Pathfinder Battles—Heroes & Monsters

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

Case Unavailable

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Large Booster Unavailable

Standard Booster Unavailable

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Pathfinder RPG combat comes to life on your tabletop with Heroes & Monsters, the debut release in the new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures line! Produced in cooperation with Paizo Publishing, Heroes & Monsters presents a fascinating array of 40 beautifully painted miniatures perfect for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any fantasy miniatures game! From the brave Gnome Fighter to the mighty evil lich, Heroes & Monsters offers a wide range of player characters and dungeon denizens that make a perfect start to your Pathfinder Battles collection!

  • Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.
  • Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.
  • Heroes & Monsters Bricks contain 16 Standard Boosters and 3 Large Boosters.
  • Heroes & Monsters Cases contain 4 Bricks (64 Standard Boosters and 12 Large Boosters).

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Begin your Pathfinder Battles collection today! The Heroes & Monsters of the Pathfinder world await!

See the press release for questions and answers about this exciting new product line.

Heroes & Monsters Set List

1  Goblin Warrior (Red)
2  Goblin Hero (Red)
3  Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4  Goblin Hero (Blue)
5  Orc Brute
6  Orc Warrior
7  Skeleton
8  Watch Guard
9  Watch Officer
10  Lizardfolk Champion
11  Zombie
12  Giant Spider
13  Wolf
14  Venomous Snake
15  Mummy
16  Human Rogue
17  Human Ranger
18  Elf Wizard
19  Half-Elf Cleric
20  Dwarf Fighter
21  Human Druid
22  Gnome Fighter
23  Dire Rat
24  Gargoyle
25  Half-Orc Barbarian
26  Spectre
27  Seelah, Human Paladin
28  Werewolf
29  Medusa
30  Minotaur
31  Ogre
32  Troll
33  Ettin
34  Chimera
35  Manticore
36  Giant Caveweaver Spider
37  Frost Giant
38  Succubus
39  Lich
40  Vampire

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB1 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB3 PFB4 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB5
Medusa Lich seelah orc
092311_EttinPreview 092311_RangerPreview 093011_GoblinPreview

Product Availability


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3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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I bought two boosters today from my local game store out of curiosity: 1 large and 1 standard and I was very pleased! An amazing Chimera: very sturdy mini, especially the wings who won’t bend like other minis of the genre; the paint job is excellent, aside from a little bit of what a guess is an accidental green drybrushing, just below the dragon’s head. My standard mini was the human thief: a bit on the small side for this one but its ok, I’ll need to check the other humanoids size to compare; paint wise, simple but still very nice: the human has eyes!!

So, I just wanted to add a few minis for my homebrewed campaign… I guess I just failed my WILL save and have to add a few more... Exit D&D minis and add Pathfinder Battles! Can’t wait to see the next set!

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Cool! And I know lots of folks are posting lots of comments with questions you have not yet figured out. But let me pitch my suggestion into the big old pile with everyone else.

Can you consider a CASE subscription? I know for a fact I will be buying a case with every one that comes out... and then follow up with singles orders as needed until I get everything my little gaming heart could want. ;)

Scarab Sages

I've never purchased theses types of minis before (always bought metal and unpainted). I preordered a case and would like to know whether they are 25mm or 28mm? I read through the thread and saw where someone asked but couldn't find the response.


ehb1022 wrote:
I've never purchased theses types of minis before (always bought metal and unpainted). I preordered a case and would like to know whether they are 25mm or 28mm? I read through the thread and saw where someone asked but couldn't find the response.

If the WotC ones are any idication, they will vary a bit more widly than metal, but will always have 1 inch bases for small/medium, 2 inch bases for large, and 3 inch bases for huge.

We'll get to see the masters of the beginners box ones @ gencon, so I will have some wotc ones to compare with in my pocket.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Just because the minis are being shipped in random boxes doesn't mean that you won't be able to buy singles here on We should have every mini from the set available, and those folks who don't wish to buy random packs will be able to buy the minis they want. The price will probably be slightly higher than buying the minis randomly, but it seems that a lot of customers have said in this thread that they are willing to pay more to get what they want. So we will take care of them here on We have been selling D&D singles since Harbinger and that won't change with Pathfinder Battles minis. We'll be tearing the boxes open and putting them online pretty much as soon as the street date hits.


If this behavior does not crack the business model then why isn't it part of the plan in the first place. If its ok for part of them to be sold in random sets and part of them to be sold individually for a higher price, why cant they just be sold in both forms normally? Aren't we just wasting packaging at some point?

Dark Archive

Whoa! And here I was excited about this, but at these prices, I'd rather purchase pewter minis and get to select which kind I get.


Kolokotroni wrote:

If this behavior does not crack the business model then why isn't it part of the plan in the first place. If its ok for part of them to be sold in random sets and part of them to be sold individually for a higher price, why cant they just be sold in both forms normally? Aren't we just wasting packaging at some point?

Paizo the webstore is opening them up just like any FLGS is able to do, if they feel they have the need. My local FLGS had boxes of the WotC ones sitting there collecting dust until they were opened, once they were opened and priced individually, they flew off the shelf they were placed on, because people could see what they were - makeing almost 2X what the sticker price of the pack they came from were. I know another FLGS whose customers refuse to buy singles, perffering the hunt. This business model allows for both of these, as the first store can open packs, and the second can keep them closed. See, no problem!

Liberty's Edge

I really think you golems may want to consider adding the fact that you'll be selling singles at a TBD higher per-unit price on the FAQ somewhere. It might quell some of the not-reading-the-thread-but-jumping-to-erroneous-conclusions problems.

Great stuff; thanks Paizo. I think it's a very good idea; especially with WotC ending their product line, you're going to get plenty of business from WotC mini buyers - given the majority of their mini's were blind boxed in purchases!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Excellent, even fantastic, news. As a plastic mini addict I'm willing to pay for the pathfinder specific minis, and the joy of discovery as I open the boxes. Given the fact that wizkids plastic doesn't suffer the floppy/soft issues we normally associated with another prepainted plastic, and the stated commitment to more in the future, I say yay, this is great news. Of course living in Australia I will wait to see shipping costs or prices here, and I'll look at the quality of the beginners box range first. My biggest concern is the fact that the black dragon seems to be available to retailers who buy cases. Will the average gamer be able to get it?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

A Pathfinder collectible minis line.


I may laugh or cry. I don't know whether I'm angry or ecstatic.

So much the money I spend on Paizo. And now you're enabling my miniatures collecting obsession?! @.@

A question on pre-ordering. When you pre-order something, are you charged when it ships or do you pay up front? I know I've pre-ordered before, but I've lost track of when I was charged for it.

Grand Lodge

This is awesome! Especially because they come out in December. That way, I can buy a complete set for my seven-year-old daughter "for Christmas" and kill two birds with one stone. I can just tell her that they're little dolls - every little girl's dream!


Drakli wrote:
A question on pre-ordering. When you pre-order something, are you charged when it ships or do you pay up front? I know I've pre-ordered before, but I've lost track of when I was charged for it.

When it ships, though you will be authorized for it when you place your order to validate the payment information given. The authorization will drop off after a few days, and we'll re-auth when we're ready to ship your preorder.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

First I want to say that I am very excited about this. I am really looking forward to having Paizo's take on certain monsters (like goblins and trolls)and other NPCs from the APs, hopefully.

And I am looking forward to the Runelords set but also I agree with someone's comment that said the newer APs would be more useful. I think they all will be useful but at two a year if you did Runelords and then Crimson Throne in six months the APs would always be years ahead of the minis. Of course I do not know what the plan is for future sets but I am just saying. And I also would love to eventually have a set for all the APs.

For those that think these minis are expensive. When WOTC's minis came out I would buy 3 or 4 cases upon release which ran me between $300 to $400 and even when I did that I did not get an entire set and had to fill in what I wanted from ebay for another chunk of money. And I did not play DDM but am a DM.

These sets got me about 144 minis if I bought three cases if it was a huge set and 192 minis if it was regular cases.

With the Paizo cases it coast $275 for a case; $233 with the AP subscriber discount and my estimate is that there will be about 204 minis per case. So, they are less expensive by about $70.00 or more for a few more minis. And what I have seen so far they are higher quality than many of the WOTC minis were.

Now my questions is will we see Rune Giants... I would love to have some Rune Giants.

I have supported Paizo in everything they have done since Burnt Offerings and I whole heartedly support this new endeavor.

Shem wrote:
With the Paizo cases it coast $275 for a case; $233 with the AP subscriber discount and my estimate is that there will be about 204 minis per case.

I'm not sure where you're getting that estimate from.

There are 64 regular boosters per case, and 12 large boosters per case.

The large boosters have 1 mini each (so, 12 total).

The regular boosters have 1 or 2 minis each. If we assume that 50% of regular boosters will contain 1 medium mini and 50% will contain 2 small minis, then you'd have 96 small and medium minis from the case (the actual number will likely be less, as the small boosters will probably be less common than medium boosters). Combine this with the 12 large minis, and you get 108 total minis from each case.

So, no, not less expensive than WotC's minis were.

Shem wrote:
... my estimate is that there will be about 204 minis per case.

I'm also a big fan, but how did you get this number? I estimated between 90-100.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Shem wrote:
And I am looking forward to the Runelords set but also I agree with someone's comment that said the newer APs would be more useful. I think they all will be useful but at two a year if you did Runelords and then Crimson Throne in six months the APs would always be years ahead of the minis. Of course I do not know what the plan is for future sets but I am just saying. And I also would love to eventually have a set for all the APs.

I doubt the 3rd set will be one of the 3.5 APs. Runelords is almost certainly getting a PF update by next Gen Con.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Velderan wrote:
So how planned in advance are the mini lines? Are you taking feedback from players? (I've got about a billion elf archers, but I can't find one black woman that isn't some kind of priestess or an appropriately scaled hound that isn't some kind of wolf or hellbeast).

There's been a few from Wizard's DDM line

captain of the watch
wizard tactician

Both fairly attractively priced.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I am not a fan of the randomized thingie. From my personal perspective, I would be happy if you cut the size of the line in half and raised the price $1 per mini and let me know exactly what I'm getting. Honestly, after my experience with DDM, I think it might save everyone a time and money if you simply included a blob of shapeless plastic as one of the commons; this will keep costs down, and avoid encumbering buyers with ten or twelve Farmer Browns or Orcs With Stupid Headbands. That aside... I'll probably buy a few packs, hoping to strike it lucky, but at this point, I can't see committing to the line the way I did for DDM. I'm still offloading DDM extras on ebay when I can find the time.

The minis themselves:
- The troll has some nice detail, but the lower jaw seems to get more disproportionate every time a troll is sculpted, to the point I can't figure out how this one closes his mouth or chews.
- The minis look generally nice.
- I see Bettie Paige as the Succubus, maybe Jeremy Irons as the gnome fighter, and Liam Neeson as the frost giant. Tell me I'm wrong. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Scott Betts wrote:
Shem wrote:
With the Paizo cases it coast $275 for a case; $233 with the AP subscriber discount and my estimate is that there will be about 204 minis per case.

I'm not sure where you're getting that estimate from.

There are 64 regular boosters per case, and 12 large boosters per case.

The large boosters have 1 mini each (so, 12 total).

The regular boosters have 1 or 2 minis each. If we assume that 50% of regular boosters will contain 1 medium mini and 50% will contain 2 small minis, then you'd have 96 small and medium minis from the case (the actual number will likely be less, as the small boosters will probably be less common than medium boosters). Combine this with the 12 large minis, and you get 108 total minis from each case.

So, no, not less expensive than WotC's minis were.

Oops, I thought it said "and" not "or".

So, as you said on an average it will be 96 plus 12 and equal 108.

So, If you got two regular WOTC cases which I now remember were more than $100.00 each - say $110 you got 128. For about $220.00 or maybe more I am not sure of the price at the end of the whole run anymore it has been a while. The price difference is only a few dollars. Say about $220 for WOTC and $233 for Paizo. But even when I bought 4 cases from WOTC I did not come close to a full set and still had to fill in off of ebay.

And if WOTC was doing them today how much do you think a case would cost being they continued to rise. I always bought them from an online third party that sold them fairly cheap - I bought my first ones retail at my FLGS and they were a lot more expensive. I am not sure the coast anymore but later ones at would have cost at least $134 a case.

Anyway just saying with the price of things going up that I do not think they are overpriced when buying a brick or especially a case and then the pathfinder advantage makes it a pretty good deal.

AND I WANT THEM - even if they were more than the stated price... I need a mini fix.

Shem wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:
Shem wrote:
With the Paizo cases it coast $275 for a case; $233 with the AP subscriber discount and my estimate is that there will be about 204 minis per case.

I'm not sure where you're getting that estimate from.

There are 64 regular boosters per case, and 12 large boosters per case.

The large boosters have 1 mini each (so, 12 total).

The regular boosters have 1 or 2 minis each. If we assume that 50% of regular boosters will contain 1 medium mini and 50% will contain 2 small minis, then you'd have 96 small and medium minis from the case (the actual number will likely be less, as the small boosters will probably be less common than medium boosters). Combine this with the 12 large minis, and you get 108 total minis from each case.

So, no, not less expensive than WotC's minis were.

The regular boosters have 1 large and 2 mediums. Read the press release again.

I did. Did you?

The Press Release wrote:

Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.

Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.

Emphasis mine.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Scott Betts wrote:

The regular boosters have 1 large and 2 mediums. Read the press release again.

I did. Did you?

The Press Release wrote:

Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.

Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.
Emphasis mine.

Yes, my mistake. If you were not so quick I edited my post but you got in there before I fixed it. I stand corrected. I did not see that it was "or".

Sculpt quality:

Guys, what is the sculpt quality like on them? If I am going to invest in these, I will probably want to paint a goodly sub-section of them. Is the detail deep enough that I am going to be able to do this?


Are these things going to be wobbly? Pre-painted minitures have this horrible habit of being really bendy.

If something doesn't bend, it snaps, i get that, but fixing a broken mini is easy, poly cement, or super glue, two minutes later it, no problem.

But it is almost impossible to get swords or spears straight on bendy minis.

Dark Archive

VagrantWhisper wrote:

I agree on the dipping, not my cup of tea - but having said that, let me tell you sir, a bit of Devlan Mud wash and some of the pre-painted models can look AWESOME.

I plan on trying a few of the new Paizo mini's with a wash too, I imagine they will come out look fantastic.


Devlan Mud is THE SOLUTION. I recently went back to the painting side of the hobby to have my Dust Tactics models look better than green/grey chuncks of plastic (no Deluxe set for me, I'm a geek but not that much), and even with my rather basic skill level, a quick wash of Devlan Mud makes a simple grunt soldier look like a carefully detailed hero model - at least, at a glance.
It does even greater wonders on small scenery pieces, as I learned painting the cover bases of 1-48 Combat.


Vic Wertz wrote:
David Wickham wrote:
Is there any Pathfinder Battles game in the works?

Yes! It's called the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

We do not currently have any concrete plans regarding a separate miniatures game. Is that something you'd like to see?

No. Personally I hate it when figures become ultra expensive because they are useful in some minis game I could care less about. Like with the other figure set for fantasy, I wanted a blackguard figure. Too bad it's nearly $20 just for it because it has some good ability in the minis game. Or a Boba Fett figure costing $100 because of some ability as well.

Please, please just stick with figures for the sake of representing game pieces. The prices are already a little tough on the wallet. add in supply and demand for another game and you'll cut out a significant paying base IMHO.

Cat-thulhu wrote:
Excellent, even fantastic, news. As a plastic mini addict I'm willing to pay for the pathfinder specific minis, and the joy of discovery as I open the boxes. Given the fact that wizkids plastic doesn't suffer the floppy/soft issues we normally associated with another prepainted plastic, and the stated commitment to more in the future, I say yay, this is great news. Of course living in Australia I will wait to see shipping costs or prices here, and I'll look at the quality of the beginners box range first. My biggest concern is the fact that the black dragon seems to be available to retailers who buy cases. Will the average gamer be able to get it?

Right there in the first post my good man :)

Vic Wertz wrote:

Just announced! See the Press Release here! (It has some info on follow-up sets, as well as a FAQ you'll want to check out.)

We will be making the black dragon case premium available to those who order cases from, and in other ways as well. Details on that will be announced later.

An idea on the price for the dragon would be appreciated though. Definitely interested in picking up some of these. Shipping to Australia is a b~@## though (Tassie bloke here)

So in the 40 different miniatures of Heroes and battles how many different large ones, medium ones and small ones are there going to be?
If there are 2 small ones in one pack are they different ones?
How many Dragons are there going to be, or just that one Black Dragon to start with?

How much shipping will it cost to get a case to Europe?

Kiviren wrote:
How much shipping will it cost to get a case to Europe?

Shipping to Denmark is $49.75 minus a $10 discount which I honestly don't remember why I got.

Heine Stick wrote:
Shipping to Denmark is $49.75 minus a $10 discount which I honestly don't remember why I got.

Thanks for the Information, and how big is case approximatley?

Heine Stick wrote:
Kiviren wrote:
How much shipping will it cost to get a case to Europe?
Shipping to Denmark is $49.75 minus a $10 discount which I honestly don't remember why I got.

Because a case is more than $100, so Paizo pays the first $10 of shipping.

Tip: If you want to find out how much shipping will be, just put it in your cart, and start checkout. Paizo tells you what the shipping will be before you have to enter any payment details so you can just go back to your shopping cart after looking.

RJGrady wrote:

- The troll has some nice detail, but the lower jaw seems to get more disproportionate every time a troll is sculpted, to the point I can't figure out how this one closes his mouth or chews.

Thats the way PF trolls fact in that pose it's the troll from the front cover of the Bestiary isn't it?

Dark Archive

Kiviren wrote:
How much shipping will it cost to get a case to Europe?

Shipping to Italy is 49.75 US $. Having the "first ten" (10 $ discount in orders over 100 $) and the Pathfinder Advantage applying at the same time looks like a neat deal.

Funnily enough, combining various discounts, I'd end paying a case slightly less than the tag price, S&H included (273.49 vs 274.99).

golem101 wrote:
Funnily enough, combining various discounts, I'd end paying a case slightly less than the tag price, S&H included (273.49 vs 274.99).

That sounds good.

Any word on this?
In the 40 different miniatures of Heroes and battles how many different large ones, medium ones and small ones are there going to be?
If there are 2 small ones in one pack are they different ones?
How many Dragons are there going to be, or just that one Black Dragon to start with?

Dark Archive

Vic said that the complete list is still subject to last minute changes, and that Wizkids usually does not reveal it until the very last days before releasing the set.
So, we'll have to wait.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
thenovalord wrote:

nobody needs any more town guards, dwarf fighters, elf bowmen etc

That's great, thanks. Saves me the trouble of checking out my minis to see what I need to get. It also saves anyone new to the hobby from buying stuff like dwarves and elves they're never going to encounter in game.

BTW, I don't buy the Players Companion line. From this I can infer that nobody else does, so can Paizo stop doing them?

Oh, wait.

Grand Lodge

If you get around 100 miniatures in a case that will be under $3.00US a miniature. That is a good buy no matter how you look at it. Now sinking nearly $300.00 at one time will be a struggle for many. The release is five months away. That's $60.00 per month, or about $15.00 a week. I for one will look forward to opening a case.

I posted earlier the benefit Paizo could reap from a miniatures game. A miniatures game will not be for everyone. But it will attract an audience for the miniatures that Paizo would not get otherwise. The primary buyer for Paizo miniatures will be DMs. As I noted before, this is limiting. If Paizo could manage with all their wonderful creativity a miniatures game with Pathfinder uniquesness and exclusive Paizo miniatures stats, they could potentially open up another market for their miniatures line. Wizkids has some experience in this and could probably help.

I believe this biggest error WotC made was messing with and eventually doing away with the DDM miniatures game. It was estimated that the miniatures game only attracted about one-third of sells. But that is still one-third of sales. I don't know many businesses that could afford losing one-third of their business. It is no wonder their line ended.

If you could sale25% more product, would it be worthwhile? The key would be to develop a really fun and mostly simple game. You have five months. :-)



Paizo Employee CEO

ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

Just because the minis are being shipped in random boxes doesn't mean that you won't be able to buy singles here on We should have every mini from the set available, and those folks who don't wish to buy random packs will be able to buy the minis they want. The price will probably be slightly higher than buying the minis randomly, but it seems that a lot of customers have said in this thread that they are willing to pay more to get what they want. So we will take care of them here on We have been selling D&D singles since Harbinger and that won't change with Pathfinder Battles minis. We'll be tearing the boxes open and putting them online pretty much as soon as the street date hits.


Why not just sell them that way from the beginning then? Why not let game stores order the ones they want at a wholesale price, if they want to sell them retail and have the space for it?

Game stores can do the same thing that we will be doing. They can open up the boosters and sell singles. Many retailers do.

Also, while maybe it isn't entirely obvious based on your posts, Paizo isn't creating these miniatures. WizKids is. And we are buying our boosters just like any retailer will. WizKids determines the packaging. WizKids sets the prices that they are selling them at. Paizo is going to buy minis and do our best to present them to our customers here on in a variety of ways that, hopefully, will satisfy most people. But we aren't selling these packs to retailers. WizKids is.


Paizo Employee CEO

ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:
Also, let me go on record as saying I in no way, shape, or form believe for one second Paizo will be opening random packs. I would bet my bottom dollar that if we could see the contract, Paizo can order the figs as they see fit, NOT random.

And you would be wrong. I WISH that I could order the figs as I see fit. That would be awesome. But that isn't in the cards.


Oh, and before you start ranting about bad business and all, WizKids can't sell them to me as I see fit because of all the reasons why they have to make these miniatures random in the first place. It has to do with number of paint steps and the quantity produced. If they let me buy a ton of rares directly from them, the costs would be too high and they wouldn't make any money. They need me to buy the commons, uncommons, and rares in the ratios that everybody else does in order for the system to work. I could demand that they sell me what I want, but then they would have just walked away from the deal. So we will be getting what everyone else is getting.

Sovereign Court

$4 sounds about right to me. It's about the price of a booster pack for a lot of the CCG's so it'll be easy to just grab one or two on impulse to see what I get. I'm not looking to get the whole set. Plus if I get something rare there are usually people willing to trade for some others I can use more easily in my games.

(You guys have to remember some stuff about gamers, we're the group that made that breakey game some money while it was out, stupid as it was. People were wondering around with like huge collections of their spoils.)

Scarab Sages

Will I finally get my own mini?

Vic Wertz wrote:

Just announced! See the Press Release here! (It has some info on follow-up sets, as well as a FAQ you'll want to check out.)

We will be making the black dragon case premium available to those who order cases from, and in other ways as well. Details on that will be announced later.

Please, don't do the RANDOM thing. Let us buy what we want or need for our games directly. A thing like HeroClix where its collectible and you trade with friends is one thing, but if you want these for using as minatures in a roleplaying game, random doesn't cut it.

While I kinda see the whole common, uncommon, rare thing... that means i must pass on these. I don't have the money to buy lots of figures hoping to get the ones I actually want/need for my games, and I doubt there will be much demand in my area to make for good trading partners. If it's really about how complicated they are to paint, then make the 'rares' more expensive, but the whole "random" thing is to me a 'scam' to force people to buy 100+ figures to get the 10 they actually want (which is WizKids scam, not Paizo, I realize to get us these Paizo has to cater to WizKids)

Ok, so it seems some have said after my post that singles as we want will be available also, and if that IS the case, then great. I admit I didn't have the time to read all the posts in this looooong thread.

Paizo have already said they'll make singles available on the website as well.

KaeYoss wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

For those that don't like random minis, do not worry. Go to eBay and you can buy whatever you want.
Or the Paizo store.

Or any number of other venues that cater to this exact thing. There's not going to be a shortage of people selling singles.

Varl wrote:

Let those that enjoy painting (or repainting painted) minis do so, and those that can't or don't want to paint miniatures can use their imaginations. I don't know. It might make the most business sense to sell minis that way, but from a consumer's perspective, it's an expensive model only the well-off can afford to perpetuate.

Those that enjoy painting already have a vast product line available to them, and it's an even more expensive model that only the even more well-off can afford to perpetuate.

Shadow Lodge

Here is my 2 copper.

Yea! This is cool. The price seems about right. So there is only one question I have.

Vic and Lisa do you take next born children in payment? ;)

I am very excited about this product line. I love prepainted palstic minis. Even though I don't play PF (I own most of the rulebooks and hope to play it some day) and mostly play 4e and classic D&D right now this product will definitely enhance my game.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Case ordered, waiting on dragon details. When do you qualify for the Pathfinder Addict tag?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Here's a question I haven't seen asked yet. How will the minis be labeled? Will they have the name on the underside of the base like DDM minis? Or will they have them printed on the top of the base more like a hero click mini?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Lisa and Vic,

I played Star Wars Miniatures for a long time, and there was a common phrase that would come up every time Wotc would change something, or release a set that people dubbed subpar. I think it applies here, too.

"If *Paizo* sold boosters full of cash, people would whine about how it was folded."

Dont let dissenting opinions get you down. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Just announced! See the Press Release here! (It has some info on follow-up sets, as well as a FAQ you'll want to check out.)

We will be making the black dragon case premium available to those who order cases from, and in other ways as well. Details on that will be announced later.

Please, don't do the RANDOM thing. Let us buy what we want or need for our games directly. A thing like HeroClix where its collectible and you trade with friends is one thing, but if you want these for using as minatures in a roleplaying game, random doesn't cut it.

While I kinda see the whole common, uncommon, rare thing... that means i must pass on these. I don't have the money to buy lots of figures hoping to get the ones I actually want/need for my games, and I doubt there will be much demand in my area to make for good trading partners. If it's really about how complicated they are to paint, then make the 'rares' more expensive, but the whole "random" thing is to me a 'scam' to force people to buy 100+ figures to get the 10 they actually want (which is WizKids scam, not Paizo, I realize to get us these Paizo has to cater to WizKids)

Ok, so it seems some have said after my post that singles as we want will be available also, and if that IS the case, then great. I admit I didn't have the time to read all the posts in this looooong thread.

It is either 12 minis a year or random, which do you prefer?

First, PF.. thanks for a great RP game :)

Second, lets crunch some numbers (Life is always better when you can see the numnbers). 40 minis in a set, correct? Lgs will cost $6, meds $4 and smalls $2 (you get 2 smalls in a pack).

PF is saying that you should get all (or nearly all) of the minis in a case - and a case costs $279-. Lets say that you're lucky (or their randomizing is really good) and you do. Yaay! What's a case? A case is 4 bricks and a brick is 19 boosters (16 s/m and 3 large). So a case is 64 s/m and 12 large. Therefore, PF is saying that the max number of larges they are doing is 12.

40-12 = 28. Lets split the 28 halfway into meds and smalls.

Lets also say that if you were to buy them singly, PF would "mark it up" a dollar. This makes smalls $3, meds $5 and larges $7. PF does this, well, because they love you and don't want to gouge you.

So lets add that up -
smalls: 14 x $3 = $42
meds: 14 x $5 = $70
larges: 12 x $7 = $84

total: $84 + $70 + $42 = $196

I think my math is ok... lol

So you pay about $80 extra to preorder them on the (fingers crossed) hope that you'll get everything. (If not you'll have to buy up the singles). On the plus side you'll get the dragon.. and I do like dragons. I'll have to think hard on that.

I haven't looked through all 37 pages of the thread yet.. has someone from PF explained why they aren't just offering us whole complete sets. As i understand it, the problem is that Wizkids and PF don't want to have a whole bunch of minis left unsold. Understandable. But has PF seen how many pre-orders they'd get if they offered a complete set at their above prices? (the cost, btw would be $156. I leave arriving at that answer as an exercise for the reader). I would put down $156- in a heartbeat for the whole set. I'd also put down $200- for the whole set + dragon.

For me, its partly the money. But its mostly principle. Paizo has been amazingly responsive to its customer base with PF and has shown that treating its customers like adults is a viable market strategy. Maybe its too late for this set, and maybe Wizkids is a little skittish about the project, but future sets should have a "complete set" option.


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