Pathfinder Tales: Pirate's Honor

4.20/5 (based on 26 ratings)
Pathfinder Tales: Pirate's Honor
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Rough Seas

A pirate captain of the Inner Sea, Torius Vin makes a living raiding wealthy merchant ships with his crew of loyal buccaneers. Few things matter more to Captain Torius than ill-gotten gold—but one of those is Celeste, his beautiful snake-bodied navigator. When a crafty courtesan offers the pirate crew a chance at the heist of a lifetime, it's time for both man and naga to hoist the black flag and lead the Stargazer's crew to fame and fortune. But will stealing the legendary Star of Thumen chart the corsairs a course to untold riches—or send them all to a watery grave?

From award-winning author Chris A. Jackson comes a fantastical new adventure of high-seas combat and romance set in the award-winning world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

400-page mass market paperback
ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-523-5
ePub ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-524-2

Pirate's Honor is also available as a digital edition on the following sites:

Pirate's Honor is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet is available as a free download (397 KB zip/PDF).

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Average product rating:

4.20/5 (based on 26 ratings)

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Surprisingly refreshing ...


This was a nice and refreshing book of sea romance and intrigue. No stupid pirate cliches - just a good story set at sea with a bunch of unique characters that, although pirates, still have a code of honor.

Really nice Golarion feel as well!


Not exactly what I expected....but still great.


I liked this book. The plot was interesting. The plan the crew came up with was I thought very creative. I thought Vreva and Celeste are great characters...Torius took a little bit to grow on me though though by the end and his relationship with Celeste won me over.

Though my favorite parts of the book was the interaction between Vreva and Celeste. Though any scene with Vreva in I loved.

great story, uses setting wonderfully, nautical terms galore


I was prepped to be skeptical of this by some of the reviews emphasizing it had a romance in it. Do not be worried, it all makes sense and is in fact critical to the story. People were making it sound like he had just slapped in some pointless romance novel passages, which is not at all the case.

Where to start? First off, you'll end up feeling like you could draw a map of the inner seas from memory.

I am running a pirate campaign, and the sheer expertise Mr jackson has in sailing just brings this to life. Since my players dont know either, i plan on stealing half a dozen cool nautical terms i dont understand to add flavor to my game haha!

the romance doesnt distract from the narrative, it is critical to it. The relationship between ALL of the crew is on display, not just the captain and his navigator.

I can understand why some people didnt like the cat-and-mouse aspects of it if they were expecting cannons and explosions, but i much prefer the style of the Stargazer - precision pirates who use inside information to steal wonders and unique items, not a cargo hold full of long underwear bound for Ulfen.

I also recommend reading the short story Stargazer, free here on paizo i think, since its a prequel to this and explains what, cough, happened to their old first mate.

and for those wondering - the sequel so far (i havent finished) is looking even better! All of the cool side characters from the first book are back, and in just the very start, BAM!! major bombshells dropped. I cannot believe the discipline the author in writing the first one to not drop these earlier. i look back now, and see the hints and signs, which makes me want to re-read this!

PS Snick for President

In the end i liked it


I was very warry for the recent pathfinder tale (pirate's promise) which is this one's sequel so i decided to read pirate's tale, but the issue is that i don't like pirates.
It's a good thing then that this novel's crew aren't pirates, they don't do pirate stuff, they are more like con men or blackmailers.
There are very likable characters and some interesing naval stuff, it really shows that the author either really knows his boats or has done very good research.
My only issue that the magic in the novel isn't a lot but more importantly the magic shown in the novel is used in a very unusual way and not in the ways you might expect (for example in combat).

I recommend the novel to everyone because i ended up enjoying it very much, and i will definetely read the sequel.

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1)what level would Torius Vin and Celeste (Moon Naga) be?
2)what is Torius class? Pirate or Swasbuckler prestige (he never "sneak attack") or just a plain old fighter?
3) could not find any stat on a Moon Naga in the PFSRD site. Any ide/suggestion?

I am planning on incorporating them to this AP.


Cojonuda wrote:


1)what level would Torius Vin and Celeste (Moon Naga) be?
2)what is Torius class? Pirate or Swasbuckler prestige (he never "sneak attack") or just a plain old fighter?
3) could not find any stat on a Moon Naga in the PFSRD site. Any ide/suggestion?

I am planning on incorporating them to this AP.

Lunar naga appear in Bestiary 3 (CR 6) Here is the link to the official PRD entry for them. It appears Celeste is a plain old lunar naga, she doesn't do much outside of the stat block. I would put Torius in the lvl 5-7 range as well, with leadership feat. As far as class goes.... pretty much any of the martial classes would work.


Cojonuda wrote:


1)what level would Torius Vin and Celeste (Moon Naga) be?
2)what is Torius class? Pirate or Swasbuckler prestige (he never "sneak attack") or just a plain old fighter?
3) could not find any stat on a Moon Naga in the PFSRD site. Any ide/suggestion?

I am planning on incorporating them to this AP.

I created Torius as a 6th level fighter (corsair) You can find the archetype on the Pathfinder SRD webpage Here's the link: hter-archetypes/corsair

Celeste is advanced one level in sorcerer above the Bestiary 3 stats for Lunar Naga, so she gets a couple more spells. They cast as 5th, and I needed her to cast as 6th... though I don't remember why...

Have fun!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I loved this book. I have read 5 of the Pathfinder Tales, and while I generally liked them, I didn't love them. This one I love, great story, great characters, and it flows nicely.

I can't wait for the next installment of the crew of the stargazer.

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

The ePub lists the ebook ISBN as 978-1-60125-524-1, which considers an invalid number. Is there a typo?

Webstore Gninja Minion

evilvolus wrote:
The ePub lists the ebook ISBN as 978-1-60125-524-1, which considers an invalid number. Is there a typo?

The correct number is 978-1-60125-523-5.

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
The correct number is 978-1-60125-523-5.

That appears to be the paperback ISBN.

Hate to be a pain, just trying to get all the Pathfinder books tidied up on Goodreads.

Webstore Gninja Minion

evilvolus wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
The correct number is 978-1-60125-523-5.

That appears to be the paperback ISBN.

Hate to be a pain, just trying to get all the Pathfinder books tidied up on Goodreads.

Hey, look at that, they have different ISBNs! >.> The ePub ISBN should be 978-1-60125-524-2.

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Perfect, figured it was just the checksum digit that was off. Thanks so much!

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