Pathfinder Paper Minis—Halflings of Golarion PDF

4.60/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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They may be small, but you'll never want to underestimate a halfling!

This miniatures set contains over 100 miniatures for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! Every base class is represented, along with quite a few prestige classes and common halfling folk. Classes with furry or feathered friends will have companions to choose from, like the riding dog, wolf, boar, dodo, elk—even an axe beak! With this set, you'll never have to worry about finding a perfect miniature for your halfling, but you'll finally have enough miniatures the next time you find yourself in a halfling town!

This set contains the following miniatures:

  • Adept (Small) (2)
  • Alchemist (Small) (2)
  • Alligator
  • Antipaladin (Small) (2)
  • Arcane trickster (Small)
  • Assassin (Small)
  • Axe beak (Large)
  • Badger (Small)
  • Balanced Scale of Abadar (Small)
  • Barbarian (Small) (2)
  • Bard (Small) (2)
  • Battle herald (Small)
  • Bloatmage (Small)
  • Boar
  • Cavalier (Small) (2)
  • Cheetah (Small)
  • Chelaxian house servant (Small)
  • Child (Small) (2)
  • Cleric (Small) (2)
  • Commoner (Small) (2)
  • Cyphermage (Small)
  • Daivrat (Small)
  • Demoniac (Small)
  • Diabolist (Small)
  • Dinosaur, deinonychus
  • Divine scion (Small)
  • Dodo
  • Dragon disciple (Small)
  • Druid (Small) (2)
  • Duelist (Small)
  • Eagle
  • Eidolon (2)
  • Eldritch knight (Small)
  • Elk
  • Fighter (Small) (2)
  • Gunslinger (Small) (2)
  • Halfling opportunist (Small)
  • Harrower (Small)
  • Holy vindicator (Small)
  • Horizon walker (Small)
  • Inquisitor (Small) (2)
  • Inner Sea pirate (Small)
  • Lion blade (Small)
  • Loremaster (Small)
  • Low templar (Small)
  • Magus (Small) (2)
  • Master chymist (Small)
  • Master spy (Small)
  • Monk (Small) (2)
  • Mystic theurge (Small)
  • Nature warden (Small)
  • Noble (Small) (2)
  • Ninja (Small) (2)
  • Oracle (Small) (2)
  • Paladin (Small) (2)
  • Pathfinder chronicler (Small)
  • Pathfinder delver (Small)
  • Pathfinder savant (Small)
  • Pig
  • Pony
  • Rage prophet (Small)
  • Ranger (Small) (2)
  • Red Mantis assassin (Small)
  • Riding dog
  • Rogue (Small) (2)
  • Samurai (Small) (2)
  • Shadowdancer (Small)
  • Slave laborer (Small) (2)
  • Sorcerer (Small) (2)
  • Souldrinker (Small)
  • Stalwart defender (Small)
  • Steel Falcon (Small)
  • Student of war (Small)
  • Summoner (Small) (2)
  • Warrior (Small) (2)
  • Witch (Small) (2)
  • Wizard (Small) (2)
  • Wolf

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Our Price: $5.99

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Wonderful Halflings!


This Halfling mini set is everything a Halfling enthusiast could want. Plenty of variety in the main classes as well as useful NPC types. Colour and detailing is good and the posing of each mini is lively and unique.

Great Set!! Lots for variety


Great set of minis, two of every class (male and female) and a bunch of extras. Well worth the price. Plus where else are you going to find the ever elusive Halfling Ninja?? Also they work well on VTT, clear and easy to see. Nice Job!

Fantastic Variety


I love playing halflings and throwing them into the games that I run, but I always bump into the problem of finding appropriate miniatures for them. There are plenty of roguish figures out there for halflings, but finding good-looking halflings for anything else can often be difficult.

Todd Westcot's set here pretty much solved that problem for me. There are plenty of male and female halflings in this set for every class or purpose I could ever think of, and on top of that, he even made sure that their skin-tones were varied from the typical anglo pale that I usually think of halflings in. Anything that gets me to think more diversity into my gaming is a major win.

The only drawback to these is that a few of the minis might only be appropriate for NPCs, as they lack the detail you might want for the perfect PC, but overall, not a single one of these was bad. My praise goes out to the artist, and I can only hope one day to see this set make its way into metal.

Worth the money


This is an excellent set and worth the money.

What you get are 16 pages of Halflings, each with very intricate custom art, covering all of the core classes, base classes, and I think all of the prestige classes and NPC classes as well. There are 2 minis for each class, one male, and one female.

Anyway, I’m very pleased with the level of detail, unique clothing design/style, and color in each and every mini. Great work.

Stylish mini design, expansive variety. Needs a touch more visual clarity.


**UPDATE** July 23, 2012:
The brightness and saturation of these miniatures have now been adjusted, and the overall visibility of the miniatures is improved. I've changed my rating accordingly. Visually, the art could still benefit from a simpler approach with stronger definition (i.e., thicker lines and fewer of them). These are small-sized creatures; while it's reasonable to assume that they dress as complexly as medium-sized PCs, on the tabletop there's a limit to how much detail can be recognized. That said, I really like the artist's style, and his imaginative costume design. I'd love to see what he does with human characters.

Original Review (July 3, 2012; "Too dark for usage on tabletop"; two stars):
This is my first negative experience with Pathfinder Paper Miniatures. In order for any paper miniature to stand out on the tabletop, it must have a minimum degree of both contrast and brightness. These miniatures are almost without exception dim and drably colored, and when printed are very difficult to identify without close inspection. As I had to have a mini for gameplay, I bought the set, picked the one I wanted, zoomed my Acrobat view way in, and took a screen capture. Then I had to open Photoshop and adjust the image considerably in order to give it the brightness and color it needed, and then resize it again for tabletop usage.

A disappointing purchase, I'm sorry to say.


Now available! (Pirates of the Inner Sea, if you're lookin' for a dodo familiar or feathered friend, it's in this one. :) )


This product has the Lem sign of approval.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lem the Halfling wrote:
This product has the Lem sign of approval.

Wow, Lem. This means a lot coming from you, what with you being the iconic halfling and all. I appreciate the endorsement!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm in it - and not getting killed. Of course it's got my endorsement!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lem the Halfling wrote:
I'm in it - and not getting killed. Of course it's got my endorsement!

If I ever illustrate you again I promise to try my best to maybe not depict you in too much mortal peril.

Liz Courts wrote:
Now available! (Pirates of the Inner Sea, if you're lookin' for a dodo familiar or feathered friend, it's in this one. :) )

I'm still holding out for that undead dodo, but I suppose a living stand-in will do for now ;)

This is really great stuff. I love the Halfling Red Mantis. He brings death..and cuteness.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For those on the fence about this, the Races of Golarion paper mini line started off amazingly strong and this looks to be keeping the pace. Each set offers something for everyone. If you have a race/class combo, you'll find a mini for it. You can get two minis for every base class at least with these, and that's before getting into all the prestige classes and other variants they cram into these.

To Paizo-staff about Lem:
Don't worry, I'm not planning to start handing out Lem signs of approvals all over the place, or anywhere else (he's your property, not mine, and all that), but I figured that for this one product it'd be fine.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Somebody really likes his/her Halflings...

If I ever want to make an army of halflings, I know where to go. This PDF.

Liz Courts wrote:
Now available! (Pirates of the Inner Sea, if you're lookin' for a dodo familiar or feathered friend, it's in this one. :) )

THX Liz for the dodo!!!!!!!!!!

Silver Crusade

Insanely cool!

Red Mantis assassin (Small) - WOW!

Oh, please tell me that Gnomes are coming!!!

The Exchange

At last Kaleb has his own mini.


However, is there a reason why the minis were set going lengthwise down the page instead of lined up side to side with two rows like in the AP sets? It seems like there is a lot of wasted cardstock when they are printed this way, with fewer minis per page than the normal.

gigglestick wrote:


gigglestick wrote:
However, is there a reason why the minis were set going lengthwise down the page instead of lined up side to side with two rows like in the AP sets? It seems like there is a lot of wasted cardstock when they are printed this way, with fewer minis per page than the normal.

When I was working on the Serpent's Skull Paper Minis I received a lot of feedback about how the minis were oriented on the page. I tried to get as many on each page as I could, but some folks seemed to prefer the middle crease on all the minis to be aligned for easier folding, which is what I implemented here. Going forward I'll try to get more on the page while still keeping them as aligned as possible.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I agree with the artwork. Both this pdf and *all* of the artwork for Serpent's Skull are fantastic.

So... I just need you hurry up and do more.

chavamana wrote:

I agree with the artwork. Both this pdf and *all* of the artwork for Serpent's Skull are fantastic.

So... I just need you hurry up and do more.

Consider me hurried.

Huh. Weird. Posted as an alt name and I never noticed. My secret identity is out!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nod... was so very confused by that for a while. But it was your winged chupacabra that got me buying the Paper Minis again.

... You know just in case you need any more of an ego boost.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Finally Hob the Dark (halfling Ninja) will be in full glory in our battle. Plus now I have a boat load of disguises!!!! Thanks great work!

Almost all of the minis say they're small sized, and they look proportionally like halflings, but they're the same size as my humans and elves. The Axebeak is still large sized, though. Was this on purpose, so we'd be able to see all the detail, and if so, why were they listed as small creatures on the website?

For those of you concerned about the brightness of these minis, It has been corrected and Liz was kind enough to upload the revised PDF. You can re-download them, or, if you were holding off on buying them, wait no longer!

Swashbuckles wrote:
Almost all of the minis say they're small sized, and they look proportionally like halflings, but they're the same size as my humans and elves. The Axebeak is still large sized, though. Was this on purpose, so we'd be able to see all the detail, and if so, why were they listed as small creatures on the website?

These halflings were indeed intended to be small. They're halflings, after all! I scaled these minis at 2/3 the height of the humans I've done in the past. Perhaps it could be argued that's a bit large. If you prefer them smaller, you could always print them at 80%. Their bases would be smaller than 1" but that should have minimum impact on your game.

Alright I'm back to work on the next minis set. Shh. It's a secret.

Granted this is a bit of product discussion necromancy, but I would buy a Gnomes of Golarion set in a heartbeat!

Love these minis stoped buying plastic one s keep up the good work. Now we just need the rest of the core races and the Catfolk and where good.

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