Indulgence: Mysteries of the Razor Sea (OGL) PDF

4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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By Nicolas Logue
14-page PDF adventure and supplement

Unspeakable terrors and rancorous gods hold sway over the turbulent waves of the sea. The Razor Coast swallows ships and souls by the thousand, and terrible secrets the oceans keep haunt the dreams of every salty mariner who plies their waves. This PDF kicks off with The Tale of the Seabear, a 1st-level adventure of survival horror aboard a mysterious ghost ship cursed by dark gods. The Tale of the Seabear is the perfect opener for any campaign of mystery, horror and adventure on the high seas, and a great way to ensorcel your PCs into the murky evil of Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast. Besides The Tale of the Seabear, this PDF also includes other mysteries of the Razor Sea, a series of encounters, adventure hooks and nasty surprises for any seafaring campaign.

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4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Great one shot for my group.


Last Halloween my group decided to run this as a one shot. I found this and made some group premade characters. One of the most entertaining nights of gaming. It even convinced a few non-gamers to play more.

The more your group is into acting in character the more fun with all the spirits.

Highly recommended.

Introductory Adventure for the Razor Sea


Mysteries of the Razor Sea 1 is a first level adventure that pits a crew of characters, already at sea on a boat mind you, against a ghost ship.

The book is laid out in two column format. Art is minimal but solid. At 14 pages in length with no cover, the book is a quick play for a group used to getting things done. The adventure’s introduction provides a host of fearsome reasons why the Razor Coast is so dangerous and then gets to the specifics of this adventure, the ruins of the ship Seabear, a fairly well known ship that has outlasted seven captains and been on a thousand voyages.

On this ghost ship, the Game Master must have some reserves of his own. See, the players are in essence possibly, depending on saving throws, slowly taken over by the old crew which killed each other due to a curse. The Game Master is encouraged to sow the seeds of doubt and mistrust. For game masters who may be master narrators of combat but low on the interactive tricks required to make one player turn on another, this could be a little tricky. Read the sidebar a few times, write out ahead of time some of the frictions that may already exist in the party, and roll with what the party itself puts it there.

In terms of the role playing challenge required by the Game Master and players, I’d put this one right up there with Atlas Games old 3e module, In the Belly of the Beast. A good group and game master will make this an adventure you’ll talk about for a long time to come. A group more interesting in just hack and slash with a GM who specializes in that type of game may want to pass on this one.

Players gain personality traits and abilities, depending on which spirit takes them over. It’s an interesting twist in that it still leaves the characters in the players hands but gives them some tools to role play with. The players are able to explore the ship, seek to discover what happened, and either flee back to their own ship or put torch to this one over a series of encounters with a variety of entities and hazards.

In addition to the ‘proper’ adventure itself, the author includes several side treks with various amounts of information that will allow the GM to access several other possible adventurers with the proper fleshing out. For example, having a white albatross making a general nuisance of itself. But those who’ve read the poem or heard the Iron Maiden song know what happens to those who take vengeance on the bird eh?

In some ways the latter information is useless if you’re actually using this as a first level adventure. One of the encounters is the equal to a massive black pudding, another the equal of a elder water elemental. These are not things that first level or even fifth level players are going to be able to do much against save perhaps bleed.

On the other hand, if you’re buying this not only for the adventure, but for background information, knowing that the Snow Witch Ketrelda sends out giant icebergs to act as sentinels of the sea and that sealed crates found amidst flotsam and jetsam may include casks of sugar and spices valued at some odd fifty per barrel, you’ll find the information entirely useful.

Can I give this 6 stars? Please?

5/5 really tangible in this great introductory adventure.
The hooks also rule.

3.5 DMs- Looking for some new terrors at sea?


Then look no further, Mysteries of the Razor Sea, provides any Dungeon Master with some interesting water based locales to take an adventuring party. Eerie banks of fog, devouring icebergs, undersea terrors near geothermal vents, all of these and more.

Finally! A ghost story that's actually scary!


There’s nothing better than watching a master craftsman of adventure writing take an almost clichéd idea (the haunted ship) and turn out something so fresh and entertaining. At times it seems more like a ghost story than just an adventure. Particularly since it’s written in that distinctive “Loguian” style that has already given us “Chimes at Midnight” and “Mask of Diamond Tears” (one of my personal favorites for its sheer inventiveness) to name just two.
One of the most intriguing and memorable elements of this adventure is the way it handles the influence the ships’ restless spirits exert over the PCs as the claustrophobic setting slowly presses down on their psyches. In the hands of most writers this would get handled with a few Will saves and some sort of combat penalty but Logue goes so much further. He actually creates distinct personalities for each of the spirits and gives PCs both advantages and disadvantages should they fall under their sway. Many of the encounters contain additional information or challenges specifically tailored to of these entities, subtly affecting the way the adventure progresses based upon which spirits have cast their shadows over the party.
For instance, imagine fighting the decapitated zombie remains of one of the crew while his horrified ghost gibbers in the back of your mind. Who but Logue would think to include the impulse of putting on that zombie’s clothing once you defeat it? Or the frantic search for the rotting head (now a chew toy for a monster I won’t name just in case a player happens to read this)?
In addition to the adventure itself this product also includes a number of additional sea based adventure hooks. Several of them (particularly the one about the sentient ice berg) are worth the price of admission in and of themselves. All in all, this adventure offers DMs a huge amount of useful material in a very compact package. I don’t think anybody looking for a dark and suspenseful night’s entertainment

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Fog ahead captain...shall we press on?

It sounds like fun to run.

Just for clarity:

'OGL' means I could run it for players with the 3.5 PHB, AND for players with the Pathfinder Alpha Release and neither would wish they had the other book ?

And is the Razor Coast tied to Golarion at all ? Because I'm wondering about trying to adapt it into a Sword & Sorcery Scarred Lands campaign, and would like to slot it onto the South edge of their Blood Sea.



RichardtheDM wrote:

It sounds like fun to run.

Just for clarity:

'OGL' means I could run it for players with the 3.5 PHB, AND for players with the Pathfinder Alpha Release and neither would wish they had the other book ?

And is the Razor Coast tied to Golarion at all ? Because I'm wondering about trying to adapt it into a Sword & Sorcery Scarred Lands campaign, and would like to slot it onto the South edge of their Blood Sea.


Hi Richard! Razor Coast is its own little mini-setting that you could easily slot in anywhere. OGL means compliant with the Open Game License for 3.5, so yes indeed you can use the 3.5 PHB, MM and DMG to run Razor Coast. Since Pathfinder is easily backwards compatible, you could indeed use it as well!

I think Razor Coast would fit nicely on the South edge of the Blood Sea.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I was actually thinking of putting the Razor Coast either in Golarion south of the Shackles or along the Raptor Coast on Chris West's Dungeon#150 Lands of Mystery Map!

Thanks for the quick and helpful reply. I've placed my order. Just off to download now.

P.S. Looking forward to the release of the Razor Coast sourcebook as a PDF sometime this month ?


RichardtheDM wrote:

Thanks for the quick and helpful reply. I've placed my order. Just off to download now.

P.S. Looking forward to the release of the Razor Coast sourcebook as a PDF sometime this month ?

The Razor Coast mega-adventure will release as a PDF next month sometime. The schedule got pushed back slightly.


Mactaka wrote:

I was actually thinking of putting the Razor Coast either in Golarion south of the Shackles or along the Raptor Coast on Chris West's Dungeon#150 Lands of Mystery Map!

Lands of Mystery = Awesome!

Also, Razor Coast would work perfectly south of the Shackles!

Looks like this is the best place to contact Nicolas... I bought this Indulgences out of curiosity and I must say its been some of my best investments in RPG! Congratulations Mr. Nicolas on your Razor Coast!!! I can't wait to get the Dark Vista, I already wrote 2 times about the release date to the website and had no answer yet... But hey, the month's coming to its end, so how far can it be. Again, great work!


Hugo Solis wrote:
Looks like this is the best place to contact Nicolas... I bought this Indulgences out of curiosity and I must say its been some of my best investments in RPG! Congratulations Mr. Nicolas on your Razor Coast!!! I can't wait to get the Dark Vista, I already wrote 2 times about the release date to the website and had no answer yet... But hey, the month's coming to its end, so how far can it be. Again, great work!

Thanks Hugo! The release date is pushed back sadly, thanks to some personal life crises (my parents both fell very ill and were hospitalized around the same time).

It will be a July release now! So sorry about this delay...but it does mean you'll get some more Indulgences!

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Thanks Hugo! The release date is pushed back sadly, thanks to some personal life crises (my parents both fell very ill and were hospitalized around the same time).

It will be a July release now! So sorry about this delay...but it does mean you'll get some more Indulgences!

Please give our best wishes to your parents, Nick. We hope they are on the mend now and that all will be well!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

The Dalesman wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Thanks Hugo! The release date is pushed back sadly, thanks to some personal life crises (my parents both fell very ill and were hospitalized around the same time).

It will be a July release now! So sorry about this delay...but it does mean you'll get some more Indulgences!

Please give our best wishes to your parents, Nick. We hope they are on the mend now and that all will be well!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

I second the Dalesman. Our best wishes to your parents and looking foward for those Indulgences


Thanks so much guys! I'll do me best to get you more Sinister goodness soon! :-)


Mactaka wrote:

I was actually thinking of putting the Razor Coast either in Golarion south of the Shackles or along the Raptor Coast on Chris West's Dungeon#150 Lands of Mystery Map!

Maps of Mystery for the win! The map of the Razor Coast is pretty wild. I'll slap it up on my blog sometime soon.

I purchased this product yesterday and am looking forward to running my group through this adventure. I am actually beginning a new sea based campaign with Pathfinder characters so it should be fun. In reading the adventure, along with the previously purchased Art of the Duel, it is well written and should be a fun way to kick off the new campaign.

I do have some concerns about the long term stability of the Sinister Adventurer's company as it seems the product lines have been delayed for various reasons, including the Razor Coast adventure that was set to come out in October. There also seems to be issues in the website support as I actually tried register with the website and purchase the Razor Coast Module this morning, but there are error messages and it never sent the activation email. Hopefully, the company can regroup but time will tell.

Dark Archive

baldwin the merciful wrote:
I do have some concerns about the long term stability of the Sinister Adventurer's company as it seems the product lines have been delayed for various reasons, including the Razor Coast adventure that was set to come out in October. There also seems to be issues in the website support as I actually tried register with the website and purchase the Razor Coast Module this morning, but there are error messages and it never sent the activation email. Hopefully, the company can regroup but time will tell.

There is this Logue guy who runs the company. Rumors are that he is now kind of jester for a british university. Anyways, he is very busy installing his jestering ways and had no time for the really important stuff. But now it seems he finally got his cap and has his repertoire set up and can get back to work.

For more information on the whole Logue Situation I suggest that you look at this thread on the Sinister Homepage.

RichardtheDM wrote:

Thanks for the quick and helpful reply. I've placed my order. Just off to download now.

P.S. Looking forward to the release of the Razor Coast sourcebook as a PDF sometime this month ?

Is there going to be a print version(or pdf) in the form of a source book?(I don't mean the 14 page pdf presented here)

I think I saw somewhere a beautiful cover by Wayne Reynolds for such a supplement.
I NEED something like that...RIGHT AWAY.. ;-p

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yes their is a book coming out, Razor Coast. When is the only question. Some of us including me preordered it over a year ago.

Last Nick said was that it was in final edit I think. maybe layout. I honestly forget, but it was getting near done. If he pushes it and he should he might have it in time for Gencon which would be a good thing. Assuming he can make Gencon this year that is.

Dark Archive

The Razor Coast. Mind you, it's still in editing and has been for quite a while now. Logue's working hard to get it done, though.

EDIT: And the Dark Mistress is faster...

The Exchange

Well Fog Me!

Another query: Are any of the encounters presented here for higher levels?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You mean in this product or just the Razor Coast in general and all the products for it?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
You mean in this product or just the Razor Coast in general and all the products for it?

Specifically in this one, "mysteries of the razor coast". The main story is for 1st level but what about the remainder of the encounters?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It is just a 1st level mini adventure. So i would say all the encounters are 1-2 range. I would have to check my copy to be sure. But I do know it is a mini adventure for 1st level characters.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I WANT! Hmmmm... any news on the other Sinister products? Have any of the big ones been published yet like that future sci-fi setting?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Devil of Roses wrote:
I WANT! Hmmmm... any news on the other Sinister products? Have any of the big ones been published yet like that future sci-fi setting?

Nope, not yet.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
It is just a 1st level mini adventure. So i would say all the encounters are 1-2 range. I would have to check my copy to be sure. But I do know it is a mini adventure for 1st level characters.

Thanks :)

Liberty's Edge

@stroVal wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
You mean in this product or just the Razor Coast in general and all the products for it?
Specifically in this one, "mysteries of the razor coast". The main story is for 1st level but what about the remainder of the encounters?

The dozen extra encounters (on top of the main adventure) range from EL2 to EL12.

The main adventure is for 1st level characters, but beware, this adventure will be VERY challenging for the average first level party. It could probably be used for a 2nd level party (maybe even 3rd) with little or no modification, just be a bit less horrific.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Louis Agresta wrote:
Devil of Roses wrote:
I WANT! Hmmmm... any news on the other Sinister products? Have any of the big ones been published yet like that future sci-fi setting?
Nope, not yet.

this has gotta be killin' ya...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Arrrrrgh!!!! Please get more Sinister!

Mothman wrote:
@stroVal wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
You mean in this product or just the Razor Coast in general and all the products for it?
Specifically in this one, "mysteries of the razor coast". The main story is for 1st level but what about the remainder of the encounters?

The dozen extra encounters (on top of the main adventure) range from EL2 to EL12.

The main adventure is for 1st level characters, but beware, this adventure will be VERY challenging for the average first level party. It could probably be used for a 2nd level party (maybe even 3rd) with little or no modification, just be a bit less horrific.

Cool,I'll take it for a spin.Can't wait for a whole supplement book of these

Scarab Sages

Devil of Roses wrote:
I WANT! Hmmmm... any news on the other Sinister products? Have any of the big ones been published yet like that future sci-fi setting?

I know! I've been waiting for Cold Black and The Known Universe Gazetteer! The scifi setting that those minds could come up with...the possibilities are staggering!


Devil of Roses wrote:
Arrrrrgh!!!! Please get more Sinister!

More's a'coming! Awww yeah!

For now, tide yourself over with some previews here if ya like:

Sinister's Sneak Peeks Blog


Boerngrim wrote:
Devil of Roses wrote:
I WANT! Hmmmm... any news on the other Sinister products? Have any of the big ones been published yet like that future sci-fi setting?
I know! I've been waiting for Cold Black and The Known Universe Gazetteer! The scifi setting that those minds could come up with...the possibilities are staggering!

Check the new dates up for these on the Dark Horizons page. These are hard release dates. There are no more delays.

Also, there will be a few Dark Horizons indulgences coming up in October.

YAR !!

Sneek peaks GALORE !

The Exchange

Nicolas Louge wrote:

YAR !!

Sneek peaks GALORE !

Is there another round of indulgences before the release of RC?

Nicolas Louge wrote:

YAR !!

Sneek peaks GALORE !

You stole my name and avatar, ya scallywag!

Sovereign Court Contributor

Devil of Roses wrote:
I WANT! Hmmmm... any news on the other Sinister products? Have any of the big ones been published yet like that future sci-fi setting?

PS I have now heard more! Yay!

Nicolas Louge wrote:
You stole my name and avatar, ya scallywag!

YAR !!

Ye be clearly been out to sea for too long dog !

Been sailing with this mast far longer than ye !!

Ask your grog smelling wench ! HAR HAR !!


prashant panavalli wrote:
Nicolas Louge wrote:

YAR !!

Sneek peaks GALORE !

Is there another round of indulgences before the release of RC?

Another round is timed to release just before/as the book does. It's a sexy round up too. Tim Hitchcock adventureage, a Horrors of the Razor Coast monster pdf (this one might be too big though and have to be its own print book - we'll see), and more!


Nicolas Logue wrote:
Horrors of the Razor Coast monster pdf (this one might be too big though and have to be its own print book - we'll see)

That sounds like sheer toothy awesome! Especially as a print book! Got to love monster books!

The Exchange

question: I am just about to run a Savage Tide adventure path, and am considering to use this adventure as a mini "sidetrack" that will occur before the events that are described in "There Is No Honor". would I be easily able weave it into the area of the Cursed Shores?
any suggestion and comment would be useful.

The Exchange

Nicolas Logue wrote:
prashant panavalli wrote:
Nicolas Louge wrote:

YAR !!

Sneek peaks GALORE !

Is there another round of indulgences before the release of RC?

Another round is timed to release just before/as the book does. It's a sexy round up too. Tim Hitchcock adventureage, a Horrors of the Razor Coast monster pdf (this one might be too big though and have to be its own print book - we'll see), and more!


Curse you man. If my wife divorces me for wasting $$$$ on RPG stuff, you are to blame.


Lord Snow wrote:

question: I am just about to run a Savage Tide adventure path, and am considering to use this adventure as a mini "sidetrack" that will occur before the events that are described in "There Is No Honor". would I be easily able weave it into the area of the Cursed Shores?

any suggestion and comment would be useful.

Definitely. It's very very suitable as a drop in and its a fun quick night of play - though it is survival horrory, so you may need to work to keep the PCs alive and kicking (though the same is probably true for ANY AP).

Here's what you do - switch up all the Tulita (natives of the Razor Coast) goodness for Olman flavor - its not that hard. Or just make the Tulita a far flung tribe of Olman, and you don't need to change the flavor at all.


The Exchange

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:

question: I am just about to run a Savage Tide adventure path, and am considering to use this adventure as a mini "sidetrack" that will occur before the events that are described in "There Is No Honor". would I be easily able weave it into the area of the Cursed Shores?

any suggestion and comment would be useful.

Definitely. It's very very suitable as a drop in and its a fun quick night of play - though it is survival horrory, so you may need to work to keep the PCs alive and kicking (though the same is probably true for ANY AP).

Here's what you do - switch up all the Tulita (natives of the Razor Coast) goodness for Olman flavor - its not that hard. Or just make the Tulita a far flung tribe of Olman, and you don't need to change the flavor at all.


If i remember, Nick wrote the section on the Isle of Dread.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Another round is timed to release just before/as the book does. It's a sexy round up too. Tim Hitchcock adventureage, a Horrors of the Razor Coast monster pdf (this one might be too big though and have to be its own print book - we'll see), and more!


nooo...if the moster book is too big, break it up into several Waves - a monthly monster wave would be something sinister to look forward to!


prashant panavalli wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:

question: I am just about to run a Savage Tide adventure path, and am considering to use this adventure as a mini "sidetrack" that will occur before the events that are described in "There Is No Honor". would I be easily able weave it into the area of the Cursed Shores?

any suggestion and comment would be useful.

Definitely. It's very very suitable as a drop in and its a fun quick night of play - though it is survival horrory, so you may need to work to keep the PCs alive and kicking (though the same is probably true for ANY AP).

Here's what you do - switch up all the Tulita (natives of the Razor Coast) goodness for Olman flavor - its not that hard. Or just make the Tulita a far flung tribe of Olman, and you don't need to change the flavor at all.


If i remember, Nick wrote the section on the Isle of Dread.

Yep! Wrote a whole article on the Olman for Dragon to go along with Savage Tide - I love me some natives! I married one! :-)


DitheringFool wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Another round is timed to release just before/as the book does. It's a sexy round up too. Tim Hitchcock adventureage, a Horrors of the Razor Coast monster pdf (this one might be too big though and have to be its own print book - we'll see), and more!


nooo...if the moster book is too big, break it up into several Waves - a monthly monster wave would be something sinister to look forward to!

Hmmmm...not a bad idea at all Dithering! I like where your heads at!

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