Pathfinder Battles: Rise of the Runelords Standard Booster Pack

4.40/5 (based on 17 ratings)

Standard Case Unavailable

Huge Case Unavailable

Standard Brick Unavailable

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Standard Booster Unavailable

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The friends, fiends, and foes of Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path invade your gaming table with Rise of the Runelords, the brand new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures set from Paizo Publishing and WizKids! This stunning set features 64 all-new sculpts drawn from the gorgeous art in Paizo's Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary Edition, a hardcover collection of the very first Pathfinder campaign! Designed to enhance the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, but suitable for any fantasy roleplaying campaign, these figures raise the bar on prepainted miniatures, setting a new standard of excellence and featuring a wide variety of monsters, NPCs, and heroes from the most popular Pathfinder campaign of all time!

Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords miniatures come in two product configurations: Standard Boosters contain 4 Large, Medium, and Small minis, and Huge Boosters contain 1 Huge mini.

  • Rise of the Runelords Standard Boosters contain 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Rise of the Runelords Standard Bricks contain 8 Standard Boosters (32 figures total)
  • Rise of the Runelords Standard Cases contain 4 Standard Bricks (32 Standard Boosters, 128 figures total)
  • Rise of the Runelords Huge Boosters contain 1 Huge figure
  • Rise of the Runelords Huge Cases contain 6 Huge Boosters (6 figures total)
  • Rise of the Runelords Case Bundles contain 1 Standard Case and 1 Huge Case (128 small, medium or large figures and 6 Huge figures)

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Rise of the Runelords Set List

1  Bugbear Hero
2  Goblin Commando
3  Goblin Dog
4  Goblin Warchanter
5  Kobold Champion
6  Faceless Stalker
7  Ghoul
8  Harpy
9  Ogrekin
10  Yeth Hound
11  Denizen of Leng
12  Redcap
13  Sinspawn
14  Sinspawn Axeman
15  Skinsaw Cultist
16  Alu-Demon
17  Lamia Kuchrima
18  Shining Child
19  Warrior of Wrath
20  Wraith
21  Goblin Commando on Goblin Dog
22  Jakardros Sovark
23  Lyrie Akenja
24  Ameiko Kaijitsu
25  Harsk, Dwarf Ranger
26  Lamia Matriarch
27  Malfeshnekor
28  Orik Vancaskerkin
29  Tsuto Kaijitsu
30  Vale Temros
31  Kaven Windstrike
32  Khalib
33  Ogre
34  Ogre Brute
35  Seoni, Human Sorcerer
36  Shalelu Andosana
37  Viorian Dekanti
38  Dire Bear
39  Stone Giant
40  Stone Giant Champion
41  Vraxeris
42  Lamia
43  Wendigo
44  Yeti
RareHugePromotional (Gargantuan)
45  Aldern Foxglove
46  Jaagrath Kreeg
47  Lucrecia
48  The Scribbler
49  The Skinsaw Man
50  Highlady Athroxis
51  The Mithral Mage
52  Runelord Karzoug
53  Stone Golem
54  Azaven
55  Lamatar Bayden
56  Mokmurian
57  Forgefiend
58  Nualia
59  Warchief Ripnugget
60  Young Red Dragon
61  Karzoug Statue
62  Lamia Harridan
63  Storm Giant
64  Treachery Demon
65  Rune Giant
(go to main product page)

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4.40/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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My 2nd favorite set (from 10) so far!


This second set is the best after set #9 (Dungeons Deep).
-There is not a single 1 star miniature in this set. Even the baddest ones get 2 stars from me.
-Of the 14 LARGE minis none is so unique that you can´t use it in other adventures. Some are quite essential ones. The worst one gets 3 stars!
-The only set to include HUGE miniatures!!! One of those is 5 stars, one is 4 stars, one 3 stars and one 2 stars.
-The diversity. This set has every kind of creature from Abberation to Undead. 64 creatures that make up one of the most most memorable campaigns in the history of Roleplaying!

mostly good


I got my case a couple weeks ago. Of course it doesnt come with a mini for every creature you encounter but most the gaps can he filled with a pawn or a paper mini. I was surprised that judge ironbriar didnt have a mini though. This is as far as i am in the AP so hopefully the rest of the tough guys have minis.

The rune giant would be flawless and one of my favorite pieces if not for his eyes being to close together, leaving him looking... lets say, simple. I also have a issue with the ogrekin. The book has awesome artwork for these monsters but the mini set gives you a generic looking ogerkin. Not a fan. I understand they do this so that you can use the same one for every encounter, but I'd rather have separate ones that look as awesome as the art.

On the upside most the rest of the pieces are pretty nice. The female sorcereSS, dwarf ranger, amieko, and several others are all excellent quality and i will use them for many more games after runelords. The stone giants, forgefiend, and the ogre brute are some of my favorites. And the rune giant is still awesome, even though he looks like he rode the short bus

Duplicate Brick

So I bought a brick of Rise of the Runelords; I quite enjoyed them and was planning on using them when I run my Rise of the Runelord Anniversary Adventure Path. I went out and bought another brick (from a different store) and I got exactly the same models with no exceptions. I am hugely disappointed by this as I expected some randomization. Maybe someone at the factory needs to be talked to. I don't have the money to go buy more at the moment and I don't even want to as I fear the same thing might happen again.

TPK-Online Review - Good or Great


I did a review of the minis on my site, here. They're good, but probably better if you're running Rise of the Runelords.

My Rise of the Runelords booster experience.


I'll also mention that I am running RotR for my Sunday group (really only 2 sessions into it) and while I had to drop out of the case subscription, I found myself with the ability (and money) to buy 3 standard boosters and 3 huge boosters ... and I'm not sorry I did. :)

Let me quickly add in here SPOILER ALERT!!!! (and perhaps this next behind a spoiler tag)

I was really happy to have gotten not only Ameiko Kaijitsu, but Tsuto Kaijitsu as well. It's very likely that my next session will have the Glassworks Encounter ... so it's super awesome to have the Kaijitsu siblings (I have PLENTY of goblins thanks to Heroes & Battles).
Other goodness includes a goblin dog, a yeti, a faceless stalker, a goblin commando and a redcap. For my HUGES I got the storm giant and the lamia harridan, as well as
the Karzoug Statue.
The other two larges I got (for those keeping count) I think I'll "spoiler" tag 'em as well, they are important "big bads" in later parts of the AP.
Jaagrath Kreeg and Mokmurian. Speaking of big bads, I also got the skinsaw man and vraxeris.
So, all in all very, very pleased with what I got. If I can afford more boosters in the near future (or somehow afford the case bundle) I will take the plunge. Maybe even buy a few singles of a few "key" villains of chapter 1 that I didn't get. ;) ***And before someone kindly points it out that I may not have a lot of time before I can still "subscribe" to this set ... due to limited premium Rune Giant "miniatures" ... it's a risk I'll have to take.***


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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just wanted to let people know that at least two of us with a Subscription have experienced unwanted add-ons to our orders (additional cases).

So double check and make sure your pre-shipping email is content correct.

Yes, I ran into the same thing. I had an additional booster case and an additional huge case. It is actually the reason I had called Paizo earlier on.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hobbun wrote:
Yes, I ran into the same thing. I had an additional booster case and an additional huge case. It is actually the reason I had called Paizo earlier on.

So with 3 people getting additional unwanted cases added to their orders, this is no longer a coincidence and should be upgraded to a pattern.

Scarab Sages

It's not universal, though. I had no add-ons.

Edit: People should still double-check their orders to be sure, though.

WampaX wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
Yes, I ran into the same thing. I had an additional booster case and an additional huge case. It is actually the reason I had called Paizo earlier on.
So with 3 people getting additional unwanted cases added to their orders, this is no longer a coincidence and should be upgraded to a pattern.


I should add, the Paizo employee indicated that even though it was being shown in my confirmation email that I was being charged for the additional cases, the way the software is set up, and their procedure on shipping, from what he was seeing the the cases would have been sent for free in the end. Doh! He thanked me for letting them know. *grumble*

But don’t ask me how he came to that conclusion, I don’t understand it myself.

Looking at my tracking info, it appears I will be receiving my first booster case today. Would you like me to post the results of my bricks/case?

I'd definitely be interested -- I ordered the full-blown battle case, and I was going to post my contents here once I got it...

You mean ‘full-blown battle case’ as in a bundle? Both booster case and huge case?

All told, I’ve ordered two bundles from Paizo, and one more booster case from another seller (which is the one arriving today). So will have a total of 3 Rune Giants.

On another note, I’ve seen the boxing for the Rune Giant and don’t really like it as much as the one for the Black Dragon. It just looks like an oversized huge box. I was hoping for different packaging with another windowed box.

In the end it doesn’t make too much difference as the box gets tossed anyways, but have always appreciated even the smaller nuances of good packaging. :)

The $500+ case bundle, plus a rune giant.

Yeah; my wife doesn't know I ordered any of this -- as I mentioned, I was hoping for a 'big reveal' at Friday night's game as they assaulted Thistletop, but it's not going to happen. :-(

Ah, well. I'll get to use them through the Skinsaw hilarity.

Im waiting to start Rise of the Runelords till they get in but they still havent shiped so it looks like wont be starting this weekend

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just got my case from my game store. Wow. A case of small and a seperate case of large, plus the huge. When I got back to work, I found my order was ready to ship. Why did the game store get it before Paizo was able to ship?


Paizo is not the creator of these. They have to get them through the distribution channels just like everyone else. (the exception are the ones the Wizkids brought to Gencon)

Grand Lodge

I just opened a case bundle I had ordered from my local shop. I did get a complete set. It seems there is little difference in frequency between the commons and uncommons. For example, I have four of Ameiko but only one harpy. So, I have a lot of characters and very few of the common monsters, which is a little disappointing.

The figures look great, even better than H&M!

Grand Lodge

I have to say I am a bit disappointed in the point of sale that the FLGS has to sell the cases at. I ordered a standard booster case and a huge case from my FLGS and I paid $511.68 and $158.32 for the Huge case.

A couple of points here. I subscribe to Pathfinder through Paizo as you can tell so I can support my favorite lines and Pathfinder in general not to mention getting the discounts I do through having the Adventure Path line along with the free PDF's. But I want to support my local game store as well too. IN doing this I ordered the minis through them thinking I would be getting them at $519.98 and not the $661.62 that I ended up paying. With the shipping discounts and the like I could get the case bundle from Paizo at a MUCH MUCH cheaper price then the local game store.

I would basically save nearly $133.64 and that is WITH the shipping added in to it (or close to it).

I am not sure what the benefit it is to buy it through the local game store at all is as opposed to buying it through Paizo. My FLGS was upset to say the least!!!! (The Source in St Paul MN) as they are thinking why should they support any of the miniature line now considering they feel like they are either ripping their customers off or are getting ripped off.

If the brick and mortar stores HAVE to buy them at a cost that forces them to sell them at a non-discounted price, I have a feeling you are going to loose the stores as a customer in more ways then just miniature lines. The Source was starting to question why they are even carrying the books at this point... I am hoping it is a NECA/Wizkids thing and not a Paizo thing as I told them, but if it is a Paizo thing this could really really go a long way to ruining some good customer service that you had previously with them.

Not to mention as a customer you are coming dangerously close to loosing me and some friends as customers too. To see the $519.98 cost on the site and then to go to the local store and get charged $661.62 is way beyond ridiculous!

Dark Archive

Deanoth wrote:

I have to say I am a bit disappointed in the point of sale that the FLGS has to sell the cases at. I ordered a standard booster case and a huge case from my FLGS and I paid $511.68 and $158.32 for the Huge case.

A couple of points here. I subscribe to Pathfinder through Paizo as you can tell so I can support my favorite lines and Pathfinder in general not to mention getting the discounts I do through having the Adventure Path line along with the free PDF's. But I want to support my local game store as well too. IN doing this I ordered the minis through them thinking I would be getting them at $519.98 and not the $661.62 that I ended up paying. With the shipping discounts and the like I could get the case bundle from Paizo at a MUCH MUCH cheaper price then the local game store.

I would basically save nearly $133.64 and that is WITH the shipping added in to it (or close to it).

I am not sure what the benefit it is to buy it through the local game store at all is as opposed to buying it through Paizo. My FLGS was upset to say the least!!!! (The Source in St Paul MN) as they are thinking why should they support any of the miniature line now considering they feel like they are either ripping their customers off or are getting ripped off.

If the brick and mortar stores HAVE to buy them at a cost that forces them to sell them at a non-discounted price, I have a feeling you are going to loose the stores as a customer in more ways then just miniature lines. The Source was starting to question why they are even carrying the books at this point... I am hoping it is a NECA/Wizkids thing and not a Paizo thing as I told them, but if it is a Paizo thing this could really really go a long way to ruining some good customer service that you had previously with them.

Not to mention as a customer you are coming dangerously close to loosing me and some friends as customers too. To see the $519.98 cost on the site and then to go to the local store and get charged $661.62 is way beyond ridiculous!

Pretty much the reason I cancelled my mini sub from Paizo and went with a different online seller.The online store I bought my Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - $424.99. I cannot see buying from Paizo and paying a extra 100$ plus the price of the Rune Giant.

Grand Lodge

The Heroes and Monsters set I bought at the same FLGS as the above, I paid the set cost that was set on Paizo.. I was happy with that. I did not get the deep discount that I would have got through paizo but none the less I was still happy to pay it.

The Rise of the Runelords miniatures there is NO discount offered to the brick and mortar stores at all, Why is that? when you offer the discounts from one set to the local game stores but not the newest one??

Very confusing and disappointing!!


Deanoth wrote:

The Heroes and Monsters set I bought at the same FLGS as the above, I paid the set cost that was set on Paizo.. I was happy with that. I did not get the deep discount that I would have got through paizo but none the less I was still happy to pay it.

The Rise of the Runelords miniatures there is NO discount offered to the brick and mortar stores at all, Why is that? when you offer the discounts from one set to the local game stores but not the newest one??

Very confusing and disappointing!!

Considering I saw the invoice as I work at a store that sells them:

1) These came in at the same or better profit margin as H&M did, so if the store decided not to discount preorders or case orders, that was the store's decision, Its not like matching the 15% off would put them in the red on it.

2) the 15% off you see is the same as you see for any other product in the paizo store, it is a perk of being an ap subscriber, and has been in place for 5 years without stores complaining.

3) Once you get over the sticker shock, the full price ROTRL case still comes in cheaper per figure than the 15% off H&M set

4) The store chose not to match the online price(s) when you provided them, which would still give them the same profit margin of most collectors edition action figures.

The distributor priced these weird for the stores, and only offered them in bricks instead of cases in the order form, which makes it look like a smaller profit margin than it is.

Sorry, Im not trying to attack the store, and i can see how the above could sound that way. But matching the online price would still net the store a bigger profit than most games items do, AND there is no MSRP on the individual packs set by wizkids so its not like they can say they're only trying to sell at MSRP, because there is none. Heck, our Alliance distributor couldn't even tell the store what the cost of a case would be until the invoice came in (but that could be our Alliance rep)

Just an update -- UPS says they're going to have my shipment here by Friday, in time for my game!

Even better, my wife got called off to a meeting 60 miles away Friday afternoon, so she'll miss the unboxing, and won't know what's up until their first encounter of the evening.


Just to clarify, you should receive your Paizo shipment of your minis by Friday (Not sure if you ordered from someplace else)?

I didn’t ship UPS, I went through the cheapest shipping option. It was a big enough hit on my wallet even with the cheapest option.

Hmmm, maybe I’ll get the minis sooner than I expected. *crosses fingers*

Also, I’m supposed to get my first Rune Giant today. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I hope to get these by the weekend so I can unbox them when I have plenty of time.

Mine are also due friday according to UPS, but they were ordered through a third party that offered a significant discount and free shipping.

I have a two case bundle subscription set up with Paizo, but I ordered a third booster case (w/Rune Giant) from a third party seller, as well.

Ironically, I received my booster case yesterday from the other seller and my Rune Giant is coming today (actually, it has already arrived, I just need to pick it up).

Not even sure if my Paizo shipment has left yet. They send you an email letting you know it’s shipped, correct? I think I will give them a call today and see if they can check, but not sure if they are able as I didn’t choose a tracking option. Shipping cost for that is just too expensive. It’s expensive enough as is with the cheapest option.

Dark Archive

Got my case today missing FOUR! Including the two I most wanted! Runelord Karzoug, and WarChief Ripnugget. Really disappointed considering we were told a case should be missing ONE figure. Fourth brick entirely duplicates! Feel like I kind of wasted money. Will be thinking twice on the next set if this is the way it's going to go.

Grand Lodge

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Got my case today missing FOUR! Including the two I most wanted! Runelord Karzoug, and WarChief Ripnugget.

What are the other two you are missing?



Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Got my case today missing FOUR! Including the two I most wanted! Runelord Karzoug, and WarChief Ripnugget. Really disappointed considering we were told a case should be missing ONE figure. Fourth brick entirely duplicates! Feel like I kind of wasted money. Will be thinking twice on the next set if this is the way it's going to go.

What very likely happened is human error at the factory end. Likely you ended up with bricks A, B, C, and C where you should have had A, B, C and D.

When Paizo says they shoot for 90%+ completion rate, I believe them. That doesn't mean there can't be exceptions - and I'm sure it totally, utterly sucks to be that guy - but until we have mass reports, it's a fluke.

I was at my local game store yesterday. The owner opened an entire case, including the huge ones.

I have to say these are beautiful minis. The detail is really great.

I really love the ogres and stone giants. Nicely done!

I do agree that $25 for a random huge mini seems a bit high.

Dark Archive

also missing Aldern Foxglove and Mokmurian.

Dark Archive

I got two of the Young Red Dragon, Lamater, Nualia, and the Forgefiend.

I will post my list later in the thread that was started for it (under Miniatures), but I have all the (booster case) minis except one.

Jaagrath Kreeg

I'm not worried about it too much as I have two more booster cases coming. I also have not received my Huge cases, yet.

Dark Archive

Let me be clear here, these figures are really really good looking and I want a full set and will buy the ones I'm missing I just feel that maybe the whole case deal isn't the best route. I am willing to entertain that I was unfortuneatly THAT guy. But yes it still sucks. No hard feelings just a pain in the wallet.

To be honest, if you are aiming for complete sets for future sets that are released, buying by the case is definitely your best option.

Unless you go into a retailer and buy all the single booster packs/bricks that came out of the same case, you most likely will fall well short of a complete set and it will be much worse than missing four minis.

So I would definitely stay with the cases. Again, if you are going for complete sets.

Dark Archive

Much to the chagrin of my wife, yes it's complete set's. The missing guys are already on order.

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Much to the chagrin of my wife, yes it's complete set's.

Then I would definitely stick with buying by the case.

Grand Lodge

My list so far.

Rune Giant - 1
Festering Spirit (Convention Promo) (waiting for it to go on sale)


Denizen of Leng - 3
Faceless Stalker - 3
Ghoul - 3
Goblin Commando - 4
Goblin Dog - 4
Goblin Warchanter - 4
Harpy - 2
Kobold Champion - 2
Lamia Kuchrima - 3
Ogrekin - 3
Redcap - 2
Shining Child - 2
Sinspawn - 3
Sinspawn Axeman - 2
Skinsaw Cultist - 2
Warrior of Wrath - 2
Wraith - 2

Ameiko - 2
Dire Bear - 3
Goblin Commando on Mount - 3
Harsk - 2
Jakardros Sovark - 2
Kaven Windstrike - 2
Khalib - 2
Lamia - 2
Lamia Matriach - 2
Lyrie Akenja - 2
Malfeshnekor - 2
Ogre - 3
Ogre Brute - 2
Orik Vandercaskin - 2
Seoni - 3
Shalelu Androsana - 3
Stone Giant - 3
Stone Giant Champion - 2
Tsuto Kaijitsu - 2
Vale Temros - 2
Viorian Dekanti - 3
Vraxeris - 2
Wendigo - 3
Yeti -2

Aldern Foxglove - 1
Azaven - 1
High Lady Athroxis - 1
Jaagrath Kreeg - 3
Runelord Karzoug - 1
Karzoug Statue (Not arrived as of yet)
Lamatar Bayden - 1
Lamia Harridan - (Not arrived as of yet)
Lucrecia - 1
Mithral Mage - 1
Mokmurian - 1
Nualia - 1
Scanderig Forgefiend - 1
Skinsaw Man - 1
Stone Golem - 2
Storm Giant - (Not arrived as of yet)
The Scribbler - 1
Treachery Demon - (Not arrived as of yet)
Warchief Ripnugget - 0 (the only one I am missing)
Young Red Dragon - 2

So as you can see I am only missing one of the entire set with the exception of the Huges which I expect to arrive at my local game store sometime today and then I will put the numbers for the huge case in a separate posting.

Overall I am extremely happy with the set.

So I am ONLY missing Warchief Ripnugget :(

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:

also missing Aldern Foxglove and Mokmurian.

Wow - that does, indeed suck.

Three out of the four you mention (Karzoug, Ripnugget and Foxglove) are on my (much smaller) list of miniatures I'm picking up (already ordered). But I'm only spending around $100 or so - while I'd love to have every single appropriate figure as we progress through the Adventure Path, sanity suggests I be little more restrained. (Although if my FLGS has the special promotional figure in its order, I believe I've got first dibs on it). I do have the pawns coming, which should fill in a lot of the gaps.

Deanoth wrote:

So I am ONLY missing Warchief Ripnugget :(

That’s too bad, as he’s a really nice fig. I would pick up Ripnugget on the singles market if you don’t plan to buy anymore cases/bricks/boosters. I know my DM is going to get a lot of use out of him. I also like the Goblin Commando on the Goblin Dog mini. Our DM will also use that/those a lot, as well. Although I only have one of that mini, will need more of them.

I have no idea whether this is off-topic or not, but what do people primarily use for after-market? eBay, or is there a better path?

Looking at the lists so far, it looks like I'm going to have multiple copies of uniques (everyone's got multiple Ameiko's), so I figure I should turn 'em around and get 'em to someone who wants them, but I'm not particularly fond of eBay, so I'm wondering whether there's a better venue.

(I'm a few blocks away from Games of Berkeley in California, in case anyone knows whether they happen to handle such business).

Grand Lodge

Anyone want to trade a their Warchief Ripnugget for one of my Young Red Dragons/Jagrath Kreeg's?? :)

But seriously.. I am thinking that the Warchief is a difficult one to get considering what people are charging for them on their web sites for singles.

Paizo Employee CEO

Deanoth wrote:

I have to say I am a bit disappointed in the point of sale that the FLGS has to sell the cases at. I ordered a standard booster case and a huge case from my FLGS and I paid $511.68 and $158.32 for the Huge case.

A couple of points here. I subscribe to Pathfinder through Paizo as you can tell so I can support my favorite lines and Pathfinder in general not to mention getting the discounts I do through having the Adventure Path line along with the free PDF's. But I want to support my local game store as well too. IN doing this I ordered the minis through them thinking I would be getting them at $519.98 and not the $661.62 that I ended up paying. With the shipping discounts and the like I could get the case bundle from Paizo at a MUCH MUCH cheaper price then the local game store.

I would basically save nearly $133.64 and that is WITH the shipping added in to it (or close to it).

I am not sure what the benefit it is to buy it through the local game store at all is as opposed to buying it through Paizo. My FLGS was upset to say the least!!!! (The Source in St Paul MN) as they are thinking why should they support any of the miniature line now considering they feel like they are either ripping their customers off or are getting ripped off.

If the brick and mortar stores HAVE to buy them at a cost that forces them to sell them at a non-discounted price, I have a feeling you are going to loose the stores as a customer in more ways then just miniature lines. The Source was starting to question why they are even carrying the books at this point... I am hoping it is a NECA/Wizkids thing and not a Paizo thing as I told them, but if it is a Paizo thing this could really really go a long way to ruining some good customer service that you had previously with them.

Not to mention as a customer you are coming dangerously close to loosing me and some friends as customers too. To see the $519.98 cost on the site and then to go to the local store and get charged $661.62 is way beyond ridiculous!

First off, all of these minis sets are sold into distribution by WizKids and not Paizo. They also set the MSRP for the set, not us. We have no control over what price they sell to distribution at and then what price the distributors sell to retailers for. Conversely, we also can't control what price retailers sell to consumers at. The only thing that we can control is what price we sell things for on We are basically a store like any other retail store and we have to decide what price to sell at. There are plenty of stores, online and not, that sell at a price less than we do. And of course, some stores will try to get a larger price. Every store has to make a decision about what price to sell at—this isn't something we can dictate to them. Heck, the US law prohibits us from doing that! And, of course, every consumer has to decide what price they are willing to spend to buy a product.


Grand Lodge

NobodysHome wrote:
I have no idea whether this is off-topic or not, but what do people primarily use for after-market? eBay, or is there a better path?

Ebay auctions have always been my number one source for aftermarket miniatures. I like the auctions because sometimes you can get a really good deal if you are patient and track many auctions. After that I have three companies I use with Auggies as my first choice, followed by Troll and Toad, and of course Paizo. But I don't think they are selling singles yet.



For those of you who have received your Rune Giant, does his skin seems quite a bit darker than what is shown on the blog preview, or even on the box?

My Rune Giant mini his skin seems like a dark grey than the greenish hue shown on the blog preview. I understand the miniatures are put under a bright light when the picture is taken, but it looks a lot darker on the box, as well.

I just wonder if my Rune Giant's skin color is accurate.

Here is the blog preview:

Rune Giant

Grand Lodge

Lisa Stevens wrote:

First off, all of these minis sets are sold into distribution by WizKids and not Paizo. They also set the MSRP for the set, not us. We have no control over what price they sell to distribution at and then what price the distributors sell to retailers for. Conversely, we also can't control what price retailers sell to consumers at. The only thing that we can control is what price we sell things for on We are basically a store like any other retail store and we have to decide what price to sell at. There are plenty of stores, online and not, that sell at a price less than we do. And of course, some stores will try to get a larger price. Every store has to make a decision about what price to sell at—this isn't something we can dictate to them. Heck, the US law prohibits us from doing that! And, of course, every consumer has to decide what price they are willing to spend to buy a product.


I appreciate your response and honesty as well. It was more of a sticker shock thing at the time as it was spendy. I KNEW that it was not your fault and it was the pricing basically by NECA/Wizkids and not yourselves.


Dark Archive

I got Ripnugget for about five bucks at popular collections.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Deanoth wrote:

I have to say I am a bit disappointed in the point of sale that the FLGS has to sell the cases at. I ordered a standard booster case and a huge case from my FLGS and I paid $511.68 and $158.32 for the Huge case.

A couple of points here. I subscribe to Pathfinder through Paizo as you can tell so I can support my favorite lines and Pathfinder in general not to mention getting the discounts I do through having the Adventure Path line along with the free PDF's. But I want to support my local game store as well too. IN doing this I ordered the minis through them thinking I would be getting them at $519.98 and not the $661.62 that I ended up paying. With the shipping discounts and the like I could get the case bundle from Paizo at a MUCH MUCH cheaper price then the local game store.

I would basically save nearly $133.64 and that is WITH the shipping added in to it (or close to it).

I am not sure what the benefit it is to buy it through the local game store at all is as opposed to buying it through Paizo. My FLGS was upset to say the least!!!! (The Source in St Paul MN) as they are thinking why should they support any of the miniature line now considering they feel like they are either ripping their customers off or are getting ripped off.

If the brick and mortar stores HAVE to buy them at a cost that forces them to sell them at a non-discounted price, I have a feeling you are going to loose the stores as a customer in more ways then just miniature lines. The Source was starting to question why they are even carrying the books at this point... I am hoping it is a NECA/Wizkids thing and not a Paizo thing as I told them, but if it is a Paizo thing this could really really go a long way to ruining some good customer service that you had previously with them.

Not to mention as a customer you are coming dangerously close to loosing me and some friends as customers too. To see the $519.98 cost on the site and then to go to the local store and get charged $661.62 is way beyond ridiculous!


I know with me, even though I am a fiend for minis and likely could get them cheaper and easier from my FLGS, I choose to get them here at To keep fine projects that deal with pathfinder going. I feel I'm basically just helping the company more by doing so. Hence why I have all the pathfinder published material as well.

I think you all should throw caution to the wind and by all the products you can from, so that I can get hired on in the marketing department :P

Grand Lodge

Made a mistake on my previous list. I went by someone else's listing and it was off and not numbered not to mention there was a few entries missing.

So I went through them all one by one and got this list.

My list so far.

1. Bugear Hero – 3
2. Goblin Commando – 4
3. Goblin Dog – 4
4. Goblin Warchanter – 4
5. Kobold Champion – 2
6. Faceless Stalker – 3
7. Ghoul – 3
8. Harpy – 2
9. Ogrekin – 3
10. Yeth Hound - 3
11. Denizen of Leng - 3
12. Redcap – 2
13. Sinspawn – 3
14. Sinspawn Axeman – 2
15. Skinsaw Cultist – 2
16. Alu Demon - 2
17. Lamia Kuchrima - 3
18. Shining Child - 2
19. Warrior of Wrath - 2
20. Wraith - 2

21. Goblin Commando on Dog – 3
22. Jakardros Sovark – 2
23. Lyrie Akenja - 2
24. Ameiko Kaijitsu - 2
25. Harsk, Dwarf Ranger – 2
26. Lamia Matriarch – 2
27. Malfeshnekor – 2
28. Orik Vandercaskerkin – 2
29. Tsuto Kaijitsu – 2
30. Vale Temros – 2
31. Kaven Windstrike – 2
32. Khalib – 2
33. Ogre – 3
34. Ogre Brute – 2
35. Seoni, Human Sorcerer - 3
36. Shalelu Androsana – 3
37. Viorian Dekanti – 3
38. Dire Bear - 3
39. Stone Giant – 3
40. Stone Giant Champion – 2
41. Vraxeris - 2
42. Lamia – 2
43. Wendigo - 3
44. Yeti -2

45. Aldern Foxglove – 1
46. Jaagrath Kreeg – 3
47. Lucrecia - 1
48. The Scribbler – 1
49. The Skinsaw Man – 1
50. High Lady Athroxis - 1
51. The Mithral Mage - 1
52. Runelord Karzoug – 1
53. Stone Golem – 2
54. Azaven – 1
55. Lamatar Bayden – 1
56. Mokmurian – 1
57. Forgefiend – 1
58. Nualia - 1
59. Warchief Ripnugget - 0 (the only one I am missing)
60. Young Red Dragon – 2
61. Karzoug Statue (Not arrived as of yet)
62. Lamia Harridan - (Not arrived as of yet)
63. Storm Giant - (Not arrived as of yet)
64. Treachery Demon - (Not arrived as of yet)

65. Rune Giant - 1
Promo (Paizo Con) Spirit of the Season (waiting for it to go on sale)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I got three standard cases today and two huge cases. I still have not received my third huge case or my three Rune Giants.

I think these are the best minis I have seen. The Ogres and stone giants are exceptional. I love the wraith. And many others.

I was very close to a full set with each case. But I did not really keep track. I am happy with the distribution of minis.

My only complaint is that I have about 9 minis that came off their bases. I am sure some superglue will fix the problem but still. I may not even fix some of them because I have so many of those particular mini but there are a couple I will fix for sure like one of my Stone Golems.

Fine job to both WizKids and Paizo.

From Burnt Offerings I have really liked how Paizo has reimagined many of the old standby monsters. And having these in minis is fantastic.

Looking forward to the Shattered Star set already. Now I just have to pay my credit card off over the next couple of months so I can rack it up again.

Liberty's Edge

Every one get theirs shipped by UPS? The email I received today said my minis are being shipped by USPS.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I think shipping has to do with what you selected.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

The Lamia is so small it could fit on a medium base. The body seems weirdly out of proportion somehow. I'm not a fan of the art it was based on, so little surprise that this is my least favorite of the set (so far).

Viorian Dekanti looks like a Mage Knight figure to me. I presume the figure is faithful to its artwork, but it doesn't do much for me.

Everything else. But the highlights for me are:
The ogres, but especially Jaagrath Kreeg. So much detail and excellent paint.

Mokmurian is just over-the-top fantastic. Just astounding in-hand.

Most of the human figures are excellent, but Tsuto Kaijitsu and Ameiko Kaijitsu really stand out for me.

But not as much as Vale Temros. Holy cow, so much detail.

The goblins are all great, of course, but I really love Gob Commando on Gob Dog.

Speaking of dogs, both the Yeth Hound and Goblin Dog are really nice sculpts of figures that might have ended up really bland. The paint really shows off the sculpts well. Similarly, the Lamia Kuchrima.

Love the Kobold Champion. Can there be an Ultra-Common category for this guy? I want about 10 more.

Anyway, just a fantastic set overall and there are still some I haven't seen yet!

Liberty's Edge

Got my single normal booster case (no huges but with rune giant). I got a complete set with many doubles. Love the quality on these things! Thanks Paizo!

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