Pathfinder Adventure Path Ongoing Subscription

5.00/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Pathfinder Adventure Paths are the premiere resource for your tabletop roleplaying campaign! Each 96-page volume belongs to a series of interconnected adventures that together comprise a fully developed campaign of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Players have the opportunity to develop deeply customizable characters, meet interesting NPCs, and visit fantastic locations within the Lost Omens setting. Each installment is forged by some of the best authors and artists in fantasy gaming. What's more, every Pathfinder Adventure Path volume includes an NPC gallery, several new monsters, and detailed support articles.

Paizo releases Pathfinder Adventure Paths monthly in three or six-volume arcs, meaning each year sees the release of at least two Adventure Path campaigns. With your ongoing Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription, we'll send you each new Pathfinder Adventure Path volume and charge your payment method automatically as we ship each product. You only need to sign up once, and never need to worry about renewal notices or missed products. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Aside from being up to date on the latest adventures, you'll also receive:

  • A free PDF version of each release shipped as part of your Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription
  • Your free PDF unlocks discounts through Paizo Connect at participating Paizo licensed partners, such as Demiplane, Hero Lab, Fantasy Grounds, and Roll20.
  • The Pathfinder Adventure Path is one of the subscriptions which can help you qualify for the Paizo Advantage, a 15% discount on tens of thousands of gaming items from! More details about Paizo Advantage can be found here.

By starting a Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription, each release will be automatically bundled with any other Paizo subscription items you're subscribed to that are releasing in the same month. When you start a new subscription, any existing preorders for products covered by that subscription are automatically canceled (or have their quantity reduced by one if you've preordered more than one of an item). If you have more questions about subscriptions, check the Paizo Subscriptions FAQ for more details.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #202: Severed at the Root (Wardens of Wildwood 2 of 3) Pathfinder Adventure Path #202: Severed at the Root (Wardens of Wildwood 2 of 3)

Available now

Start with this Product
Pathfinder Adventure Path #203: Shepherd of Decay (Wardens of Wildwood 3 of 3) Pathfinder Adventure Path #203: Shepherd of Decay (Wardens of Wildwood 3 of 3)

Preorder, expected approximately 26 Jun 2024

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You may change your starting volume during checkout.

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5.00/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Been using the subscription for years now


the easiest and frankly economical way to get my Pathfinder fix. The discount from the adventure path, the subscribers advantage and the 10 discount on shipping over 100$ makes this a no brainer. I see myself being a subscriber for many years to come.

Value, value, value


I started subscribing with the release of Kingmaker and have not been disappointed. With 25 years of gaming experience to draw from, I've found the AP subscription to be among the very best RPG products out there. Each issue is packed with an incredible amount of useful goodness, all for less than 20 bucks (including shipping). Content generally includes a 50ish page adventure wth a bunch of additional material (e.g. description of a region, mini-bestiary, new rules, short stories, etc). Highly recommended!

The subsciption that changed the face of gaming


At least it did for me. Ages back I took a chance with this product when the first issue of "Rise of the Runelords" began. Since then I have looked forward to checking my mail. Each book contains a portion of a massive plot arc that advances players 3 levels (so book one takes you from level 1 to the start of level 4, book two from level 4 to level 7 and so on). After the adventure path portion you will find an in depth look at some portion of the Pathfinder RPG that pertains to the adventure path, be it a detail on a particular god or location. Up next is a delightful story written by a member of the Pathfinder Society, then a mini bestiary.

If that was everything, then it alone would be worth the subscription cost. But like an infomercial at 3am, they do not stop there. You get it all at a discounted 30% off, and they throw in a free pdf AND 15% off other purchases. Seriously, click and subscribe right now.

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Dark Archive

Which will be the first AP to actually sell out?

Rise of the Runelords has still between 250 and 100 of #2 and between 100 and 25 of #4.

Curse of the Crimson Throne has still between 1000 and 500 of #4 (10), between 1000 and 500 of #5 (11) and between 500 and 250 of #6 (12).

Kingmaker has still over 1000 of #3 (32) to sell.

Serpent's Skull has still between 100 and 25 of #2 (38), between 1000 and 500 of #3 (39), between 250 and 100 of #5 and between 250 and 100 of #6.

Carrion Crown has still between 500 and 250 of #3 (45), under 25 of #5 (47) and under 25 of #6 (48).

Dark Archive

Jade Regent has only left some non-mint copys of #2 (50), between 1000 and 500 of #3 (51), between 500 and 250 of #5 (53) and between 100 and 25 of #6 (54).

Dark Archive

I guess it comes down to Rise of the Runelords (125 - 348 issues left) and Carrion Crown (298 - 547 issues left).

If Paizo had an actual number of how many pieces are in stock for every product page, not only would they sell a little faster but they would not have to do articles every few month about it.
Less work and more money.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Andrew Winder wrote:
I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition

I take it you also want Paizo out of business? :)

Andrew Winder wrote:
I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition

It's your lucky day, Andrew Winder.

Dark Archive

Joana wrote:
Andrew Winder wrote:
I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
It's your lucky day, Andrew Winder.


As i predicted, we get the 2nd of 4 3.5 conversion for the 10th Anniversary!?

I seem to read september 2016 as release date and $49.99 as price.

Am i right?

Silver Crusade

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Joana wrote:
Andrew Winder wrote:
I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
It's your lucky day, Andrew Winder.


As i predicted, we get the 2nd of 4 3.5 conversion for the 10th Anniversary!?

I seem to read september 2016 as release date and $49.99 as price.

Am i right?

Looksit from the slide.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Joana wrote:
Andrew Winder wrote:
I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
It's your lucky day, Andrew Winder.


As i predicted, we get the 2nd of 4 3.5 conversion for the 10th Anniversary!?

I seem to read september 2016 as release date and $49.99 as price.

Am i right?

Looksit from the slide.

Thx for checking, Rysky.

I looked at it again and can read most of the text.

The thing is, september 2016 would make it the 9th anniversary!

AP #1 appeared in august 2007.
RotR AE in october 2012 - 5 years later.

Personally i like waiting 4 years better than 5.

Also that means we could get anniversary editions of Second Darkness in 3-4 years and Legacy of Fire in 6-8. ;-)

Joana wrote:
Andrew Winder wrote:
I would like to see each Adventure Path in hardback form like Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
It's your lucky day, Andrew Winder.


I know that these adventure paths are built for four PC's to play but would playing them with five PC's force the DM to make some major revisions?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I run the AP's with now 6 players with minimal adjustment, though the players sometimes have it a bit too easy.
I have to add that my players aren't looking for the very best characters though, so if your players are "very good at building PC's" you might have more work ahead of you.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm running Skulls and Shackles for 5 PCs and what I did was skip a part of the second adventure so that they are one level behind the progression assumed in the AP. It's working like a charm.

Berselius wrote:
I know that these adventure paths are built for four PC's to play but would playing them with five PC's force the DM to make some major revisions?

I think that will vary by group. If you are not sure you can just go by what is in the book, but if they are defeating encounters with almost no effort you may need to add more enemies.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Right, the degree of character optimization is far more significant than the difference between four or five characters. Four hardcore optimizers can steamroll an AP where five casual players might still have trouble. In short, it just depends on the group.

Dark Archive


According to the product page only non-mint copies of AP#33 remain...

What (if any) consequences will this have?

Will there ever be a pawn collection?

Why is the next book in the subscription Strange Aeons 2? Shouldn't it be the first part?

Liberty's Edge

I'm guessing possibly a glitch related to part 1 starting shipping and being in some kind of "in-between limbo" temporarily? I'm sure it'll fix itself.

So if one is an Adventure Path Subscriber shouldn't we be able to get the PDF of Strange Aeons today?

You get the PDF when your subscription copy ships. According to Sharaya, they've finished shipping subs for the month so you should contact Customer Service to see if something's holding up your order.

I'm wondering what allied NPC's could appear in upcoming adventure paths. Maybe a Valkyrie or a Lashunta? :D

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Suggestion for a future Adventure Path: DRAGONS.

There have been a couple of modules with dragons as the antagonist, but I would like to see an AP centered around them.
An Ancient Wyrm has set things in motion that draws all dragons into its plot; chromatic, metallic, drakes, linnorms, imperial, elemental, etc.

Depending how the plot goes, the PCs could find themselves having to ally themselves with evil dragons and fighting against good dragons.

Grand Lodge

I second the dragon vote. There are so many dragon themed archetypes, prestige classes, feats, equipment, and lore. It would be a great opportunity for a themed campaign.

Great idea Charles!

Much more...

Dark Archive

30 out of 111 AP issues are sold out:

RotR: 1, 3, 5, 6.
CotCT: 7, 8, 9.
LoF: 22.
CoT: 25.
KM: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.
SS: 37, 40.
CC: 43, 44, 46, 47, 48.
JR: 49, 50, 52.
S&S: 55, 57, 58.
RoW: 67.
WotR: 78.

Kingmaker sold out completely.
Carrion Crown has 1 book left.
Rise of the Runelords has 2 books left.
Jade Regent has 3 books left.
Skull & Shackles has 3 books left.
Curse of the Crimson Throne has 3 books left.

#38 & #54 both have less than 25 in stock.

Dark Archive

RotR: 4 SOLD OUT - only very few non-mint copies remain ($3.75)!

That means that 31 of 111 AP volumes are out of print - 80 remain.

Grand Lodge

A couple of years got back into RPGs and GMing, after a stint with the 5e of the "other game" (to be fair it is actually quite good compared to the previous edition but they take so long between releases, aren't really developing their game world and their website is a bit of a mess) and then I remembered pathfinder, 3 gaming sessions later a myself and my small gaming group are hooked.
So, I thought bite the bullet and subscribe to Adventure Path books, so I've have waited until the next Adventure Path is about to start and I see that there are two books in one month. As I live in Australia and don't fancy paying for lots of postage 1) is it possible to get the first 2 parts shipped together and 2) if so, how do I go about doing that?

Thanks for any help

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Beardragon wrote:

A couple of years got back into RPGs and GMing, after a stint with the 5e of the "other game" (to be fair it is actually quite good compared to the previous edition but they take so long between releases, aren't really developing their game world and their website is a bit of a mess) and then I remembered pathfinder, 3 gaming sessions later a myself and my small gaming group are hooked.

So, I thought bite the bullet and subscribe to Adventure Path books, so I've have waited until the next Adventure Path is about to start and I see that there are two books in one month. As I live in Australia and don't fancy paying for lots of postage 1) is it possible to get the first 2 parts shipped together and 2) if so, how do I go about doing that?

Thanks for any help

Start your subscription on #115 (Ironfang Invasion 1 of 6). Assuming all goes according to the current plan, both that as well as #116 will be shipped to you at the same time (and in the same package). This will be automatic, there is nothing extra that needs to be done on your part to see them shipped together in this case.

Keep an eye on the customer service forum for the March shipping thread. This thread will contain the exact dates that authorization will run and when the shipping window is, as well as any information should products have schedule changes.

Grand Lodge

Thank you Skizzerz, that was fast and helpful. cheers

So - I've just signed up to the AP subscription for the first time, and I could choose between issues 114, 115, and 116 to begin with.

I already purchased Strange Aeons from elsewhere, so I picked 115 (Part 1 of the Ironfang Invasion). Will I get part 2 before I move on to part 3, which is the next part to ship?

My "upcoming shipments" screen in the "my subscriptions" tab says 117 ships early April, and at the bottom of the screen it says:

"Next volume:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #115: Trail of the Hunted (Ironfang Invasion 1 of 6) (PFRPG) (Pending)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #117: Assault on Longshadow (Ironfang Invasion 3 of 6) (PFRPG)"

So I'm not sure if I'll get 116 based on that...

Sorry if it's a noob question, it just doesn't look very clear.

First of all, welcome!

Your best bet is to start a new thread in customer service so they can add or tweak things. But yes, if you start with the first one you should also get the second.

Because they shipped two out this month instead of the usual one (they had a delay last with an issue last fall) so I suspect that is what is confusing the system.

Have a great weekend! It's a great adventure path! :-)

Nice one! Appreciate the advice.

Thanks, I'll post over there.

Any word yet when the first AP for Pathfinder 2.0 will ship?

Walt Flanagan wrote:
Any word yet when the first AP for Pathfinder 2.0 will ship?

August 2019

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If I wanted to start from Hellknight Hill, is it possible to subscribe without also getting the final Tyrant's Grasp book? Right now, it looks as though I'd need to get both.

artjuice wrote:
If I wanted to start from Hellknight Hill, is it possible to subscribe without also getting the final Tyrant's Grasp book? Right now, it looks as though I'd need to get both.

I second this question.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, it's possible. The subscription question thread says to start a sub in early July. If, for some reason, they don't get the display set up right to give you a choice between the last 1e and the first 2e product by then, you can ask Customer Service to do it manually; they've done it before when the schedule has slipped so two volumes come out in a month.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Look at the top of the page. They have already fixed it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

Look at the top of the page. They have already fixed it.

Sadly, it's still bugged, although in a different way. While you can now *select* only the PF2 products, when you go to submit your order it reverts to saying it'll ship you the PF1 products instead.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ah, too bad. Since I am already subscribed, I could not test it for myself. It isn't possible for a current subscriber to start a subscription at all, apparently.

I hope they fix this soon and let people know when they have done so then.

I just subscribed to this am wondering what the phrase "Access to Paizo Advantage" means. Do I now have the Paizo Advantage or do I still need to have 4 subscriptions to qualify?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If you subscribed before Authorizations started on July 3, AND you chose to start with the last 1E volume (or before) you get Paizo Advantage. If not you still need four subscriptions.

Cori Marie wrote:
If you subscribed before Authorizations started on July 3, AND you chose to start with the last 1E volume (or before) you get Paizo Advantage. If not you still need four subscriptions.

I Started June 28 with issue 143. Am I disqualified because I didn't start with 144?

Brett Cook wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
If you subscribed before Authorizations started on July 3, AND you chose to start with the last 1E volume (or before) you get Paizo Advantage. If not you still need four subscriptions.
I Started June 28 with issue 143. Am I disqualified because I didn't start with 144?

No, you just have to start by #144. Paizo Advantage is grandfathered for those who got it with just the AP in first edition.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

9 people marked this as a favorite.

We had a bit of trouble getting all things updated. Up until earlier this afternoon, we still had all of the AP subscription information listed on its product page as 30% off the cover price, plus the Paizo Advantage discount, and a complimentary PDF.

Because it was still being advertised as such, we've made all Pathfinder Adventure Path subscribers who signed up prior to 3:13pm PST today (while it was advertised with the legacy benefits) into Pathfinder Adventure Path Legacy Subscribers. You'll get the complimentary PDF, 30% off of the cover price of AP's released as part of your ongoing subscription, as well as the Paizo Advantage. If your subscription is cancelled, you will lose the Legacy status and will only be able to resubscribe under the new benefits model.

The launch of the new benefits has been a bit more confusing that we hoped, so if you have questions, please pop over to the CS forums, shoot us an email, or give us a call.

Sara Marie

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Amazing customer service as always! I am so sorry this roll out has gone rough but very pleased to see Paizo stand behind their products and err on the side of good customer service.

This is one of the biggest reasons I spend the lions share of my limited gaming budget on Paizo products!

Just bought Hellknight Hill today, but I'm interested in signing up to get the rest through the subscription. Do I wait? Until when? Thank you for helping out. Total noob when it comes to these subscriptions.

malcolm_n wrote:
Just bought Hellknight Hill today, but I'm interested in signing up to get the rest through the subscription. Do I wait? Until when? Thank you for helping out. Total noob when it comes to these subscriptions.

You'll have to wait a bit. As of right now, you can't select the second issue as starting item. I'd guess in a week, that should be possible.

I'm trying to sign up for the Adventure Path subscription for Pathfinder, but when I select my first book as Hellknight Hill (#145) and then proceed through to order confirmation, it resets my selection to item #143 which is book 5 of the previous AP in 1st Edition.

Anyone know what's going on with that or have suggestions as to what I should do?

Tramonto wrote:

I'm trying to sign up for the Adventure Path subscription for Pathfinder, but when I select my first book as Hellknight Hill (#145) and then proceed through to order confirmation, it resets my selection to item #143 which is book 5 of the previous AP in 1st Edition.

Anyone know what's going on with that or have suggestions as to what I should do?

That's a known bug right now. Customer Service can manually change the starting item, but they are out of the office for GenCon until Tuesday.

I thinking about started the subscription for pathfinder 2e but it looks like its in the middle of the current path. Is there anyway to start the subscription from the start of Age of Ashes (1 OF 6) Hellknight Hill?

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