Kevin Cortina |
Outstanding! I have been an avid role-player for well over 25 years. (Since 1981) and was dreading the 4th edition debacle. In fact, I was just planning on staying with my 3.5 "library" and resigning role-playing to its dark fate of falling prey to “new system” marketing and/or the computer gaming age.
Now the folks over at Paizo have heroically come to the rescue with the new Pathfinder "3.5 friendly" game system. It is simply...in a word...excellent. I downloaded the free Beta a few months ago...went to Staples and printed it off in binder fashion... and before I knew it, my old role-playing troupe began a fresh campaign in the Pathfinder world...and are having a blast!
To further add, the Pathfinder adventures Paizo has been putting out have been nothing short of masterful. Amazing plots...well thought out antagonists (I mean, they go into great depth and detail onto why a "bad guy" is there and/or what made him/her a "bad guy" to begin with...and it truly makes sense! Please continue to keep up the great work! I deeply thank you for revitalizing the decades-old and beloved game of role-playing while securing the interest of many role-players, both veteran and new, for many years to come!
Way to go Paizo!