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Great Expansion!


Since my group and i are stuck playing in virtual mode, i decided to get this set for my campaign and i'm very happy!
In this expansion, you have corridors and rooms with either lava, holes, rocks and crystals! Everything you need for an underground adventure!

There are a few tight corridors like in the basic set but, those with lava are larger...

Highly recommend!

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Very usefull!


Since my group and i are stuck playing in virtual mode, i decided to get this set for my campaign and i'm very happy!
You have a lot of corridors (with elevations too) for variety, multiple room options, water sections, a bit of lava, various mushrooms, everything you need for an underground adventure!

The only negative point on this product, are the corridors: between five to seven feet large (sometimes ten feet...), so between one and a half squares, it might be tight for some groups to fight into...

Highly recommend!

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Great start to your city!


I really like this product!

I have 2 issues with it, hence the 4 stars...

Firts: you don't see the doors on the "top view" with the buildings... While not a deal killer with this issue, I plan on turning the tiles when players arrive on a tile, to facilitate actions!

Second: like previously mentionned by another reviewer, the box is really a pain to open!

On the plus side, you can put several expansions within the box.

I also have the Slum Quarter Flip Mat at home, and tried laying tiles on the side: THEY FIT! You can lay 4 alongside it and continue from there. The art style and colors fit with it! Although i haven't tried all the possible combos with it, it's possible a few combinations don't fit...

I don't think i have another city-type Flip Mat at home to try this too though...

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Great slums!


I really like this product! I had to buy it at my FLGS, because there is no preview images on the site, alhough, the cover represents one of the tiles...

My only gripe with this product, as well as the base set, is that you don't see the doors on the "top view" with the buildings... I plan on turning the tiles when players arrive on a tile, to facilitate actions! A minor quibble: once open, the box (wich fits inside the core box), is too tight to reclose it without damaging some tiles.

I also have the Slum Quarter Flip Mat at home, and tried laying tiles on the side: THEY FIT! You can lay 4 alongside it and continue from there. The art style and colors fit with it! Although i haven't tried all the possible combos with it, it's possible a few combinations don't fit...

Our Price: $8.00

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That was my reaction when i opened my box! Really like this guy and like Brell Stormforge said: "Awesome sculpt! Awesome paint job!"

Great goblins!


Really love those guys, they add "heroes" to the pathfinder line of goblins and it's great (now we just need a sorcerer and cleric type to round things up...).

Quick tip: don't glue them on there bases before painting them: the pose for two of them makes it a bit harder to paint and with a base, would be more difficult.

Our Price: $34.99

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This is my first set of iconics, i bought it to round up minis for potential NPCs or PCs and i'm very happy with them!
Great paint job and the harder type plastic won't break.

Our Price: $20.00

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This is not the kind of mini i'm too thrilled to pull from a booster (you don't use these alot) but, i like it. Like another reviewer said, a tad fragile, mine is a bit cracked on the top...

Our Price: $4.50



i like this one!


The paint job is good and this mini adds to the roster of non-combatant looking NPCs.

Our Price: $5.00

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yes, i know i'm short!


maybe 2 1/2 stars here but, i found that guard mini to be too short... the mini was not badly painted however. I got rid of mine!

Our Price: $5.00

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A nice dwarf


Although the mini lacks some highlights, it’s exactly as the picture. the paint job is great, no smudges, no color going over something else.
Wizkids really go their act together on this set!

Our Price: $10.00

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I love it! It’s exactly as the picture, the paint job is great, no smudges, no color going over something else. Wizkids really go their act together on this set!



Finally got my hands on mine and i can say i love it! The art is great (and made my choice a hard one, some of the other bags looked great too!), so is the bag itself. Like the other reviewers said, we can put alot in there and the bag seems sturdy enough to last.

The "new car smell" is awefull however so, i suggest to air the bag out a bit!

Our Price: $5.00

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More like 3.5 stars (really wish we could choose that!) for the fact that i really don't like his club/wand? I wish they would've opted for something else like a sword or maybe an hand gesture of mastery over his tribe...

The paint job is really good however, with nice detail on his chest piece and skull helm, no "oopse" on this one for me.

Our Price: $3.50


Another nice one


Of the kobolds that i've got (i don't have the king yet), this one is my favorite. His pose, scuplt and paint (no oopses on mine) are very nice. He is a warrior but, i think you can use him as a nice low-level "hero" type one too.

Our Price: $4.00

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Nice one.


Simple kobold with a simple paint job so (Maybe a 3.5 stars on that point) but, he has a bit style and a sense of sneakiness about him. This one is replacing my old D&D mini kobold skirmishers, there out!

Our Price: $4.00

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A tad disappointed


I'm a bit disappointed with this one. Détails are not that bad but, the "potion" does not stand out as a potion but rather a small stick, a better pose maybe could've helped with that. A better weapon woud've been appreciated too.

Overall, it at least give me a kobold with a different look in a party of adversaries for my group. I just hope they do another one with maybe small robes and a bit more "dazzle" to it.

Our Price: $4.00

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Good Mystic


I've been waiting for a good mystic/adept orc for a very long time and i really like this one. The scuplt and pose are good and the paint is decent enough (a bit of "oopses" here and there, such as with the furs on his legs, but it's on the back, so we don't see much of the green skin overlaying the fur. Only the skulls on his staff are bad).

Our Price: $2.49

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Goblin merchant! Who knew!


Really enjoyed this one: nice, simple and affordable! I won’t analyze this product, since Enzeitgeist already did an awesome job of it!

Case Unavailable

Brick Unavailable

Large Booster Unavailable

Standard Booster Unavailable



I bought two boosters today from my local game store out of curiosity: 1 large and 1 standard and I was very pleased! An amazing Chimera: very sturdy mini, especially the wings who won’t bend like other minis of the genre; the paint job is excellent, aside from a little bit of what a guess is an accidental green drybrushing, just below the dragon’s head. My standard mini was the human thief: a bit on the small side for this one but its ok, I’ll need to check the other humanoids size to compare; paint wise, simple but still very nice: the human has eyes!!

So, I just wanted to add a few minis for my homebrewed campaign… I guess I just failed my WILL save and have to add a few more... Exit D&D minis and add Pathfinder Battles! Can’t wait to see the next set!

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I love this map! Good stay for any budget ;) This one is going to see action in my next campaign. Since the outside is excellent too, the only small problem I can see is a giant battle that takes place outside and inside at the same time but, I’ll cross that bridge if it happens…

Flying made nice!


These were easier to glue than the Invisible Character Marker Set and really get its five stars rating. Holds small or medium figure neatly in place up in the air and finally someone underneath! Using dices as flying bases was easy but come on! This is so much better! At that price, get a set, or two (i will get a second set)!

List Price: $9.99

Our Price: $7.49

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Invisibility made fun!


I would go for a 4 & ½ stars actually, simply because they were a bit hard to glue. I tried superglue first and it didn’t hold well. I then tried Precision Poly later; it went well but, still took a few hours for it to hold tight, while being propped against something for it to stand straight.
No more forgetting who’s invisible!

Print Edition Out of print

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Nice artwork and usefull! The campsite is my favourite and the "house" is my second one. The only bad one is the cavern, only two tiles and very simple, they could've skiped it but, since it's only two tiles, it's not so bad.

Fun low-level items


Fun little PDF with items for low-level characters. Need to climb a wall but forgot to study spider climb? No problems! Try the Grapnel Rod!

The art isn't great but, it is functionnal.

At that price, give it a try, you'll like it!