
sozinsky's page

8 posts. Alias of sozin.


looking forward to the reprint!



would love to see a PFS game in chicago. (can't host, alas.)


I was wondering if anyone (either paizo or enthusiast) have created any text editor (MS Word, Adobe...) templates for building modules? I'm thinking of elements like:

- NPC/monster stat blocks
- DC checks (ie knowledge)
- Encounters
- locations (what the DM reads to the group, what isn't read)
- adventure overview (background, summary, primary NPCs)
- module sections
- trap blocks
- "callouts" (bordered sections that denote either designer notes or adventure information, for example, in Howl of the Carrion King, "Dashki's Story")


Here's how I use them. Prior to a session, I pick out all the item cards that I want to hand out. (I don't have out cards for every item encountered; usually just the magical stuff.) For magical items, I write the item name on the back of the card in pencil, and a link to the book it came from; ie DMG 375 (Dungeon Master's Guide pg 375). Then, I cut on a small piece of paper and tape it over the item description, and on that small piece of paper I write (for example) "Strong abjuration".

When the players receive the cards they are 1) delighted, and 2) looking forward to tearing off the taped piece of paper to discover what they've found!

does the downloadable pdf have layered images (for those of us who want to strip off the map meta data for use with digital projector)?

Vic Wertz wrote:
sozin wrote:
Email me privately ( sozinsky at gmail dot com ) and I can send you a set of edited maps. I use digital projecter and and photoshopped everything out manually. (Hey, Paizo, I know I sound like a broken record, but it would be beyond great if you could start releasing un-annotated maps...)

Please don't redistribute our maps, or altered versions of our maps.

Also, in our more recent PDFs, maps are now usually saved in a format in which the untagged art layer can easily be selected and extracted.

Eek! Yeah, that occured to me after I posted. Sorry Vic (and others!), I'll go up and edit that post away.

I just tried to do what you described above (find untagged art layer) in the Curse of the Crimson Throne mappack, but without luck ... is there a FAQ or README somewhere that describes how to do this?

reinbowarrior wrote:

About to put this in to my homebrew as a cross over adventure.

Any chance of getting another map of the city, but without the invisible bridges or descriptions?

Email me privately ( sozinsky at gmail dot com ) and I can send you a set of edited maps. I use digital projecter and and photoshopped everything out manually. (Hey, Paizo, I know I sound like a broken record, but it would be beyond great if you could start releasing un-annotated maps...)

Running this module right now for my party and they love it.

Great job on this one Paizo and WB.