Female Sorcerer

Galen Ciscell's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Galen Ciscell wrote:
Are the 15 single-page maps in these map folios scaled for use at the game table (1" x 1" grid)? Can you place minis on them and play?

Nevermind - I just read through the other posts and saw this was answered already. Disappointing :( Almost a product I would have purchased!

Are the 15 single-page maps in these map folios scaled for use at the game table (1" x 1" grid)? Can you place minis on them and play?

How many wagons are in the complete caravan? 18? 9? 6?


Can someone post a review of the actual game play (the card game, not the fortune telling feature)?

Any chance we could get a .pdf of the rules, Paizo folks?


So I know there were a few cons in August and all, but no new blogs at all? Will there be blogs in September?


Will the maps covering key encounters be for the 2nd adventure path (as the first will have concluded by January)?


Sure, I'll cop to it, I be a were-cabbage.


I haven't been this disheartened about the gaming industry in a long while. Is there anything we can do to stop this? Anything? What happened? Were the magazines losing money? I am really sad right now.


James Jacobs wrote:
Once per round per character, and no more than one soul fragment at a time.

Thanks James - to clarify, you can only have one soul fragment at a time? Thus if I had the artist fragment and my friend had the scholar fragment, I could not use an immediate action to give him the artist fragment, because then he would have two fragments, correct?


In the penultimate Age of Worms adventure (against Dragotha) the PCs get fragments of a ghost's soul. These fragments, once bonded with the PCs, can be swapped as an immediate action once per round. Does this mean they can be swapped once per round per character or once per round, period?

To clarify: If I have a soul fragment and use an immediate action to transfer it to an ally, can that ally then use an immediate action to transfer it back to me, in the same round?


Galen Ciscell wrote:

In the penultimate Age of Worms adventure (against Dragotha) the PCs get fragments of a ghost's soul. These fragments, once bonded with the PCs, can be swapped as an immediate action once per round. Does this mean they can be swapped once per round per character or once per round, period?

To clarify: If I have a soul fragment and use an immediate action to transfer it to an ally, can that ally then use an immediate action to transfer it back to me, in the same round?


Sorry, just realized I posted on the wrong board. Heading over to the Dungeon boards now :)


In the penultimate Age of Worms adventure (against Dragotha) the PCs get fragments of a ghost's soul. These fragments, once bonded with the PCs, can be swapped as an immediate action once per round. Does this mean they can be swapped once per round per character or once per round, period?

To clarify: If I have a soul fragment and use an immediate action to transfer it to an ally, can that ally then use an immediate action to transfer it back to me, in the same round?


I too found this issue somewhat lacking for the reasons outline above. As far as the GenCon preview goes, I believe I remember (although I don't have the issue in front of me) that it was a "Special Advertising Section" so it probably shouldn't be counted as actual content in any case.

LOVED the Dreadhold article.



As the author of the feats in question, I'll certainly take some blame on this. I definitely should have caught Sneak Attack of Opportunity as I own the ELH and the feat is also in the SRD. Unfortunately, I don't own or have access to the Miniatures Handbook, so that one may have been unavoidable on my end. I hope you still enjoyed the rest of the article!


Kermez wrote:
But, what about Opportunistic Tactician? Is the 5-foot step an extra ("free") 5-foot step (which is what I think), or does the feat just allow you to take your normal 5-foot step at a time when you'd normally not be able to take it (which is what others seem to think)?

As the author of the article, I can tell you that my *intent* was NOT to give a character with the feat an extra/free 5-foot step. If you have not taken a 5-foot step yet (or any movement for that matter) during your turn, you may take a 5-foot step as part of one attack of opportunity.

That was just my intent, however. I can't give you an official ruling.
