Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)
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Untold Horrors!

Confront the creatures that go bump in the night! Bestiary 4 presents hundreds of new monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this tome of terrors you'll find pitiless psychopomps and blood-drinking nosferatu, insectile formians and faceless nightgaunts, and even unique mythological horrors like Spring- Heeled Jack and Grendel himself. Yet not every creature need be an enemy, as mighty empyreal lords, primeval outer dragons, and valorous swan maidens enlist you in their epic battles!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 is the fourth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters
  • Creatures from classic horror literature and monster films, including the colour out of space, elder things, and kaiju
  • New player-friendly races like changelings, kitsune, and nagaji
  • Entities of mythic might, from despotic demon lords and alien elohim to terrifying Great Old Ones—including Cthulhu!
  • New creatures you can construct, like clockworks and juggernauts
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-575-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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The Horror Takes Center Stage....


This edition of the Bestiary series brings all the worst nightmares, not found in a traditional fantasy setting alive! Despite the horror feel, they work in any genre you might be playing. By far my favorite of the Bestiary series! The sheer creativity of the Paizo team explodes in this awesome collection of crazy!

An RPG Resource Review


Herein is a fine and fascinating array of monsters, most with supernatural aspects and worthy of songs and legends... indeed it is suggested that to make the most of them you should be also using the Mythic Adventures rules. Fitting adversaries for those who fancy themselves as such legendary heroes, perhaps...

The Introduction is mainly explanation of how each monster entry is presented, complete with handy icons used to enable you to tell at a glance the creature type and the terrain and climate that it favours. These are supplemented by appendices that list them by CR, terrain and so on thus enabling you to populate a chosen area with ease. Other appendices deal with special abilities and other details, including a fascinating section on monster creation, another on monster advancement and one on monsters as player-characters.

The main bulk of the book is composed of an alphabetical listing of the monsters. Each comes with a colour illustration and stat block, with plenty of detail and description to enable you to work out suitable uses for it and how it will behave when encountered by the party.

Beginning with the abaia, an eel with a strong regard for the environment which acts as guardian to a body of water... and turns quite nasty if you do not respect the lake it inhabits (it doesn't mind people who take only what they need, it is those who abuse nature that upsets them), there follows a fascinating array of creatures.

The almiraj, for example, looks like a cross between a rabbit and a unicorn, but it's no fluffy bunny! If nothing else, anything slain by its horn is turned to stone so if the poor almiraj wants to eat whatever it has attacked (it's apparently a carnivore), it has to eat its prey alive.

One of the weirdest is the colour out of space. This is an eerie radient incorporeal ooze that leaches life out of its surroundings until it reaches maturity, at which time it departs into the interstellar depths from which it came. If that's not enough for you, the Great Old Ones are here, so if you wish to combat Cthulhu or Hastur or the like, now you can... if you dare. Most have cults associated with them, details of which are also given.

If it's monsters out of legend that you want, there are beings such as Grendel, if you prefer more mundane ones there are gremlins or even giraffes! Undead too, and an alchemist's error called a hungry flesh, a giant ooze. To cap it all, how about an immortal ichor, which is an intelligent mass of blood from a dead evil deity...

This is indeed a collection of monsters rich and strange, ones whose very being deserve a song or story, never mind those that will be written when heroes defeat them in battle!

Lots of fun new monsters!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Bestiary 4 contains over 300 new monsters. All the monster types are represented, although some more than others. There are many of the standards found in every Bestiary—new dinosaurs, devils, dragons—but also many unusual and bizarre creatures. It has provided me with lots of new options to throw at my players, and that’s always a good thing.


The Bestiary 4 for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has been one of the more favorites of the Bestiary series for me and I'd like to take a moment to tell you why.

To start, the Bestiary 4 has added everything from new types of fey to additional golems as well as the more prominent and popular Kaiju, Great Old Ones, and Empyreal Lords. Paizo's inclusion of these creatures that've gone on to become pop culture legends in their own right is a direct result of the designer's dedication to getting their monsters right. The Bestiary 4 is an awesome sourcebook and stands right up there with the Bestiary 3 in terms of 'fantasy verisimilitude,' hardening gamers resolve against such villainous foes as Cthulhu himself.

Not every book is a perfect image of idolatry however and the Bestiary 4 is no exception. While it's true that this book is littered with new baddies for your players to chase and new races for their characters to face, it is also bogged down with what seems to be an over-saturation of multiple page monsters. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does seem as if several of these creatures could've used a proverbial trimming before being posted.

If you don't mind a bit of length though and you want more vile beasts for your players to square off against then the Bestiary 4 is yet another wonderful book to add to your collection and one that comes Five-Star recommended by your Severed Ronin.

Robert Beasley
"The Severed Ronin"

You probably know if you need this


This is a good Bestiary. I'd personally put it up with Bestiary 3, with both having a good mix of classic, mythological, and completely new monsters.

There's a bit of a horror them and a bit of a mythic theme, but neither is overwhelming. If you're looking for a whole book of mythic monsters, this isn't it. If you're worried the whole book is mythic monsters, there aren't that many in practice.

For me, the evocative flavor on the high CR creatures pushes it over the top. The demon lords, empyreals, and great old ones really feel like epic creatures.

If you're sure you don't need any more monsters... don't buy this book. That said, I wasn't sure if I needed any more monsters and was definitely impressed by this.

Short Version: These are sweet monsters, but only you know whether you want more monsters.

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Could someone describe Hastur, please?

Sakaki_xd wrote:
Could someone describe Hastur, please?
Odraude wrote:
Lawful GM wrote:

What does Hastur look like?
Like a person covered in flowing Yellow Robes. He's well covered. But his abilities are awesome.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:


Bestiary Sloth Entry wrote:
Sloths are tree-dwelling herbivores. They are known for their efficient metabolisms and slow movement.

And now you know...

He just looks like a humanoid creature dressed in yellow robes though it isn't a good idea to look to see what he actually looks like;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:


Bestiary Sloth Entry wrote:
Sloths are tree-dwelling herbivores. They are known for their efficient metabolisms and slow movement.
And now you know...

...and knowing is half the battle ;D

Hey Feros. I was wondering if you could mention what mythic related abilities Elohim have. I forgot to mention it before because I forgot they were even mythic to begin with.


Thanks! What familiar benefit do they give? I hope it's not a bonus to Climb...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sauce987654321 wrote:

Hey Feros. I was wondering if you could mention what mythic related abilities Elohim have. I forgot to mention it before because I forgot they were even mythic to begin with.


No worries! Mythic abilities call for: MYTHIC FEROS!

Elohim Mythic Abilities:
MR 6. Mythic magic, mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), DR 15/epic, Mythic Feats: Great
Fortitude M, Improved Initiative M, Iron Will M.

Dual initiative: +16/-4.

Spell-like ability: terraform MA

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:
Thanks! What familiar benefit do they give? I hope it's not a bonus to Climb...

Sorry to dash your hope, but yep: +3 bonus on Climb checks.

Sauce987654321 wrote:

Hey Feros. I was wondering if you could mention what mythic related abilities Elohim have. I forgot to mention it before because I forgot they were even mythic to begin with.


No worries! Mythic abilities call for: MYTHIC FEROS!

** spoiler omitted **


I noticed that mythic creatures special abilities and special qualities also take up the abilities gained with its mythic rank. Does it have anything in its SQ section and anything beyond its create life special ability?

Man I need to get this book... soon...


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:
Thanks! What familiar benefit do they give? I hope it's not a bonus to Climb...
Sorry to dash your hope, but yep: +3 bonus on Climb checks.

They're also adorable.

Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D

EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D

Last sloth-related question: do they have "partial actions only" or "staggered" as a quality, or just a really low Dex?

Dark Archive

Odraude wrote:

It's made from blood, yes.

There is a Mirror Creature. The SoulSliver. It can transport through mirrors and turn itself into a "perfect copy" of any creature. When it dies, glass shards attack people around it.

Looking through, there are a lot of creatures with Death Throes as an ability.

It's the Pathfinder version of Nerra? If it is, I'm going to be really excited, because I just converted them from my 3E FF a week ago and I'm not entirely happy with the result.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Sauce987654321 wrote:

No worries! Mythic abilities call for: MYTHIC FEROS!

** spoiler omitted **


I noticed that mythic creatures special abilities and special qualities also take up the abilities gained with its mythic rank. Does it have anything in its SQ section and anything beyond its create life special ability?

Man I need to get this book... soon...


Nope, just natural spell-casting. It can cast spells in any form it is currently in.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mine just arrived! :D

Ghidora reference in King Mogaru's entry!

The artwork for Cernunnos and Fossegrim is going to be greatly appreciated, I'd wager. :)

Broken Soul artwork : D:

D: D: D: D:

and on top of that she's my favorite azata D:

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tirisfal wrote:

Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D

EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D

A skeleton with long hair, festive clothing, and what looks like a demure smile on the skull (Dmitry Prosvirnin does a great job with this). She welcomes the newly dead to the afterlife, essentially the welcoming committee. She can kiss a person who is helpless, grappled, or willing and kill them. She can dominate people and get them to kiss her. She also calms emotions as her goal is to calm the newly dead so that they are less disruptive to "moving on." CR 5.

Imagine blue energy strands in the rough form of a man with gears and cogs flying around in it. A head—with eyes and mouth aglow with blue energy—and hands have formed out of the debris. Mark Molnar's painting isn't in any way creepy, but is very cool! It's a tiny undead caused by the death of a thief in a clock-work trap. Wanting others to share the same fate, it creates and maintains traps in order to kill new victims. Like other ghosts it is difficult to destroy permanently, and part of that is destroying it's traps. CR 5.

Wax Golem:
Wax Golems are vulnerable to fire (big surprise) and aren't very strong. When made to look like an actual person, the golem has a cumulative chance that over time it will begin to gain sentience and think that it actually is that person. It will gain skills and class levels t help in this delirium. If it encounters the person it is modelled after, it will try to secretly kill that person and take their place. The art is of an unpigmented (white) wax golem half-melted on one arm and it's head down to the support structure. Tyler Walpole gives a simple but elegant painting. CR 3.

The picture is very good, showing the top half of an orc's hollowed out skin with his lower half gone except for a few tatters. Dave Allsop has it dynamically moving as though to attack. It is an undead that is created when a creature is skinned alive or is dissolved bottom half in acid, etc. It can wrap itself around the dead, undead, and living. It can automatically control dead bodies and attempt to control undead to the same. Half of all damage goes to the controlled corpse. If attacking a living target, it attempts to constrict them to death. CR 2.

A blue, one eyed cross between a pterodactyl and a heron with a long snake-like tail. It has bat-like wings and two long horns extending out the back of it's head. Rayph Beisner's painting makes it look almost goofy, not something that is evil (and it is.) I like the painting, but you don't get a sense of menace from it. Admittedly, it is not that tough and would only prove a challenge for 1st-3rd level characters. It would have been a more impressive picture if it's beak had been open to reveal the tangle of blood draining tentacles it has in place of a tongue (!). It also has a piecring aerial dive/charge attack that can be nasty if it hits. CR 3.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mikaze wrote:

Broken Soul artwork : D:

D: D: D: D:

and on top of that she's my favorite azata D:

Emiliano Petrozzi does amazing work here. Check out his Nightmare Ettercap!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Now with 30% more actual nightmares.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Folks looking for some more Dia de los Muertos in their psychopomps are really going to want to check out those Catrinas. :D

Also, Nosoi got a makeover. The Evangelion/Tweeter-ish mask has been replaced by something that looks more obvious as a mask, full blown leather plague-doctor's mask it looks like. It's one of those deals where both visuals are cool and I could easily use both for different individuals.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Broken Soul artwork : D:

D: D: D: D:

and on top of that she's my favorite azata D:

Emiliano Petrozzi does amazing work here. Check out his Nightmare Ettercap!

It's different from what I imagined when the Giger comparisons were made earlier, but hot damn it still delivers. Instant ticket for the first Nopetrain to @#$%thatville, right there.

Silver Crusade

Holy hell, that Maenad artwork....

Feros wrote:
Tirisfal wrote:

Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D

EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Oh my, those sound amazing! I'm so excited about this book - I'm so glad that prep for my Carrion Crown game has been taking me so long...there's so many new critters I can wrap stories around in this book :DDD

Feros buddy, thank you so much for being rad :DD

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tirisfal wrote:
Feros wrote:
Tirisfal wrote:

Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D

EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Oh my, those sound amazing! I'm so excited about this book - I'm so glad that prep for my Carrion Crown game has been taking me so long...there's so many new critters I can wrap stories around in this book :DDD

Feros buddy, thank you so much for being rad :DD

You are so welcome! I'm very glad I have been able to ease the frustration of people a little.

Feros wrote:
Tirisfal wrote:
Feros wrote:
Tirisfal wrote:

Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D

EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D

** spoiler omitted **...

Oh my, those sound amazing! I'm so excited about this book - I'm so glad that prep for my Carrion Crown game has been taking me so long...there's so many new critters I can wrap stories around in this book :DDD

Feros buddy, thank you so much for being rad :DD

You are so welcome! I'm very glad I have been able to ease the frustration of people a little.

I'm not frustrated, I'm just excited :D

I wasn't sure before, but now I'm pretty certain that I'm officially more excited for this than I am for my wedding D:

What is the formorian titan? If that's what it's called. What does it do? Is it colossal? If so, how tall?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

An iconic finally gets drawn with a hood on!

It's Ezren.

It's really nice to have a Fungal Creature template to go with the Fungal Queen now. This is gonna be fun. >:)

Pleasantly surprised by just how many alien races are in this book.

The Grothlut fleshwarps appear much much more hideous than I had imagined. Yikes.

What are the breath weapons of the outer dragons and the guardian dragon?

Troodos wrote:
What are the breath weapons of the outer dragons and the guardian dragon?

I think if you use the search bar in this thread you can find them, since they were all mentioned.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:
Feros wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Broken Soul artwork : D:

D: D: D: D:

and on top of that she's my favorite azata D:

Emiliano Petrozzi does amazing work here. Check out his Nightmare Ettercap!
It's different from what I imagined when the Giger comparisons were made earlier, but hot damn it still delivers. Instant ticket for the first Nopetrain to @#$%thatville, right there.

The nightmare creature reminded me a bit of these guys from Evangelion.

Sauce987654321 wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are the breath weapons of the outer dragons and the guardian dragon?
I think if you use the search bar in this thread you can find them, since they were all mentioned.

Cant find them, some descriptions but little on breath weapons

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay finally got a chance to look at my copy and I am so excited. The Formorians are so cool, great new interpretation that really does pay homage to the old.

Gearghost has one of the greatest meta stories I've seen and makes for a great ghost story for rogues.

Also how the hell has no one talked about the Buggane? The thing is like the bastard child of an ogre and a naked mole rat and it looks awesome!

Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.

Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.

Sigh, end of the week, and my order's still pending. I hope this isn't like two months ago when I read "The Worldwound Incursion" at the game store because my order was pending until after the release date. I was really hoping to have Bestiary 4 before this weekend.

Anyway, which of the Host Devils is in Bestiary 4? The Gaav? The Magaav? And if it's the Magaav, did they change its summoning ability (the one in BotD vol. 1 summoned Gaavs)?

Shadow Lodge

Archeopteryx also gets a great piece of art

The dragons look awesome, they are like stained glass and swirling watercolors meets god beings and I need a reason to use them.

Will say though I'm not as into the new Avodaza art as I was its original art in Council of thieves, I miss the blasphemous armor. Also a little disappointed by Dagon, mostly that the face isn't more monsterous.

also with Mikaze, Cernunnos has some absolutely b~*$+in' art. Great job paizo showing him off.

Silver Crusade

Bluescale wrote:
Anyway, which of the Host Devils is in Bestiary 4? The Gaav? The Magaav? And if it's the Magaav, did they change its summoning ability (the one in BotD vol. 1 summoned Gaavs)?

It's the magaav, and now it summons another magaav!

Lilith wrote:
The nightmare creature reminded me a bit of these guys from Evangelion.

Speaking of nightmares! D:

doc the grey wrote:

Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.

Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.

What is it's size category?

Shadow Lodge

Sauce987654321 wrote:
doc the grey wrote:

Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.

Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.

What is it's size category?

which one?

doc the grey wrote:
Sauce987654321 wrote:
doc the grey wrote:

Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.

Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.

What is it's size category?
which one?

Ugh, I didn't quote it right. Sorry

Bokrug. How big is it? Size category and height/length, if available.

Shadow Lodge

Also King Mogaru has probably one of the coolest weaknesses ever. Love the idea of winning with a bard being bardy.

Also love all the new art for the arg crafted races save the kobold wyvern. With people who thought it looks too dog like and not more like the current kobolds.

Also happy to finally see a samsaran male but wish he didn't have the hood which hides a lot.

Will say though the Trox and the 4 armed desert dweller look amazing.

Ohh and the space leviathan is like a body horror ball and the Immense tortoise is awesome.

Shadow Lodge

Sauce987654321 wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Sauce987654321 wrote:
doc the grey wrote:

Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.

Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.

What is it's size category?
which one?

Ugh, I didn't quote it right. Sorry

Bokrug. How big is it? Size category and height/length, if available.

K will go back and look.

Wow he's large, didn't expect that small. It does not give exact measurements.

Shadow Lodge

Also, nightmare ettercap is amazingly horrifying. God I'm loving this book.

Also the new Kyton looks so cool. He's like a blind Zon-Kuthon with a lobotomy needle array running along the top of his head like an industrial body horror halo.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Troodos wrote:
Sauce987654321 wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are the breath weapons of the outer dragons and the guardian dragon?
I think if you use the search bar in this thread you can find them, since they were all mentioned.
Cant find them, some descriptions but little on breath weapons

Taken from the Bestiary 4:

Powerful Draconic Breath Weapon-palooza:

Breath Weapon line, cold
Absolute Cold (Su) An old or older lunar dragon’s breath weapon can affect creatures immune to cold damage. A creature immune to cold damage still takes half damage from the breath weapon (no damage with a successful saving throw). Resistant creatures’ cold resistance is treated as 10 less than normal.
Bewildering Breath (Su) A creature that fails its saving throw against a lunar dragon’s breath weapon emits light (as faerie fire) and is dazzled for 1d4 rounds. If the lunar dragon is adult or older, the creature is also confused for 1d4 rounds.

Breath Weapon line, fire
Primal Fire (Su) A very young or older solar dragon’s breath weapon can affect creatures normally immune or resistant to fire damage. A creature immune to fire damage still takes half damage from the breath weapon (no damage with a successful saving throw). A resistant creature’s fire resistance is treated as 10 less than normal.

Breath Weapon cone, electricity
Shifting Breath (Su) Instead of a cone of electricity, an old or older time dragon can use its breath weapon to displace creatures in time. Each creature in the cone must succeed at a Will save or be shifted forward in time a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the dragon’s age category (DC equal to breath weapon). For an affected creature, it’s as if no time passed. Creatures that succeed at their saves are staggered for 1 round.

Breath Weapon cone, cold
Suffocating Breath (Su) Instead of dealing cold damage, a very young or older void dragon can breathe a coneshaped suffocation effect. An air-dependent creature that fails its Fortitude save suffocates for a number of rounds equal to the dragon’s age category. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Breath Weapon cone, fire
Collapsing Breath (Su) Instead of a cone of fire, an ancient or older vortex dragon can suck a single target into its maw. If the target fails its Reflex save (DC equal to breath weapon), it is swallowed whole and takes 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage per round. A creature can cut itself out by dealing 30 points of damage with a light or one-handed piercing or slashing weapon. A vortex dragon’s interior has an AC of 26.

Breath Weapon cone, poison (Con damage)
Agonizing Venom (Ex) Any creature failing its saving throw against the dragon’s breath weapon, poison, or poisonous blood is sickened with pain for 1 minute. A second, third, and fourth failed saving throw mean the creature is also staggered for 1 minute, nauseated for 1 minute, and helpless for 1 minute, respectively. This is a pain effect. If the dragon expends one use of mythic power when poisoning a creature, the dragon’s breath weapon and poison overcome any poison immunity the target has.
Lingering Poisonous Cloud (Su) The guardian dragon can expend one use of mythic power when it uses its breath weapon to have the cloud remain for 10 rounds, functioning as cloudkill. The dragon can expend one additional use of mythic power for this to function as mythic cloudkill.

All in one place for easy reference! :D

Silver Crusade

Love that Korada's Monkey King aspects come out a bit more in his entry here. :)

Really dig the idea of him teaching animals their fighting instincts that were in turn adapted by mortal martial artists. Absolutely love that bit about him calmly and gently interrupting the courts of balor lords and infernal archdukes. :D

Shadow Lodge

Hey why are spire drakes large? Aren't they the same drakes that show up in Winter Witch which were like the size of a pseudodragon?


Also, what size is immense tortoise? Is it an animal or magicalbeast?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:


Also, what size is immense tortoise? Is it an animal or magicalbeast?

Colossal. And he has the most adorable -_- face. :D

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
doc the grey wrote:

Also, nightmare ettercap is amazingly horrifying. God I'm loving this book.

Also the new Kyton looks so cool. He's like a blind Zon-Kuthon with a lobotomy needle array running along the top of his head like an industrial body horror halo.

Yeesh, these guys. You also get quite a bit more on kyton society here too. And here's the frightening part: These guys are just the slave caste made of kyton scraps.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Was really pulling for that to be good aligned given the description, but at least they're not evil. :)

You seem to want EVERYTHING to be good. What's a game with you as the GM like? PCs walking around saying "Hello" to all the good-aligned creatures of the world?


Not everything. Just keeping an eye out for a "dark and good" race. Seeing as how every black-skinned race I can recall at the moment is either evil or neutral at best... Got a similar desire for "alien and good" outsiders, hence the excitement over the Elohim.

(man I really thought the Shae were going to be azatas when their art was revealed in the blog. Imagine those serving Desna and the Black Butterfly. God, the imagery that could come out of that))


Next Paizo products on Mikaze's wishlist: Redemption Revisited, Redeemers Unleashed, and Orphanages of The Inner Sea.

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