Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Buff Deck

3.60/5 (based on 13 ratings)

Our Price: $10.99


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Track your hero’s most important status effects with the Pathfinder RPG Buff Deck! Speed up play and cut down on rulebook consultation by stacking bonuses one on top of another, displaying the effects for each with this easy-to-add format. From spells like bless, haste, and prayer to class features like inspire courage, the 54-card Buff Deck puts all the details at your fingertips, leaving you to concentrate on smiting your enemies!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-428-3

Buff Deck Card List
Barbarian's Rage
Greater Rage
Mighty Rage
Inspire Courage
Inspiring Word
Resistant Touch
Aura of Protection
Fight Defensively
Total Defense
Bear's Endurance
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Divine Favor
Divine Power
Eagle's Splendor
Enlarge Person
Fox's Cunning
Heroes' Feast
Heroism, Greater
Holy Aura
Mage Armor
Magic Fang
Magic Fang, Greater
Magic Vestment
Magic Weapon
Magic Weapon, Greater
Owl's Wisdom
Protection from Evil
Reduce Person
Righteous Might
Shield of Faith
Shield Other
Unholy Aura
Lion's Call
Blank Cards (5)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Buff Deck Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Buff Deck Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Buff Deck

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Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Sooooo...Any more news?


Nothing yet! :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I've updated the box image and description, and added sample cards. A complete card list will be added soon.

Silver Crusade

Interesting. Thanks for showing us the samples. I'll be very interested to see the card list.

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
I've updated the box image and description, and added sample cards. A complete card list will be added soon.

Hopefully being that there is a source column that there will be multiple sources such as the APG and UM and UC :)

Great news!!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
I've updated the box image and description, and added sample cards. A complete card list will be added soon.

The complete list of included cards in this deck is now up!

This has gone from a "looks cool" to a "must have" in my eyes! Hopefully we'll see sequel decks for some of the newer and more obscure spells and buffs in the game, or maybe the ability to buy a 52 count box of blank cards. Yeah, blank cards; that could do it.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Haste doesn't give a bonus to ranged attacks? (Looking at 3rd sample card.)

Please, please, make extra, extra sure all these cards are completely error-free. The nature of the product really necessitates that.

The "source" section, complete with cover picture is a nice touch.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Erik Freund wrote:
Please, please, make extra, extra sure all these cards are completely error-free. The nature of the product really necessitates that.

If you want a nice add on to the Buff Deck I would suggest our Buff Sheet, best of all it's free. Enjoy!

This will come in so useful it's not funny. I cannot begin to count the number of times I've forgotten a buff and as such missed an attack roll, skill check or saving throw. Kudos!

Silver Crusade

Well, now that the list has been posted, can I request that you change it to 3 columns instead of 4, so the names of the spells/powers don't wrap? It'll make the list a lot easier to read, and it won't even take up more room, since the lack of wrapping should cut the list size down.

Looking at the list, I'm dismayed at how much is missing - Good Hope, Stoneskin, Inspire Competence, all of the cleric domain powers, sorcerer bloodline powers, etc.

Don't get me wrong - it'll still be a useful product, and I'll probably still buy it. But I think we could come up with a big enough "missing card" list for a "Buff Deck 2" product right now.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Fromper wrote:
Well, now that the list has been posted, can I request that you change it to 3 columns instead of 4, so the names of the spells/powers don't wrap? It'll make the list a lot easier to read, and it won't even take up more room, since the lack of wrapping should cut the list size down.

I don't see any wrapping, even at four columns.

There again I'm viewing the list on a 1920x1200 display.

Fromper wrote:

Looking at the list, I'm dismayed at how much is missing - Good Hope, Stoneskin, Inspire Competence, all of the cleric domain powers, sorcerer bloodline powers, etc.

Don't get me wrong - it'll still be a useful product, and I'll probably still buy it. But I think we could come up with a big enough "missing card" list for a "Buff Deck 2" product right now.

I'll definitely be buying it (not really hard to predict - it comes as part of one of my subscriptions). But I suspect you're probably right that there are whole lot of other buffs that could be there. In fact one could argue that it's precisely the less common ones that should be featured, because those are the ones that will be less familiar to most players. Anyone want to start a thread to collect suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Fromper wrote:

Well, now that the list has been posted, can I request that you change it to 3 columns instead of 4, so the names of the spells/powers don't wrap? It'll make the list a lot easier to read, and it won't even take up more room, since the lack of wrapping should cut the list size down.

Looking at the list, I'm dismayed at how much is missing - Good Hope, Stoneskin, Inspire Competence, all of the cleric domain powers, sorcerer bloodline powers, etc.

Don't get me wrong - it'll still be a useful product, and I'll probably still buy it. But I think we could come up with a big enough "missing card" list for a "Buff Deck 2" product right now.

If you get the PDF of the cards (not sure if they are going to offer one or not yet) Then you can take the blank cards and make the cards yourself? If they do not offer the PDF of the deck then make your own cards with those conditions and powers on them if you like. Not to difficult if you think about it :)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

These look spectacular. Certainly going to get 2+ of these for my group. I really hope there is a ssecond set to cover the buffs not contained here. Well done, yet again!

ust a coupleof queries:

Out of interest what's on the other side of the cards? Do they look like the box cover?

Where bard abilities left off for a reason?

Is the haste card wrong? haste doesn't add to ranged attacks?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Cat-thulhu wrote:
Out of interest what's on the other side of the cards? Do they look like the box cover?

Yep, just minus the Pathfinder RPG logo and the "54 Full-Color Cards" text.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Erik Freund wrote:

Haste doesn't give a bonus to ranged attacks? (Looking at 3rd sample card.)

Please, please, make extra, extra sure all these cards are completely error-free. The nature of the product really necessitates that.

Thanks for pointing that out; that will be fixed before it goes to print (we'll update the sample card later this week, hopefully) and we're taking another pass on the whole set.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

In there's still time, might you want to add "+6 with 3 or more ranks of Acrobatics" to Total Defense?

The preview image for the Haste card has been updated.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

How do I request cards for the beast shape, form of the dragon, and other polymorph effects?


The 5 blank cards are a nice touch (and perfect for making extras and/or buffs not included in the basic 49 unique buffs already provided).

This will make an excellent addition to my collection of gaming aids.


Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

How do bonuses that change with level appear on the cards - like magic vestments. Any chance of seeing a proview of one of these types of card?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Cat-thulhu wrote:
How do bonuses that change with level appear on the cards - like magic vestments. Any chance of seeing a proview of one of these types of card?

We explain it in the text, and just show the lowest-level buff in the lower stat section. If you use these effects at higher levels, I'd suggest maybe doing up one of the blank cards for the level you're using.

Shadow Lodge

I don't suppose the cards are able to be dry erased? That would make the blank cards so much more useful.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
I don't suppose the cards are able to be dry erased? That would make the blank cards so much more useful.

Nope. I don't even know if our card printer could *do* that, but if they could, it would jack the price up quite a bit.

The should erase fairly well if you write lightly with soft pencil, though. You could also put them in clear plastic sleeves and write on that with a grease pencil.

Grand Lodge

Is there going to be a PDF available so that we can make our own text on the blank cards? Or at least a blank card PDF?

The way that I make item cards reusable is to buy plastic card sleeves (at this point I have quite a few of them) and small postit's. I write what I need to on the post it, then stick it to the card and put them both in the sleeve.

That way when (if it's a disposable item) the PC's use the item and hand it back to me I can just remove the post it.


'Cuz I was wondering what to do with that huge pile of money I wasn't already dedicating to this hobby. Errr.


You could also get one of those small laminators and seal the cards up in that. That could make them dry/wet-erase, I think. (Ask around—somebody might have one you can borrow.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Anguish wrote:


'Cuz I was wondering what to do with that huge pile of money I wasn't already dedicating to this hobby. Errr.

Just think of us as problem solvers.

An easy way to "fix" change of numbers, is to put the cards in plastic card sleeves (like Magic and Warmachine players use), and use a whiteboard marker to write any changes on the sleeve. Very easy to remove after.

Shadow Lodge

I actually have considered getting some cheap card sleeves and using permanent marker on them for buffs I'll reuse. Then I just have to put the blank card in them and the info should be in the right place. Just change sleeves for different spells. That way I won't have to rewrite every time I use it. At least I hope that'll work. :) We'll see in a few weeks (hopefully)

Silver Crusade

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
I actually have considered getting some cheap card sleeves and using permanent marker on them for buffs I'll reuse. Then I just have to put the blank card in them and the info should be in the right place. Just change sleeves for different spells. That way I won't have to rewrite every time I use it. At least I hope that'll work. :) We'll see in a few weeks (hopefully)

I have a ton of them from when I played magic in the Airforce that I don't use. I've debated throwing them out constantly, but have somehow not done so yet. So, if you want some Eric, I'll give you some for free. Might give you a reason to come down to one of our sessions. :P

Shadow Lodge

Bribery will get you everywhere Mr. Luckett... :) I know we have a standing invite from our friends down there. But we'll see. ;)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Is the card line being rebranded from Gamemastery to Pathfinder?

Liberty's Edge

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that the buff cards are specific to Pathfinder rules as opposed to a general resource that can be used in any RPG.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

From what little I saw of these, they look pretty handy.

But they almost immediately vanished into my wife's gaming supplies, so I guess I'm going to have to pick up a second set if I want to get to use them. Maybe my FLGS will have some on the shelves before Kublacon ...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

HangarFlying wrote:
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that the buff cards are specific to Pathfinder rules as opposed to a general resource that can be used in any RPG.

This is correct.

Shadow Lodge

Got mine today, and the card sleeves/protectors worked perfectly. I now have one that has my Magician's Dweomercraft bardic performance on it and all I have to do is slide a blank card in. Very nice. :D And got it just in time for my birthday tomorrow. :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Could have used a card for the 4th level cleric blessing, that thing always requires a rule reference to remember the different permutations.

Blessing of Fervor.

Kind of surprised it isn't in there, but they can't fit everything.

Shadow Lodge

Well, the only spells were from the Core Book. They only have a handful of APG class abilities. I'm hoping that provided this product is successful, that they'll have others for the other core books, APG, UM, UC, ARG, UE?

Silver Crusade

I'll have to see if they're in my FLGS yet. I'll pick them up on Friday, if so. :)


This deck is great. Compliments the condition deck well and very practical. This will see a lot of use. Thanks!

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

I picked up a bunch of decks, and while my players were very happy with them, the lack of stuff from books other than the Core Rulebook and APG was rather noticeable.

So ... any chance of a second buff deck that does the same thing but includes material beyond that from the first two books?

Pretty please? I promise to buy 4 decks of that, too :)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Chris Lambertz wrote:
The preview image for the Haste card has been updated.

The preview image for barbarian's rage shows it has giving a +2 *morale* bonus to attack and damage on the bottom of the card. However, the morale bonus is actual to Strength and Constitution (which in turn provides an extra bonus to attack and damage due to a higher strength). The bonus to attack and damage should be unnamed. Likewise, the bonus to Fortitude saves is unnamed, while the bonus to Will saves is a morale bonus.

moon glum wrote:

The preview image for barbarian's rage shows it has giving a +2 *morale* bonus to attack and damage on the bottom of the card. However, the morale bonus is actual to Strength and Constitution (which in turn provides an extra bonus to attack and damage due to a higher strength). The bonus to attack and damage should be unnamed. Likewise, the bonus to Fortitude saves is unnamed, while the bonus to Will saves is a morale bonus.

+4 morale bonus to str = +2 bonus to att/dmg. They are essentially the same thing. One doesn't happen without the other. At my table, at least, I'd rule exactly as the card says. I don't think it's a mistake.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Joseph Wilson wrote:
moon glum wrote:

The preview image for barbarian's rage shows it has giving a +2 *morale* bonus to attack and damage on the bottom of the card. However, the morale bonus is actual to Strength and Constitution (which in turn provides an extra bonus to attack and damage due to a higher strength). The bonus to attack and damage should be unnamed. Likewise, the bonus to Fortitude saves is unnamed, while the bonus to Will saves is a morale bonus.

+4 morale bonus to str = +2 bonus to att/dmg. They are essentially the same thing. One doesn't happen without the other. At my table, at least, I'd rule exactly as the card says. I don't think it's a mistake.

But it is a mistake. If you received another morale bonus to strength, it wouldn't stack, but you can still receive a morale bonus to hit from a spell, say.

It works with other types of bonuses as well. For example, a belt of giant strength gives an enhancement bonus to strength, which provides a strength bonus to hit and damage, but that doesn't mean that you don't also get the enhancement bonus from a magic weapon.

moon glum wrote:

But it is a mistake. If you received another morale bonus to strength, it wouldn't stack, but you can still receive a morale bonus to hit from a spell, say.

It works with other types of bonuses as well. For example, a belt of giant strength gives an enhancement bonus to strength, which provides a strength bonus to hit and damage, but that doesn't mean that you don't also get the enhancement bonus from a magic weapon.

Well reasoned. I cede the point.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

The bonuses were codified in the hit and damage boxes below for ease of use and reference. Its not a mistake, but is intended to be a reminder of where those bonuses originated to prevent overlap.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

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