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* What about Giants and Trolls, what types did we get?
Ash (CR 11)
Cave (CR 6)
Desert (CR 9)
Jungle (CR 9)
Jotund Troll (CR 15, Previewed)
Moss Troll (CR 3)
Trollhound (CR 3, From Kingmaker)
* What misfit monsters other then the Flumph, Flail snail, wolf in sheep's clothing make it in?
I saw the Adherer, Disenchanter, Dire Corby, and Tojanida.
* Did the Almiraj, Beatific one, Danse Macabre, Buraq, Giant Stympalides, Vouivre, Troll Hound, or Dweomer cat make it in?
The Beatific One is around with a new name, Vpasunda, with Beatific One being a common alternate name for them. The Trollhound and Stymphalidies are also present.
* Robots?
There's several types of clockworks. Nothing with the 'Robot' subtype out of Dungeons of Golarion, though.
* What types and Cr devils did we get?
Only an update of the Contract Devil (CR 10).

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What did we get for plant creatures?
I know abot the Alraune, Phantom Fungus, and Fungus Leshy.
alraune, ascomoid, cerebric fungus, fungus leshy, gourd leshy, leaf leshy, myceloid, phantom fungus, seaweed leshy, sargassum fiend
That's all the plants in the book I believe.

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What are the types of oni?
Fire yai, Ice yai, Kuwa, Spirit, Void yai, and Water yai.
What a is the other type of Naga other then Royal?
Lunar, Royal, and Water.
What are the Akvan and the Eremite?
Akvan is a type of Div, the Eremite is a type of Kyton.
What CR is Humbaba and what does it look like?
CR19 and a massive muscular horned humaniod more or less.
What are the CRs of the new drakes?
Desert CR 8, Rift CR 9, and River CR 3.

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The lunar, is mostly black with white star looking spots on it, it fades to white near the head with a completely human head with long white hair. CR 6, it has poison and spells it is a caster creature.
Yes it does.
There is a giant sea anemones, didn't see the other two. There is like four megafuana creatures though.

J-Spee Lovecraft |

What about Giants and Trolls, what types did we get?
What misfit monsters other then the Flumph, Flail snail, wolf in sheep's clothing make it in?
Did the Almiraj, Beatific one, Danse Macabre, Buraq, Giant Stympalides, Vouivre, Troll Hound, or Dweomer cat make it in?
What's a stympalide? Also, what CR is the baluchitherium?

Troodos |

The kirin is CR 7.
The dinosaurs and megafauna are archelon, baluchitherium, basilosaurus, dimetrodon, iguanodon, megalania, Pachycephalosaurus, spinosaurus,.
And my derhii made it in. The illustration is art I wish to put on my wall.
Every page is full of inspiring, top-shelf art and design.
I was right about dimetrodon, and i was hoping for pacys too
but were missing two classics: Diplodocus or Apatosaurus, and Dilophosauruswich dinos have pics

Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

What's a stympalide?
A misspelling of "stymphalides", the bronze birds Hercules fought for one of his labors. They're CR 8 and shoot razor-sharp feathers at their victims. Lots of bleed damage. They originally appeared in a Council of Thieves bestiary article, but not in any of the adventures proper.

Panguinslayer7 |

Ok just looked at this thread and found the Stymphalidies which I think is what was meant by the post a couple above asking about a Stymphalide.
The Stymphalidies is a large magical brass bird thingy.
Hercules had to deal with them in Greek myth, they have a rather poor disposition and can shoot feathers something like Archangel. (X-Force member, not the actual angels. :)

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Did the lamia-kin from RotRL get updated in this book (i.e. the kuchrima, harridan, etc.). If the kuchrima made it in, did its spell-like abilities get restored to it?
Androsphinx? Hieracosphinx?
The three missing sphinxes are in, along with lots of lovely lovely descriptive text about their relationships with each other and non-sphinx races. :)

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Did the lamia-kin from RotRL get updated in this book (i.e. the kuchrima, harridan, etc.). If the kuchrima made it in, did its spell-like abilities get restored to it?
Androsphinx? Hieracosphinx?
No lamia-kin in Bestiary 3, although I have it on good authority that they're pretty important to the Rise of the Runelords hardcover and thus might show up there...

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That makes sense. So...about those kuchrima spell-like abilities...
That's something I'll be looking at in the weeks to come. I've got a giant printout of all the concerns folks have about all six parts, culled from the Runelords messageboards... but if you have any specific concerns, now is ABSOLUTELY the time to spell them out to me.
The kuchrima, in my mind, is the lowest ranking of the lamia pecking order (even if it's a higher CR monster than the baseline lamia) due to its relatively low mental ability scores, and one way that plays out is "no spell like abilities." If you have a compelling reason to give them spell like abilities, let me know!

Dragon78 |

What are the names, CR, appearances of the new Rakshasa?
How many different types of Thriae are there?
Do the three other types of spinxes have any abilities that are new to them?
What is the fey template called and what creature types does it apply to?
The Greater Medusa is in there right? what is her CR, appearance, etc.?

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What are the names, CR, appearances of the new Rakshasa?
Dandasuka CR5 and kinda a scary freaky gnome.
Maharaja CR20, human with 4 extra animal heads.Marai CR8, freaky humanoid looking thing with 6 snakes in place of arms
Raktavarna CR2, sorta half snake, half sword looking thing, hard to explain.
Tataka CR15, blue skinned humanoid with some feral animal features.
How many different types of Thriae are there?
Do the three other types of spinxes have any abilities that are new to them?
Yes looks like they each have one.
What is the fey template called and what creature types does it apply to?
Fey Creature, any living corporeal creature.
The Greater Medusa is in there right? what is her CR, appearance, etc.?
didn't find her on a word search.

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Does the iguanodon have two thumb spike attacks or two claw attacks? I realize that's an odd question but I was just wondering.
In the attack information it calls them claws but in the special abilities it stats they are thumb spikes and do triple damage on crits.

Kajehase |

Well, I would love to get a copy of them. Word works.
I decided the easiest way to share them would be to just post the lists up here on the boards: http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4ws2?Indexes-of-monsters-appearing-in-the-AP

Gururamalamaswami |

Gururamalamaswami wrote:That makes sense. So...about those kuchrima spell-like abilities...That's something I'll be looking at in the weeks to come. I've got a giant printout of all the concerns folks have about all six parts, culled from the Runelords messageboards... but if you have any specific concerns, now is ABSOLUTELY the time to spell them out to me.
The kuchrima, in my mind, is the lowest ranking of the lamia pecking order (even if it's a higher CR monster than the baseline lamia) due to its relatively low mental ability scores, and one way that plays out is "no spell like abilities." If you have a compelling reason to give them spell like abilities, let me know!
By "compelling" I'm assuming you mean something more than "because that's the way the author originally designed them," or "they're lamias!" or "because it would be cool!"
Seriously, don't have my notes around here, can't find my copy of Spires of Xin-Shalast but the author did post a small suite of SLAs somewhere on the RotRL boards that included true strike, feather fall, and maybe a couple of others. Nothing major but enough to say "lamia" and enough to give them enough bling to justify their presence at the level they are tossed in at.
Plus, that would be cool, you know?

Ravingdork |

Can a hekatonkheires combine its hundred-handed whirlwind with cleave and great cleave? If so, that is absolutely terrifying. It moves up and activates cleave as a standard action. As per it hundred-handed whirlwind ability, it makes one attack roll and compares it to everyone within its substantial reach.
So if it hits Joe, it can great cleave into Bob, Billy, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
It then compares its initial attack roll against Bob's AC, which then great cleaves into Joe, Billy, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
It then checks its inital attack roll against Billy's AC, cleaving into Joe, Bob, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
...And so on...
Conceptually, it makes total sense, but d**n! That...that is going to make for a LOT of dice rolls...

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Any Centipede creature, Mantis creature or Wasp creature in there?
Those get way too less attention as all three are a lot more interresting as spiders and all 3 creatures feed on spiders in the real world.
There is a Hellwasp Swarm
And some group of creatures called Thriae.
Highly spiritual creatures and keepers of the world’s greatest secrets, the thriae are a race of female, beelike seers coveted for their powers of divination and prophecy.

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Can a hekatonkheires combine its hundred-handed whirlwind with cleave and great cleave? If so, that is absolutely terrifying. It moves up and activates cleave as a standard action. As per it hundred-handed whirlwind ability, it makes one attack roll and compares it to everyone within its substantial reach.
So if it hits Joe, it can great cleave into Bob, Billy, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
It then compares its initial attack roll against Bob's AC, which then great cleaves into Joe, Billy, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
It then checks its inital attack roll against Billy's AC, cleaving into Joe, Bob, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
...And so on...
Conceptually, it makes total sense, but d**n! That...that is going to make for a LOT of dice rolls...
As it Hundred hand Attack is a extraordinary ability which takes a standard action, and cleave is a standard action I would have to say no.

atheral |

I must ask, Hags and Goblinoids, any new Stuff there? I run a homebrew setting that see these two as main antagonists, so I'm always looking for more.
Lets see there is the Annis Hag(CR9), and a Goblin Snake(CR1) Though the snake is a aberration which has goblin like traits not actually part of the goblinoid family.

Elias Alexander |

Elias Alexander wrote:I must ask, Hags and Goblinoids, any new Stuff there? I run a homebrew setting that see these two as main antagonists, so I'm always looking for more.Lets see there is the Annis Hag(CR9), and a Goblin Snake(CR1) Though the snake is a aberration which has goblin like traits not actually part of the goblinoid family.
Dang, I was wishing for something new. Ah well, the book'll probobly give me plenty of ideas.