Visions of WAR: The Art of Wayne Reynolds Hardcover

2.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

Our Price: $29.99


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For much of the last decade, Wayne Reynolds has been the definitive artist of fantasy gaming. From cover paintings for major games like Warhammer, Dungeons & Dragons, and Pathfinder to concept illustrations for popular Reaper Miniatures gaming figures, Reynolds’s work has stoked the imaginations of a generation of gamers and fantasy enthusiasts. Now, for the first time ever, comes a huge 256-page collection of Wayne Reynolds’s most treasured works from a variety of publishers. Take a glimpse into fantastic worlds through the eyes of a grand master of the craft with Visions of WAR!

ISBN: 978-1-60125-425-2

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2.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Low-Res Artbook: Missing the Point


I have several issues with it above and beyond the pixelization / low-resolution images that other reviewers have covered:

1. The overuse of white space. As has been mentioned, none of the pictures have commentary or anything of those lines. So if you only have one picture on the page, there's no need for it to be shrunk down to only taking up about a quarter of the page. Yet this book consistently does just this...not just with the sketches, but with the fully finished pieces as well. This probably links back to the resolution problem, as the smaller they print the images on the page, the less likely that people are to notice the pixelization / blurring.

2. That Paizo may not have been able to get full-resolution images for some of the works he did for other companies (notably WotC) is understandable, if disappointing. But some of the problem images are for his work on Paizo products. How is it that, for example, the core rulebook cover printed full size on the Core Rulebook looks so much better than it does printed at a much smaller size in this artbook?

3. All in all, I would consider these to be minor issues if this was an RPG book. For example, the 3.5 Campaign Setting book has some pixelization on the cover, and that never really bothered me. But this is an art book. The point is the art. If you can't do the art justice in an art book, then there's no point to it.

Missing the point of an art book


An art book is about the art. Showcasing the art is the primary purpose of such a book, and I have to say that this book does a terrible job of it. Much of the art is low quality (noticeable pixelation and improper colouring). The layout of the art is at best, boring.

I wish I was not giving this book a 1 star rating, but I feel I must do what I can to warn others to not waste their coin on this tome.

A true opus.


There are a few production problems with this book of art. The other reviewers have more than explored those. I can only say, for my part, that I absolutely love this book. What flaws it has are easily overtopped by the fact that it is a true opus of Mr. Reynolds work. To see his world-defining art compiled in one book is stunning. The real value of this book is seeing the artists work evolve(as it helped define the look of the settings we love) over time.

Great art, poor production


As a huge fan of Wayne Reynolds' artwork, I have been looking forward to this book since it was announced, but reading the reviews here I started to worry. I got my copy in the mail yesterday, and although I would still recommend this book, I also feel it could have been much better.

The selection of work is excellent- the only thing I really felt was missing was more of his interior work for D&D 3rd edition books, such as the Monster Manuals. Most of the art is reproduced clearly, including all of the landscape-format Eberron covers.

The problem is, as others have mentioned, the quality of many of the other images in the book. At least 25-30% of the pictures are visibly blurry, fuzzy, or pixelated. This is not a printing error- this is clearly a formatting error, so every book will have the same problem. Tragically, it affects some of the most iconic work in the book, including the Pathfinder and D&D 4th edition core rulebook covers, some of his standout Dungeon and Dragon magazine covers, and some of the Rise of the Runelords and all of the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP covers. With the landscape format AP covers already being printed so small, the fuzziness ruins the sharp and intricate detail Reynolds is known for.

I am still happy to have a collection of Wayne Reynolds' artwork, but I am very disappointed that some of my favorite paintings may as well not be in the book because the reproduction is so poor, and I remain baffled as to how Paizo could fail to get full-resolution copies of artwork from their own RPG.

Seriously Disappointed


I know it's been said in other reviews but I need to say it again the pixelation/bluriness of the images just kills the book. I picked up from my local comic store today and as I browsed though I saw one blurry picture and thought ok one misprint no big deal but asI kept seeing page after page of blurry images I was very upset. Paizo is usually very good about releasing quality products but this book is not one of them. I love Wayne Reynolds art and sincerely hope Paizo does something to rectify this mistake.

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Grand Lodge

Sweet, definitely looking forward to this.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
Kalanth wrote:

The only thing I am hoping to see in the future is a sequal to that Best of Dragon Magazine hardcover they did when Paizo was just launching Pathfinder. That is an oft used book at my table and needs a sequal yesterday.
I'm afraid that's not gonna ever happen. WotC holds the rights to Dragon/Dungeon contents and to make any compilations of them.

I cling to a dead dream, friend, but I cling tightly.

Dragnmoon wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.
I suspected this would happen, sadly I will not be buying this product then.

Sad to hear. Likewise.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Dragnmoon wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.
I suspected this would happen, sadly I will not be buying this product then.

That is a shame. This is the perfect kind of coffee table book and that is exactly what I plan on doing with it. A .pdf would never see use for me.

Vic Wertz wrote:

People keep asking for art books, and we keep saying that they don't sell. This may be your one and only chance to prove us wrong on that.

I bought quite a lot of books because of the art on and in them (in most case I was also pleased with the rest of the content), so I am kind of liking that kind of things.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Kalanth wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.
I suspected this would happen, sadly I will not be buying this product then.
That is a shame. This is the perfect kind of coffee table book and that is exactly what I plan on doing with it. A .pdf would never see use for me.

The coffee table aspect is what keeps it from being an easy "no" for me. However, as GM of a home campaign, being able to use illustrations for creation of encounters, locations and the like is crucial, and a book like this (unlike pretty much every other book, which I do get softcopy) is inherently useless in this regard.

I'm sure it'll be an awesome book, and Wayne Reynolds is definitely an awesome guy, but unfortunately this is not high on my buy list (and with the uber-high cost of the minis, I really have to stop buying stuff just because it's "cool").

Edit: And actually, given that it will only be useful as a coffee-table book, I'd like to see it published in an oversize format. That would change me from "rather unlikely" to "rather likely" to purchase it.

gbonehead wrote:

The coffee table aspect is what keeps it from being an easy "no" for me. However, as GM of a home campaign, being able to use illustrations for creation of encounters, locations and the like is crucial, and a book like this (unlike pretty much every other book, which I do get softcopy) is inherently useless in this regard.

I'm sure it'll be an awesome book, and Wayne Reynolds is definitely an awesome guy, but unfortunately this is not high on my buy list (and with the uber-high cost of the minis, I really have to stop buying stuff just because it's "cool").

Edit: And actually, given that it will only be useful as a coffee-table book, I'd like to see it published in an oversize format. That would change me from "rather unlikely" to "rather likely" to purchase it.

maybe they could do a PDF with the images they own the rights of, but...

Kalanth wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.
I suspected this would happen, sadly I will not be buying this product then.
That is a shame. This is the perfect kind of coffee table book and that is exactly what I plan on doing with it. A .pdf would never see use for me.

I'm the exact opposite. All my gaming is done online, meaning all the things I would use this art for would need to be in a digital format, and I don't own a scanner. I have limited storage space, and can't have things shipped to my current location. Plus that physical books are far more expensive than digital, and my funds are rather limited and will be for the foreseeable future.

If it's not a PDF, I simply cannot purchase it.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

As a (related) derailment, I believe Paizo currently buys the originals for all the artwork they commission for Pathfinder stuff - but they didn't always do so. I could be wrong, of course, but that's what Wayne told me at Origins a few years ago.

Anyone have any idea how much of the Pathfinder artwork hasn't been acquired up by Paizo?

(As a further aside, I will forever be jealous of the owner of Green Ronin, who is the guy lucky enough to have the original of Cthulhu wiping out the 3.5e D&D iconics :)

Vic Wertz wrote:
People keep asking for art books, and we keep saying that they don't sell. This may be your one and only chance to prove us wrong on that.

If you don't remember this was announced more than a year ago, there is no way you would know now that is is available for pre-order. No wonder art books don't sell, if this is the way you're trying to sell them!

This is a Paizo product and as such, if it is really going to be released on February, it needs to be listed on the Product Schedule page.

Dark Archive

Fayries wrote:

If you don't remember this was announced more than a year ago, there is no way you would know now that is is available for pre-order. No wonder art books don't sell, if this is the way you're trying to sell them!

This is a Paizo product and as such, if it is really going to be released on February, it needs to be listed on the Product Schedule page.

Heh, I'm pretty sure Mr Wertz is going by previous experience (such as Art of Dragon Magazine) as well as general insight he may have gained through research. There's been some skepticism coming from Paizo regarding art books since way before this one was announced.

What would the purpose of a pdf be?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shalafi2412 wrote:
What would the purpose of a pdf be?

Nowadays some people simply prefer digital formats to deadtree versions.

Also, for gaming purposes a PDF would allow GMs to use the artwork in their games for various purposes.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shalafi2412 wrote:
What would the purpose of a pdf be?

Much like the print copy, the purpose would be to look at and appreciate Mr. Reynolds' art.

With the added benefit of being able to export images from the PDF in order to use for your own RPG projects. Plus, there's the issue of storage space. If I replaced everything in my library of RPG PDF products with a physical copy, I dunno where I would live, since my apartment would be overflowing with books.

The thing is, though, this isn't an RPG book. It's an art book, and as such, it should be enjoyed in the manner that the artist desires.

Dark Archive

Joseph Wilson wrote:
The thing is, though, this isn't an RPG book. It's an art book, and as such, it should be enjoyed in the manner that the artist desires.

And that seems to be the case here as well. Unfortunately, that does mean that some gamers who might have been on the fence about buying this book has opted out because its usefulness to them at the gaming table is almost nonexistent. A choice has been made by the people releasing the book (in this case either Paizo or Wayne Reynolds or both) and as with every other choice any publisher makes, this choice removes a part of the potential customer base.

This is an artbook, of course, and it's not designed for gaming purposes.

Cant most of his art be found online?

Fayries wrote:
This is a Paizo product and as such, if it is really going to be released on February, it needs to be listed on the Product Schedule page.

Ah, so I see it has been bumped to August 2013.

As for the matter of art books not selling, I find it interesting that The Art of Brom reached $235,319 on Kickstarter recently (for 2,374 backers and a $12,000 goal), and The Complete Elmore Artbook, $299,914 (for 2,097 backers and a $17,500 goal).

Paizo probably wishes for more than 2,000 sales for Visions of WAR, but still. Interesting.

This has become a joke. August 2013. I pre-ordered it on Amazon 1 year ago and now 8 more months.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
This has become a joke. August 2013. I pre-ordered it on Amazon 1 year ago and now 8 more months.

Well, given that you pre-ordered from Amazon, prompt shipping obviously wasn't much of a concern... :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ravenmantle wrote:
A choice has been made by the people releasing the book (in this case either Paizo or Wayne Reynolds or both) and as with every other choice any publisher makes, this choice removes a part of the potential customer base.

To be clear, the "choice" not to release it in PDF form is neither ours nor Wayne's; the book contains several important images for which neither Wayne nor Paizo own the rights to distribute digitally. (I suppose you could say we made the choice by including those images... but not including them would diminish the book as an overview of Wayne's career.)

Gorbacz wrote:
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
This has become a joke. August 2013. I pre-ordered it on Amazon 1 year ago and now 8 more months.
Well, given that you pre-ordered from Amazon, prompt shipping obviously wasn't much of a concern... :)

A week extra is not much when a product is almost 2 years late.

Another copy sold :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
This has become a joke. August 2013. I pre-ordered it on Amazon 1 year ago and now 8 more months.
Well, given that you pre-ordered from Amazon, prompt shipping obviously wasn't much of a concern... :)
A week extra is not much when a product is almost 2 years late.

Well, it was stated from the get go that this is a "lowest priority product" and will be pushed back until there's ample time to get it out.

Also, this.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fayries wrote:

As for the matter of art books not selling, I find it interesting that The Art of Brom reached $235,319 on Kickstarter recently (for 2,374 backers and a $12,000 goal), and The Complete Elmore Artbook, $299,914 (for 2,097 backers and a $17,500 goal).

Paizo probably wishes for more than 2,000 sales for Visions of WAR, but still. Interesting.

The per-unit cost of a book is tied strongly to print volume—the more copies you print, the cheaper it is to make each copy. It's pretty tough to do 2000 copies of a hardcover at a reasonable price point and still make a profit. (Note that those Kickstarters you cited have a per-backer average around $100 and $150 respectively; yes, most of those backers are getting extra stuff, but there is nevertheless profit built in to their price points.)

Frankly, I suspect Paizo will probably just about break even on this book; its real value for us is as a document of Wayne's career and his relationship with Paizo.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, it was stated from the get go that this is a "lowest priority product" and will be pushed back until there's ample time to get it out.

In positive news, work has actually been done on this book in the last couple of weeks!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, it was stated from the get go that this is a "lowest priority product" and will be pushed back until there's ample time to get it out.
In positive news, work has actually been done on this book in the last couple of weeks!

That is good news.

This is absurd. I can understand a delay of few months, but this is getting ridiculous.

One less pre-order for you to worry about.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
its real value for us is as a document of Wayne's career and his relationship with Paizo.

This buoys my hope of seeing those interior inks be did for the turn of the century TSR products.

How far back are you going in his career prior to Paizo?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

While I understand (and support) including crucial artwork, I am nevertheless unhappy that none of the artwork will be available because a few pieces are not licensed for digital reproduction.

Can't those just be blocked out? I'm guessing it's a pretty small percentage overall ... and talk about a subscriber benefit if the PDF version (even with blackouts) was available only to subscribers!

(Note that I'm not advocating it be subscriber only ... but I bet Paizo is loathe to sell a PDF version that doesn't match the print version)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Wayne's in town so I'll talk it over with him this week, but I think a lot of this stuff is contractual. I'll see if there's any wiggle room.

The bulk of the art we have on hand begins in the early 2000s, and right now none of the pen and ink stuff is in there. That's something I'd like to see changed. I'm also going to try to get some early work in there for perspective.

We have a meeting with Wayne to work out final details like this next week.

Dark Archive

Wayne Reynolds really defined the way Pathfinder looks, so any book with iconics fighting monsters will be added value on a gaming table. I'm a little disappointed with the impatient people - this has never been a Need item, always a Greed item, and it doesn't matter that it takes longer because other Need items take priority in publishing. You'd better thank Asmodeus they do.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gbonehead wrote:
...Note that I'm not advocating it be subscriber only ...

Good... because this product is not part of any subscription!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
increddibelly wrote:
Wayne Reynolds really defined the way Pathfinder looks, so any book with iconics fighting monsters will be added value on a gaming table.

The Wayne Reynolds art prints are what tipped the scales on my decision to buy the Deluxe Collector's Edition of Rise of the Runelords. When we finish the major bathroom remodel on our house, which involves shifting a few interior walls around, one side effect will be that the space from one of the bedrooms will be divided up between expanding the bathroom (so we can install a 72" tub) and adding space to another "bedroom" which we'll be using as a game room. The prints of at least some of the iconics will almost certainly end up on the walls of the game room.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Vic Wertz wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
...Note that I'm not advocating it be subscriber only ...
Good... because this product is not part of any subscription!

There's a precedent for items that are not in a subscription giving a PDF benefit to subscribers if they pre-order - that's what I was referring to.

Edit: In fact, even if it were NOT a benefit and I had to buy the PDF separately, I'll still probably get the book. It's just that given how much I spend on materials I can actually use for the game, buying something (even somethign as cool as this) that I have no way to use in game is just too much :)

Silver Crusade

I look at the shift in this book's release date as a convenient way to hopefully pick it up and get it signed by WAR in one fell swoop. :)

If he's there this year!

Really? Pushed back to August? This is getting to be as bad as Margaret Weis Productions and their Dragonlance products. Some of those things took a year or so to come out as it kept getting pushed back.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Really? Pushed back to August? This is getting to be as bad as Margaret Weis Productions and their Dragonlance products. Some of those things took a year or so to come out as it kept getting pushed back.

That's not actually the best comparison to make if your intent is to make it seem like a bad thing. Yes, Margaret Weis Productions was notorious for delays but as someone who had the honor of being part of the Whitestone Council (during the d20 days a group of gents proofreading the Dragonlance books released by Sovereign Press/Margaret Weis Productions), I can attest to the desire by the design team to make the books as good as they could be, even if it meant delays.

In the case of Visions of WAR, it was said early in the process that this is a low priority product. As I understand it, being a low priority product for Paizo means that if other fires need to be put out (such as delays to more important product lines such as the adventure paths, etc.), Visions of WAR is put on the back burner until those fires have been put out.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ravenmantle wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Really? Pushed back to August? This is getting to be as bad as Margaret Weis Productions and their Dragonlance products. Some of those things took a year or so to come out as it kept getting pushed back.

That's not actually the best comparison to make if your intent is to make it seem like a bad thing. Yes, Margaret Weis Productions was notorious for delays but as someone who had the honor of being part of the Whitestone Council (during the d20 days a group of gents proofreading the Dragonlance books released by Sovereign Press/Margaret Weis Productions), I can attest to the desire by the design team to make the books as good as they could be, even if it meant delays.

Lol, maybe "getting to be as bad as Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk #3 (for anyone who doesn't know, it was originally solicited for April 19, 2006, finally released on March 4, 2009) " is a better term... since the lower priority comic was pushed back supposedly because the writer was helping write some of the later seasons of Lost.

Ravenmantle wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Really? Pushed back to August? This is getting to be as bad as Margaret Weis Productions and their Dragonlance products. Some of those things took a year or so to come out as it kept getting pushed back.

That's not actually the best comparison to make if your intent is to make it seem like a bad thing. Yes, Margaret Weis Productions was notorious for delays but as someone who had the honor of being part of the Whitestone Council (during the d20 days a group of gents proofreading the Dragonlance books released by Sovereign Press/Margaret Weis Productions), I can attest to the desire by the design team to make the books as good as they could be, even if it meant delays.

In the case of Visions of WAR, it was said early in the process that this is a low priority product. As I understand it, being a low priority product for Paizo means that if other fires need to be put out (such as delays to more important product lines such as the adventure paths, etc.), Visions of WAR is put on the back burner until those fires have been put out.

I never said their quality was not good, I have everything they wrote in multiples for DL. However, that still does not excuse some products being as late as they more often than not were.

Dark Archive

Shalafi2412 wrote:
However, that still does not excuse some products being as late as they more often than not were.

I'd say that dedication to proper quality rather than timely delivery is a pretty good excuse. To each his own, of course. :)

Anyhoo, this isn't a thread about d20 Dragonlance products so I'll shut up about that now. :)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm fine with waiting if comments like this

Erik Mona wrote:
The bulk of the art we have on hand begins in the early 2000s, and right now none of the pen and ink stuff is in there. That's something I'd like to see changed. I'm also going to try to get some early work in there for perspective.

lead to the inclusion of that earlier work. It won't quite be the same without the character descriptions, but even then, WARs attention to character details (look, equipment, personality) were present in just simple black ink. He did a good job managing negative space.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

We have increased the page count from 128 to 256. We have not changed the price. We are also reasonably confident (Erik Mona's words!) about the July release date.

Dark Archive

You guys are amazing!!! Thank you :)

Silver Crusade

I take it all that work to get those older pieces of art paid off. :D

Vic Wertz wrote:
We have increased the page count from 128 to 256. We have not changed the price. We are also reasonably confident (Erik Mona's words!) about the July release date.

Awesome! I'm sure this will be a fantastic book. And you guys just doubled the page count *without* changing the price?!?! Double awesome!!

increddibelly wrote:
Wayne Reynolds really defined the way Pathfinder looks, so any book with iconics fighting monsters will be added value on a gaming table. I'm a little disappointed with the impatient people - this has never been a Need item, always a Greed item, and it doesn't matter that it takes longer because other Need items take priority in publishing. You'd better thank Asmodeus they do.

Nothing sold by Paizo is a NEED item. It does matter to customers of this product who may or may not be picking up everything else Paizo does that everything else Paizo does seems to take priority and bump this back. To suggest that is just absurd. Of course I'm impatient because I don't buy adventure paths or modules, and the setting books lately have kinda run out of steam in terms of being ones that I'm really interested in, at least. This is the most exciting Paizo product coming out this year from my perspective, so naturally I don't want it to be continuously de-prioritized so more modules or adventure path volumes can come out. I understand why that happens, certainly, but asking me to basically sit down and shut up and go ahead and wait who knows how many more months for this to come out isn't very helpful. Naturally, I'm going to say that these continued delays are frustrating... because they are.

That said... doubling the page count? I'm cool with waiting a few more months for THAT! :)

I'm more disappointed in all the huffy, "if it's not PDF, then I won't buy it!" responses. Did anyone ever really think that an art book would be sold as a pdf? Especially when finding WAR art online is getting more and more difficult; he's clearly making an effort to prune what's available, especially in hi-res format, in favor of samplers in low-res formats. I've never heard of such a thing as a coffee table artbook coming out in pdf, and I'd have been shocked to see it greenlit. (Not unhappy, mind you, but shocked. If I could get hi-res images out of a pdf version, I'd do some hi-res printing and framing and decorate my house with WAR pieces. But just because I'd like something to happen doesn't mean that I'm clueless or brattily entitled about it--I would never have expected that to happen.)

Besides, if it's Pathfinder specific artwork you're looking for, just extract them from your Pathfinder pdfs. That's what I do when I want a WAR picture to show to my players.

Webstore Gninja Minion

And updated with final cover image!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll miss the Green, but wow. This cover hearkens back to old school books like the Art of Dragon Magazine.

I cancelled my pre-order with Amazon. I am tired of the poor shipping they use now. They just throw it in a bag. Seriously. I will be ordering it from Paizo. Great packing job with every order.

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