Feros |
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Sloths are tree-dwelling herbivores. They are known for their efficient metabolisms and slow movement.
And now you know...

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Hey Feros. I was wondering if you could mention what mythic related abilities Elohim have. I forgot to mention it before because I forgot they were even mythic to begin with.
No worries! Mythic abilities call for: MYTHIC FEROS!
Fortitude M, Improved Initiative M, Iron Will M.
Dual initiative: +16/-4.
Spell-like ability: terraform MA

Sauce987654321 |

Sauce987654321 wrote:Hey Feros. I was wondering if you could mention what mythic related abilities Elohim have. I forgot to mention it before because I forgot they were even mythic to begin with.
No worries! Mythic abilities call for: MYTHIC FEROS!
** spoiler omitted **
I noticed that mythic creatures special abilities and special qualities also take up the abilities gained with its mythic rank. Does it have anything in its SQ section and anything beyond its create life special ability?
Man I need to get this book... soon...

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It's made from blood, yes.
There is a Mirror Creature. The SoulSliver. It can transport through mirrors and turn itself into a "perfect copy" of any creature. When it dies, glass shards attack people around it.
Looking through, there are a lot of creatures with Death Throes as an ability.
It's the Pathfinder version of Nerra? If it is, I'm going to be really excited, because I just converted them from my 3E FF a week ago and I'm not entirely happy with the result.


MYTHIC FEROS wrote:No worries! Mythic abilities call for: MYTHIC FEROS!
** spoiler omitted **
I noticed that mythic creatures special abilities and special qualities also take up the abilities gained with its mythic rank. Does it have anything in its SQ section and anything beyond its create life special ability?
Man I need to get this book... soon...
Nope, just natural spell-casting. It can cast spells in any form it is currently in.

Feros |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D
EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D

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Folks looking for some more Dia de los Muertos in their psychopomps are really going to want to check out those Catrinas. :D
Also, Nosoi got a makeover. The Evangelion/Tweeter-ish mask has been replaced by something that looks more obvious as a mask, full blown leather plague-doctor's mask it looks like. It's one of those deals where both visuals are cool and I could easily use both for different individuals.

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Mikaze wrote:Emiliano Petrozzi does amazing work here. Check out his Nightmare Ettercap!
Broken Soul artwork : D:
D: D: D: D:
and on top of that she's my favorite azata D:
It's different from what I imagined when the Giger comparisons were made earlier, but hot damn it still delivers. Instant ticket for the first Nopetrain to @#$%thatville, right there.

Tirisfal |

Tirisfal wrote:Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D
EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D
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Oh my, those sound amazing! I'm so excited about this book - I'm so glad that prep for my Carrion Crown game has been taking me so long...there's so many new critters I can wrap stories around in this book :DDD
Feros buddy, thank you so much for being rad :DD

Feros |

Feros wrote:Tirisfal wrote:Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D
EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
Oh my, those sound amazing! I'm so excited about this book - I'm so glad that prep for my Carrion Crown game has been taking me so long...there's so many new critters I can wrap stories around in this book :DDD
Feros buddy, thank you so much for being rad :DD
You are so welcome! I'm very glad I have been able to ease the frustration of people a little.

Tirisfal |

Tirisfal wrote:You are so welcome! I'm very glad I have been able to ease the frustration of people a little.Feros wrote:Tirisfal wrote:** spoiler omitted **...Can you tell me more about Catrina, Gearghost, Wax golem, Shredskin, and Snallygaster please? :D
EDIT: And how is their respective artwork? :D
Oh my, those sound amazing! I'm so excited about this book - I'm so glad that prep for my Carrion Crown game has been taking me so long...there's so many new critters I can wrap stories around in this book :DDD
Feros buddy, thank you so much for being rad :DD
I'm not frustrated, I'm just excited :D
I wasn't sure before, but now I'm pretty certain that I'm officially more excited for this than I am for my wedding D:

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An iconic finally gets drawn with a hood on!
It's really nice to have a Fungal Creature template to go with the Fungal Queen now. This is gonna be fun. >:)
Pleasantly surprised by just how many alien races are in this book.
The Grothlut fleshwarps appear much much more hideous than I had imagined. Yikes.

Lilith |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Feros wrote:It's different from what I imagined when the Giger comparisons were made earlier, but hot damn it still delivers. Instant ticket for the first Nopetrain to @#$%thatville, right there.Mikaze wrote:Emiliano Petrozzi does amazing work here. Check out his Nightmare Ettercap!
Broken Soul artwork : D:
D: D: D: D:
and on top of that she's my favorite azata D:
The nightmare creature reminded me a bit of these guys from Evangelion.

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Okay finally got a chance to look at my copy and I am so excited. The Formorians are so cool, great new interpretation that really does pay homage to the old.
Gearghost has one of the greatest meta stories I've seen and makes for a great ghost story for rogues.
Also how the hell has no one talked about the Buggane? The thing is like the bastard child of an ogre and a naked mole rat and it looks awesome!
Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.
Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.

Bluescale |

Sigh, end of the week, and my order's still pending. I hope this isn't like two months ago when I read "The Worldwound Incursion" at the game store because my order was pending until after the release date. I was really hoping to have Bestiary 4 before this weekend.
Anyway, which of the Host Devils is in Bestiary 4? The Gaav? The Magaav? And if it's the Magaav, did they change its summoning ability (the one in BotD vol. 1 summoned Gaavs)?

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Archeopteryx also gets a great piece of art
The dragons look awesome, they are like stained glass and swirling watercolors meets god beings and I need a reason to use them.
Will say though I'm not as into the new Avodaza art as I was its original art in Council of thieves, I miss the blasphemous armor. Also a little disappointed by Dagon, mostly that the face isn't more monsterous.
also with Mikaze, Cernunnos has some absolutely b~*$+in' art. Great job paizo showing him off.

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Anyway, which of the Host Devils is in Bestiary 4? The Gaav? The Magaav? And if it's the Magaav, did they change its summoning ability (the one in BotD vol. 1 summoned Gaavs)?
It's the magaav, and now it summons another magaav!
The nightmare creature reminded me a bit of these guys from Evangelion.
Speaking of nightmares! D:

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doc the grey wrote:What is it's size category?
Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.
which one?

Sauce987654321 |

Sauce987654321 wrote:which one?doc the grey wrote:What is it's size category?
Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.
Ugh, I didn't quote it right. Sorry
Bokrug. How big is it? Size category and height/length, if available.

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Also King Mogaru has probably one of the coolest weaknesses ever. Love the idea of winning with a bard being bardy.
Also love all the new art for the arg crafted races save the kobold wyvern. With people who thought it looks too dog like and not more like the current kobolds.
Also happy to finally see a samsaran male but wish he didn't have the hood which hides a lot.
Will say though the Trox and the 4 armed desert dweller look amazing.
Ohh and the space leviathan is like a body horror ball and the Immense tortoise is awesome.

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doc the grey wrote:Sauce987654321 wrote:which one?doc the grey wrote:What is it's size category?
Also the clockwork steed has a Cylon visor eye and I am happy.Also also. Bokrug, he looks like a Kaiju out of pacific rim and that is awesome. Bravo paizo, I now have more reason to use him as a water god then I ever did before.
Ugh, I didn't quote it right. Sorry
Bokrug. How big is it? Size category and height/length, if available.
K will go back and look.
Wow he's large, didn't expect that small. It does not give exact measurements.

Feros |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sauce987654321 wrote:Cant find them, some descriptions but little on breath weaponsTroodos wrote:What are the breath weapons of the outer dragons and the guardian dragon?I think if you use the search bar in this thread you can find them, since they were all mentioned.
Taken from the Bestiary 4:
Breath Weapon line, cold
Absolute Cold (Su) An old or older lunar dragon’s breath weapon can affect creatures immune to cold damage. A creature immune to cold damage still takes half damage from the breath weapon (no damage with a successful saving throw). Resistant creatures’ cold resistance is treated as 10 less than normal.
Bewildering Breath (Su) A creature that fails its saving throw against a lunar dragon’s breath weapon emits light (as faerie fire) and is dazzled for 1d4 rounds. If the lunar dragon is adult or older, the creature is also confused for 1d4 rounds.
Breath Weapon line, fire
Primal Fire (Su) A very young or older solar dragon’s breath weapon can affect creatures normally immune or resistant to fire damage. A creature immune to fire damage still takes half damage from the breath weapon (no damage with a successful saving throw). A resistant creature’s fire resistance is treated as 10 less than normal.
Breath Weapon cone, electricity
Shifting Breath (Su) Instead of a cone of electricity, an old or older time dragon can use its breath weapon to displace creatures in time. Each creature in the cone must succeed at a Will save or be shifted forward in time a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the dragon’s age category (DC equal to breath weapon). For an affected creature, it’s as if no time passed. Creatures that succeed at their saves are staggered for 1 round.
Breath Weapon cone, cold
Suffocating Breath (Su) Instead of dealing cold damage, a very young or older void dragon can breathe a coneshaped suffocation effect. An air-dependent creature that fails its Fortitude save suffocates for a number of rounds equal to the dragon’s age category. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Breath Weapon cone, fire
Collapsing Breath (Su) Instead of a cone of fire, an ancient or older vortex dragon can suck a single target into its maw. If the target fails its Reflex save (DC equal to breath weapon), it is swallowed whole and takes 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage per round. A creature can cut itself out by dealing 30 points of damage with a light or one-handed piercing or slashing weapon. A vortex dragon’s interior has an AC of 26.
Breath Weapon cone, poison (Con damage)
Agonizing Venom (Ex) Any creature failing its saving throw against the dragon’s breath weapon, poison, or poisonous blood is sickened with pain for 1 minute. A second, third, and fourth failed saving throw mean the creature is also staggered for 1 minute, nauseated for 1 minute, and helpless for 1 minute, respectively. This is a pain effect. If the dragon expends one use of mythic power when poisoning a creature, the dragon’s breath weapon and poison overcome any poison immunity the target has.
Lingering Poisonous Cloud (Su) The guardian dragon can expend one use of mythic power when it uses its breath weapon to have the cloud remain for 10 rounds, functioning as cloudkill. The dragon can expend one additional use of mythic power for this to function as mythic cloudkill.
All in one place for easy reference! :D

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Love that Korada's Monkey King aspects come out a bit more in his entry here. :)
Really dig the idea of him teaching animals their fighting instincts that were in turn adapted by mortal martial artists. Absolutely love that bit about him calmly and gently interrupting the courts of balor lords and infernal archdukes. :D

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Also, nightmare ettercap is amazingly horrifying. God I'm loving this book.
Also the new Kyton looks so cool. He's like a blind Zon-Kuthon with a lobotomy needle array running along the top of his head like an industrial body horror halo.
Yeesh, these guys. You also get quite a bit more on kyton society here too. And here's the frightening part: These guys are just the slave caste made of kyton scraps.

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Kthulhu wrote:Mikaze wrote:MYTHIC FEROS wrote:LampadWas really pulling for that to be good aligned given the description, but at least they're not evil. :)You seem to want EVERYTHING to be good. What's a game with you as the GM like? PCs walking around saying "Hello" to all the good-aligned creatures of the world?
Not everything. Just keeping an eye out for a "dark and good" race. Seeing as how every black-skinned race I can recall at the moment is either evil or neutral at best... Got a similar desire for "alien and good" outsiders, hence the excitement over the Elohim.
(man I really thought the Shae were going to be azatas when their art was revealed in the blog. Imagine those serving Desna and the Black Butterfly. God, the imagery that could come out of that))
Next Paizo products on Mikaze's wishlist: Redemption Revisited, Redeemers Unleashed, and Orphanages of The Inner Sea.