
WotC PR Guy's page

32 posts. Alias of baron arem heshvaun.


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thejeff wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I totally think the world would be better off if idiocy was cleansed more often with divine fire.

Well, there'd certainly be a lot less people on it.

And I like some of those people.

[looks up from devouring classroom chalk]

Aw, we like you too Jeffe.

[goes back to consuming classroom chalk]

What if Wizards never pulled the plug on our beloved Dragon and Dungeon magazines, and stuck with 3.5?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jim Rudnick wrote:

There is an epidemic running rampant throughout the Pathfinder community.

This virulent strain of magical disease is not lycanthropy

I would definitely not go as far as making that conclusion ... In fact every year at this little get together at Gencon ... Wait ... What's that sound ? On no ... THEY ARE HERE !

I ... I have said too much!

Mercy!! ... That's my leg!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh !

Ross Byers wrote:
I believe that address is two offices ago.

All your base are belong to us.

Erik Mona wrote:
Yeah, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to cancel those magazines after all? Who knew?

Not me!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zonto wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I have no comment regarding Spellfire cards at this time, though.
I miss Spellfire :(

Oh your the one who played it ! Nice to meet you !

xorial wrote:
read that as goes with a rumor I was hearing that Hasbro is trying to do something with Paizo.

Even I don't buy that.

Now check out Magic the Cash Cow.


---Move Along. NOTHING TO SEE HERE Citizen.---


Same here.

If this is the stuff they are leaving out for space, think of how much great stuff will be in the mod!


It's a rough ecconomy, I'll get a paycheck where I can.


joela wrote:

Understood. Unfortunately, this player's behavior is disruptive). We're not not having fun, including the GM. Instead, we've having to focus our energies on constantly 1) getting the player's attention focused back to the game (he'd rather play Magic: the Gathering); 2) stop his insistent behavior for PvP; 3) repeat the simplest rules to him; 4) "calm" him because he becomes belligerent when people try to speed him up, including the GM.

We've had to cancel numerous games because we could even come close to minimum size. And I've just recently learned that, because we game in a public place, folks who were interested in joining our games decided against it when they saw his behavior.

Do you mind if we take him ?

I kid ! ;)

Adding my dot


waiting on residual check

Yoda just thinks he likes Paizo, in his heart of hears he loves me and all I represent.


Ours will !**

** No it won't but we could use your money.

Strong in the Force, Yoda is.

Additional tom foolery and subterfuge, we must devise.

More Smoke and Mirrors, we will release.

Dave Young 992 wrote:
Anybody want to buy some barely-used 4e books?

Put them under your betamax recorder for added support. Go laser disc !

Tremble with fear and dare to enter

The Development Halls of 4ed Editorial Staff

And the sequel

The Printing Press of the Heirs of WotC.

Only fools tread where the brave dare not go ...

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
I've heard that people who don't like Tolkien play 4e.


What is this 'Tolkein' of which you speak of ?

Is it something we can cancel and discontinue ?

James Jacobs wrote:
Although, for the first time I can remember, Demogorgon's wearing pants. Savage Tide must have made him self-conscious or something.

Bermuda shorts are simply all *the* rage in the lower planes now !

Next season, we are pushing for yeti fur coats lined with dwarf beards and halflings' foot hair.

This may have been covered before but I was at the Manhattan Comicon and Wizards previewed the 4 ed MM 2; it has a robust Demogorgon on the cover.

Not that I plan to get the book.

Do I smell a blog contest ?

**sniff, sniff**

Aww no, that's just my dead familar next to the carcass of my dead dreams in the corner.

Set wrote:
Sleestak be available as a PC race by then?

Since Will Ferrell will be staring in The Land of the Lost come summer I'm sure we'll find a home for the Sleestak !!

THREE regions to the Underda ... er Darklands ?!!

Why didn't we think of that ?!!

Oi you've got me speaking in under yiddish !!

White men GAJIN tailer park lords better
stick with masterwork can opener and shotgun.

Buy 4ed or we make more katana fail save DC 2 vs table.
[or not I dont care either way really]

::slithers back under rock::

Trey wrote:
Yes, ever since the Paizo staff unearthed and began performing some of the ancient forbidden rites, they have been uncannily in tune with their readers' psyches. There appears to be a deepening aura of darkness spreading out from their office, and friends say that it seems as if the spark of humanity is slowly draining from their eyes, to be replaced with something somehow older and more sinister, but they are saving a bundle on market research.

The Paizo Cabal has unearthed the Lost Ritual of Claiming Fanboys' Psyche !!

My masters at Hasbro must be warned !

:: slithers back under his Rock of Hubris ::

:: Removes Ring of Regeneration ::

:: Self inflicts Quivering Palm ::

:: Thud ::

At this time, we friendly non third party providers of the most popular
steamroller roleplaying aids would like to invite you back into the fold. Please.


:: Self inflicts Quivering Palm from 1st ed ::

:: Reads first 17 pages of thread ::

:: Self inflicts Quivering Palm from 1st ed ::