mearrin69 |

Was hoping to edit my last post but I guess it's time-limited.
Bought the PDF this morning and downloaded it. Looks pretty good to me so far - I generally love the flavor. I think one of my players (cleric of Sarenrae) might appreciate the war-kilt and Dervish Dance feat.
In general I like the "low-crunch" quality of these volumes. One thing I would have liked to have seen more of is regional feats. More adventure hooks and ideas would have been cool too.

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Lord Stewpndous wrote:They's busted. We'll fix soon.Anyone else having trouble with the PDF's bookmarks not working when you click on them?
Tried both Acrobat Reader 9.1.2 and Foxit Reader 2.3
They's fixed now.
Those of you who have access to it may download the updated version for free at http://paizo.com/paizo/account/assets. (If the file shows that it has already been personalized, you'll need to repersonalize it before you can download the new version.)

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Brian, I have a question about the Suli's Elemental Assault. The text says that it is once per day for 1 round per character level. So a 20th level Suli use's her Assault and her arms are covered in acid or whatever for 20 rounds. Now, if she only needs acid arms for 5 rounds, then dismisses them, she's out 15 rounds of her acid kung-fu for the day. I was wondering, from a design/level adjustment stand point, why you went with 'once per day' with a round total instead of independent number of rounds per day?

Blazej |

I think you skipped the line that says all suli spontaneously convert into true elementals at level 5, so the issue you're talking about will never actually occur.
*Goes back to reread the Suli description again.*
*Goes to the PDF reader and searches for "5th", "5 HD", and those pages for "5"*
Grrr... can't find it.

Brian Cortijo Contributor |

Brian, I have a question about the Suli's Elemental Assault. The text says that it is once per day for 1 round per character level. So a 20th level Suli use's her Assault and her arms are covered in acid or whatever for 20 rounds. Now, if she only needs acid arms for 5 rounds, then dismisses them, she's out 15 rounds of her acid kung-fu for the day. I was wondering, from a design/level adjustment stand point, why you went with 'once per day' with a round total instead of independent number of rounds per day?
This was to prevent the suli from being a one-trick pony. While the imagery of the suli as a flame-wreathed menace is awesome (love that illustration), I didn't want it to become a situation where players were switching elemental types every other round to suit which enemy they were attacking, or using it for every fight every day.
From a story standpoint, the suli is only tenuously connected to the elements. This results in some minor resistances, and into a once-a-day ability to 'open' himself to a particular elemental energy and infuse his attacks with it. If he kills the bad guy after two rounds, then great, but he can't 'bank' the rest of his fire (or ice, or whatever) for later on. He can dismiss it, to let it expire naturally.
From a game design standpoint, this was a race designed specifically to balance with the core races. Elemental resistances and no ability score penalty are already a big deal. Allowing the suli to turn the elemental assault ability on and off tips the scales too far, IMO, which is why I didn't design it with the ability to use it as many times as desired.

Brian Cortijo Contributor |

Sean K Reynolds wrote:I think you skipped the line that says all suli spontaneously convert into true elementals at level 5, so the issue you're talking about will never actually occur.Huh?
*Goes back to reread the Suli description again.*
*Goes to the PDF reader and searches for "5th", "5 HD", and those pages for "5"*
Grrr... can't find it.
Sean was being sarcastic. That's SKR-speak for "the suli's powerful enough."

Blazej |

Blazej wrote:Sean was being sarcastic. That's SKR-speak for "the suli's powerful enough."Sean K Reynolds wrote:I think you skipped the line that says all suli spontaneously convert into true elementals at level 5, so the issue you're talking about will never actually occur.Huh?
*Goes back to reread the Suli description again.*
*Goes to the PDF reader and searches for "5th", "5 HD", and those pages for "5"*
Grrr... can't find it.
Alright, thanks! I just couldn't be sure he wasn't actually describing it accurately.

Papa-DRB |

Sean has a heart? Wow, learn something new every day!
Just kidding... Hope you are feeling much better, which if you are either home and typing or in the hospital and typing you must feel at least somewhat better.
-- david
Sean K Reynolds wrote:Sorry, I had heart surgery yesterday. I blame my nonexistent meds. :)Sean isn't kidding. He did have heart surgery yesterday. <cracks whip> Now back to work you slacker!!!! :)

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Brian, my main problem with the Elemental Assalt was the image in my head wasn't matching up with the numbers. I see this barbarian or hot rogue chick running around with fire arms (like the picture) or ice arms or whatever and it's a really cool picture... but it's misleading since these characters are only going to be doing this 2 minutes a day tops. Though I dount most GMs would mind you turning it on just for a simple visual affect. Thank you for your time.

yipwyg |

I have a quick question about the Daivrat prestige class requirements in this book. The requirements state that you need 7 ranks in 2 skills and 5 ranks in another. The Pathfinder Beta states that due to skill changes that you can enter the prestige class 3 ranks earlier.
This would mean that you need 4 ranks in 2 skills, and 2 ranks in the other. Is this still correct in the current version of Pathfinder.

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I have a quick question about the Daivrat prestige class requirements in this book. The requirements state that you need 7 ranks in 2 skills and 5 ranks in another. The Pathfinder Beta states that due to skill changes that you can enter the prestige class 3 ranks earlier.
This would mean that you need 4 ranks in 2 skills, and 2 ranks in the other. Is this still correct in the current version of Pathfinder.
No. That was to account for first level characters having 4*normal leve lskill points in 3.5. As Pathfiner doesn't have this, you would need to wait three levels longer than in 3.5 to qualify. As Gateway to the East is a fully compatible Pathfinder product, this is not necessary.

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WhiteTiger wrote:Are there any new races in the book?Will we be able to play a Half-Genie or a thin blood suli-jann ???
There is a new playable race called the Suli, which are essentially genie equivalents of planetouched. There's also a half-janni template. And there's a new type of genie you can take as a familiar.

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Mairkurion {tm} wrote:I thought the K was for "Kool"?Sean K Reynolds wrote:No, McArtor's bionic. I have natural-born superpowers and do not need to rely on technology to kick ass. ;)Ah...finally all is revealed, and we know:
Sean "Kick-ass" Reynolds
I thought it was for Potassium.

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Seriously, did Sean really have some kind of medical procedure?
I believe he did have something done to his heart. In the chat Tuesday night he was going under the screen name "SKR-The Tin Woodsman" which I read as a reference to his lacking a heart. But now that this has been mentioned, I see a different connection.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

No. That was to account for first level characters having 4*normal leve lskill points in 3.5. As Pathfiner doesn't have this, you would need to wait three levels longer than in 3.5 to qualify. As Gateway to the East is a fully compatible Pathfinder product, this is not necessary.
What Paul said. :)
And yes, I had minor heart surgery on Tuesday. Here's my blog entry from Monday explaining what was going on: linka dinka doo

yipwyg |

Ok reading this product has made me want to run an Al-Qadim game. :)
Another quick question.
I noticed even though the Suli seems to have a lot of abilities they are still classified as a LA +0. Is this due to the boost all of the core races get?
If so would this make Tieflings and Aasimars +0 as well.

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Well everyone, I finally got through this companion and a few things that really stood out for me were:
1) I expected more feats, magic, or even traits dealing with magic carpet combat. (mounted combat in truth). Although (1) feat was given, and I like it, I thought there would be a little more in this area. (oh yea, the trait granting +10ft. to the range of a spear/javelin throw was very nice.)
2) The prestige class was very well done. I love the spell fetch creature that goes out and finds a spell for you.
3) I found myself enthralled by the Katheer section. I didnt fall asleep once. (which says alot as I usually read at midnight to relax before going to bed, and I ended up staying up till 2am.)
4) Lastly, I expected more genie magic in the magic section of the companion. I, instead, got Qadirian traditions in magic use. I am sure new players got much from these paragraphs, but I found them to be alot of fluff that took up an entire page of space that could have housed a few new spells and/or magic items based off the history and detail of the Qadirian lifestyle.
Anyway, I liked this very much. I just didnt get all I expected out of this companion as an experienced player.
Great job overall Paizo. Oh, and I did get some good info that I can use in my Legacy of Fire AP. So that was very nice.
Excellent Job Brian.

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Well everyone, I finally got through this companion and a few things that really stood out for me were:
4) Lastly, I expected more genie magic in the magic section of the companion. I, instead, got Qadirian traditions in magic use. I am sure new players got much from these paragraphs, but I found them to be alot of fluff that took up an entire page of space that could have housed a few new spells and/or magic items based off the history and detail of the Qadirian lifestyle.
Great job overall Paizo. Oh, and I did get some good info that I can use in my Legacy of Fire AP. So that was very nice.
If they'd put in more about genie, it would probably repeat a lot of the article in the AP about genie binding which did include a lot of spells. It's probably better to have such stuff in one place rather than split up across different lines.

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If they'd put in more about genie, it would probably repeat a lot of the article in the AP about genie binding which did include a lot of spells. It's probably better to have such stuff in one place rather than split up across different lines.
That statement I agree with. With all the hype this product received, however, I did expect more genie stuff.
The genie binding section of the LoF was one of my favorite parts to read. I wrote an alternate set piece off that section alone for my players.
I think we agree with each other Paul, but sometimes expectations skew reality. That is why I posted that I still liked the product alot. It didnt meet my expectations is all.
Please, anyone who reads this, please understand I read this product with the expectation of using its content for my LoF AP. So take my post in the proper light. On page one of this thread I posted a few times to ask specifically about this.

yipwyg |

The suli are not classified as LA +0. The PFRPG does not use LA, and does not list LA for creatures. I think you're looking at the suli's CR adjustment, which is +0, but CR is different from LA.
Ahh ok.
I was going based on the for character information. With 3.5 you would have a level adjustment for the the races.
Tieflings by default I believe are +1LA.
In Pathinder, would a Tiefling in the Adventure Path article be equivalent to the base Pathfinder RPG races then. Everyone starting out at level 1.
Anxiously awaiting the core book and beastiary. My group sometimes likes playing non core races so was wondering how pathfinder handles this.

Dorje Sylas |

Anxiously awaiting the core book and beastiary. My group sometimes likes playing non core races so was wondering how pathfinder handles this.
Only a few more days. My group also tends to run every third campaign as a high-power non-standard monster race and gestalt game. The Tiefling, Aasimar, likely most other +1 LA creatures are now closer to PFRGP core races. One sticking point in my mind are their base resistances, but we'll see how they are handled in the bestiary.
What I do wonder is if the Half-Janni had a LA adjustment in when its 3.5 stats were submitted. My DM brain is saying strong +3 LA. It was also nice to see the full line of subtypes, including the Augmented Subtype.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

4) Lastly, I expected more genie magic in the magic section of the companion.
As Paul said, that would overlap the content of the PF AP. And perhaps the KQ article about genie magic. And we really, really hate duplicating content in multiple sources... we'd rather you get your money's worth with all-new content in everything you buy.
In Pathinder, would a Tiefling in the Adventure Path article be equivalent to the base Pathfinder RPG races then. Everyone starting out at level 1.
Given how the core races have gotten boosts, tieflings should be pretty close to +0 now.

KaeYoss |

Asgetrion wrote:I thought it was for Potassium.Mairkurion {tm} wrote:I thought the K was for "Kool"?Sean K Reynolds wrote:No, McArtor's bionic. I have natural-born superpowers and do not need to rely on technology to kick ass. ;)Ah...finally all is revealed, and we know:
Sean "Kick-ass" Reynolds
If that man offers you snapple, don't drink it.

KaeYoss |

And yes, I had minor heart surgery on Tuesday. Here's my blog entry from Monday explaining what was going on: linka dinka doo
Wow, you were really lucky that the accident wasn't worse.
I understand why you did the surgery - a year ago, I also passed out from something that probably had to do with a nerve and losing blood preassure, though that was from my leg/knee, and it was scary as hell. If that hever happens again, it will be too soon.
Anyway, good that it worked out fine.

KaeYoss |

Paul Watson wrote:4) Lastly, I expected more genie magic in the magic section of the companion.As Paul said, that would overlap the content of the PF AP. And perhaps the KQ article about genie magic. And we really, really hate duplicating content in multiple sources... we'd rather you get your money's worth with all-new content in everything you buy.
yipwyg wrote:In Pathinder, would a Tiefling in the Adventure Path article be equivalent to the base Pathfinder RPG races then. Everyone starting out at level 1.Given how the core races have gotten boosts, tieflings should be pretty close to +0 now.
I'd get rid of the -2 cha (because it just doesn't fit) - or give aasimars some penalty.

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:I'd get rid of the -2 cha (because it just doesn't fit) - or give aasimars some penalty.Paul Watson wrote:4) Lastly, I expected more genie magic in the magic section of the companion.As Paul said, that would overlap the content of the PF AP. And perhaps the KQ article about genie magic. And we really, really hate duplicating content in multiple sources... we'd rather you get your money's worth with all-new content in everything you buy.
yipwyg wrote:In Pathinder, would a Tiefling in the Adventure Path article be equivalent to the base Pathfinder RPG races then. Everyone starting out at level 1.Given how the core races have gotten boosts, tieflings should be pretty close to +0 now.
I've replaced -2 Cha with -2 Wis. I think it's more appropriate.

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Great book thank you - probably have my second PFS character hailing from Qadira now.
Quick crunch question, CR 1/2 seems low for a Suli with a class level in Ranger. Is that right in PFRPG or just a typo? with its powers CR 1 would seem more appropriate (still thinking 3.5 though).
My only major comment would be that Qadira is ripe for more focus - I hope future products will return to the land and expand on the 32 pages here. A Chronicles book with more DM oriented content would be splendid.