Pathfinder Chronicles: Second Darkness Map Folio

4.20/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Second Darkness Map Folio
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Master the dungeons and dangerous locales of the Second Darkness Adventure Path with this handsome collection of maps designed for use with the popular Pathfinder series! Explore the treacherous dark elf city of Zirakaynin in style with a huge poster map. Fifteen additional single-page full-color maps cover key encounter locations or wilderness areas from the campaign, adding visual flair for players and making the Game Master's life a lot easier.

Second Darkness Map Folio contains reprinted maps of all the key locations explored in Pathfinder’s third Adventure Path. Even if you aren’t running Second Darkness, the maps inside can serve as locations for any RPG campaign.

Cartography by Rob Lazzaretti

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-157-2

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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4.20/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Zirnakaynin comes to your campaign!


This map pack is worth picking up for one reason alone - the large map of Zirnakaynin. You won't find it anywhere else - and if you want to bring it to life, you'll need a proper map of it.

The rest of the maps are mostly encounter maps from the Second Darkness Adventure Path so your mileage may vary.

Worth it alone for the map of Zirnakaynin!


The map of the Drow city is gorgeous and could also be used for any other subterranean city.
And for $3 - incredible - i paid €10 or so back in the day.

BUY IT! ;-)

PS: you also get some little maps of an elven city...

Almost Perfect


When I started Second Darkness I began using a VTT (Virtual Table Top) program. To better help me prepare for the game I bought the pdf of the map folio. Most maps (with a little tweaking) work and it is nice to have all maps in one file to pull from when I am setting up the game instead of having to scan the book.

Portuguese - Br


Second Darkness foi a campanha que mais tentou ser épica até o momento de sua publicação, trazendo grandes revelações de mistérios de Golarion, tendo os drows como adversários e uma trama apocalíptica onde o mundo realmente precisava ser salvo da destruição. Porem, essa ambição não teve sucesso, não só os previews do Pathfinder RPG acabaram ofuscando sua publicação, como a escassez de recursos por causa de seu lançamento afetaram muito a qualidade das aventuras que ganhariam muito com um pouco mais de revisões. Mesmo assim possui suas qualidades, é uma campanha com bastante foco em interpretação e intriga politica, e é um enredo intrincado e com várias reviravoltas e cenas fantásticas, realmente valendo a pena experimentar.

Durante a adventure path houve uma grande diversidade de locações. Portos piratas, ilhas onde caíram meteoros, ruínas elfícas, cidades subterrâneas, florestas corrompidas e a mais profunda terra dos pesadelos. Sendo assim, o trabalho de arte e projeto dos mapas é realmente elogiável, pois toda essa atmosfera é bem transposta pela cartografia. A primeira coisa que pude notar ao abrir o plástico, foi a adição de um mapa poster retratando a cidade de Zirnakaynin, o mapa é muito bonito e ajuda bastante a compreender melhor a cidade dentro de uma caverna segmentada em vários níveis. (Spoilers de lugares da campanha a frente)

Shadow in the Sky: Particularmente eu não gostei do mapa de Riddleport, há muito espaçamento entre os prédios (o que é uma característica elfica, talvez a intenção original fosse que a aventura começasse numa cidade de elfos) e na minha opinião um porto pirata deveria ser mais claustrofóbico e sujo. Os mapas do Gold Goblin são uma raridade, pois é muito difícil imaginar um cassino em D&D e neste caso funciona bem.

Children of the Void: O projeto da ilha inteira é muito bom, os mapas dos locais são simplórios e muito geométricos, mas estão na medida certa. Gosto bastante do mapa final, por ser uma caverna marinha com palafitas de madeira ligando ambientes diferentes, perfeito para pequenas masmorras costeiras, dá para reciclar até os jogadores eventualmente perceberem.

Armageddon Echo: Toda arquitetura elfica é um show a parte, com ambientes orgânicos e cheios de curvas, mas mesmo assim sem deixar de serem funcionais num ambiente de guerra. Os mapas da cidade de Cellwynvian ficaram muito bonitos e eu quase desejo que tivessem sito um poster dupla face.

Endless Night: A arquitetura drow conserva características da arquitetura elfica, porem corrompendo-a com ângulos duros e quebrados. Um detalhe que realmente adiciona a imersão da aventura e merece um parabéns ao Rob Lazzaretti. Infelizmente os mapas das set-pieces são estão presentes, porque a caverna da edição era muito legal.

A Memory of Darkness: Novamente de volta a arquitetura elfica, só que aqui uma fortaleza maior. A consistência interna da arquitetura é bem impressionante. Porem os mapas muito grandes são mais difíceis de usar fora da situação para os quais foram desenvolvidos.

Descent into Midnight: Por fim os mapas finais voltam a masmorras mais tradicionais, o que torna a coletânea mais útil a quem só quer mapas genéricos para dungeons. Devido a natureza da aventura, temos uma porção de locais do mundo subterrâneo com mapas simples e diversificados, perfeitos para aventuras nas Darklands. (Fim dos Spoilers)

Superb Maps


I agree with Majuba that the maps are (as always) masterfully detailed. The poster map is amazing!

For me, the reason I'm not giving it five stars is simply the 'folio' aspect of the product. I would love to see flaps in the bottom/side of the cover help keep the maps inside the folio. After all the nice work, it's a shame to see them scattered across the floor. :(

Otherwise a FANTASTIC product!

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Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Since I haven't seen this map before, I assume this is final cover art? (and a sneak peek at Riddleport?)

yoda8myhead wrote:
Since I haven't seen this map before, I assume this is final cover art? (and a sneak peek at Riddleport?)

The map on the cover doesn't really look like Robert's usual work, although it might just be a rough draft, of course.

GentleGiant wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
Since I haven't seen this map before, I assume this is final cover art? (and a sneak peek at Riddleport?)
The map on the cover doesn't really look like Robert's usual work, although it might just be a rough draft, of course.

Okay, so I was wrong, given today's blog post.

Still doesn't look like his usual work, though (IMO, of course).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

yoda8myhead wrote:
Since I haven't seen this map before, I assume this is final cover art? (and a sneak peek at Riddleport?)

Well, it *could* be final, but given that we still have about 4 months to tweak it, it probably isn't.

The Exchange

I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

i love map folios and hope they continue to be part of my subscription.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

Tell us what you really think, Mark.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

I like them, but I never understood why the chronicles subscription. They'd make more sense in the Pathfinder subscription.

So am I to assume these arent to scale for use with minis and the like? that would make this an attractive add.

Liberty's Edge

At the chat last night, James said a city in the Darklands would get a poster map in this folio (apparently it won't get the poster treatment in the AP)!

Oh, it says that up there doesn't it...

Also, James mentioned a few weeks ago they are debating how they will include the map folio in subscriptions.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Stewart Perkins wrote:
So am I to assume these arent to scale for use with minis and the like? that would make this an attractive add.

Since reprinting them at a higher resolution would require Paizo to reorder the art, and pay a significantly higher price for the map pack art, it will probably never happen. I personally never use the loose sheets, but the poster map alone makes the purchase worth it for me. I can see that having them as Chronicles subscriptions would be annoying for those that don't share my opinion, though.

I can see how that would be more expensive, and if the price went above the $15 as it stands it would quickly become too much, but Personally, as I like minis I wouldn't mind paying $20-25 for a map pack to scale for the adventures, But thats just me and probably not cost efficient enough to be feasible.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Shem wrote:
i love map folios and hope they continue to be part of my subscription.

A big me too!

Stewart Perkins wrote:
I can see how that would be more expensive, and if the price went above the $15 as it stands it would quickly become too much, but Personally, as I like minis I wouldn't mind paying $20-25 for a map pack to scale for the adventures, But thats just me and probably not cost efficient enough to be feasible.

I don't know if I could stomach $20+ but I would very much prefer if the tactical encounters were scaled up for use as 1-inch grid in the actual campaign. If that isn't the case, I don't really understand the purpose of the Map Folio.

Liberty's Edge

I finally received my CotCT map folio and had a request for the Second Darkness Folio:

How possible would it be to design the outer folder with some sort of open-cornered pocket in each inside cover to help keep the maps together? With the way it is now, if I used a folio extensively I would be concerned about all the maps falling out.

Yes, I could probably buy myself a cheap poly 2-pocket folder for them, but it's just so classy to have the Paizo name on the outside...

Silver Crusade

I don't mind the map folio product, thou I wish it something more then what you normally already get if you get the Pathfinder book. Now if you wanted generic maps for a game, then this product is for you. Maybe have a mini scaled map or something extra.

Will this one have a poster map of Riddleport or at least have a map that has the locations #s on the map. I hope so, as the other cities in the APs have gotten one (thou Magnimaar surprisingly didn't have one (I don't think, heck I can't remember, I've been up for 22 hours straight, ha ha).

Pygon--use Ultra Pro magazine pocket holders. The material is crystal clear & is a great product to store maps & such. I've been storing my D&D Mystara Gaz maps in some for years now & they are still minting fresh.


Liberty's Edge

For my particular case, I'm currently storing the map folio upright in a box with all the other CotCT materials. I don't really need a folder for gaming at the moment, I just wanted to see if they could offer a product with a small enchancement that will alleviate the need for something else to be able to transport them or move the folder around without fear of everything falling out.

Thanks for the product name, though, if I need one I'll know where to look!

I really like the map folios. I get them laminated. They see a lot of use.

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I really like the map folios. I get them laminated. They see a lot of use.

I initially b*tched about the Runelords Map Folio, because it wasn't what I expected it to be. I ended up using it a lot. A whole lot.

Vic Wertz got a grin out of that.

The point of the admission though is to say.. yeah.. you can't always get a sense of how handy the map folio is until you try it. They're something of a luxury tool if you don't have the money, but they're pretty nice tools.

It also depends if you're actually using it. If you get the APs just to read, you don't need them.

I should get mine laminated. That's a good idea.

Firstly, I would like to say that I don't own a map folio yet, so these opinions are based only upon the product description, reviews, and messageboard posts.

I consider map folios to be a really neat idea and that Paizo should continue making them. However, I think that they should be removed from subscriptions.

I think that when the Chronicles line was started, it had a wider range of products in it, with item cards and the Harrow deck included in addition to books and the map folios. Now that the item cards have been removed, however, and there aren't any other "special" products like the Harrow deck in the forseeable future, it feels kind of weird for the subscription to include books 10 months of the year and then map folios the other 2. In addition, the map folios make the Chronicles line much less player-friendly, because they are useless unless you are GMing or at least own the Adventure Paths. It would be really neat if Chronicles could join the Companion as a player-friendly line, although maybe with some "Secrets" appendices like in the Guide to Korvosa/Darkmoon Vale.

I believe that making the map folios into Pathfinder Accessories, like the item cards and dice, would be a good option for players and GMs alike (although without the guaranteed subscriptions that might not make sense for Paizo, since the folios are probably).

Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

I love them but i wish they would also contain player versions of the maps like the one in the Web Downloads for "Dungeon".

Liberty's Edge

Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

I agree. It's like paying for something you already got. (if you have the Pathfinder subscription)

That seems like an optional addon to me and not something that should be in a subscription.

Sovereign Court Co-owner - Battlegrounds to Board Games

In addition to the Dark Elf city poster map will there be a poster map of Riddleport as well?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Brandon Gillespie wrote:
In addition to the Dark Elf city poster map will there be a poster map of Riddleport as well?

Sorry—no such map exists yet.

Liberty's Edge

Adding an amen to some of what has already been said...

I haven't bought any map folios(yet)because what I want from such a product doesn't seem to be offered.
Larger maps for players to look at, and encounter area maps at miniature scale.

The generic flip-maps are good for many encounters, but when the encounter is combat oriented and in an a-typical location I would really like a 1" grid.
Exploration maps with limited combat potential would be nice in a scale where the players could place a token for representing the party as they move through. Something like half of miniature scale.

I don't think just having every map exactly as seen in the pathfinder journals is worth paying extra for. Not even if one of them IS a cool big poster. More bang for less buck or LOTS more bang for the same or even a bit more bucks.
Please think about it guys and gals at Paizo. We love so much of what is being offered, but this seems like the weakest offering in the whole line.

(this from a hard-core pathfinder fan)

Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

I'm holding off of my 2D campaign until I have these, but I'm otherwise inclined to agree. With my concern about the economy, the map folio inclusion would be a big incentive to discontinue our subscription. I'm worried about California budget cuts for 2009, and the Chronicles would be the first thing for me to cut. If my government supported job was cut, I'd be forced to cut more than just my chronicles subscription, but I'd definitely start here. Maybe if they had more racial books planned, but I'd otherwise cut here first.

Silver Crusade

Wawoozle wrote:
Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.
I love them but i wish they would also contain player versions of the maps like the one in the Web Downloads for "Dungeon".

I completely agree. I currently can afford the Chronicles subscription, and I really liked the CotCT Map Folio, though I find it a... redundant product. No offense meant. ;-)

Liberty's Edge

I wanted to see if we could get a way to remove parts of the chronicles stuff. The map folios are useful when running a campaign but it would be difficult to run every adventure path; the information in the map folio becomes less useful. I imagine others, besides myself, buy the adventure paths to read. This was just an idea I have been kicking around.

Silver Crusade

Vic or anyone that might be in the know

Will Riddleport and/or Magnimar get a poster map anytime soon? It seems a waste not to give the major cities a poster map, while Sandpoint does (of course that being a first Pathfinder town & such, I can see why).


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Vic Wertz wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
Since I haven't seen this map before, I assume this is final cover art? (and a sneak peek at Riddleport?)
Well, it *could* be final, but given that we still have about 4 months to tweak it, it probably isn't.

Since I see that you did from my PDF, will the final cover be put up on the site?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

yoda8myhead wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
Since I haven't seen this map before, I assume this is final cover art? (and a sneak peek at Riddleport?)
Well, it *could* be final, but given that we still have about 4 months to tweak it, it probably isn't.
Since I see that you did from my PDF, will the final cover be put up on the site?

I've updated the image. (If you see beige and not blue, clear your browser's image cache.)

does the downloadable pdf have layered images (for those of us who want to strip off the map meta data for use with digital projector)?

sozin wrote:
does the downloadable pdf have layered images (for those of us who want to strip off the map meta data for use with digital projector)?

Good question!

Liberty's Edge

I checked the PDF maps to make sure you could extract the bottom layers without the labels. Looks like they are all intact and good (I have Adobe Reader 8 though, I hear 9 isn't so easy to accomplish this with). Note that the large poster PDF does not allow this.

However, I did notice that the poster map for the large city says it is 75 feet per square, but there aren't any squares! That's ok, if there were any squares, I'd probably need a magnifying glass to see them!

Are these maps mostly reprints from the modules?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
JZ wrote:
Are these maps mostly reprints from the modules?

Not mostly, they all are.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Pygon wrote:
I checked the PDF maps to make sure you could extract the bottom layers without the labels. Looks like they are all intact and good (I have Adobe Reader 8 though, I hear 9 isn't so easy to accomplish this with). Note that the large poster PDF does not allow this.

The PDF allows it, but Adobe Reader thinks full-page images are backgrounds; to select a background, you have to ctrl-click (Windows) or option-click (Mac).

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
The PDF allows it, but Adobe Reader thinks full-page images are backgrounds; to select a background, you have to ctrl-click (Windows) or option-click (Mac).

Excellent, thanks!

Have to strongly agree with the 'please take maps out of the chronicles subscription' camp.

As has been intimated, a chronicle is a 'factual written account...' and that's not really the definition of a map. Perhaps a new subscription category of Accessories (minis, flipmats, maps) could be created?

I'm now a Pathfinder reader (thanks to my gaming group going 4e) so map folios are useless to me. It surely can't be in Paizo's interest for customers to have to cancel their Chronicles subscriptions just to avoid paying for something they can't use.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
The Far Wanderer wrote:
Have to strongly agree with the 'please take maps out of the chronicles subscription' camp.

Me too.

I got this product in the mail today and it is completely useless to me.

Particularly useless is the giant poster map of Zirnakaynin. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with it. It has no numbered locations on it, and it's not made at a scale where you could use it with minis.

I honestly can't figure out what its purpose is.

I am a huge fan of Paizo, but this particular product frustrates me to no end.

Please, no more map folios.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

This comes up every map folio.

My suggestion is do not subscribe to Pathfinder Chronicles and order everything individually. I love the map folios and as for the big map - I usually get those blown up on vinyl and have it on the wall. It is helpful because my players get an idea of where they are in the world and they like to know that.

I prefer to have it in my subscription because I do not want to miss anything.

I want a Gamemastery subscription so I do not have to hunt for what I might have forgotten to order.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Shem wrote:
My suggestion is do not subscribe to Pathfinder Chronicles and order everything individually.

The problem with that solution is that you miss out on the PDFs, plus unless things have changed that I am not aware of, you end up paying more in shipping as your non-sub items won't ship with your subscriptions.

In the end, the best solution is to suck it up and eat the cost of the map folio but it still annoying to have to do so when I'm already paying for the maps as part of my AP subscription.

Scarab Sages

I'm kind of disappointed with the map folio, the maps are well done and can be useful but I was expecting them to be full sized and ready to use with minis.
I probably won't get any more and the only reason I got this one is it was included on my pathfinder chronicles subscription for some reason.

Are the 15 single-page maps in these map folios scaled for use at the game table (1" x 1" grid)? Can you place minis on them and play?

Galen Ciscell wrote:
Are the 15 single-page maps in these map folios scaled for use at the game table (1" x 1" grid)? Can you place minis on them and play?

Nevermind - I just read through the other posts and saw this was answered already. Disappointing :( Almost a product I would have purchased!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Warren wrote:

Particularly useless is the giant poster map of Zirnakaynin. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with it. It has no numbered locations on it, and it's not made at a scale where you could use it with minis.

I honestly can't figure out what its purpose is.

The poster map of Zirnakaynin serves 3 purposes.

1) It can work as a poster to hang on the wall. I often did this with poster maps that came in boxed sets from TSR back in the day, but what can I say: I'm a nerd!

2) The main intended purpose, though, is so that you can put the map out on your game table or hang it on the wall in your game room during an adventure set in Zirnakaynin. It really REALLY helps players to be able to see the map of the city they're in, and helps keep track of where everything is since humans are such vision-based creatures. If you're worried that it's not "realistic" to let the PCs see a map of the city like this, I suggest having them find a map of Zirnakaynin on the person of one of the drow they slay before they head there, which transforms the map into a giant player handout. Which is pretty neat, I think.

3) And finally... these maps are useful to GMs who aren't playing the adventure path. A GM can use any of the maps in a map folio as locations in his own campaign. Zirnakaynin can easily serve as a drow city in any world... or any race's city for that matter.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Gedak 27 wrote:
I hate the map folio products. I wish they were removed from the chronicles subscription.

I on the other hand am quite happy they are included n the subscription.


This post/question is for Vic or anyone who has purchased the map folio's. Does this map folio include any battlemaps. Specifically does it include a battle map for the Golden Goblin. Do you know how time consuming it is to draw that out with markers on a battle map???

I would be curious to know what is included in the package beyond what is outlined in the marketing writeup.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Glimras wrote:

This post/question is for Vic or anyone who has purchased the map folio's. Does this map folio include any battlemaps. Specifically does it include a battle map for the Golden Goblin. Do you know how time consuming it is to draw that out with markers on a battle map???

I would be curious to know what is included in the package beyond what is outlined in the marketing writeup.


No 1 inch scale battlemaps...

What this includes is every map in the APs to the same scale as printed in the AP books.

It is just a convenient way to carry them around since they are not bound to the book.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dragnmoon wrote:

What this includes is every map in the APs to the same scale as printed in the AP books.

It is just a convenient way to carry them around since they are not bound to the book.

Close.. It's all of the really important maps, not every map... and the Zirnakaynin poster map is about four times bigger than it was originally printed.

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