Visions of WAR: The Art of Wayne Reynolds Hardcover

2.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

Our Price: $29.99


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For much of the last decade, Wayne Reynolds has been the definitive artist of fantasy gaming. From cover paintings for major games like Warhammer, Dungeons & Dragons, and Pathfinder to concept illustrations for popular Reaper Miniatures gaming figures, Reynolds’s work has stoked the imaginations of a generation of gamers and fantasy enthusiasts. Now, for the first time ever, comes a huge 256-page collection of Wayne Reynolds’s most treasured works from a variety of publishers. Take a glimpse into fantastic worlds through the eyes of a grand master of the craft with Visions of WAR!

ISBN: 978-1-60125-425-2

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2.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Low-Res Artbook: Missing the Point


I have several issues with it above and beyond the pixelization / low-resolution images that other reviewers have covered:

1. The overuse of white space. As has been mentioned, none of the pictures have commentary or anything of those lines. So if you only have one picture on the page, there's no need for it to be shrunk down to only taking up about a quarter of the page. Yet this book consistently does just this...not just with the sketches, but with the fully finished pieces as well. This probably links back to the resolution problem, as the smaller they print the images on the page, the less likely that people are to notice the pixelization / blurring.

2. That Paizo may not have been able to get full-resolution images for some of the works he did for other companies (notably WotC) is understandable, if disappointing. But some of the problem images are for his work on Paizo products. How is it that, for example, the core rulebook cover printed full size on the Core Rulebook looks so much better than it does printed at a much smaller size in this artbook?

3. All in all, I would consider these to be minor issues if this was an RPG book. For example, the 3.5 Campaign Setting book has some pixelization on the cover, and that never really bothered me. But this is an art book. The point is the art. If you can't do the art justice in an art book, then there's no point to it.

Missing the point of an art book


An art book is about the art. Showcasing the art is the primary purpose of such a book, and I have to say that this book does a terrible job of it. Much of the art is low quality (noticeable pixelation and improper colouring). The layout of the art is at best, boring.

I wish I was not giving this book a 1 star rating, but I feel I must do what I can to warn others to not waste their coin on this tome.

A true opus.


There are a few production problems with this book of art. The other reviewers have more than explored those. I can only say, for my part, that I absolutely love this book. What flaws it has are easily overtopped by the fact that it is a true opus of Mr. Reynolds work. To see his world-defining art compiled in one book is stunning. The real value of this book is seeing the artists work evolve(as it helped define the look of the settings we love) over time.

Great art, poor production


As a huge fan of Wayne Reynolds' artwork, I have been looking forward to this book since it was announced, but reading the reviews here I started to worry. I got my copy in the mail yesterday, and although I would still recommend this book, I also feel it could have been much better.

The selection of work is excellent- the only thing I really felt was missing was more of his interior work for D&D 3rd edition books, such as the Monster Manuals. Most of the art is reproduced clearly, including all of the landscape-format Eberron covers.

The problem is, as others have mentioned, the quality of many of the other images in the book. At least 25-30% of the pictures are visibly blurry, fuzzy, or pixelated. This is not a printing error- this is clearly a formatting error, so every book will have the same problem. Tragically, it affects some of the most iconic work in the book, including the Pathfinder and D&D 4th edition core rulebook covers, some of his standout Dungeon and Dragon magazine covers, and some of the Rise of the Runelords and all of the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP covers. With the landscape format AP covers already being printed so small, the fuzziness ruins the sharp and intricate detail Reynolds is known for.

I am still happy to have a collection of Wayne Reynolds' artwork, but I am very disappointed that some of my favorite paintings may as well not be in the book because the reproduction is so poor, and I remain baffled as to how Paizo could fail to get full-resolution copies of artwork from their own RPG.

Seriously Disappointed


I know it's been said in other reviews but I need to say it again the pixelation/bluriness of the images just kills the book. I picked up from my local comic store today and as I browsed though I saw one blurry picture and thought ok one misprint no big deal but asI kept seeing page after page of blurry images I was very upset. Paizo is usually very good about releasing quality products but this book is not one of them. I love Wayne Reynolds art and sincerely hope Paizo does something to rectify this mistake.

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Sovereign Court

Wayne Reynolds became my hero at GenCon last year when on Sunday, he remembered me from the day before trying to buy the final print of Lirianne (which he'd been holding in case anyone wanted to buy the 22 print set), and told me if the print was so important to me, it belonged to me, and sold me the last one.

I will own this book.

Definitely getting this - love his art - will preorder it

Pre-order placed.

*crossing fingers for a complimentary PDF

I will buy this immediately.

This looks uber cool. I hope there are more like this

Can't wait to see the final cover art for this one.

Silver Crusade

fine birthday present even if I have to buy it myself!!

This and Advanced races coming out the same month, what fun month may is going to be.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


I have been waiting for something like this from Wayne Reynolds for years! On the plus side, he has way more awesome artwork at this point.

This is an insta-sale for me! I'm so excited!

From a customer perspective, what I'd like to pay for is clean desktop wallpaper images of many of Wayne's wonderful illustrations.

But I can't actually buy them, as the only way to get any of his art is to buy physical prints.

So if I have to buy a hardcover book to get those files digitally as a bonus pdf then hell yeah, I'd be very happy to do so.

Because given the choice as to whether I'd want to pay money for a book of art, or have the art itself, I know what I'd chose.

Oh and I can't help but feel this book really, really, really should have been called 'The Art of WAR'...?


The Far Wanderer wrote:
Oh and I can't help but feel this book really, really, really should have been called 'The Art of WAR'...?

Turns out some guy named Sun Tzu beat us to the punch. (Marketing the book would have been an issue too, as "The Art of WAR" conjures up something else entirely.)

Liz Courts wrote:
The Far Wanderer wrote:
Oh and I can't help but feel this book really, really, really should have been called 'The Art of WAR'...?
Turns out some guy named Sun Tzu beat us to the punch. (Marketing the book would have been an issue too, as "The Art of WAR" conjures up something else entirely.)


The Far Wanderer wrote:
So if I have to buy a hardcover book to get those files digitally as a bonus pdf then hell yeah, I'd be very happy to do so.

With the release date for this product fast approaching, are there any plans for a PDF version of the book? Will there be any advantage for people who have it pre-ordered?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.

I suspected this would happen, sadly I will not be buying this product then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I personally can't imagine looking at this book in anything other than glorious hardcover. Can't wait for my pre-order to get here!

I wonder if the book will have any of his Osprey works.

Dark Archive

The Art Of WAR, good stuff.

Scarab Sages

Liz Courts wrote:
There will not be a PDF of this book due to rights issues, and we do not have any preorder bonuses planned for this book.

That's too bad. I have a feeling quite a few potential buyers will decide against getting this. I was hoping for a print+pdf deal, but I'll be happy for the print only. Unlike Art of Dragon Magazine, I will actually recognize some of the art, characters, and places! (being a newer gamer and all)

Preordering! Love his art, and was so glad to get a signed print in person this past Gencon!

As for a pdf version, that's not something I would expect to see for an "art" book. Rights issues and such. Besides, most of his art can probably be found online with an image search, even if the quality/resolution isn't the best.

Amazon notified me that this is being delayed until October 19. Anyone know about this?


Amazon is notorious for changing its shipping dates. Please read this post for why/how it happens. The short version: Amazon has an algorithm in place that changes the release date on their end.

Thank you for the help.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Even though Amazon is only guessing, to be frank, so are we. Since we're behind schedule, we're prioritizing products that need to be released at particular times, and since this is a standalone product, it's pretty much waiting behind everything else.

My guess is that it won't go to the printer until after all of our Gen Con releases are done, which would put this in September. On the other hand, it's less resource-intensive than most products, and there's a chance that it may sneak through sooner by way of a couple of little gaps that could open up in the production schedule. We'd certainly love to have it at PaizoCon in July... but not if that would keep us from delivering Pathfinder books to Gen Con.

Thanks for the info, I pre-ordered this at as soon as I saw it announced and just came here to see why I got an email saying it's been pushed back to Nov. 1st.

Can I just say it's nice to see reps of companies happily explaining issues and why release dates sometimes have to be moved. It makes a very refreshing change from some other companies I could mention.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

Even though Amazon is only guessing, to be frank, so are we. Since we're behind schedule, we're prioritizing products that need to be released at particular times, and since this is a standalone product, it's pretty much waiting behind everything else.

My guess is that it won't go to the printer until after all of our Gen Con releases are done, which would put this in September. On the other hand, it's less resource-intensive than most products, and there's a chance that it may sneak through sooner by way of a couple of little gaps that could open up in the production schedule. We'd certainly love to have it at PaizoCon in July... but not if that would keep us from delivering Pathfinder books to Gen Con.

Vic mind having the Web Team update the product page to indicated a more accurate release date, be it "post June" or the like just indicating the delay?


Insert "so much win" Picard meme here.

I need this so much!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Galnörag wrote:
Vic mind having the Web Team update the product page to indicated a more accurate release date, be it "post June" or the like just indicating the delay?


Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

No PDF? Bummer.

Guess this one will be going on my Amazon wish list instead of here as a pre-order :(

Interesting. I'll have to see where my finances are when this is closer to being available. I like the idea of it, I'm just not sure I would purchase it.


Wow, this got pushed back.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Been a fan since the "Return To . . ." series with TSR.

I did not see it mentioned, but will there be any of those fantastic B&W inks in this hardcover like there were in those books?

I can hardly wait for this book! WAR has great art!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

OMG!!! I have never bought a book dedicated on art; however, this will be the exception. Wayne Reynolds continues to astound my gaming group with his amazing illustrations. I can't wait to flip through this book! :D

Dark Archive

Will the new cover for Thornkeep, the Kickstarter book, be in this book since it has been delayed until October?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The timing on that may be tricky, as all Wayne has completed for Thornkeep is the thumbnail sketch (which comes before a detailed sketch, which comes before actually painting the thing), but I like your thinking!

Liberty's Edge

So Pre-ordered!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I hope the Sorceress from Dungeon 143 will make her return in this book.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
The timing on that may be tricky, as all Wayne has completed for Thornkeep is the thumbnail sketch (which comes before a detailed sketch, which comes before actually painting the thing), but I like your thinking!

Soooo....I noticed in the new Goblinworks blog that the Cover for the Kickstarter Thornkeep was completed and finished in time for PaizoCon. Does that mean it has a fair chance of making it into this book?? please.....

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Soooo....I noticed in the new Goblinworks blog that the Cover for the Kickstarter Thornkeep was completed and finished in time for PaizoCon. Does that mean it has a fair chance of making it into this book?? please.....

I think it's very possible.

Liberty's Edge

Vic, I have noticed (and preordered) this book only today, as it was cited in passing by James. As the release date is approaching, maybe it is time to make a bit of advertising for it?

As it is outside the normal product lines a lot of people could end not noticing its existence.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I'm sure we'll do some more promotion when the time comes... but I also suspect that the time will not actually be October; frankly, this book is still a ways from going to the printer.

Liberty's Edge

Oh well, no problem. It will be perfect as a Christmas present. :-)
If that is too near I will find some other occasion, a gift is ever better if it is something unexpected.

Totally buying it

Wow, when did this get pushed back to february?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

IIRC it was said that this is a "low priority" book, and with all the GenCon/RotRL delay hoolaboola ... well, I guess it got pushed to some safe time.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Maybe they're trying to get permission for a PDF! :)

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I am so impressed and excited for what Paizo has planned for 2013. This Wayne Reynolds compilation is awesome, and I have not seen anything like this done since the days of TSR and those Tales of the Lance and More Tales of the Lance books.

The only thing I am hoping to see in the future is a sequal to that Best of Dragon Magazine hardcover they did when Paizo was just launching Pathfinder. That is an oft used book at my table and needs a sequal yesterday.

Keep it up, gang! Excited for 2013, assuming the world doesn't end before Christmas.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kalanth wrote:

The only thing I am hoping to see in the future is a sequal to that Best of Dragon Magazine hardcover they did when Paizo was just launching Pathfinder. That is an oft used book at my table and needs a sequal yesterday.

I'm afraid that's not gonna ever happen. WotC holds the rights to Dragon/Dungeon contents and to make any compilations of them.

I can't wait for this.

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