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Cooking up anything special for AP volume #50? :)
It's part 2 of an AP. While 50 volumes is certainly a benchmark, it's not really appropriate to do something "special" with. AP #10 is probably a better place to do something wild and crazy... which would be Pathfinder #61.

Blazej |

Adam Christman wrote:Cooking up anything special for AP volume #50? :)Nope.
It's part 2 of an AP. While 50 volumes is certainly a benchmark, it's not really appropriate to do something "special" with. AP #10 is probably a better place to do something wild and crazy... which would be Pathfinder #61.
Wild and crazy #61 huh? Hmmmmmm.

Joseph Wilson |

Adam Christman wrote:Cooking up anything special for AP volume #50? :)Nope.
It's part 2 of an AP. While 50 volumes is certainly a benchmark, it's not really appropriate to do something "special" with. AP #10 is probably a better place to do something wild and crazy... which would be Pathfinder #61.
Not to be a nitpicker, but wouldn't the AP following Jade Regent be the 10th? So, that would be #55? ;-)

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James Jacobs wrote:Not to be a nitpicker, but wouldn't the AP following Jade Regent be the 10th? So, that would be #55? ;-)Adam Christman wrote:Cooking up anything special for AP volume #50? :)Nope.
It's part 2 of an AP. While 50 volumes is certainly a benchmark, it's not really appropriate to do something "special" with. AP #10 is probably a better place to do something wild and crazy... which would be Pathfinder #61.
Welll... Yeah.
Which kinda reveals how much thought I've put into that kind of anniversary type thing! :-)

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Shelyn?!? I wasn't expecting that. I figured that you'd go with Torg in this AP since there are so many Dwarves in the Land of the Linorm Kings.
We went with Shelyn partially because the primary NPC of the campaign is a bard who worships Shelyn, and because unlike Torag, Shelyn is also worshiped in Tian Xia.

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Mike Silva wrote:Shelyn?!? I wasn't expecting that. I figured that you'd go with Torg in this AP since there are so many Dwarves in the Land of the Linorm Kings.We went with Shelyn partially because the primary NPC of the campaign is a bard who worships Shelyn, and because unlike Torag, Shelyn is also worshiped in Tian Xia.
Makes sense, thanks.
edit* Also good to know that the "bard" worships Shelyn since I'm starting up RotRL soon.

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Interesting, so Shelyn is worshiped in Tian Xia.
Not terribly surprised. It will be interesting to see which gods "cross over" to Tian Xia and why.
I'm also wondering what the status of the the no human races are in Tian Xia. Elves? Do halflings live alongside Tians? Gnomes? Did Dwarves and Orc burst out in Tian Xia after the Quest for the Sky?
And did they bring their deities?
I could see Gorum being popular among the Tian-La.
The Inner Sea World guide states that Tians favored religions are:
Abadar(no surprise here, probably favored by scribes and bureaucrats.
Desna(Makes sense)
Erastil(Strong sense of family probably goes over well in Tian Xia)
Zon-Kuthon(Say what!)
and ancestrial worship and the gods of the Tian pantheon.

Generic Villain |
The Inner Sea World guide states that Tians favored religions are:
Abadar(no surprise here, probably favored by scribes and bureaucrats.
Desna(Makes sense)
Erastil(Strong sense of family probably goes over well in Tian Xia)
Zon-Kuthon(Say what!)
and ancestrial worship and the gods of the Tian pantheon.
It's worth noting that all those gods are quite old. None of the "new" gods (Norgorber, Iomedae, Cayden) are mentioned. Thus, I would assume that this is a simple case of diffusion. I think I recall reading that Irori worship was brought over by missionaries from Vudra.
Actually, now that I think about it, Desna, Erastil, Zon-Kuthon/Dou Bral, Shelyn, and Abadar are incredibly old gods. I'd say they predate the world of Golarion itself. Thus, a Tien would be just as inclined to worship them as an Inner-Sea dweller. These gods might be known by different names, and would probably be portrayed as being ethnically Tien, but they would still be the same gods.
Sort of like how the Mwangi portray Iomedae as a proud black warrior woman.

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Dragon78 wrote:Interesting, so Shelyn is worshiped in Tian Xia.Not terribly surprised. It will be interesting to see which gods "cross over" to Tian Xia and why.
I'm also wondering what the status of the the no human races are in Tian Xia. Elves? Do halflings live alongside Tians? Gnomes? Did Dwarves and Orc burst out in Tian Xia after the Quest for the Sky?
And did they bring their deities?
I could see Gorum being popular among the Tian-La.
The Inner Sea World guide states that Tians favored religions are:
Abadar(no surprise here, probably favored by scribes and bureaucrats.
Desna(Makes sense)
Erastil(Strong sense of family probably goes over well in Tian Xia)
Zon-Kuthon(Say what!)
and ancestrial worship and the gods of the Tian pantheon.
Note that those are the favored deities of Tiens in the Inner Sea region. That's NOT the same list of the Inner Sea core 20 deities who are worshiped extensively in Tian Xia, although there's a fair amount of cross-over. And while they're worshiped with different appearances and with different appellations and nicknames... the actual NAMES of the deities won't be changing—when you can just cast commune to find out a deity's name, there's not a lot of logical reason for them to have new names in other regions. (There's a LOT of other reasons why we don't want to change deity names, of course.)
We'll be revealing the gods of Tian Xia later this year. Some of them will be familiar, and some will be brand new. To us. Not to Tian Xia.

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Norgorber seems like he'd make the perfect patron god of ninjas. Just sayin'
Perhaps... but Norgorber is also one of the Inner Sea region's newest deities. That, plus the fact that he ascended in Absalom and not in Tian Xia makes it doubly unlikely he has a big role in Tian Xia.
Whether or not there's a big ninja god in Tian Xia, I'm not ready to say yet. If there is, though, it won't be Norgorber.

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Shelyn?!? I wasn't expecting that. I figured that you'd go with Torg in this AP since there are so many Dwarves in the Land of the Linorm Kings.
Torag? Heavens no. James is probably putting off covering the Dwarven god for as long as humanly possible. Hell, I wouldn't even be surpirsed if he "accidentally" left Torag out of the series just to avoid it even longer.
We'll probably be lucky if we see him in AP issue #59.

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Mike Silva wrote:Shelyn?!? I wasn't expecting that. I figured that you'd go with Torg in this AP since there are so many Dwarves in the Land of the Linorm Kings.Torag? Heavens no. James is probably putting off covering the Dwarven god for as long as humanly possible. Hell, I wouldn't even be surpirsed if he "accidentally" left Torag out of the series just to avoid it even longer.
We'll probably be lucky if we see him in AP issue #59.
In completely unrelated news... Torag is indeed the god I had the LEAST to do with creating.

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I have no problem with that, I love Shelyn WAY more than Torag. I just figured the Linorm Kings was the best place to do it.
I also think it makes the most sense that Iori will be in #53, but we will see.
That would leave Norgorber and Torag left for the AP after this one. Does that give us hint of what's coming next? Probably not.

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Joseph Wilson wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Not to be a nitpicker, but wouldn't the AP following Jade Regent be the 10th? So, that would be #55? ;-)Adam Christman wrote:Cooking up anything special for AP volume #50? :)Nope.
It's part 2 of an AP. While 50 volumes is certainly a benchmark, it's not really appropriate to do something "special" with. AP #10 is probably a better place to do something wild and crazy... which would be Pathfinder #61.
Welll... Yeah.
Which kinda reveals how much thought I've put into that kind of anniversary type thing! :-)
Wohoo - would you mind giving us a hint on what the 10th AP will be about?! It's time anyway... :)

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Dryder wrote:Wohoo - would you mind giving us a hint on what the 10th AP will be about?! It's time anyway... :)Actually... it's not quite time yet. The right time to make this announcement is Paizocon! :-)
Don't pretend you haven't dropped hints; I've seen them with my own eyes!

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James Jacobs wrote:Don't pretend you haven't dropped hints; I've seen them with my own eyes!Dryder wrote:Wohoo - would you mind giving us a hint on what the 10th AP will be about?! It's time anyway... :)Actually... it's not quite time yet. The right time to make this announcement is Paizocon! :-)
I'm not pretending I haven't dropped hints. But those hints are out there. That's all I want to expose for now.

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James Jacobs wrote:Don't pretend you haven't dropped hints; I've seen them with my own eyes!Dryder wrote:Wohoo - would you mind giving us a hint on what the 10th AP will be about?! It's time anyway... :)Actually... it's not quite time yet. The right time to make this announcement is Paizocon! :-)
Really now. I'm usually pretty swift on the uptake about things like that, (think I may have been the first person on the boards to call out the reference to the Whispering Tyrant reference way back in Crown of the Kobold King) but I apparently missed this one. Care to drop a link? Thanks!

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GeraintElberion wrote:Really now. I'm usually pretty swift on the uptake about things like that, (think I may have been the first person on the boards to call out the reference to the Whispering Tyrant reference way back in Crown of the Kobold King) but I apparently missed this one. Care to drop a link? Thanks!James Jacobs wrote:Don't pretend you haven't dropped hints; I've seen them with my own eyes!Dryder wrote:Wohoo - would you mind giving us a hint on what the 10th AP will be about?! It's time anyway... :)Actually... it's not quite time yet. The right time to make this announcement is Paizocon! :-)
I have no idea where I dropped said hints. Might have actually been in the chat room. There's at least one hint about it in the Inner Sea World Guide too.
I'm sure someone'll find it and link it.

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and several new monsters native to the brutal homeland of Golarion's Viking host! Plus five new monsters of the savage northlands in the Pathfinder Bestiary
So, are these new monsters in addition to the five in the Bestiary, or is this just a duplication that inadvertently slipped through editing?
There's only one bestiary chapter in this product, but exactly how many monsters are going to be in that chapter isn't set in stone yet. Five is the average, though.

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Chris Ballard wrote:So no AP for August?I'm guessing it's a typo on the Brinewall Legacy page. That one should be coming out in August, me'thinks.
No AP for August = no AP for GenCon = major loss of sales for Paizo. Somehow (read: long nights and 7 day workweeks) will make sure there's an AP volume (or two) ready in time for GenCon.

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Joseph Wilson wrote:No AP for August = no AP for GenCon = major loss of sales for Paizo. Somehow (read: long nights and 7 day workweeks) will make sure there's an AP volume (or two) ready in time for GenCon.Chris Ballard wrote:So no AP for August?I'm guessing it's a typo on the Brinewall Legacy page. That one should be coming out in August, me'thinks.
The retail release date for our August products is the first day of Gen Con—that's August 4. Which means that, in order to get them to most subscribers before the release date, our August releases must actually ship at the end of July, while the July shipment is intended to go out at the very beginning of the month.
So, assuming our plans hold:
AP #48 subscriptions ship first week of July with a July 13 street date
AP #49 subscriptions ship last week of July with an August 4 street date
AP #50 subscriptions ship early September with a mid-September street date

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And as the players freeze to death in the snow and are eaten by Linnorm barbarian cannibals, they will wish they had taken a boat.
Surely the Tian have some port cities... I'm looking forward to this and some type of map.
Sure, because low-level players would be very happy if a Chelish/Qadiran/Keleshite slave galley would jump them :)

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And as the players freeze to death in the snow and are eaten by Linnorm barbarian cannibals, they will wish they had taken a boat.
Surely the Tian have some port cities... I'm looking forward to this and some type of map.
They do have port cities... mostly on the east coast, since the west coast is mostly the Wall of Heaven mountains. There's one MAJOR port on the west coast—the free city of Goka.
Minkai, though, where this adventure is heading, is on the northeast coast. It's actually faster to take the overland route from Sandpoint to Minkai than it is to sail a ship. And actually safer, due to the fact that sailing east around the southern end of Tian Xia puts you into the most dangerous waters on the planet (those waters being the same reason Sarusan is so remote and unknown). And sailing west kinda makes you sail around TWO continents, after which you get to cross the world's largest ocean.
That's why there's a strong trade route between Avistan and Minkai that goes over the crown of the world.
(Also: We wanted an AP where the main transport is via a Varisian caravan, not a ship.)

Elorebaen |

And as the players freeze to death in the snow and are eaten by Linnorm barbarian cannibals, they will wish they had taken a boat.
Surely the Tian have some port cities... I'm looking forward to this and some type of map.
I would imagine that if they want to go the long way around, then this is not the AP for them.

3.5 Loyalist |

3.5 Loyalist wrote:I would imagine that if they want to go the long way around, then this is not the AP for them.And as the players freeze to death in the snow and are eaten by Linnorm barbarian cannibals, they will wish they had taken a boat.
Surely the Tian have some port cities... I'm looking forward to this and some type of map.
Thanks for the info Jacobs. It sounds like you are making the wider Golarion map very interesting. A good change from the middle east, Indian, Chinese culture/Japanese culture lay-out. More mountains, more oceans and suddenly it won't look anything like earth anymore.
As my players near going off the bottom of the map (they have travelled across land from Sargava, through a Dragon Kingdom of protected and drugged Mwangi, a paradise of sorts, through a ruined city-state consumed by aberattions and into a planar link into a part of Leng, out to the Mana wastes to Geb) I am having to add more. Some scraps of the wider map would give something more to work with.
South of Geb I am adding naga and snake-worshipping cities. Forgotten realms did a bit of this and then you get to Al-Qadim I believe...

Eric Hinkle |

Tian Xia has a whole country crawling with nagas. I'm really looking forward to see what the lads do with it. I just finished proofing a chapter of Dave Gross's upcoming Master of Devils novel featuring a martial arts team from that region, so the bar he sets is pretty high.
I'm especially eager to see what Naga-land is like, and if it's anything like the real world Southeast Asia, which is the origin of the mythical Naga in the first place.
And hmm, they have legends of Naga-descended royal families too... could we dare hope for a sorcerous Naga bloodine in this AP? I loved the Pestilence one in Council of Thieves.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

... a vow of poverty falchion wielding ...
Err, what?
Or was this a flavor vow of poverty and not an Exalted Deeds Vow of Poverty?
Sounds like when my vow of poverty player tried to tell me he that a construct using natural weapons on him would be sundered because they were, well, manufactured weapons, it being a construct and all.

Justin Franklin |

Tian Xia has a whole country crawling with nagas. I'm really looking forward to see what the lads do with it. I just finished proofing a chapter of Dave Gross's upcoming Master of Devils novel featuring a martial arts team from that region, so the bar he sets is pretty high.
Damn it Erik, why do you always have to post things that make me want the books faster. On a side note I took my 7 month old for his first trip to the Source last night.

hogarth |

Does anyone remember the Oriental Adventures module "The Flowers of Flame" from Dungeon #8? Reading the description gave me a flashback to that adventure; part of it revolved around hiring the right guide to bring you safely through mountains and snow to your destination (a Tibet-analogue). I never played it, but I thought it was a neat idea.

3.5 Loyalist |

3.5 Loyalist wrote:... a vow of poverty falchion wielding ...Err, what?
Or was this a flavor vow of poverty and not an Exalted Deeds Vow of Poverty?
Sounds like when my vow of poverty player tried to tell me he that a construct using natural weapons on him would be sundered because they were, well, manufactured weapons, it being a construct and all.
Exalted deeds vow of poverty, on the 3.5 ninja, who has no magic items, one old rusty and dented falchion and a broken "shiv" falchion. Constructs make him sad. A Tian in Sargava, at one stage his clothes got so coated with monster gore, being torn up and the wear from long marching, they fell apart. He smells because of his vow of poverty and he has a very low cha. He did once natural 20 a diplomacy with pirates!
Theneofish, I too was initially cynical. Maybe I won't like the end product, other "Asian" products done before have been a bit lame for anyone who has done Asian studies. Time will tell.
The royal naga was in one of the adventure paths already released. Page 88-89, Council of Thieves book 3, What Lies in Dust.