Sign in to create or edit a product review. Pathfinder Adventure Path #88: Valley of the Brain Collectors (Iron Gods 4 of 6)Paizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF $19.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Unfortunately what i expectedleo1925 —First of all i have to say that i don't like the lovecraftian things, either in their pure form or in the form that PF uses them.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #87: The Choking Tower (Iron Gods 3 of 6) (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.
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Add PDF $19.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Very good blend of sci fi and fantasyleo1925 —Wrote a lenghty review but the system ate it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #86: Lords of Rust (Iron Gods 2 of 6) (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.
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It surpised me!!!leo1925 —I have to be honest and say that while i was reading this i was very dissapointed, from pretty much every aspect, but i was happily surprised when i actually run it and everything turned out well. In contrast to the Fires of Creation (book 1) this module takes the heroes into a Mad Max type settlement in order to present them with threat of the adventure (the Iron Gods) and thusly concluding Act 1.
I don't give this module 5 stars because it wasn't much fun for me reading it (i was more engaged when i read the article on Technic League than i was in most of the actual adventure) but fortunately both me and my players had fun when i run it.
Summary: A very good part 2, now let us see where how this adventure path will continue. Pathfinder Tales: NightbladePaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add ePub/PDF $6.99 Non-Mint Unavailable It has no identityleo1925 —I should have liked this book, but i didn't.
And it really hurts the mystery part of the story when you give away the answer in the cover, from the moment we were given the first inch of a clue (the "they found something older than demons in the abyss") i managed to add two and two together and guess that there were researching qlippoth. Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1 of 6) (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF $19.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Superbleo1925 —I am running this AP. Very good start, sets very good tones, it has a lot of sci-fi trappings and even some cliches, the presentation of a crashed space ship is very good and it does a very good job blending standard fantasy with sci-fi. Pathfinder Tales: Pirate's HonorPaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF/ePub $6.99 Non-Mint Unavailable In the end i liked itleo1925 —I was very warry for the recent pathfinder tale (pirate's promise) which is this one's sequel so i decided to read pirate's tale, but the issue is that i don't like pirates.
I recommend the novel to everyone because i ended up enjoying it very much, and i will definetely read the sequel. Pathfinder Tales: Plague of ShadowsPaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF/ePub $6.99 Non-Mint Unavailable It has everythingleo1925 —This tale has quests, adventuring parties, dragons, lich, different plane, magic, ultra powerful wizards and everything you might expect.
Don't mind the throwbacks to the old adventuring party of the heroine, yeah they can be a little weird at first but before long they make perfect sense. It has very religious characters and the overall story ties very well with the themes of both Shelyn and Zon-kuthon. Yeah there is a possible continuity error with Zon-kuthon but i see it more as a missed opportunity. It has quite a bit of magic, would have more if the protagonist was a real spellcaster instead of a ranger. Overall i would say that the story is very moving (especially the ending) with strong the presence of love and pain, a lot at the same time, also this novel is a lesson why you don't have an adventuring party with no real divine spellcasters. The only things that really bothered me are that:
b) Everyone in the novel seems to ignore the fact that there is resurrection magic in the world, sure most of the adventure happens in a very backwater region and there isn't a lot of wealth to go by, but still; i can't stop thinking that the whole novel wouldn't have happened if someone remembered that there is resurrection magic available. An excellent book, a very good urban adventure and with an urban druid as the protagonist.
The only 2 things that somewhat bothered me where:
All in all i really enjoyed the book and i recommend it to everyone. Pathfinder Tales: Reign of StarsPaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF/ePub $6.99 Non-Mint Unavailable A truly amazing bookleo1925 —Truly a very nice book, very well written with more fleshed out characters and a much better plot than city of the fallen sky, very good depictions of various places in Numeria (a very good book for both GMs and players in the Iron Gods AP), i really enjoy the book and i highly recommend it. Except for two things, one minor and one major issue:
Pathfinder Tales: City of the Fallen SkyPaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF/ePub $6.99 Non-Mint Unavailable I didn't like this oneleo1925 —I have read a few pathfinder tales and this is the second one i didn't like (the other was song of a serpent). The protagonist has a very interesting past but although supposedly a genius acts like the village's idiot most of the times.
The story starts as very interesting (go explore a formerly flying city of the Shory empire) but the way it unfolds leaves a lot to be desired. First of all the characters spend only a small portion of the book in the ancient city since they spend most of the book traveling there. Secondly we don't get to know nothing more about the Shory empire. Thirdly the book teases you about a lot of locales and cultures but doesn't stay enough at one place in order to really give you stuff about it. My biggest issue with this book is that the writer took A LOT of liberties with the mechanics of the pathfinder RPG, i can understand that sometimes you have to deviate from the rules of the game a little but this time things went too far. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Add Print $10.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Excellent additionleo1925 —They really do help during gameplay and they are quite funny to look at.
Excellent work, the 3 red dragons are great to look at from either side of the screen. Keep in mind that the pictures shown here don't accurately represent the minis, they are better in reality. Although the red dragons are better than those, the white dragons are quite good, the sculpts are very good but the coloring could be better.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Balance (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.
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Add PDF $9.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Excellent bookleo1925 —Like the other two books in the "faiths" line this book is very very good, it really brings flavor to a lot of deities who (to me at least) seemed very bland before.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)Paizo Inc.Add Hardcover $44.99 Add PDF $19.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Ultimate eastern and gunsleo1925 —I had wrote a quite lengthy review but the system ate it so here are the highlights:
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Corruption (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.
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Fleshing out your villainsleo1925 —Although this book is in the player companion line, it's more useful for GMs. It can really help you create the story for the villains your PCs are going to vanquish, or flesh them out and make them more interesting. The book also contains oaths for antipaladins (including one that isn't on the inner sea gods) just like faiths of purity and faiths of balance had oaths for paladins. One might think that now with the inner sea gods out this book would be redunt, but the price of inner sea gods might be quite steep, so if you just want to flesh out your villans then this book's price is very good. So i am in the proccess of getting giants' miniatures and this is my second one, while the mini is very good and worth the price, i should say that the beautiful frozen greataxe tends to bend very easily. Very very good work, it really shows you how to make the craft system work, a very good purchase indeed.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)Paizo Inc.Hardcover Unavailable Add PDF $19.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Very good workleo1925 —A quite nice book.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.
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Add PDF $9.99 Non-Mint Unavailable paladin oaths, SUPERleo1925 —A great book, a very good resource when you are playing in Golarion. The info on the gods (even the "minor" ones) is very very helpful and really help you roleplay a follower of a good deity, the new feats and traits are just cherry on the top.