One inch punch

Rules Discussion

At level 10 with a Dragon Tail attack how much damage would a 3 action One-inch punch deal?

Base? Without runes? 5d10 Bludgeoning. I mean, it ain’t all that impressive for using your entire turn.

Best used when you have a good crit chance, like with "+ to your next attack" buffs.

How about with a Greater striking Rune?

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Then you would deal 7d10. (1 base die, 2 more from Greater Striking, and 4 more from One-Inch-Punch)

Not too shabby at all, would a Dragon Tail attacks Backswing apply to a 2 action One-Inch Punch? The wording of Backswing says it must be another part of the body?

Atalius wrote:
Not too shabby at all, would a Dragon Tail attacks Backswing apply to a 2 action One-Inch Punch? The wording of Backswing says it must be another part of the body?

If you attacked with OIP using Dragon Tail then yes another strike using Dragon Tail would have backswing applied.

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