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I don't know if this has been asked before but will the Hard Cover be available internationally at the same time as the release in the US or will we have to wait until the books arrive after the US release date.
If all goes according to plan, we will be shipping to distribution—including international distribution—well before the release date so that as many retailers as possible will have their copies by August 13. However, we can't account for distribution turnaround times, or shipping times, so I'm sure that some retailers—especially overseas—won't have their copies before that date. But we'll do what we can on our side.

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The 8th Dwarf wrote:I don't know about the intl shipping from Paizo, but when I checked Amazon today to compare the price of getting the hardcopy from Paizo with the sub to the price of getting the pdf from paizo and the hardcover from Amazon, they have the release date listed for September 2. So while it might have free shipping and a lower price point, it doesn't look like they'll even start shipping them out until over two weeks after GenCon.I don't know if this has been asked before but will the Hard Cover be available internationally at the same time as the release in the US or will we have to wait until the books arrive after the US release date.
This may confirm point 3. because I will get the PDF for $13ish Australian dollars because "I WANT IT NOW NOW NOW!!!!" Then purchase the Hard copy at a FLGS.
I not sure about shipping and Amazon I will have to have a look into it.
While you can thoroughly trust Amazon's release dates for music, movies, and books from major publishers, I personally do not generally trust their dates for small publishers and the gaming industry in particular.
While it does take longer to get things through the book channel, I'd predict that they'll have their copies within a week of August 13.

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Will your translators/foreign language publishers also be offering similarly priced PDFs, or will that be up to each and every translator/publisher themselves?
That will be up to each of them. We're not going to micromanage their distribution; they know more about their individual markets than we do.

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Wildfire142 wrote:Was just wondering if the book contains conversion rules/guide like the Beta or will we have to wait until GameMastery Guide in February for the rules/guide or a pdf download on here?If you mean conversion from standard 3.5, we'll have something online for that.
That's what I meant sorry for not being clearer. Thanks

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My B-DAY is the last week of July, I was wondering what the odds were that I would get this by or around that time? Would make a SWEET B-DAY!
The odds would be zero. Sorry. Because of the size and importance of the Pathfinder RPG release, our goal is to have everybody get their copies of the game on August 13th, which is the official release date. So we will be doing everything in our power to try to make that come true. While a person here or there might get it a day or two early, there is no way that it will be last week of July early. :)
Happy birthday anyways!

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I don't know about the intl shipping from Paizo, but when I checked Amazon today to compare the price of getting the hardcopy from Paizo with the sub to the price of getting the pdf from paizo and the hardcover from Amazon, they have the release date listed for September 2. So while it might have free shipping and a lower price point, it doesn't look like they'll even start shipping them out until over two weeks after GenCon.
I have ordered mine through Chapters (in Canada) and they list the release date as August 19th. With the heavy discount for members (37% - which I think one could also get in the US through Amazon) and free shipping (since I ordered enough to get it), at $10 I still am saving money buying both separately. I'll just have to deal with the PDF for a week or so before the hardcover comes along - which isn't a problem since I primarily use PDFs anyway (CTRL-F is just not possible with the print version!). I think it's an *excellent* idea to have the low-priced PDF for all the great reasons already cited by Lisa, Erik, and others. This is the theory the music industry started operating under with the legalification (probably not a word) of Napster and the later iTunes - make the item inexpensive and easy to get and it will sell and not push people to less legitimate (or illegal) sources. Of course, Paizo also, thankfully, doesn't use intrusive DRM - just a simple watermark (or perhaps a more complex watermark than we know? Either way, it doesn't interfere with the transferring or use of the PDF).
So thanks, and consider me to be one more PDF customer who will also have the treeware version.

mshields |
Very happy to see a reasonably priced PDF version. Naturally, I'll be needing a print copy too. You just can't over look the value of a PDF when you're writing large scale adventures for a convention. Probably cut my time expenditure by 1/3, time I should use sleeping but invariably I'll find some other way to lose it prepping for the Con. Ah, well, such is the life of a gamer...

Stebehil |

TO add to the chorus, I also think that the very low price for the pdf will generate more buyers of the print version - at nearly 600 pages, having the pdf printed completely will almost never happen. So those who only buy a pdf (a complete, brand-new rpg core rule book for 10$ is too good to pass up, IMHO) and like what they see will most probably buy the real thing as well.
I have preordered my print copy already and will buy the pdf as soon as it is available, as shipping it from the US is too expensive for me. (To be honest, a pdf is great for looking up some details while at work...)

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I thought I just add my comment here as well - even if it has been written a few times already.
I think the cheap pdf is a great solution. As I'm living in the UK I can't support Paizo directly without incurring horrendous shipping costs. A local Game store - unfortunately none around where I live - so no worries if it actually carries Pathfinder or not.
So the solution - the hardcopy is ordered via Amazon an hour ago - the free Bestiary is downloaded via pdf and for the Core rules I will wait until the 13.th to get my pdf as well.
For me this will be the first time I actually buy a pdf AND a book. I tend to prefer the book - but for that price I can afford a pdf copy as well - and I can buy at Paizo directly.
I will also try to peddle the rules to my players.
Good luck with the rules - and hopefully people really flock to buy the pdf here instead of waiting for it appear on shady places.

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Wow, i cant wait for this! I just talked to my group, and we have agreed to buy 3 hard covers and we will all be buying the PDF as soon as it is available.
unfortunately, due to our location, it will be easier for us to drive to the City and buy the hard cover copies.
but this will be added to my downloads as soon as it is available.
(eagerly awaits the 13th of August!)
Peebo :D

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

I saw the youtube preview,it's really interesting that Paizo opened each chapter with the full page illustration just like what WotC did with 4th edition books. But I'm sure Paizo's books will contain more words and better pictures. :)
A good idea is a good idea no matter where it comes from :) Having a good chapter break helps the eyes to find where you're at faster!

MarkusTay |

I haven't been on these boards in awhile, but when I saw the video for this product posted over at Candlekeep, I just had to chime in.
It looks awesome! I can't wait to pick this up and start using it. Thanks for keeping the dream alive, Paizo-peeps.
P.S. - I have also re-posted the link to the video several times over on other sites... a little free-advertising never hurt. ;)

WelbyBumpus |

yukarjama wrote:I saw the youtube preview,it's really interesting that Paizo opened each chapter with the full page illustration just like what WotC did with 4th edition books. But I'm sure Paizo's books will contain more words and better pictures. :)A good idea is a good idea no matter where it comes from :) Having a good chapter break helps the eyes to find where you're at faster!
I'd like to see a grade-level reader analysis of the two books. I remember reading that the 4E books were written for readers a couple of grades lower in reading level than the 3.5 books. I expect PFRPG to be much the same as the 3.5 books, but I'd like to see this.

Mottokrosh |

I'm in the UK too, and I asked my FLGS last week to put one aside for me, and to make sure to tell their distributor to order enough copies! :) No news on exact date yet, but I'll be lapping up the PDF on the 13th at any rate.
We'll be starting a new campaign using PFRPG around that time, and the players are keen to get their hands on a PDF each for that price. I wouldn't be surprised if some shell out for the hardcover too, once the campaign gets going.

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how do pre-orders at Amazon.com work? I couldn't find a thing on pre-ordering other then price guarantee policy. I might be able to get the rule book after all, at their current pricing. Mainly need to know if I pre-order say today, when will I get charged for it.
Still going to get the pdf thou, lately I've been favoring pdf gaming items over the dead tree, but that rulebook is just too big & too cool not to have in that form.

Joana |

how do pre-orders at Amazon.com work? I couldn't find a thing on pre-ordering other then price guarantee policy. I might be able to get the rule book after all, at their current pricing. Mainly need to know if I pre-order say today, when will I get charged for it.
Amazon orders are not charged until the item ships.

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Haldir wrote:how do pre-orders at Amazon.com work? I couldn't find a thing on pre-ordering other then price guarantee policy. I might be able to get the rule book after all, at their current pricing. Mainly need to know if I pre-order say today, when will I get charged for it.Amazon orders are not charged until the item ships.
thanks, that really helps in my decision making!!
As much as I'd like to buy the actual book from Paizo or say a online gamestore, right now the amazon pricing fits my budget.
now if amazon will deliver this time around, ha ha (pre-ordered the beta hardcopy & never got it due to Out of Stock)

Kruelaid |

In each of the 4 or 5 times I've made them, I've found Amazon pre-orders to be pretty quick and true to their posted release dates within a few days.
I'd say even if they're a week early on their estimate, I'm still happy.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, their replacement policy is pretty solid, the only time they have not immediately sent a replacement (of the two times something was lost) was during the Olympics - because they knew China was re-routing mail to be checked for 'trouble' so to speak - and they composed (generic I assume) a very clear explanation to this effect.
So that time I got my replacement a little later.

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well my pre-order was ready to go & then I got a Out of Stock & who knows when we'll get more & I read on here that Paizo only sent a small amount to them.
No Biggee, I was using a gift certificate & just used it on a couple of models that I wanted, ha ha.
Pretty sure PFRPG will be in & will have plenty to go around.

Kevin Cortina |
Outstanding! I have been an avid role-player for well over 25 years. (Since 1981) and was dreading the 4th edition debacle. In fact, I was just planning on staying with my 3.5 "library" and resigning role-playing to its dark fate of falling prey to “new system” marketing and/or the computer gaming age.
Now the folks over at Paizo have heroically come to the rescue with the new Pathfinder "3.5 friendly" game system. It is simply...in a word...excellent. I downloaded the free Beta a few months ago...went to Staples and printed it off in binder fashion... and before I knew it, my old role-playing troupe began a fresh campaign in the Pathfinder world...and are having a blast!
To further add, the Pathfinder adventures Paizo has been putting out have been nothing short of masterful. Amazing plots...well thought out antagonists (I mean, they go into great depth and detail onto why a "bad guy" is there and/or what made him/her a "bad guy" to begin with...and it truly makes sense! Please continue to keep up the great work! I deeply thank you for revitalizing the decades-old and beloved game of role-playing while securing the interest of many role-players, both veteran and new, for many years to come!
Way to go Paizo!

Insane Jane |
I just made a long review of this product, hit preview and never saw it again.
As the problem with the high amount of Hit-points and boring and plain magic system is still a big part of this version, I choose not to use it. Although I might use some of the Adventure-paths made for it, tweaked and converted to another system.

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I just made a long review of this product, hit preview and never saw it again.
As the problem with the high amount of Hit-points and boring and plain magic system is still a big part of this version, I choose not to use it. Although I might use some of the Adventure-paths made for it, tweaked and converted to another system.
It's a shame your review for a product that you haven't seen, read or used yet was lost. We need more reviews of the book a month before its release. It sounds like the product you really meant to review was the Pathfinder RPG Beta. Best of luck.

vagrant-poet |

It's a shame your review for a product that you haven't seen, read or used yet was lost. We need more reviews of the book a month before its release. It sounds like the product you really meant to review was the Pathfinder RPG Beta. Best of luck.
Agreed. Heavy on the sarcasm, but it is actaully insane to review the book now. Of course if was an honest mistake and she meant to reveiw the Beta, I apologise, and maybe you should wait until final. Then again, insane hp? What five classes who got a little bump? None of which are likely to have big Con? Or that and favored class? At most its two hp per level, hardly insane.

Robert Miller 55 |

I have a friend who told me a few days ago that they have been finding numerous reviews for the new PF rule book. So when people do go checking for reviews they will hopefully be aware any before August 13th are bogus.
Thos of us who frequent the internet may want to go looking for such "reviews", and comment when possible about how the product isn't even released yet, so how could they possibly do a good, fair, informed review on something that doesn't even exist on the shelves yet?

another_mage |

I have a friend who told me a few days ago that they have been finding numerous reviews for the new PF rule book. So when people do go checking for reviews they will hopefully be aware any before August 13th are bogus.
Thos of us who frequent the internet may want to go looking for such "reviews", and comment when possible about how the product isn't even released yet, so how could they possibly do a good, fair, informed review on something that doesn't even exist on the shelves yet?
That reminds me, the new PF rule book poisoned my dog and made my daughter pregnant, and it almost voted for Sarah Palin last November. Be very careful when you bring this book into your home!

Turin the Mad |

Robert Miller 55 wrote:I have a friend who told me a few days ago that they have been finding numerous reviews for the new PF rule book. So when people do go checking for reviews they will hopefully be aware any before August 13th are bogus.
Thos of us who frequent the internet may want to go looking for such "reviews", and comment when possible about how the product isn't even released yet, so how could they possibly do a good, fair, informed review on something that doesn't even exist on the shelves yet?
That reminds me, the new PF rule book poisoned my dog and made my daughter pregnant, and it almost voted for Sarah Palin last November. Be very careful when you bring this book into your home!
^_^ Then you need to beat your book like a mooch that owes you back rent money. After all, if it can vote ... it can get a job. ^_^

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Shipping to distributors already? You think they can be trusted to hold to the release date?
Keep in mind that we ship to distributors, and distributors ship to retailers, and each of those transits could take a week, with some days in between for processing. So this isn't early—it's timely.
We do trust our distributors to do their best to get books to retailers within a couple days of the release date. Our distributors know that if their retailers get them too early, then other retailers, other distributors, and Paizo will all be unhappy with them.

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Robert Miller 55 wrote:
"Shipping to distributors already? You think they can be trusted to hold to the release date? "
Vic Wertz Wrote:
"We do trust our distributors to do their best to get books to retailers within a couple days of the release date. Our distributors know that if their retailers get them too early, then other retailers, other distributors, and Paizo will all be unhappy with them."
I own a game store in Colorado that carries the whole Pathfinder line (and pushes it relentlessly out of love). I can speak with absolute surety that the distributors are very good about street dates. In three years I have received product early only once, and the distributor called to inform me of their mistake and promised death if I sold any of it prior to its street date. Usually, I get Paizo products on the day of the street date, so I think the system works correctly.
By the way, 4E vs. 3.5 vs. Pathfinder rules debates aside, Paizo's products deserve respect for what they are at their core: a phenomenally well done story and game arc that allows players to make choices that actually impact their game, with support from side-line items that is second to none. I have seen conversions for this product to 4E, as well as conversions to OD&D. Read it, enjoy it, and use it for what you will.