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Here's something that I think changed a while ago, but I'm not sure when. From the 2014 PFS Guild Guide (version 5.0, pg 23):
For ease of play, a masterwork item can always be
upgraded to a +1 item without paying for the masterwork
cost again. Instead, you pay the difference between the
cost of the +1 item and that of the masterwork item. This
rule also applies to upgrading from a +1 item to a +2 item
and so on—you never have to repay the original cost or
sell your current item for half to upgrade to the next step.
Note that this only applies to items of the same kind—
you can’t, for example, turn your masterwork rapier into
a +1 greatsword. A mundane item can not be upgraded to
masterwork, nor can nonmagical aspects of equipment
be upgraded (such as the strength rating on a composite
And from the new guide just released (pg 20)
For ease of play, items of the same kind can be upgraded
from a masterwork item to a magic item by paying the
difference in cost of the two items. However, you can’t
turn items of one type into another (e.g., you can’t turn
a masterwork rapier into a +1 greatsword). Mundane
items cannot be upgraded to masterwork items, nor can
nonmagical aspects of equipment be upgraded, such as
the strength rating on a composite bow.
Notice the language about upgrading a +1 magic item to a +2 item by paying the difference has disappeared. Is that no longer an option, or has that language moved elsewhere?

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Here's a changelog for guide 9.1 (minus a few boring bits like updating years and page numbers).
Page 11: We added some clarification on Pregens and APL.
Page 21: This page has updated rules for which class is assumed to have crafted potions, wands, and scrolls, to determine spell level and caster level. Nothing changes if you'd already had an item crafted by a wizard, druid, or cleric, but these rules determine, say, what to do if a spell is only on the bard and bloodrager lists.
Page 27: A short blurb on the Concordance has been added to the faction section of character creation.
Pages 28-29: These pages have been updated to re-introduce the rule about PCs being able to use boons and prestige awards from some of the retired factions. We've also added a faction-write up for the Concordance, including faction traits.
Pages 30-33: We revised the Grand Lodge faction's motto and flavor text, and updated the introductory text for several other factions to remove lingering season 8 references.
Pages 38-39: This new appendix expands the retraining rules from Ultimate Campaign to include the classes that have been published since that book's release, as well as to introduce Pathfinder Society rules for retraining archetypes, prestige classes, and alternate classes.
Page 41: We updated RVC information, including adding Jesse Davis as RVC of the Online region, and streamlined some of the text.

Derek Schubert |
Dear Campaign Staff:
Quick questions/suggestions for the next version of the guide:
1) Page 19, Evergreen Adventures. This paragraph describes only the Tier 1 and Tier 1-2 evergreens, which used to be the only evergreens available. Season 8 and Season 9 have Tier 3-7 evergreen adventures. Should the guide address them, such as by saying there is no limit to the number of times players and GMs can get credit for Tier 3-7 evergreen adventures for characters between 3rd and 7th levels (or according to the normal rules in Chapter 2 for playing a pregenerated character in the adventure and applying credit to a 1st-level character)?
2) Page 26, human ethnicities and languages. Should the list include "Vudrani (Vudrani)" at the end, after Varisian?
3) Page 37, Purchasing Guidelines. "Every item listed on any of your Chronicle sheets are always available for purchase." Grammar quibble: should this say "is" (agreeing with the singular "Every item"), instead of "are"? (Alternatively, say "All items" instead of "Every item"?)

Chris Lambertz Web Product Manager |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Updated for Season of the Ten! Changes in this version as provided by the Organized Team are below.
- Overarching: Cleaned up language surrounding the word "Adventure." Replaced some instances of "scenario" with "adventure" when speaking about general rules, such as in the rules for applying Chronicle sheets. Quests are now officially defined as a type of adventure, and places where quests are an exception to normal adventure rules are specifically noted in the text. All added text to establish these exceptions is listed below.
- Page 5: Clarified that rules reprinted in full on Chronicle sheet may be used in place of an accessible copy of their rulebook source.
- Page 12: Specified that characters in The Concordance can use Osirion faction missions in Season 0–2 scenarios. Clarified the rules for Campaign Mode credit to allow credit to be applied to characters of the same level and to make it clear that Campaign Mode characters do not need to spend resources on their Chronicle sheets to remove negative conditions.
- Page 15-16: Revised the rules for applying Chronicle sheets to better accommodate purchasing items between sessions.
- Page 18: GM star replays can be used with any adventure that awards a single XP-granting Chronicle sheet, not just with scenarios.
- Page 20: Clarified that characters who die and are raised during a quest need only complete one encounter to receive full XP for that quest, rather that three encounters (which would be impossible in a typical quest).
- Page 23: Clarified the rules for plane shift and tuning forks.
- Page 26: Added the Vudrani ethnicity to the list of ethnicities that grant a specific starting language (in this case, Vudrani). Added Samsaran to the list of races that gain Tien as a language if they are from Tian Xia.
- Page 36: Added the following sentence to the description of Downtime, "The length of this downtime is not defined, allowing PCs time to rest, recuperate, and recharge items like staves.” Clarified that a quest series counts as one adventure for the purposes of Downtime.
- Faction Appendix: Updated the season goals of all factions, as well as the leader of the Liberty’s Edge faction. Removed the Scarab Sages from the list of active factions, and added a paragraph describing its function as an inactive faction.
- Page 40: Cleaned up the language regarding Pathfinder Tales boons to better reflect the multiple existing boon formats. Added faction pin benefits for The Concordance. Established that you cannot use the reroll benefit from wearing or using specific Paizo-related products on the same roll that you also use another reroll ability. Clarified that rolling a natural 1 does not mean you cannot use a reroll.
- Glossary: Added Quests to the definition of adventure.
- Page 46-50: Added the Story So Far as an appendix to the Guide. Updated the entry for Season 9 and added an entry for Season 10.

shaventalz |
Anyone else having issues downloading the updated version?
Everytime I try to download it, I still keep getting 9.1.
Is there a link on your downloads page marked "problems downloading - click here"? I believe that forces an update or something similar, as I couldn't download at all until clicking that. Then I was able to click the NORMAL link to watermark it, and then again in 60 seconds to actually download.
The version I downloaded definitely had the new 10th season cover. I am pretty sure that 9.1 still had the 8th season cover.
My copies of 9.0 and 9.1 both have the same cover, and it's not the Season 8 one. Maybe there was a bugged version of 9.1 that was only up for a brief period?

Hobbun |

Hobbun wrote:Anyone else having issues downloading the updated version?
Everytime I try to download it, I still keep getting 9.1.
Is there a link on your downloads page marked "problems downloading - click here"? I believe that forces an update or something similar, as I couldn't download at all until clicking that. Then I was able to click the NORMAL link to watermark it, and then again in 60 seconds to actually download.
David knott 242 wrote:My copies of 9.0 and 9.1 both have the same cover, and it's not the Season 8 one. Maybe there was a bugged version of 9.1 that was only up for a brief period?The version I downloaded definitely had the new 10th season cover. I am pretty sure that 9.1 still had the 8th season cover.
Yes, I was having that issue, as well. Where it said "Problems downloading?" I would select "Click here" and it would re-personalize, but even after that I got 9.1 after re-downloading. I was doing this at work.
But just tried it again at home and now it has worked, so it's all good.
Thanks for everyone's help.

Andy Brown |
Anyone know what's going to happen to this guild guide once PF2 kicks in?
Over in the PFS forums, it has been said that PFS1 will continue to use the rules in V10 of this Guide.
I'd guess that the only way that would change is if it turns out somebody finds a massive loophole that can't be sorted by one other means.

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kevin_video wrote:Anyone know what's going to happen to this guild guide once PF2 kicks in?Over in the PFS forums, it has been said that PFS1 will continue to use the rules in V10 of this Guide.
I'd guess that the only way that would change is if it turns out somebody finds a massive loophole that can't be sorted by one other means.
You wouldn't happen to have a link, would you? I went looking, but couldn't find anything specific.

mrspaghetti |
Paizo should put out some official guidance on this, IMO. After all, the restrictions as I recall in PFS 1 were:
1) You can't use the Permanency spell (which doesn't seem to exist in 2E anyway), and
2) You can't craft (and Crafting is completely different in 2E, to the point that it probably shouldn't be prohibited anymore)

Zaister |
The guide is now online only. You can find it here.

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The guide is now online only. You can find it here.
It should be noted that this is the PF 2e version of it.

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Yes, I don't think thee will be any more updates for the 1st edition guide, as there are no new seasons either.
No, but people are still playing the old system, whether being new to it or finishing it off. It just needed to be clarified that the link was to the new system specifically.
Was hoping the old guide would be updated to maybe add a new race or two, or Hero Points, or anything like that from the new system that could be carried backwards. It'd be an interesting change.