Pathfinder Module LB1: Tower of the Last Baron (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 8 ratings)
Pathfinder Module LB1: Tower of the Last Baron (OGL)
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A Last Baron infiltration adventure for 5th-level characters.

After years of neutrality, the honeyed tongues and diabolical gifts of devil-worshiping ambassadors from Cheliax have finally convinced Baron Vendikon of Andoran to pledge his allegiance to the enemy. Now, as the baron’s conflicted subjects hastily fortify his position and a reluctant Andoren general marches on the tiny town of Piren’s Bluff, a few brave souls must infiltrate the tyrant’s stronghold and put an end to his treason before one man’s arrogance costs hundreds of innocent lives.

Tower of the Last Baron is compatible with the world’s most popular roleplaying game. Within you’ll find information on the lively and strategically important town of Piren’s Bluff, Baron Vendikon’s keep, and the strange beasts and loyal minions that aid the turncoat noble, as well as notes governing the town’s many spies and dissidents.

This adventure, written by fan favorite Stephen S. Greer, is set on the border between two nations in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, but can easily be set in any game world. It can be used on its own or combined with its sequel, Treasure of Chimera Cove, to create an even greater campaign arc.

Cover Art by Christian Pearce.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-102-2

Pathfinder Modules are 32-page, high-quality, full-color, OGL-compatible adventures for use with the world's most popular fantasy RPG. This Pathfinder Module includes four pre-made characters so players can jump right into the action, and full-color maps to enhance play.

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Great module!


I am currently running Tower of the Last Baron for my players, and we are having an absolute blast!

This adventure starts with a small sandbox town full of a dozen NPCs to interact with. The beauty of this is that the players are not overwhelmed with choices, yet they feel like they have free reign in Piren's Bluff to explore and determine the best way to infiltrate the keep and take out the Baron.

Once inside the keep, the characters must face many old school decisions...which encounters to bypass, which fights are worth the risk fighting. Once the alarm is sounded...the real fun begins *evil grin*.

A piece of advice to GMs running this game. Do your homework. I probably spent three times the normal amount of time to prepare for this game. Make sure you create a schedule of where the Baron and his guard captain can be found throughout the day. While this may seem like quite a bit more work, the end payoff is great and you and your players will be quite satisfied.

A Bit Boring


The stealth/assassination theme of the adventure is fun in theory, but it ends up getting somewhat repetitive. The players fight guards. Lots and lots of identical guards. If fact, 90% of everything you come across is some kind of human guard.

The last encounter is interesting, bit it almost feels as if they are trying to make it up to you for a few boring sessions before it.

It would recommend it for people who want to try out the Pathfinder system, since most of the crunch is pretty simple. I would not recommend it for experienced players, as it will make their eyes sag.

Fun for veterans and newbies alike!


My table loved it! So evil a villain with so much hanging on the success of the heroes was the perfect adventure for an awesome night of gaming!

Baron vs 2 Grognards and Company = Baron loses.


I ran this module for our group and we had fun. The party were not into much sneaking around. They were more into confrontational interaction. However, the intrigue was there regardless. The party that finished this was without a Cleric, but didn't really need one. The recognition signal was well thought out and very inobtrusively placed. I highly recommend this module and the sequel to it. Both are outstanding variations from the typical "Hack-and-slash" modules. Well done Mr. Greer.



Perhaps my favorite Pathfinder module so far. Lots of emphasis on social interaction, investigation and sneaking around, which is a very welcome change from the combatfests most modules tend to be. Don't get me wrong, a good combat can be fun... but it can get old, too. This one looks like a great, open-ended sandbox to drop players into and see what they do. I also liked the fact that the players have a mission which relates to local politics, instead of the tired old "save the world from ancient evil" thing or some such.

Good stuff.

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The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mr. Greer. You rock.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, thanks! I do a little bit of Rolling on the side too. ;)

Sovereign Court

Does a rolling Greer gather any moss?

Scarab Sages

This module and its sequel do sound very interesting.

What sets them apart so much from the rest of the Pathfinder modules to warrant a specific tag (i.e. LB1 and LB2), though?

How many modules in the series?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

The Red Death wrote:

This module and its sequel do sound very interesting.

What sets them apart so much from the rest of the Pathfinder modules to warrant a specific tag (i.e. LB1 and LB2), though?

How many modules in the series?

Nothing sets them apart other than the fact that they're directly related. I expect that, had they known where the series would have gone, they would have named D1 and D1.5 KK1 and 2 (for Kobold King). These are sort of an experiment to see what the market is for module series, so buy the second one and show them that we love 'em. There are two modules in the series.

Scarab Sages

Okay! Thanks!

So... what's so great about LB1? Anyone who got it wants to say something good about the product? Potential customer listening!

Dark Archive

Looking forward for the pdf option. The 2-part (and 3-part too!) campaign arc concept is really interesting.

Does this adventure come in a .pfd?

Lanval wrote:
Does this adventure come in a .pfd?

The PDF will be available for purchase at about the same time that the module hits retail shelves, which is about 2 weeks after it ships to subscribers, which should be pretty soon...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rauol_Duke wrote:
...about the same time that the module hits retail shelves, which is about 2 weeks after it ships to subscribers, which should be pretty soon...

I received my subscription copy about week or two ago, it arrived at the same time as Flight of the Red Raven and A History of Ashes.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The Red Death wrote:

Okay! Thanks!

So... what's so great about LB1? Anyone who got it wants to say something good about the product? Potential customer listening!

Sure it's a cool module in which the player's job is to infiltrate a town a spies. A good choice if you'd like a chance to reward your players for smart play rather than just racking up the kills...though of course there is room for killing too; after all this is D&D!

Plus with a sequel pending, and being set near Darkmoon Vale like several of the other PF modules, it would be pretty easy to string together a loose campaign with plenty of room to mix in your own stuff.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Rauol_Duke wrote:
Lanval wrote:
Does this adventure come in a .pfd?
The PDF will be available for purchase at about the same time that the module hits retail shelves, which is about 2 weeks after it ships to subscribers, which should be pretty soon...

It's July 16!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
yoda8myhead wrote:
The Red Death wrote:

This module and its sequel do sound very interesting.

What sets them apart so much from the rest of the Pathfinder modules to warrant a specific tag (i.e. LB1 and LB2), though?

How many modules in the series?

Nothing sets them apart other than the fact that they're directly related. I expect that, had they known where the series would have gone, they would have named D1 and D1.5 KK1 and 2 (for Kobold King). These are sort of an experiment to see what the market is for module series, so buy the second one and show them that we love 'em. There are two modules in the series.

But does the LB stand for something? i.e. the gamemastery modules have an identifying letter corresponding to the primary aspect of the type of adventure

D= Dungeon
E = Epic
J = Journey
U = Urban
W = Wilderness

and I'm probably missing one.


Scarab Sages

Robert Brambley wrote:

But does the LB stand for something? i.e. the gamemastery modules have an identifying letter corresponding to the primary aspect of the type of adventure

D= Dungeon
E = Event
J = Journey
U = Urban
W = Wilderness

and I'm probably missing one.


LB = Last Baron

Liberty's Edge

Ungoded wrote:
Robert Brambley wrote:

But does the LB stand for something? i.e. the gamemastery modules have an identifying letter corresponding to the primary aspect of the type of adventure

D= Dungeon
E = Event
J = Journey
U = Urban
W = Wilderness

and I'm probably missing one.


LB = Last Baron

S = RPG Superstar

Liberty's Edge

Ungoded wrote:
Robert Brambley wrote:

But does the LB stand for something? i.e. the gamemastery modules have an identifying letter corresponding to the primary aspect of the type of adventure

D= Dungeon
E = Event
J = Journey
U = Urban
W = Wilderness

and I'm probably missing one.


LB = Last Baron

D'oh! Thanks for clearing that up.

It was so obvious that I missed it!


It's only 32 pages????
It's far too short.
Hmmm. Well maybe the compilation hardcover, when it comes out a couple of years down the line, will flesh it out with more excellent material.
(Edit- sorry I should have said this as well)
Good work, Mr. Greer.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

It's only 32 pages????

It's far too short.
Hmmm. Well maybe the compilation hardcover, when it comes out a couple of years down the line, will flesh it out with more excellent material.

Huh? These modules are all 32 pages...

Zaister wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

It's only 32 pages????

It's far too short.
Hmmm. Well maybe the compilation hardcover, when it comes out a couple of years down the line, will flesh it out with more excellent material.
Huh? These modules are all 32 pages...

I feel that there was so much more which could have made it in, but which was sacrificed to that LE mistress, page count.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Some years ago, I played in a GenCon "All thieves'" adventure, with a theme very similar to this module's and it was terrific.

LB1 looks like it has all the details to make a great adventure, but I have a couple of issues:

1) Who the [expletive] arranged the map / text order? Would it have been so hard to describe the buildings in some sort of north-to-south order? As it is, after a half hour, I finally have a reasonable idea as to which buildings are close to one another!

2) It's not too much of a spoiler to suggest that it's possible that Baron Vendikon might be killed or deposed in this adventure, and it might be the PCs' fault. If I were playing a particular type of Lawful character, this might be a tough issue. The baron is --arguably-- exercising his legal rights to administer the land as he sees fit, because he doesn't have a feudal lord. He's being harsh and unpleasant, and he's making a decision that the good guys don't like, but there's a good case that he has the legal right to do so.

(Indeed, if he didn't have the right to do so, Andoran might not be so quick to attempt a military solution.)

And the PC's are likely to depose him without an heir, or any means of succession. Piren's Bluff, and the surrounding baronial lands, will be thrown into disarray.

An excellent adventure for Chaotic Good sneaky types.

3) There's a cleric whose stat block says will flee, or fight to the death if cornered. However, the text describing the character says that if the PC's place the cleric in enough danger, they'll get information and possibly some scrolls they can use to compel certain other NPCs. I'll play this by ear, but it's an odd contradiction.

Link to thread in modules section for posting Last Baron Questions: *Link*


Chris Mortika wrote:

Some years ago, I played in a GenCon "All thieves'" adventure, with a theme very similar to this module's and it was terrific.

LB1 looks like it has all the details to make a great adventure, but I have a couple of issues:

1) Who the [expletive] arranged the map / text order? Would it have been so hard to describe the buildings in some sort of north-to-south order? As it is, after a half hour, I finally have a reasonable idea as to which buildings are close to one another!

2) It's not too much of a spoiler to suggest that it's possible that Baron Vendikon might be killed or deposed in this adventure, and it might be the PCs' fault. If I were playing a particular type of Lawful character, this might be a tough issue. The baron is --arguably-- exercising his legal rights to administer the land as he sees fit, because he doesn't have a feudal lord. He's being harsh and unpleasant, and he's making a decision that the good guys don't like, but there's a good case that he has the legal right to do so.

(Indeed, if he didn't have the right to do so, Andoran might not be so quick to attempt a military solution.)

And the PC's are likely to depose him without an heir, or any means of succession. Piren's Bluff, and the surrounding baronial lands, will be thrown into disarray.

An excellent adventure for Chaotic Good sneaky types.

3) There's a cleric whose stat block says will flee, or fight to the death if cornered. However, the text describing the character says that if the PC's place the cleric in enough danger, they'll get information and possibly some scrolls they can use to compel certain other NPCs. I'll play this by ear, but it's an odd contradiction.

Chris, I'm happy to hear that overall you liked this adventure. I usually provide my own maps with what I write. In this case, it was a rush job (1 month turn over) in which a map was already provided. I went off of what they sent me so I'm innocent of this particular atrocity against your fine senses of order and arrangement. ;)

I thought that it was pretty clear that the PCs had the option of killing or capturing the Baron based on the party's scruples, but maybe it should have been plainer. Sorry.

As far as the cleric you mentioned, go back and read 5. The First Light. You have Tulrin mixed up with Dreyxor Almir at area 13.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Hi, Steve. I really appreciate you checking here and posting suggestions to help us out!

Actually, I was being vague to avoid spoilers, but that wasn't helpful. I'm looking at page 14. The "morale" description under Shiyara's "tactics" block says that if she's threatened in her living quarters, she'll fight to the death. On the same page, under "Development", Shiyara turns on the baron if the PCs seriously threaten her.

That's what I was talking about.

(By the way, does she have an unhallowed pentagram in her living quarters, or does she need to use the one in the main hall?)


Chris Mortika wrote:

Hi, Steve. I really appreciate you checking here and posting suggestions to help us out!

Actually, I was being vague to avoid spoilers, but that wasn't helpful. I'm looking at page 14. The "morale" description under Shiyara's "tactics" block says that if she's threatened in her living quarters, she'll fight to the death. On the same page, under "Development", Shiyara turns on the baron if the PCs seriously threaten her.

That's what I was talking about.

(By the way, does she have an unhallowed pentagram in her living quarters, or does she need to use the one in the main hall?)

Ahhh, gotcha. Well both are actually true. If threatened in the temple knave,you should try your best to have her negotiate with the PCs and turn on the Baron to further her own interests (and save her skin). If she is actually attacked and chased into her living quarters, that's where negotiations have broken down and it's a fight to the death. Sorry. That could have been clearer in the module.

There is an unhallow effect on the pentagram in the knave and it's area of effect covers the entire temple. Though not written into the adventure, there should be a smaller one on the ground inside the contemplation chamber behind the knave. It doesn't need to be unhallowed since it's already within the area of effect of the larger one in the other chamber.

Hope that helps.

Liberty's Edge

As I was prepping this mod, I was noticing something strange about the read-aloud text for the rooms of the keep. They didn't equate to the compass on the map. In addition, the compass for the city doesn't match the compass for the same town in the Darkmoon Vale supplement!

I'm going to assume the town placement in Darkmoon Vale is correct. So, this means the north compass in the town of LB1 should be rotated 90 degrees (the keep is actually at the West end of town), and the room descriptions for the keep should have their compass descriptions transposed 180 degrees (the keep's main entrance in on its south side)!

Please, correct me if I'm wrong!

Otherwise, so far, it's looking like a good "solve it any way you like" adventure. I wouldn't anticipate this taking very long to get through, depending on what your players do.


Pygon wrote:

As I was prepping this mod, I was noticing something strange about the read-aloud text for the rooms of the keep. They didn't equate to the compass on the map. In addition, the compass for the city doesn't match the compass for the same town in the Darkmoon Vale supplement!

I'm going to assume the town placement in Darkmoon Vale is correct. So, this means the north compass in the town of LB1 should be rotated 90 degrees (the keep is actually at the West end of town), and the room descriptions for the keep should have their compass descriptions transposed 180 degrees (the keep's main entrance in on its south side)!

Please, correct me if I'm wrong!

Otherwise, so far, it's looking like a good "solve it any way you like" adventure. I wouldn't anticipate this taking very long to get through, depending on what your players do.

I may have neglected to provide a compass point on the map I turned over to Paizo. If so, the cartographer might have had to make a guess at what I had in mind. Not sure. But, thanks for catching that and your suggestion for how to solve the dilemma! :)

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Steve!

I'm glad I'm not just getting my rotaters crossed.

You notice these things when you're prepping an adventure for running, you know!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have the adventure, I read it cover to cover (something I rarely do for adventures I don't plan on running for some time) and I have to say that I love it. One thing came to mind though. One of my players is an old school gamer a'la he remembers Keep on the Borderlands and other 1st edition modules. He wasn't gaming when it first came out but it was still in circulation. One module series he loathed was the UK series of adventures, he disliked them and gave a rather lengthy rant about why he disliked them (poor quality, sloppy, things like that came up) but one thing that I was reminded of involved a manor that the PC's go through to depose of some evil rich person. I was wondering why I thought of that when I finally realized it: in that manor house there had been no where on the map for the residents to answer the call of nature.

It's an easy to forget thing but sort of detracts from the realism, no mention of chamber pots, honey buckets, privy's, outhouses, nothing. So I look at the map of the keep in the module and realize: it too lacks a place for ejection of digested food. If I run it I'll replace one of the closets or storage rooms for that purpose but I found it amusing. It makes more sense now that someone mentioned the map was rushed but still, a funny little detail.

Great module though. I wish there were more of these sandbox modules to break up the more linear ones.


Devil of Roses wrote:

I have the adventure, I read it cover to cover (something I rarely do for adventures I don't plan on running for some time) and I have to say that I love it. One thing came to mind though. One of my players is an old school gamer a'la he remembers Keep on the Borderlands and other 1st edition modules. He wasn't gaming when it first came out but it was still in circulation. One module series he loathed was the UK series of adventures, he disliked them and gave a rather lengthy rant about why he disliked them (poor quality, sloppy, things like that came up) but one thing that I was reminded of involved a manor that the PC's go through to depose of some evil rich person. I was wondering why I thought of that when I finally realized it: in that manor house there had been no where on the map for the residents to answer the call of nature.

It's an easy to forget thing but sort of detracts from the realism, no mention of chamber pots, honey buckets, privy's, outhouses, nothing. So I look at the map of the keep in the module and realize: it too lacks a place for ejection of digested food. If I run it I'll replace one of the closets or storage rooms for that purpose but I found it amusing. It makes more sense now that someone mentioned the map was rushed but still, a funny little detail.

Great module though. I wish there were more of these sandbox modules to break up the more linear ones.

Chamber pots, my friend. Chamber pots. lol No need to go making a bunch of work for yourself, Devil of Roses. If they aren't mentioned, simply "mention" them in the rooms. Emptying those foul buckets of yuck is part of the servants' duties.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Surely all the waste isn't delegated to chamber pots... I think I'll simply mention a privy somewhere :-P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The question of where monsters and villains go to the bathroom comes up weirdly often. Chamber pots DO answer a lot of those problems, but I do like to encourage authors to include privies or garderobes or outhouses or toilets when possible.

Strangely... the same rule doesn't apply as often to laundry; no one ever seems to care where the monsters do their wash.

Inquiring delvers want to know.
As far as the other issue goes, doesn't being a monster exempt one from laundry?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The monsters take it to their mother's house.

Liberty's Edge

flyin dog wrote:
The monsters take it to their mother's house.


Serious recommendation, though. If you're running this module using the beta rules (but not playtesting) you may want to punch up the opposition just a tad (not much, just maybe an extra level for a couple of the big name NPCs, and an extra mook here and there). We rolled through this like a hot knife through buttah. Party consisted of: rogue/5, fighter/rogue/3/2, monk/fighter/4/1, wizard/5, and bard/5. DM did a great job, but with the new rogue talents and wizard changes, the challenges weren't as difficult as they would have been with a straight 3.5 party.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

The question of where monsters and villains go to the bathroom comes up weirdly often. Chamber pots DO answer a lot of those problems, but I do like to encourage authors to include privies or garderobes or outhouses or toilets when possible.

Strangely... the same rule doesn't apply as often to laundry; no one ever seems to care where the monsters do their wash.

Maybe it is cause the PC's need to use it from time to time while dungeon stomping and don't want to have to run outside behind a bush. That and often times PC's like to take over things like the Barons Keep for themselves.

As for Laundry... well their monsters i think we all just assumed they never changed clothes and just smelled all the time.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

BTW I would like to say i really liked this adventure. My only critic is it would have been nice to have a little sidebar right at the start of the keep section about different rough idea's how the PC's might get in and or suggestions. Nothing major just a minor critic.

Liberty's Edge

For those that have this ...

The adventure is for 5th level characters. How easily would this scale down to, say, 4th level? Maybe even 3rd level?


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Rather easily, most of the opposition are humanoids with class levels, and those are always easy to scale up or down.

And there are no "shaft, we need a 3rd level spell or else" moments there, IIRC.

Great module, btw. Worth every penny.

Grand Lodge

Agreed! I'm going by memory mostly but this should be easy enough to scale down and in fact may even be more enjoyable at the slightly lower power level.

I'm very fond of this module because it shows the politics between two of the iconic nations in Golarion and in my mind kind of defined the dynamic at the border between Andoran and Cheliax. It grounded an aspect of Golarion and was also a lot of fun. As a brand new world it helps to have points of reference like the one provided by this module. We played it sandbox-style where there was a set of objectives and it was up to the players to come up with a reasonable approach.

Highly recommended!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I agree with Gorbacz, it would be fairly easy to scale up or down.

Liberty's Edge

That's great to hear! From what I can tell, there are almost no 3rd level Paizo adventures for some reason, so I'm thinking about scaling this one back to the high 3rd level - newly 4th level range to compensate ...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Marc Radle wrote:
That's great to hear! From what I can tell, there are almost no 3rd level Paizo adventures for some reason, so I'm thinking about scaling this one back to the high 3rd level - newly 4th level range to compensate ...

There are lots of lvl 3 PFS scenarios.

But yeah, go for the Tower, it's worth the effort. One of the best, sandboxy, action movie feel modules out there. Really really recommended.

The one thing to be aware of is that the power level of the party becomes deeply relevant if things go wrong. This is a stealth/infiltration mission, so if the guards start swarming, it could be a TPK or TPCapture pretty easily. I'd rather scale up than down with this module, frankly.

*Resurrect thread*
My players are fed up with Falcons Hollow after Crown of the Kobold King. So I thought trying this module and its sequel might be a good idea. My group is 4th level, PF rules. Has anybody run the mod under PF rules? Generally speaking, level 4 PF should be sufficient to make it through a lvl 5 3.5 mod, I think. Most of the enemies don´t have that much special attacks, and the module seems to be one where thinking is at least as important as fighting.
So, any ideas, hint, opinions, comments?

As an aside, I will probably have Ingrid Odeber recruiting them - with her spy in Falcons Hollow, she should be well-informed about the PCs, and with her husband, she can know where they are. So, she will intercept them outside any settlement and offer the deal. It seems logical to me that way. Of course, she will not have the PCs kill the baron, much less his guards and normal people.

Seems there is no love for five year old modules... :´(

Sadly, I've never gotten to run this, so not sure. From reading through it, it had seemed like an excellent adventure.

You might find an old thread, or get more help, asking in the Modules discussion forum though. Usually better responses, at least for the AP's that way.

Silver Crusade

Who illustrated this adventure?

Webstore Gninja Minion

GM Elton wrote:
Who illustrated this adventure?

The cover art is by Christian Pearce, and the interior art is from UDON Studios, Drew Pocza, and Wayne Reynolds.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know I'm an evil necromancer, but...

Detect Thoughts. That's how my players waltzed into Vendikon keep. They just read the surface thoughts of the guard when he asked them for the password. They did this before the gates closed, before the siege started. they just waltzed in and demanded to speak to the baron because they had urgent news.

They skipped half the adventure in the first session. I was really looking forward to GMing this adventure. I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated and proud because of a group of players.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why did you let that happen? You were looking forward to GMing, and prepared for it. Reading thoughts takes 18 seconds and forces a Will save, a guard seeing somebody cast mind-affecting magic at them should raise the alarm and get the PCs arrested/chased off, not stand there and let them Charles Xavier the adventure.

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