and because some lady in Texas mistypes her email address. Now, if only I could log in and place orders!

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Show has closed. Endless parade of house guests is over. Now what?
Mass Effect.

The correct answer was Fallout 4.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Show has closed. Endless parade of house guests is over. Now what?
Mass Effect.
The correct answer was Fallout 4.


Three strikes and your OUT!

The CORRECT answer is, "Catching up on all of my DVR'd shows before they get deleted to make room for next weeks shows!"

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ugh. My life is in fast forward mode

Fast Forward is OK for the commercially, boring bits. ;P

But you do need to be able to go normal speed for the fun parts.

Or better yet, rewind and enjoy the good parts again! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I used to get emails from people thinking I was someone else with the same name. Our email addresses were similar, but not exactly alike. I contacted him to let him know what was happening and we became friends and it turns out we might even be distantly related.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I used to get emails from people thinking I was someone else with the same name. Our email addresses were similar, but not exactly alike. I contacted him to let him know what was happening and we became friends and it turns out we might even be distantly related.

OK, Now that is pretty cool.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

In case I get TOO busy (I will) and miss the perfect timing, I'll just say it now,

Everyone have a Hoppy Easter! :D

Hello, valerian extract, been a long time.

It tastes worse than I remembered...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

It's a sunny, warm Spring day here in Central Arkansas. But it's a meh kinda day for me. My knee is swollen and hurting enough that I can't enjoy walking the dogs.

Gripe grumble gripe gripe grumble...

Have you been getting in any grillin' chow therapy as prescribed last year, DMCal? *grin*

The Mad Comrade wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

It's a sunny, warm Spring day here in Central Arkansas. But it's a meh kinda day for me. My knee is swollen and hurting enough that I can't enjoy walking the dogs.

Gripe grumble gripe gripe grumble...

Have you been getting in any grillin' chow therapy as prescribed last year, DMCal? *grin* The grill has stopped working. Lines are clogged or something.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

It's a sunny, warm Spring day here in Central Arkansas. But it's a meh kinda day for me. My knee is swollen and hurting enough that I can't enjoy walking the dogs.

Gripe grumble gripe gripe grumble...

Have you been getting in any grillin' chow therapy as prescribed last year, DMCal? *grin* The grill has stopped working. Lines are clogged or something.

To the park's hibachis you go, grasshopperCal. ;)

The Mad Comrade wrote:
To the park's hibachis you go, grasshopperCal. ;)

LOL Well, there ya go. That would never have occurred to me! LOL

Once again I did not win the lottery. My day is ruined.

So who's playing what this weekend? We're not scheduled to play anything for another two weeks. I may start twitching and frothing at the mouth.

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My group hit a good stopping point in Savage Tide last week and my quarterly heavy-overtime season starts next week, so we decided to switch over to Scint's Iron Gods game a week early. So back to playing my tinker-archer Zealot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Once again I did not win the lottery. My day is ruined.

Once again, I did not played the lottery...


Although I was tempted to, this time, after the recent screw up.

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I don't gamble at all so no lottery for me either ^_^

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I very rarely buy a ticket and it's the only gambling I do, less that 5 or 6 times a year. But not to sound whiny I could really use HOWEVER much money I might win. Heck, $10 would be nice.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
But not to sound whiny I could really use HOWEVER much money I might win. Heck, $10 would be nice.

So say we all...

Huh, I think I know that guy...

*add friend*

Drejk wrote:

Huh, I think I know that guy...

*add friend*

So it WAS you! LOL

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