Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

Sold! Can I add it to my next outgoing Pathfinder Superscriber order?
We do not yet support combining other orders with Subscription shipments. However, even if we did, these posters are shipped in their own tube, so they'd ship seperately anyway and would cost just as much to ship. So why wait?

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taig wrote:Sold! Can I add it to my next outgoing Pathfinder Superscriber order?We do not yet support combining other orders with Subscription shipments. However, even if we did, these posters are shipped in their own tube, so they'd ship seperately anyway and would cost just as much to ship. So why wait?
Can we use the PFRPG promotion for this? Pretty please?

GentleGiant |

Sold!, nice surprise.
(UK shipping wasn't that bad $5.53)
$5.53 for UK shipping?!?!?
Damn, the USPS is really ripping off the rest of Europe (and the rest of the world I'd wager).Someone should tell them (the USPS) that those insane prices are costing a lot of American companies international sales, which I'm sure isn't exactly helping the current financial situation everywhere.

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So does that mean that PFRPG is going back to the 3.5 ruleset, or that this is just meant to be a bit misleading?
I am going to assume that is a rhetorical question. I'm trying hard to read it in a tone that is not snarky, but I'm struggling.
Don't dance around the issue, if you've got something to say: say it.

Michael Donovan |

Wildfire142 wrote:Sold!, nice surprise.
(UK shipping wasn't that bad $5.53)
$5.53 for UK shipping?!?!?
Damn, the USPS is really ripping off the rest of Europe (and the rest of the world I'd wager).
Someone should tell them (the USPS) that those insane prices are costing a lot of American companies international sales, which I'm sure isn't exactly helping the current financial situation everywhere.
Hey, count your lucky stars... it could take 3 months on a wooden sailing ship, weather permitting... Transporting a parcel of any size across the Atlantic for $5.53 is a relative bargain. :)

GentleGiant |

GentleGiant wrote:Wildfire142 wrote:Sold!, nice surprise.
(UK shipping wasn't that bad $5.53)
$5.53 for UK shipping?!?!?
Damn, the USPS is really ripping off the rest of Europe (and the rest of the world I'd wager).
Someone should tell them (the USPS) that those insane prices are costing a lot of American companies international sales, which I'm sure isn't exactly helping the current financial situation everywhere.Hey, count your lucky stars... it could take 3 months on a wooden sailing ship, weather permitting... Transporting a parcel of any size across the Atlantic for $5.53 is a relative bargain. :)
Just to make sure I'm not misunderstood here:
I'd gladly pay $5.53 for the shipping, but when I put one of these bad boys in the shopping cart yesterday I got a shipping quote of $26.70! Hence my initial "outrage."Don't know if that was a mistake, because I just ordered one again and this time around I got the $5.53 shipping quote. So, make mine a Paizo!

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Question how big is it? I am assuming normal poster size, like you see in walmart and other places but thought I should check.
It's 34" tall and 22" wide. Unless I did my math wrong. Which has been known to happen.
You did a Spinal Tap, and got your symbols wrong?
It's 34 feet by 24 feet, right?

pres man |

pres man wrote:So does that mean that PFRPG is going back to the 3.5 ruleset, or that this is just meant to be a bit misleading?Hmmm...
I am going to assume that is a rhetorical question. I'm trying hard to read it in a tone that is not snarky, but I'm struggling.
Don't dance around the issue, if you've got something to say: say it.
Well, I'm just looking at what has been said, such as:
A new RPG? Why not just stick with 3.5?
In a sense, that's exactly what we are doing. All Pathfinder products will be written for the 3.5 rules set until August 2009, at which point new releases will transition to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. That means that Legacy of Fire (the current Adventure Path) uses the 3.5 rules, but Council of Thieves (which begins in August, 2009) will use the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Both rules sets are similar enough that conversion between the two will be an easy affair for most Game Masters.The core rulebooks for the 3.5 rules system are already out of print, and we feel it is important to keep a core game available to new players. Plus, as great as 3.5 is, there remains room for improvement. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game enjoyed a year of open, public playtesting, making it the most robustly playtested game in the history of tabletop RPGs! We're sure you will find many of the changes intriguing and worth consideration for your campaign.
Seems pretty clear that Paizo believes that PFRPG and 3.5 are different. This poster seems to confuse that.

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Well 3.0 and 3.5 where techincally different too but similar enough to be collective referred to as 3rd edition and close enough that products from one to the other was very simple to tweak and use.
Not speaking for Paizo but I think their point is PFRPG is close enough that you can use all the old 3.0 and 3.5 stuff with little work.
So I guess it depends on your point of view if the poster is or is not misleading. To me it isn't cause i can use the 3.5 products with it.

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Just checking, if I order 3 posters will they be shipped in the same tube
I believe they will, but hopefully either Vic or Gary will confirm. Gary had to write new code specifically for these posters. My understanding is that you can't combine them with other non-poster items, but that a number of the same posters will ship in the same poster tube. But since I didn't write the code, I could be wrong. :)

Kruelaid |

So does that mean that PFRPG is going back to the 3.5 ruleset, or that this is just meant to be a bit misleading?
Although I couldn't care less about the confusion it creates, I admit that the added text turned me off for buying it myself - it half ruins the great WAR illustration for me.
But then I can see why that's a good marketing move for a poster in a FLGS's window.

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The poster is a marketing device, aimed at fans of 3.5 who are disappointed that their favored game is no longer supported. Since Pathfinder is built from 3.5's SRD and is quite compatible with those rules, 3.5 lives on in Pathfinder and thus thrives AND survives. Since it's marketing... essentially a giant advertisement... the poster's goal is to get its point across fast and without cluttering up the art that much, which I think it does quite well.
It's not meant to be a full explanation as to what the Pathfinder Core RPG is, why it exists, and what's inside. That's the job of the game store owner, in theory, or of whoever put the poster up in the first place, I guess...

pres man |

The poster is a marketing device, aimed at fans of 3.5 who are disappointed that their favored game is no longer supported. Since Pathfinder is built from 3.5's SRD and is quite compatible with those rules, 3.5 lives on in Pathfinder and thus thrives AND survives. Since it's marketing... essentially a giant advertisement... the poster's goal is to get its point across fast and without cluttering up the art that much, which I think it does quite well.
It's not meant to be a full explanation as to what the Pathfinder Core RPG is, why it exists, and what's inside. That's the job of the game store owner, in theory, or of whoever put the poster up in the first place, I guess...
Ah, so the deal is it is "marketing" and we know how truth and marketing go hand in hand *wink, wink*. Got it.

Tiger Tim |
Call it nitpicking if you want, but the sooner Pathfinder gets its own identity separate from 3.5 the better as far as I am concerned.
I already can’t say I play ‘D&D’ because that means 4th edition to most people. I thought I was safe when I said I play ‘3.5’, now I can’t even do that because people say 3.5 when they mean Pathfinder.
To be clear, I wish no ill will on Pathfinder, If Pathfinder is your game and it you enjoy it, I am happy for you. That said, if someone says they are playing ‘3.5’ I want to be able to show up with my 3.5 players handbook and play, not get weird looks and have people point to their Pathfinder books and say ‘oh, no we meant the *new* 3.5’.

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To be clear, I wish no ill will on Pathfinder, If Pathfinder is your game and it you enjoy it, I am happy for you. That said, if someone says they are playing ‘3.5’ I want to be able to show up with my 3.5 players handbook and play, not get weird looks and have people point to their Pathfinder books and say ‘oh, no we meant the *new* 3.5’.
I think that is pretty unlikely.
I've never seen anyone not be clear which d20 based system they are going to play, be it True 20, Conan RPG, Mutants & Masterminds, whatever. The only real difference is that PFRPG was designed to be compatible with the existing 3.5 source material. Something few, if any of the other varients do.
Gamers are pretty proud of their rules system of choice, as evidenced by the still common 3.5/4e friction in some places. I'm sure groups playing Pathfinder will be sure to lets folks know that you need not bring your PHB. (Of course in the end these are only my thoughts/opinions and what the hell do I know?)

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pres man wrote:Ah, so the deal is it is "marketing" and we know how truth and marketing go hand in hand *wink, wink*. Got it.I also have to wonder if anyone else is confused by the wording on the poster, or if you're simply awkwardly angling for a way to nitpick, to be honest.
James, quick reply. I shared this item with 8 players, and all understood the message, and were not confused.

pres man |

pres man wrote:Ah, so the deal is it is "marketing" and we know how truth and marketing go hand in hand *wink, wink*. Got it.I also have to wonder if anyone else is confused by the wording on the poster, or if you're simply awkwardly angling for a way to nitpick, to be honest.
Although I couldn't care less about the confusion it creates, I admit that the added text turned me off for buying it myself - it half ruins the great WAR illustration for me.
Call it nitpicking if you want, but the sooner Pathfinder gets its own identity separate from 3.5 the better as far as I am concerned.
I already can’t say I play ‘D&D’ because that means 4th edition to most people. I thought I was safe when I said I play ‘3.5’, now I can’t even do that because people say 3.5 when they mean Pathfinder.
To be clear, I wish no ill will on Pathfinder, If Pathfinder is your game and it you enjoy it, I am happy for you. That said, if someone says they are playing ‘3.5’ I want to be able to show up with my 3.5 players handbook and play, not get weird looks and have people point to their Pathfinder books and say ‘oh, no we meant the *new* 3.5’.

Tiger Tim |
I think that is pretty unlikely
Darkwolf, for me this already happens. As a 3.5 fan, I look for 3.5 posts here. I have seen a fair number of Posts marked ‘Pathfinder/3.5’, 90% of the time a post says this, it means Pathfinder. For another example, there was a game posted as Pathfinder/3.5 in my area. I figured it meant Pathfinder but as it was listed with 3.5, I asked what game system was to be used (it was a new campaign, so I thought he may have been willing to go with either rules set based on the players that replied). It was for Pathfinder.
Now I know as a 3.5 player who is not a Pathfinder player, that makes me a fish out of water on this forum and things like the confusion above should be expected and I am OK with that, but with plans to market the Pathfinder as ‘3.5 thrives’ I expect Pathfinder = 3.5 to be more common.

Majuba |

There was a game posted as Pathfinder/3.5 in my area. I figured it meant Pathfinder but as it was listed with 3.5, I asked what game system was to be used (it was a new campaign, so I thought he may have been willing to go with either rules set based on the players that replied). It was for Pathfinder.
I'm curious Tiger Tim, if a DM would be glad to have you in his Pathfinder game, playing a 3.5 character, what would be your reaction? I can certainly see plenty of reasons to turn it down, I'm just curious how you'd consider an offer like that.
I've run separate editions together before [1st and 3.5, 3.0 psionics & 3.5 psionics, etc.), so this is an option for me when I'm looking for players.