Ok I am thinking of doing a campaign based on e6 ruleset for a pathfinder game. The rules can be found here: http://esix.pbworks.com/w/page/9900109/FrontPage Anyway if I am reading it right 1-6 default leveling.
I am thinking of going to e10 In this case would it go 1-10 default leveling
Does this sound right? Thanks for any info.
Cosmo wrote:
Thanks for your response. I only want one copy of pathfinder #37. Thanks for your help, I greatly appreciate it.
Cosmo wrote:
Anything new on this order?
Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:
Well looking at the Wizard you would have the same BAB as him. I would then classify this guy as more of a back of the line attacker. I think if I were to make an Arcane Trickster I would concentrate on touch attack/ranged touched attack for my attack spells. I believe you can add your sneak attack damage right away with these spells. At 16th any damaging spell you cast you can add sneak attack damage on.
With the touch attacks the AC of the opponent drops significantly. The rest of my spells would be utility/crowd control.
Sean K Reynolds wrote: The suli are not classified as LA +0. The PFRPG does not use LA, and does not list LA for creatures. I think you're looking at the suli's CR adjustment, which is +0, but CR is different from LA. Ahh ok. I was going based on the for character information. With 3.5 you would have a level adjustment for the the races. Tieflings by default I believe are +1LA. In Pathinder, would a Tiefling in the Adventure Path article be equivalent to the base Pathfinder RPG races then. Everyone starting out at level 1. Thanks Anxiously awaiting the core book and beastiary. My group sometimes likes playing non core races so was wondering how pathfinder handles this.
Ok reading this product has made me want to run an Al-Qadim game. :) Another quick question. I noticed even though the Suli seems to have a lot of abilities they are still classified as a LA +0. Is this due to the boost all of the core races get? If so would this make Tieflings and Aasimars +0 as well. Thanks
I have a quick question about the Daivrat prestige class requirements in this book. The requirements state that you need 7 ranks in 2 skills and 5 ranks in another. The Pathfinder Beta states that due to skill changes that you can enter the prestige class 3 ranks earlier. This would mean that you need 4 ranks in 2 skills, and 2 ranks in the other. Is this still correct in the current version of Pathfinder. Thanks
James Jacobs wrote:
Thank You
I think kids are in the 7-12 year range, technically I would not let kids under 7 play it at all. I think that D&D is primarily a pg-13 type of game. I'm just saying that if the parents see that video and get pissed off enough to not let their children (7-12)play it vs someone that picks up the players handbook and monster manual and sees all the pictures of demons, devils, and a race that makes pacts with them as well and says that is acceptable there is something wrong with the parent. Again I am different, I'm a gamer. I would let my child, if I had one, play. I would just tone it down.
I don't think kids are in there demographic. I mean with all the demons and devils, both standard and rulers etc... I, myself, have no problem with these due to being in my 30's. However, I can see many parents out there not letting their children play D&D based just on that. On a side note the cartoon is really tame compared to gollums acceptance speech on the mtv video awards. Google that.
I plan on running Rise of the Runelords in about a month and then get rid of my 3.5 books then if not sooner. I will be switching over to 4.0 as soon as it comes out. The only real reason I play 3.5 is that that is what everyone wants to run. If my group decides to not play in any 4.0 campaigns, then my stint as a DM will stop right then and there. ROTRL will be my last 3.5 game I will ever run. I will still play 3.5, however all my characters will be created by using the srd only.
One of my players plans on playing a cleric of Asmodeous and wants to take the prestige class in book of vile darkness with the character. Looking it over, I noticed that it requires that you take disciple of darkness to take the class. I want to change this to something else along the same lines, due to the fact in my opinion being a cleric of Asmodeous already binds you to him. What suggestions of a feat do you have to replace it. I have Green Ronin's big collection of demons/daemons/devils but haven't looked it over due to being at work. Thanks for info.
I have decided to use the goddess of dreams and prophecy as the hook. This way they are bound to something sort of long term not short term. The goddess has had a vision of an event that could threaten the gods. The goddess knows that events in Sandpoint might have something to do with it, so various gods send groups of their followers out to investigate the area. Due to the potential threat and the fact that different beliefs are involved the characters have a geas on them to work together.
One of the players has just emailed me with a little bit of background and some thoughts. The gods are prophetic and have seen glimpses of the future. They have seen that one runelord is awakening and potentially others. Now some gods have decided to work together to combat it. Those on the evil side do not want to invest to much power into handling it so they send starting out members of the church to handle it, if it works out it works out. There might also be other reasons behind it. I do not know yet about the relationships between runelords and gods, still reading the adventure. It would be interesting to see if the runelords and the gods are were in conflict in someway. Basically the players are thinking something like the scared lands background, various churches of different alignments making an effort to handle some sort of threat.
I have an interesting party of adventurers for the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. Here they are. Cleric of Rovagug or Gorum Player has not made up mind yet(CE alignment)
Now the players have come up with a scenario where they are under a contract to work together (under geas) until such time the new church is dedicated. This means I will be making the new temple a generic one to all the deities, basically a sort of neutral ground. Now the question is how to maintain this geas on them, since if the temple is dedicated they are not bound to work together. The easiest method is to either destroy the church again (thinking the big wagon with explosives in it), or steal an item that is needed to do a proper dedication. The main problem is that what prevents the gods of the clerics to just lift the geas due to circumstances that negate the initial contract. I would also like a more devious method to perhaps have the PC's as well as the 4 gods tricked into working together. Now the whole PC's under a geas thing is not my idea, it is the players so they are know full well what they are getting into intially. I just want to have a little surprise for them. Thanks for suggestions.
I am switching to 4th edition as soon as it comes out. I have grown very weary of running 3.5 over the last few years. I plan on choosing exactly what books I want to keep as a core 3.x set and condense all the feats into a binder, at which time I will give away the books I no longer need.
That being said I will continue my subscription to pathfinder/gamemastery no matter what. I have enough crunch to last me the rest of my life, I want fluff and plan on using the pathfinder setting for 3.5, 4, 5 and probably til one day I quit all together.
Are you ready for this. hehe All 4 will be clerics of the following gods. LN Asmodeus, plans on being a barrister type person
All other clerics alignments will be as close to neutral as possible. It will be very interesting to see how this all works out. To make things a little bit smoother I'm going to have the new temple be generic, where you can come in a worship any of the gods, to a certain extent. The high priest though that will be head of it will remain whatever the faith was originally mentioned. What the players are thinking is that they are sent by the various churches as representives for the dedication ceremony. According to the "Contract" or "Oath" they must work together until the temple is properly aligned or whatever you want to call it. So since the goblins will disrupt the proceedings for the short term they are obligated to remain working together. I have no idea how long this alliance will last, though it looks very interesting. I also find it very interesting that the two players that usually play Paladins and other very good heroes, have chosen two evil deities to worship. All four players have been talking a lot of how an all cleric group will preform.
Hello! I have USPS package service as my pathfinder delivery method. I was wondering what the difference is between that and the pathfinder standard shipping method. Is it only the time and cost, or is there some other difference. Thanks Really looking forward to Pathfinder as well as what your future products will be. |