Chyrone |

For the AP Wrath of the Righteous, i have a tiefling bard, who i'd like to be able to effectively intimidate the demons.
Base Charisma is 20.
I aim to stay bard, except for 1 level of thug rogue at lvl 7.
Feats planned:
1) Lingering performance / Skill focus [intimidate]
3) Unplanned / Persuasive?
5) Ancestral scorn (successful check against evil outsiders makes them sickened for 1 round, nauseated if by 5 or more)
7) Dazzling display
9) Equipment trick (cloak): When making an intimidate check while wearing a cloak, add 1d4 to the duration of shaken. Would potentially work for thug rogue?
Lvl 1-6 is bard. Martial performance grants weapon focus for my rapier, for the purpose of dazzling display.
Lvl 7 is thug rogue, getting the potential to frighten through dazzling display.
Looking at level 10, it'd be +22
5 charisma, 10 ranks, 4 persuasive, 3 skill focus.
What could be done to further this, aside from items.
Thanks in advance.

avr |

Skill focus should be +6 at level 10. Also I expect intimidate is a class skill for you (+3), and you probably want one of the 3 tiefling heritages which give a +2 racial bonus to intimidate.
WotR is the mythic campaign. You should probably also plan to be getting mythic dazzling display and the display of charisma mythic path ability. OTOH with a free feat at level 3, and all this dazzling display dependent on having a rapier out you might consider quick draw at L3.

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Honestly, this build might just be a waste of effort: With a competent party, things die so quickly that debuffs aren't helpful
- Mythic starts having 'rocket tag' issues right off the bat ('move and attack' as a free action).
- RotR foes pretty much all have the same weaknesses so the martials should have the right (holy cold iron) tools for the job.

VoodistMonk |

I think the level of Thug is a waste, personally. It lowers your BAB and CL, which affects your character always... for a debuff that you are only going to use sometimes. Not worth it.
Are you just a Vanilla Bard?
The Ringleader gets Dazzling Display as part of their Sinister Mein, which is better than a normal Bard just taking Dazzling Display. It replaces Versatile Performance, but that is ok because you seemed to only be using Versatile Performance for Martial Performance, anyways.
The Negotiator Bard gets level/2 to Intimidate, and can take Rogue Talents (like Mein of Dispair).
There is also the Silver Balladeer, which specializes in fighting demons, but has to be of Good alignment.

strayshift |
Enforcer feat plus sap plus Thug archetype with a decent Strength equals almost always frightening anyone you hit.
But it also puts you close to combat. Played a bard to high levels, like rogues they can get chewed up pretty easy and in that campaign there's a fair few outsiders with teleport.