Mathus Mordrinacht

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Sorry about the late submission. I've been away for a good while so I'm not real clear on some of the stuff, like background skills, I also don't have the unchained book, so I'll be offering up a mundane Summoner.

Zared Nakal:
Full Name: Zared Nakal
Race: Changeling
Class: Summoner
Gender: female
Size: 4'10” 110lbs
Age: 19
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Sarenrae
Location: Ustalav
Languages: Common, Elven
Occupation: vagabond

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

Zared Nakal has lived alone for several months now, as young as she is. She was raised as an only child in the woods between Tamrivena and Ravengro. Her mother was a druid, and her father was a ranger, and both were very suspicious of the outside world. Zared later realized that their suspicions might have had to do with their proximity to both Gallowspire and Belkzen, but it could also have had to do with the fact that they weren't really her parents.

Zared's life changed the day her home was attacked. It was sometime after dark, and she was getting ready for bed when a couple of undead creatures burst through the door of the cabin. Her parents fought valiantly, and slew the beasts, but the green hag that entered afterward dispatched them both. Zared watched the whole thing through the door from the bedroom, and the hag caught her while she tried to escape through the window. New undead appeared at each of the rooms exits, and the hag sat across from Zared and spoke with her as though they were acquaintances. She explained that she was Zared's real mother, and that it was time for Zared to embrace her destiny. The hag claimed that Zared would become a hag herself, and that she had come to see the process along. In an attempt to convince Zared, she used her magic to morph into a young woman, apparently only a few years older than Zared herself. She explained that Zared didn't need to worry about losing her youth or beauty, as it would always be within her grasp.

Zared heard very little of it, she was lost within the horror of the moment, and what little she did hear she refused to believe. In truth, she was waiting for the beast to kill her, and hoping against hope that it would be quick and painless. At one point, she found herself missing the mundane terrors she'd experienced only hours before: fears of deep water and spiders, rather than the loss of her parents, the undead, or hideous beasts claiming blood relation to her. Apparently something heard her plea, because no sooner had she imagined the tarantula that had frightened her the day before than a spider identical but Zared's size appeared behind the hag and attacked her, bowling her over in surprise. Zared seized the moment, escaping through the front room, grabbing her father's sword as she went and ran from the house, mindlessly slashing at whatever might get in her way. She ran until she was too exhausted to continue, and then found an alcove to hide in as sleep overtook her.

She awoke the next morning hungry, cold and tired, and she realized that she didn't have anything she would need to provide for herself, she barely even knew what she would need, especially since her father's sword had apparently been lost in her flailing. She slowly made her way back to the cabin, dread nearly overtaking her, where she found no sign of the hag or its undead servants, though the discovery of her parents' bodies wiped away Zared's hunger. She spent what was left of the day burying her parents, though she just dumped the other corpses somewhere out of sight, careful to not touch them with bare skin. After eating something she found in the house, Zared went back to a fitful sleep, fearing that the hag would return. That night she dreamed of the spider she'd seen, and to add to the whimsy of it, it spoke to her. The spider introduced itself as Igorath, a name Zared found eerily appropriate for an overly large tarantula, and it said it was there to protect her. Igorath told her that she had called him into being, and that he would return the favor by serving her as long as she wished. When she awoke, she found the spider next to her bed, watching over her the way a pet dog would. She was repulsed by the sight of it, though remembering the dream, she pushed aside her revulsion and held out her hand, touching the creature. Igorath told her that there was nothing left for her here, especially since the hag would know where to find her if she didn't leave. As much as she didn't want to take the advice of a giant spider, Zared knew there was no other choice. She set out, collecting a few things from around the house, her mother's crossbow, her father's armor, and what little gold she found.

Once she was out of the house, the illusion of safety evaporated, and she felt eyes upon her at all times. It was then that she grew to appreciate Igorath, even if she still feared him. He seemed to know what they should do at any given time, he could hunt, and he could identify which of the plants she brought him were safe to eat, even if he couldn't tell her which ones would taste good. Zared can't help but admit that she would have died many times over without Igorath looking out for her. Igorath didn't offer any insight as to where they should go, only pointing out when they were turning away from their path, though he did advise her of how to avoid heading into Nidal as they made their way south and west.

Zared's sense of being watched only compounded after they crossed the border into Cheliax. They reached Pezzack after following the coast for some time; Zared formed a plan as she watched the ships in the distance. She wondered if the hag could chase her across the ocean, she hoped not. It was not her intention to sneak aboard; she tried to book passage on several ships, but was turned away for want of gold, usually at the point of a sword if they saw Igorath with her. The Jenivere was her last hope, especially after Igorath told her how he could be unsummoned, though the handful of coins in her possession were not enough to book passage. Deciding that she had to get on the water that night, and believing that any crewman that had seen Igorath would kill her if she was found, she boarded the Jenivere when the night watch was distracted. She hadn't put much thought into the length of the trip, or how to avoid detection during that time. She managed to avoid detection by staying in her hideaway in the cargo hold until the ship set out. By that time, she was starving, and was more interested in getting something to eat than remaining undetected. Zared was found in the ships stores, eating everything she could get her hands on.

She was taken to the captain, where she begged for mercy; offering up a tear streaked performance that would make the greatest of bards blush with envy. She told her story, a highly sanitized version, of it, anyway. She told the captain that her parents had been murdered, and that their killer had pursued her to Cheliax. She made no mention of hags, or talking spiders, or even undead, since she didn't think any of that would help her cause. The captain seemed to take pity on her, offering to let her stay on the ship and get off at any port they stopped at, in a quick and unthinking answer that she immediately regretted, Zared blurted out “far from Ustalav”. The captain replied that that would be Sargava, and she was allowed to stay. Zared is ashamed of the way she acted in front of the captain, attributing her behavior to the culmination of several weeks’ worth of constant stress rather than a deliberate attempt to manipulate anyone. Since then, she has mostly kept to herself, trying to stay out of the way.

Optional bit about how she sees the world:
Zared is in a strange place in her head. She thinks, possibly correctly, that she has lost everything that had meaning to her. He is a fine protector and provider, but Igorath is a cold comfort for losing her family. On top of that, she has become fairly paranoid, given that she hasn't seen the hag that killed her parents since that night, despite the beast having an apparent interest in her.

Because of this, she has come to believe that she is becoming a hag without any intervention, as though it were some kind of disease of the blood that she can't escape. She is terrified that someone will discover her secret, and at the same time desperate to find someone who can help. In addition, there is the matter of Igorath; she knows nothing of Summoners. She has no idea why she can cast spells, or why a very large, intelligent spider is looking out for her. And why a spider? She can still barely muster up the courage to smash one beneath her boot, and yet one is her closest, and now only companion? As a result of all of this, she is understandably shy, and especially hesitant to talk about herself.

Combat Stats:
Perception +4 (Igorath)
Initiative +2

-Fortitude +1
-Reflex +2
-Will +2

AC/Flatfoot AC 16/14
Touch AC 12

CMB +0
CMD 12

Hit Points: 9

BAB +0
To Hit (ranged) +2
Speed: 30ft

3 skill points per level

Diplomacy +9 (1 rank +4Cha +3 In Class +1 Dilettente artist))
Handle Animal +8 (1 rank +4 Cha +3 In class)
Use Magic Device +8 (1 rank +4Cha +3 In Class)

Desperate Focus: +2 to concentration checks
Adopted: Dilettante Artist: +1 to perform and Diplomacy, one becomes a class skill (diplomacy)
Stowaway: +1 to Stealth checks and Survival checks to find food

Racial Abilities, Class Abilities and Feats:
Race Abilities:
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor Bonus
Claws: 2 claw attacks (1d4)
Darkvision: 60ft
Object of Desire: +1 casting level when using Charm Person and Charm Monster

Class Abilities:
Eidolon: Spider
Life Link: Summoner can sacrifice hit points to keep Eidolon from being damaged
Summon Monster 1: 7 times a day

Spell Focus (Conjuration): +1 to difficulty class for all saving throws against selected school

Cantrips Known
Detect Magic, Guidence, Message, Mage Hand

Level 1 (2 per day)
Level 1 Spells Known
Grease, Mage Armor

Light Crossbow 35gp 1d8 19-20/X2 80ft 4lbs P
Bolts (50) 5gp 5lbs

Studded Leather 25gp +3 +5 ACP -1 30ft 20lbs


Spell Components Pouch 5gp 2lbs

Str 14
Dex 14
Con 13
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11

Size: Medium
Speed: 50ft

AC/Flatfoot AC: 16/14
Touch AC: 12

BAB: +1
CMB: +3
CMD: 15

Attacks: Bite
To Hit: +3
Damage: 1d6 + 3 (1.5 * Strength bonus)

Fortitude +3
Reflex +4
Will +0

Bonus Class Skills: Acrobatics, Survival, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana)
4 per level

Perception +4 (1 rank +3 In Class)
Stealth +6 (1 rank +3In Class +2Dex)
Acrobatics +6 (1 rank +3In Class +2Dex)
Survival +4 (1 rank +3In Class)

Power Attack: -1 to hit for +2 to damage

Darkvision: 60ft
Link: share magic item slots, and communication across any distance is a free action
Share Spells: any spell targeting 'you' can be cast on Eidolon at touch range, even if the spell wouldn't affect a creature of the Eidolon's type.

Bite (free)
Limbs (legs) 2 (free)
Limbs (legs) (costs 2EP)

For a roleplaying sample, I would offer this. I was playing as Jack Marshall, and I linked to that page because I think page three and four is where his story starts getting interesting.

You seem to have missed me on the list. I put up this guy.

Oh right. I forgot about that part. As far as why Solon was recruited, well, the Ordo Hereticus can always use clerics to keep morale high, and there is little chance of Solon turning, as the Inquisitor has an iron clad guarantee that Solon cares for nothing so much as the Emperor.

That said, I would be interested in seeing the strength of the mind cleansing being put to the test. I had imagined when I made this character that it would be most interesting for Solon to be put into a position where he is forced to confront who he once was, such as being accidentally sent back to a place where the name and face of Ingenuus are known.

initial insanity points: 1d5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Health: 1d5 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Fate Points: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Money: 5d10 + 300 ⇒ (5, 8, 1, 5, 7) + 300 = 326
Divination: 1d100 ⇒ 71

I believe everything is in order, for the most part. I haven't really messed with any of the rules updates, because I'm not entirely sure how that works.

Solon Modrak:
Solon Modrak
Mind Cleansed
Cleric (Frateris Militia)
Divination: “In the darkness, follow the light of Terra.”

Weapon Skill: 33
Ballistics Skill: 33
Strength: 34
Toughness: 35
Agility: 21
Intelligence: 27
Perception: 21
Willpower: 38
Fellowship: 36

Health 14/14
Fate Points 4/4
Half Move: 2 Full Move: 4 Charge: 6 Run: 12

Insanity Points: 7

Mind Cleansed Traits:
Engram Implants: begin with Decieve (Fel) and Intimidate (S), Common Lore (tech)(Int) and Survival(Int) are basic skills, also, Jaded and Pistol Weapon Training (SP and Las) talents
Failsafe Control
Imperial Conditioning: +10 on Willpower Tests made to resist Fear or attempts to control or possess your mind.
Through a mirror Darkly: start with 7 insanity points.

Speak Language (Low Gothic)(Int)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed)(Int)
Literacy (Int)
Performer (Singer)(Fel)
Trade (Valet)(Fel)
Decieve (Fel)
Intimidate (S)
Awareness (Per)

Pistol Weapon Training (SP, Las)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)

Money: 229

Hunting rifle (2 reloads)
40 bullets
Aquila Necklace
Flak Helmet
Flak Gauntlets
Flak Vest

Experience 400

Spent 400
Basic Weapon Training (SP) 100
Fellowship Simple advance 100
Awareness 100
Sound Constitution 100

dice rolls:
2d10 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7
2d10 ⇒ (4, 9) = 13
2d10 ⇒ (5, 9) = 14
2d10 ⇒ (3, 7) = 10
2d10 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
2d10 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
2d10 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16
2d10 ⇒ (7, 8) = 15
2d10 ⇒ (7, 6) = 13


Rerolling the 2, 3, and the 2, 2

2d10 ⇒ (7, 5) = 12
2d10 ⇒ (3, 8) = 11

Weapon Skill: (4, 9) = 13 + 20 = 33
Ballistics Skill: (7, 6) = 13 + 20 = 33
Strength: (5, 9) = 14 + 20 = 34
Toughness: (7, 8) = 15 + 20 = 35
Agility: (3, 8) = 11 + 20 = 21
Intelligence: (2, 5) = 7 + 20= 27
Perception: (7, 5) = 12 + 20 = 21
Willpower: (3, 7) = 10 + 25 = 35
Fellowship: (8, 8) = 16 + 15 = 31

Wow, it's not so easy for a Mind Cleansed to be super charismatic. I'll make it up though. More to come tomorrow.

That's good to know, it also means the cleric is out. He would have been something along the lines of a Radical version of the Red Redemption. Something along the lines of in the fight against chaos, anything is permitted so long as it is done in the Emperor's name and as long as proper penance is paid afterward.

Hmm, I'll see what I can come up with now.

I'm intrigued and wish to hear more. First of all, would Inquisitor Amun be considered a Radical or Puritan, or somewhere in between. Depending on the answer, I may have a backstory for mind cleansed cleric ready and waiting, or I may go with something more along the lines of a feral/hiver assassin.

Here is my character sheet. I thought about leaving the Eidolon a mystery, but I don't guess it's that big a deal. I pm'ed my background, so there's that. I might mention, just for the fun of saying it, that Igorath is a big honkin' spider, though one with only six legs at the moment.

Name: Zared Nakal
Race: Changeling
Class: Summoner
Alignment: True Neutral
Female, age 17
size medium height 5'6 weight 113lbs
speed 30ft

Str 10
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 18

HP 9/9
Initiative +2
AC 16
Touch/flatfoot 12/14

Fort +1
Ref +2
Will +2

Bab 0
To hit (Melee) +0
To hit (Ranged) +2

CMB +0
CMD 12

desperate focus: +2 to concentration checks
stowaway: +1 to stealth checks and survival checks to find food

Racial abilities:
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor Bonus
Claws: 2 claw attacks (1d4)
Darkvision: 60ft
Object of Desire: +1 casting level when using Charm Person and Charm Monster

Class Abilities:
Eidolon: Spider
Life Link: Summoner can sacrifice hit points to keep Eidolon from being damaged
Summon Monster 1: 7 times a day

Spell Focus (Conjuration): +1 to difficulty class for all saving throws against selected school

Spells Known
cantrips: detect magic, guidence, message, mage hand
level one: grease, mage armor

Spells Per day/ save dc
1: 2/2 dc 15

Skills (3 per level)
Diplomacy +9 (1 rank + 4cha + 3inclass + 1 trait)
Handle Animal +8 (1 rank +4cha + 3inclass)
Use Magic Device +8 (1 rank +4cha +3inclass)

Weight limits (total weight 31lbs)
light 33lbs medium 66lbs heavy 100lbs push 100lbs drag 165lbs

Light Crossbow 35gp 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft 4lbs p

Studded Leather 25gp +3 +5 -1 0% 30ft 20lbs

spell components pouch
bolts (50)

Str 14
Dex 14
Con 13
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11

Size: Medium
Speed: 50ft

AC/Flatfoot AC: 16/14
Touch AC: 12

BAB: +1
CMB: +3
CMD: 15

Attacks: Bite
To Hit: +3
Damage: 1d6 + 3 (1.5 * Strength bonus)

Fortitude +3
Reflex +4
Will +0

Bonus Class Skills: Acrobatics, Survival, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana)
4 per level

Perception +4 (1 rank +3 In Class)
Stealth +6 (1 rank +3In Class +2Dex)
Acrobatics +6 (1 rank +3In Class +2Dex)
Survival +4 (1 rank +3In Class)

Power Attack: -1 to hit for +2 to damage

Darkvision: 60ft
Link: share magic item slots, and communication across any distance is a free action
Share Spells: any spell targeting 'you' can be cast on Eidolon at touch range,
even if the spell wouldn't affect a creature of the Eidolon's type.

Bite (free)
Limbs (legs) 2 (free)
Limbs (legs) (costs 2EP)
Improved Natural Armor (costs 1EP)

I have for a while wanted to play a follower of Milani, something like a cleric or inquisitor would be extra nice, though. The inquisitor I've played as was pretty good fun. He was a servant of Desna, all the while he was fairly shy and not exactly a people person.

I believe everything is in order here:

Varis Sieran


Sex: male
Build: Well Built, 1.80m (6'2"), 90kg (198 lbs)
Age: Mature (32)
Skin: Tan, Hair Brown, Eyes: Green
Quirk: Aquiline Nose
Homeworld: Imperial World, Fuedal World
Rank: Novice, Career Path: Cleric
Divination: "The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation." +1 T

Varis was born on a Fuedal World to a family of serfs. His parents died from their toil when he was young, and instead of accepting his fate, Varis ran off and joined a bandit gang. He spent most of his teenage years with them, until the lord's men found their camp and burned it, killing most of Varis's fellows. The few survivors of the battle agreed to disband and make for parts unknown, but Varis headed back to the camp, for reasons he is still unsure of. Once there, he found a lone cleric performing last rites over the dead, soldier and bandit alike.

Varis had always considered himself a heretic for forsaking his lot in life when he joined the bandits, and doubly so for serving himself instead of the Emperor's will. Seeing a cleric perform rites over his fellows made Varis wonder if there truly was redemption available for him; he rushed forward, and began questioning the cleric. The man said that an honorable death would atone for a lifetime of crimes, and though most of the bandits had not earned it, he would perform this service for them, that the Emperor might recognize his own. Varis immediately pledged his life to the Ecclesiarchy, and began training as a redemptionist.

In his training, Varis became convinced that, as his death would absolve him of his current crimes against the Imperium, it also frees him to act as he must in service of the Emperor. He believes that no action is truly heretical as long as it is performed in the Emperor's service. He knows that this is an unpopular view, to say the least, and so keeps it to himself, but he will act on it.


WS: 31
BS: 30
S: [3]7
T: [3]2
Ag: [3]6
Int: [3]6
Per: [3]4
WP: [4]0
Fel: [4]0


Wounds: 9/9
Fate Points: 2/2
Insanity Points:
Corruption Points:
Monthly Income: 200 (+20 per rank increase)
Half move: 3, Full move: 6, Charge: 9, Run: 18
Carry Weight:
Carry: 36kg, Lift: 72kg, Push: 144kg
Current: 18kg

Traits & Talents:

Blessed Ignorance: -5 penalty to Forbidden Lore tests.
Liturgical Familiarity
Superior Origins: Increase Willpower by +3

Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (SP)
Basic Weapon Training (Primitive)

Basic Skills:

Awareness (Per)
Barter (Fel)
Carouse (T)
Charm (Fel)
Climb (Str)
Command (Fel)
Concealment (Ag)
Contortionist (Ag)
Decieve (Fel)
Disguise (Fel)
Dodge (Ag)
Evaluate (Int)
Gamble (Int)
Inquiry (Fel) x
Intimidate (Fel)
Logic (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Search (Per)
Silent Move (Ag)
Swim (Str)

Additional Basic Skills:
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) x
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Common Lore (War) (Int)
Literacy (Int) x
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int)

Advanced Skills:

Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Int) x
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int) x
Trade (Copyist) (Int) x
Trade (Cook) (Int) x


Axe (mono) Damage 1d10+1 R Pen 2 Special: Unbalanced Weight: 4kg cost: 60 thrones
Shield Damage: 1d5 I Pen 0 Special: Defensive, Primitive, Weight: 3kg, cost: 25 thrones

Weapon Attributes:
Unbalanced: -10% penalty when use to parry
Defensive: +15 to parry tests, -10 to attack
Primitive: non primitive armor points are doubled

Hand Cannon Range: 35m RoF: S/_/_ Damage: 1d10+4 I Pen 2 (5 with man
stoppers) Clip: 5 Reload: 2full Weight: 3kg cost: 65


Flak Helmet Covers: Head AP: 2 Weight: 2kg cost: 25
Flak Jacket Covers: Arms, Body, Legs AP: 3 weight: 6kg cost: 100


Wealth: 50 Thrones
Mono Axe
Hand Cannon
15 man stopper rounds
20 bullets
flak jacket
flak helmet
Aquila Necklace
Ecclesiarchy Robes (Good Quality Clothing)
4 Candles
Charm (skull)


Total: 400xp
Unspent: 0

Fellowship Simple Advance (100)
Inquiry (100)
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (100)
Sound Constitution (100)

Wounds 1d5 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Fate Points 1d10 ⇒ 4= 2 fate points
Starting Wealth 5d10 + 300 ⇒ (4, 7, 1, 4, 5) + 300 = 321 thrones
Divination 1d100 ⇒ 14
"The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation." +1 T

Oh, all right. Rock on!

Varis Sieran: Imperial World Cleric

WS: 31
BS: 30
S: 34
T: 31
Ag: 36
Int: 36
Per: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 9) + 20 = 37
WP: 37
Fel: 35

That's more like it. In the interest of building melee, I'm going to swap perception and Strength, so at this point, my stats will be:

WS: 31
BS: 30
S: 37
T: 31
Ag: 36
Int: 36
Per: 34
WP: 37
Fel: 35

All right, here's an Imperial World Cleric:

Weapon Skill (WS): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 3) + 20 = 31
Ballistic Skill (BS): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (3, 7) + 20 = 30
Strength (S): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (5, 9) + 20 = 34
Toughness (T): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 5) + 20 = 31
Agility (Ag): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 10) + 20 = 36
Intelligence (Int): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 10) + 20 = 36
Perception (Per): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (3, 1) + 20 = 24
Willpower (WP): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 10) + 20 = 37
Fellowship (Fel): 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (5, 10) + 20 = 35

That's just about perfect. I don't like perception being so low, but I suppose I'm going to have to have a lowest stat, and there's not anything else I'm willing to trade with it.

More to come later.

I'm very intrigued. I'll give it some thought and come back with something, likely an Assassin, Cleric or Psyker, in that order. Too bad about core book only, one of my favorite concepts was a mind cleansed cleric who'd been a heretic revolutionary in another life.

In love with the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype, eh? Well what a coinkidink, I just happen to have a full blooded orc SWD that I've wanted to play as since the ARG came out.I'll make the appropriate edits and post it when I can.

I was trying to decide what to submit, and this came to me. If you are looking to use our backgrounds against- I mean, use our backgrounds to enhance the story, then feast your eyes.

Full Name: Tolyn Brinely
Race: Gillmen
Class: Witch
Gender: male
Size: 6'2” 185lbs
Age: 28
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Besmara
Location: Shackles
Languages: Common, Aboleth, Aquan, Draconic, Elven
Occupation: Pirate

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12


Tolyn's family lives near the shore to hide from their Aboleth foes. They have long fought against them, with limited success. The Brinly family has long since resorted to piracy to help finance their private war, though it seemed as though Tolyn was destined to stay on the sidelines of it, since he lacked the usual hereditary resistance to the Aboleths' mental domination. It seemed that way until Tolyn one day noticed a parrot speaking to him in the Aboleth language. It promised him power, and fortune for his family. Knowing this must be a servant of his hated enemies, he first tried to kill the animal, but was unable to. The bird told him that there were no expectations of him, he was free to act as he wished, his patron would grant him powers over time, and all he had to do was wait until he was called.

The only hint that Tolyn's patron actually is an aboleth is the language that his familiar speaks. Regardless, he regards himself as a traitor to his family, and has stayed away since then. He has tried his hand at sailing, though he thinks he would be better in an advisory position. He found himself in the Formidably Maid just after he accepted the parrot's bargain, wondering what he'd gotten himself into. Also, it should be noted that his last name is actually Brinly, though he goes by Brinely, he's gotten so used to people making the joke that he's come to accept it as his name.

Since becoming a Witch, Tolyn's faith in Besmara has strengthened, as he believes, or hopes, that she will give him the strength to use his newfound abilities to fight against the Aboleths. He plans to do this by sailing on a pirate vessel, and turning over some of the money he makes to his family. He has been warned that he lacks a certain resistance to mental domination, and so he is to keep away from the hated enemy as best he can. Despite his suspicions over his patron, he enjoys the company of his familiar, treating it like something in between a pet and a friend.

Combat stats:
Perception +6 (Parrot)
Initiative +4

-Fortitude +1
-Reflex +2
-Will +2

AC/Flatfoot AC 13/11
Touch AC 12

CMB +0
CMD 12

Hit Points: 7

BAB +0
Speed: 30
Swim Speed: 30


5 skill points per level

Appraise +6 (0 ranks)
Knowledge (Arcana) +7 (1 rank)
Knowledge (Local) +3 (0 ranks)
Profession (Sailor) +4 (1 rank)
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank)
Spellcraft +7 (1 rank)
Swim +8 (0 ranks)
Use Magic Device +5 (1 rank)

Feats and Traits:

Ilizmagorti Native: +1 Sense Motive checks, can make untrained Knowledge (local) checks regarding pirates or the Shackles
Reactionary: +2 to initiative

Race Abilities:
Amphibious: have aquatic subtype, can breathe air and water
Enchantment Resistance: +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantments, but take a -2 penalty against enchantments by Aboleths
Water Dependent: Require complete submersion in water at least once per day

Class Abilities:
Patron Spells: Time
Witch's Familiar: Parrot that speaks Aboleth

Scribe Scroll


Evil Eye: Must target a foe within 30 feet that can be seen, choose which the target takes a -2 penalty to: AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks. Duration of 3 + intelligence modifier.

Level 0
All Cantrips known
Prepared: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1
Known: Charm Person, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor
Prepared: Enlarge Person, Mage Armor


N Tiny Animal
Initative +2, Low light vision, Perception +6
AC 14, touch AC 14, Flat footed 12
speed 10ft, Fly 40ft
Melee bite +4 (1d3-4)
Str 2 Dex 15 Con 8 Int 2 Wis 15 Cha 7
Base Atk +0, Cmb +0, CMD 6
Feats: Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +6, Perception +6

Dagger 2gp 1d4 19-20/X2 10ft 1lb P or S


Armored Kilt 20gp +1ac +6dex 0armor check penalty 0% 30ft 10lbs


123 Gold
Total Weight 13lbs

Spell Component Pouch 5gp 2lbs

I was about this close to submitting a Summoner version of Molly Ringwald on the Breakfast Club, but I decided that wouldn't be the best idea. I'll be back later with either a witch, ranger or bard, in that order.

Dotting for interest, I have a character in mind, but I'll need to put some thought into it.

I'm hoping this exchange will happen at some point, "Hi Jack, I'm Jack. Have you met Jack?"

Oh wow, I didn't know that names could start sounding foreign if you say them too much.

I'm interested, but I'll have to read it first. I've been interested in Numenera ever since I first heard about Torment, all the more since I read this. I've been reading Shadowrun 5 lately, probably thanks to another kickstarter

Really? I didn't realize you got a free dot of mantle for joining a court, that's cool. I'll put the extra dot into hollow wards.

Anyway, his fetch is indeed in Detroit, and something I'd made a note of but didn't actually mention: as long as he might have spent in Arcadia, he returned little more than a moment after he was taken. As far as Jack can tell, his fetch has no knowledge of the supernatural, as far as Jack knows.

I can see Jack developing into someone who feels more at home in the hedge than in the 'real world', and the bolt hole of a hollow he has keyed to the bedroom closet of his apartment being the only place he really feels safe.

Finally, it might be noted that since the name 'Jack' is a false name derived from the fact that his birth name is John, I could just as easily change his name to something similar, like James, Jimmy or Sam, in case two Jacks cause confusion.

Contracts of Separation are found on page 40 of Winter Masques, though I have a summary of the ones my Character has.

Full Name: Jack Marshall
Gender: male
Size: 6'3”
Age: 36
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Pride
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Draconic
Court: Winter
Occupation: Private Investigator


Jack Marshall has built a reputation as something of a crooked cop. He vehemently denies the allegation, even among those who know what he did, because if he was crooked, he would have profited financially from what he did. He is known for putting criminals behind bars, especially the kind of criminals that nobody thought would see the inside of a cell. He managed it by framing the guilty party. Considering that his favored targets were organized crime, he developed a lot of enemies in his career in New York. He thinks that's why IA started looking into him, crooked cops being paid by the mob to destroy his reputation. He left the force and moved to Detroit, hoping that his tarnished reputation wouldn't follow him. He doesn't know how he was taken, or when, just that he awoke in Arcadia, somehow different.

Jack's Keeper called itself the Grand Wyrm, and it was massive beyond belief. It told Jack that it sensed in him a kindred spirit, and transformed him into a dragon like something out of the works of Tolkien. He never saw his Keeper again after that. Jack comforts himself by saying that his Keeper changed his mind into that of a dragon, just like it changed his body, but he wonders if it is true. For years he behaved as might be expected, exhulting in flight, terrorizing the populace and enjoying the songs of the fair young maidens that were left to him in sacrifice. There was even a village built on wooden planks in the middle of a lake for him to attack. One day, he was attacking the village when an arrow fired by one of the town's defenders struck an unexpectedly vital spot, causing paralysis. As a result, Jack plunged into the depths of the lake, where he drowned. He remained conscious for every agonizing moment of his suffocation, and then, strangely, for the next several years of painful nonexistance. One day, he awoke to find himself alive again, for no apparent reason. This cycle repeated numerous times, for what seemed like thousands of years, with his time spent dead being roughly equal, though far less pleasant, than the time he spent alive.

One day, he awoke from his death and he was struck with a strong desire to flee. Instead of attacking the populace, he took flight and headed the other way. He flew as high and as far as he could, past the point where Arcadia dissolved into the Hedge, where his body began to morph again into a more humanoid form. When he reached the ground, he made the rest of the trip on foot, back to the real world. When he stepped out of the hedge, he found himself walking away. He confronted the doppelganger, who was shocked to see the resemblance in the odd looking man accosting him, but knew nothing else of what was going on. Later, after encountering other Changelings, Marshall discovered that the man he'd confronted was his fetch, and decided to adopt a new identity, leaving his fetch to take the blame, if there was any to be had, for his improper conduct in making arrests. He also set about building a life for himself, as a private investigator, but stayed out of Changeling politics for a time. Over time, memories of his durance began coming back in his dreams. He remembers being a dragon, sleeping on a massive pile of treasure, setting fire to those who opposed him, and he began to regret. He remembers nothing of his death, or the painful nonexistance that he endured, the only negative aspect that occurs to him is that he wonders if the townspeople he terrorized were simply props in the game, or if they were also Changelings, other victims of the Grand Wyrm. Because of that, he is very hesitant to talk about his time in Faerie. After his memories began to return, he found himself joining the Winter Court, as it fit well with the sorrow he felt, not at being taken, but at returning.


Mask: Jack is visibly over six feet tall, though his broad shoulders make him seem less tall as much as massive. He has dark hair that is typically combed back, and no facial hair, revealing the boxy shape of his head. His eyes are cold and blue. He looks somewhat like a body builder, though without the clear definition. Jack could easily pass as the older, more muscular brother of his fetch, who calls himself John Foster, Marshall's original name.

Mein: In truth, Jack looks very much like his mask, except for being covered in numerous small marks that, upon closer inspection, reveal themselves to be scales. Also, his breath always produces frost, regardless of the ambient temperature.

Misc Considerations:

Health 7/7
Willpower 5/5
Wyrd 1
Glamour 5/10
Clarity 7

Seeming Blessing: spend glamour to improve dicepools that include presence, manipulation and persuasion on a one for one basis; no untrained penalty for social skills
Kith Blessing (Dragon's Talon): gains extra die to brawl rolls, spend glamour to reroll a failed brawl roll once per scene.
Seeming Curse: -1 to rolls to avoid losing Clarity
Size: 5
Speed: 10
Defense: 2
Initiative Mod: 5


Strength 3
Dexterity 2
Stamina 2
Intelligence 2
Wits 2
Resolve 2
Presence 2
Manipulation 3
Composure 3


Academics 1
Computer 1
Investigation 2
Occult 1
Politics 2

Brawl 1 (heavy blows)
Firearms 1 (pistols)
Larceny 2 (planting evidence)

Animal Ken
Empathy 1 (detecting lies)
Expression 1
Intimidation 3
Persuasion 2
Streetwise 2
Subterfuge 2


New Identity 2
Mantle (Winter) 1
Hollow (size) 1
Hollow (wards) 1
Resources 2


Fleeting Winter 1
Vainglory 2
Seperation 2

Fleeting Winter 1: The Dragon Knows
character can tell why a person is sorrowful (wyrd+empathy)

Vainglory 1: Mask of Superiority
convince a subject that the changeling is his or her superior
wyrd +intimidation

Vaiglory 2:Songs of distant Arcadia
gains a number of bonus dice equal to wyrd to expression and persuasion rolls for next scene.
wyrd +expression

Seperation 1:Tread lightly
takes bashing damage from falls, can walk over any solid surface that wouldn't hold weight.
dexterity +wyrd

Seperation 2:Evasion of Shackles
automatically slip out of cuffs, straightjacket or restraints
wyrd + larceny

I'm working on something as well, assuming I slipped in quick enough. I may not have as much difficulty choosing a court as I thought, interestingly enough.

I'm here and interested. I think I could have a character ready pretty quickly. There was one I always wanted to play but never got to, He was basically the main character of the movie Insomnia, up until he was taken to Arcadia and turned into a dragon. . .I never did quite figure out what court he would fit in best with though.

Oh wow, there is a very simple answer to that question, I didn't see it. My eyes rolled right past longtooth onto razorclaw.

That solves that issue quite nicely, actually.

I haven't put a lot of thought into this, but I'm leaning toward a shifter natural weapon ranger. His alignment could be any of the six that aren't chaotic, but less likely to be LG. He'll belong to some kind of organization, whether officially recognized bounty hunters or assassins, maybe even city guard, or an unofficial vigilante group that deals with so called enemies of the state.

He views himself as a weapon created by the empire to deal with it's enemies in ways others can't, and doesn't begrudge them for his sentence, he knew he'd have to be punished as a face saving measure if he got caught doing what he was doing.

Whatever the group he is part of turns out to be, he is far from the first of their number to be sentenced to the prison, and there is at least one 'chapter' operating within it.

Finally, a question, would I be able to use the adopted trait to get either toothy (half orc alternate racial trait) or maw or claw (tiefling alternate racial trait). It strikes me as kind of dodgy to do something like that, but since the shifter race is basically a mad science experiment gone horribly right, I figure it's more plausible than most cases.

I'm very intrigued,but have no idea what to suggest as yet. I probably won't do anything with it, but the idea that keeps coming to mind is the next door neighbor from 1984, who was proud of his kids for turning him in on suspicion of treason, or the Operative from Serenity, who believed in the cause more than himself.

I can see a character that believes in the Sovereign to the degree that he acted as a vigilante against conspirators, until he got caught. He accepts his fate, being sent to the Prison, and would do it all again, now seeing his role as something related to keeping the rabble where they belong. His conviction level would be between three and five, because of the severity of his crime and the fact that he is being punished as a show that the Sovereign does not play favorites.

I'm not feeling any great love for the idea at the moment, and in fact I don't think I've ever actually submitted the character I mention in an interest post, so there is that.

Ansel Krulwich wrote:
Great for when everyone around the table is wondering how to pronounce "cuirass".

Wow, there were a couple of ways I thought that word would be pronounced, and that wasn't any of them.

When I saw this thread I was going to offer my opinion on how the word in question was pronounced, but Raving Dork beat me to it, right down to the phonetic reference.

Actually, three classes can benefit from a spell book.

According to this page, Alchemists can learn new formulas from a wizard's spellbook.

Though that doesn't really add to the topic at hand.

If they are obviously evil, then you could have a good aligned cleric buy them in hopes of either destroying them or, for want of a better term, consecrating them for goodness.

I just realized something. This character was rebuilt from another character, a tiefling illusionist. About the only thing the two have in common was the Sczarni relatives, though for the previous version, it was more an ancillary thing this version is completely on board with it. So suffice it to say, Neroniuz is not a scholar by trade, he is more of a good natured con man.

Anyway, in answer to your questions:

Neroniuz wrote:

Why am I headed to Sandpoint? Hmm, should I tell the truth or the edited version? Oh, why not? I suppose we won't likely meet each other again, and if we do, it's not like anyone that might be after me knows my real name anyway.

It all started in the house of a Riddleport noble. I suspect a lot of stories like this start in Riddleport, but that's not really important right now. As well, I'm not sure how someone becomes a noble in a city filled with brigands and pirates, but again, that's not part of the story. The short version is that the master of the house had just turned back toward me to ask how a 'house cat' like Zriorica here got so big, and how I managed to imitate the pattern of a fire pelt so well. The problem was that he turned just in time to see my cousin Alika heading out the door with the Thassilonian artifact that he'd been so proud of. After that there was a long moment when he and I exchanged awkward glances, before Zriorica and I bolted.

Alika left a duplicate in place when she took the real thing, but I don't think he would have believed it anymore. We all met up back at the wagons outside of town and got out of there before the hired thugs that town calls guards were any the wiser. Grandad said that the noble would likely put out a bounty on groups of Varisians, so we all decided to split up until some time passed. I have some friends that I heard were headed for Sandpoint, and it seemed like a quiet enough place to lay low, so here I am.

As for my preferred kind of trouble to get into, I would have to say a mystery is a great deal of fun, simply because there is nothing quite like the satisfaction of being right, or maybe joy of discovery, if you prefer.

Wow, I think I just channeled a more chatty version of Peter Rumancek there, but that seems fairly appropriate, considering what this character is.

Edit: Oh I hope so much that Neroniuz and Bora both get picked. A paladin of the god of law, order and good business in the same group as a proud thief? That is just too good for words.

Sethran, I think the race and class entries only show up on your posts in IC threads, so that's probably why you are having trouble with that.

Tricks learned: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Tricks known
Attack (bonus)

All tricks are tied to spoken nonsense words that sound vaguely similar to Varisian, though they don't sound anything like the Varisian word for that command.

I thought about making her last trick be entertain, since it would be a good way to get Zriorica past town guards, and the idea of the Szarni affiliated sorcerer conning his way past the city gates with his 'trained performance animal' seemed really cool. The only problem with that plan was that I can't put points into Perform without increasing her intelligence, and even then, with a charisma of 6, it would be a long time before that roll had much chance of success.

Either way, it will probably be a trick that Neroniuz teaches her at some point, if for no other reason that the fact that seeing a mountain lion with a fur pattern reminiscent of fire doing tricks is awesome, even if said mountain lion isn't very good at them. Especially since Neroniuz could mock hecklers by saying, 'Yeah, she may not be very good at dancing, but would you like to see something she's better at? Zriorica, hunt.'

In addition, I realized that I left some things off of the sheet for the AC. Here is what I forgot.

Weapon Finesse

CMB +1
CMD 16

Hp: 9

Updated info:

Full Name: Neroniuz Sar
Race: Human
Class: Sylvan Blooded Sorcerer
Gender: male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Sivanah
Location: Sandpoint
Languages: Common, Varisian, Fey, Shoanti
Occupation: scholar

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

neroniuz was born in Korvosa, but never really fit in. His father was a minister sent by the Chelaxian government to represent their interests, his mother was a native Varisian. His father was a wizard, an infernal pactmaster, and was increasingly disappointed when his son showed no interest or talent in the family business. Instead, neroniuz preferred to spend his time outside, as far from civilization as he could get, which surely pleased his mother.

When he turned sixteen, neroniuz found that he could call a fire pelt to him, and that the animal would obey his commands. He began to regard the animal as a pet, and then a friend. Shortly afterward, neroniuz began to display the ability to cast spells that his father had tried for weeks to teach him. The man was elated at first, until he showed equal mastery of a spell that he'd never been taught. neroniuz's father immediately decided (correctly) that his son was a sorcery, and returned to Cheliax immediately, calling his wife a whore and mother of monsters as he left. neroniuz never saw his father again, to his delight. Without her husband to hold her down, neroniuz's mother returned to her family in the Sczarni.

Nero (pronounced closer to narrow than a certain, infamous emperor), as he is commonly called, quickly decided that admitting that he is a sorcerer was a losing strategy, and so allows others to believe that he is a druid. In truth, he enjoys the deception, as it allows him to act in way s he knows wouldn't be tolerated otherwise.

His mother's family are about the only people he's known who fully accept him, so much so that they gave him a kapenia when he reached adulthood, and he wears it proudly, considering himself a Varisian more than anything else. His family engages In all sorts of activities, from the criminal Sczarni to the accomplished bards, like his mother, and neroniuz there is no group or idea that he feels more loyal to.

Combat stats:
Perception +5 (Zriorica)
Initiative +4

-Fortitude +1
-Reflex +2
-Will +2

AC/Flatfoot AC 13/11
Touch AC 12

CMB +0
CMD 12

Hit Points: 10

BAB +0
To hit: +2
Speed: 30


6 skill points per level

Bluff +8 (1 rank +3 in class +4 cha)
Handle Animal +5 (1 rank +4 cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (1 rank +3 in class +2 int)
Knowledge (Local) +7 (1 rank +3 in class +2 int +1 Family Ties)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank + 3 in class +2 int)
Use Magic Device +8 (1 rank + 3 in class +4 cha)

Feats and Traits:

Reactionary: +2 to Initiative

Race Abilities:
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill

Class Abilities:
Bloodline Power: Animal Companion at sorcerer level -3
Eschew Materials

Boon Companion: +4 to animal companion level, to a maximum of druid level (sorcerer level)


Level 0 (4 per day)
Known: Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Light, Daze

Level 1 (3 per day)
Known: Color Spray, Silent Image, Mount

Animal Companion:

Fire Pelt: Zriorica (uses the stats of a leopard)
Level 1 HD 2
Initiative +5

Str: 12 Dex: 21 Con: 13 Int: 2 Wis: 12 Cha: 6

Size: Small
Speed: 50ft

BAB +1
CMB: +1
CMD: 16

Fort: +3
Ref: +3
Will: +0

HP: 9
AC/Touch: 16/16
Flat-footed: 11

Bite 1d4
2 claws (1d2)

Attack (bonus)


low light vision

2 per level:

Acrobatics +9 (1 rank, +3 in class +5 dex)
Perception +5 (1 rank, +3 in class +1 wis)


Link: handle animal as free action, or push it as move action
Share Spells: can cast on AC any spell that could target you


light crossbow 35gp 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft 4lbs P


Armored Kilt 20gp +1AC +6Dex 0ACP 30ft 10lbs

95 gp

I tend to wait to make an alias until I've been picked, so there's that.

Aside from that, does an Animal companion only start with the one bonus trick, or can I decide on some others?

As for my experience, I haven't played Pathfinder but for PBP, and I have been in a ROTR game before, but it went off the rails during the first goblin attack. Sadly, I haven't played in many games that have gotten much further than that.

Full Name: Neroniuz Sar
Race: Human
Class: Sylvan Blooded Sorcerer
Gender: male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Sivanah
Location: Sandpoint
Languages: Common, Varisian, Fey, Shoanti
Occupation: scholar

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

neroniuz was born in Korvosa, but never really fit in. His father was a minister sent by the Chelaxian government to represent their interests, his mother was a native Varisian. His father was a wizard, an infernal pactmaster, and was increasingly disappointed when his son showed no interest or talent in the family business. Instead, neroniuz preferred to spend his time outside, as far from civilization as he could get, which surely pleased his mother.

When he turned sixteen, neroniuz found that he could call a fire pelt to him, and that the animal would obey his commands. He began to regard the animal as a pet, and then a friend. Shortly afterward, neroniuz began to display the ability to cast spells that his father had tried for weeks to teach him. The man was elated at first, until he showed equal mastery of a spell that he'd never been taught. neroniuz's father immediately decided (correctly) that his son was a sorcery, and returned to Cheliax immediately, calling his wife a whore and mother of monsters as he left. neroniuz never saw his father again, to his delight. Without her husband to hold her down, neroniuz's mother returned to her family in the Sczarni.

Nero (pronounced closer to narrow than a certain, infamous emperor), as he is commonly called, quickly decided that admitting that he is a sorcerer was a losing strategy, and so allows others to believe that he is a druid. In truth, he enjoys the deception, as it allows him to act in way s he knows wouldn't be tolerated otherwise.

His mother's family are about the only people he's known who fully accept him, so much so that they gave him a kapenia when he reached adulthood, and he wears it proudly, considering himself a Varisian more than anything else. His family engages In all sorts of activities, from the criminal Sczarni to the accomplished bards, like his mother, and neroniuz there is no group or idea that he feels more loyal to.

Combat stats:
Perception +5 (Zriorica)
Initiative +4

-Fortitude +1
-Reflex +2
-Will +2

AC/Flatfoot AC 13/11
Touch AC 12

CMB +0
CMD 12

Hit Points: 10

BAB +0
To hit: +2
Speed: 30


6 skill points per level

Bluff +8 (1 rank +3 in class +4 cha)
Handle Animal +5 (1 rank +4 cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (1 rank +3 in class +2 int)
Knowledge (Local) +7 (1 rank +3 in class +2 int +1 Family Ties)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank + 3 in class +2 int)
Use Magic Device +8 (1 rank + 3 in class +4 cha)

Feats and Traits:

Reactionary: +2 to Initiative

Race Abilities:
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill

Class Abilities:
Bloodline Power: Animal Companion at sorcerer level -3
Eschew Materials

Boon Companion: +4 to animal companion level, to a maximum of druid level (sorcerer level)


Level 0 (4 per day)
Known: Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Light, Daze

Level 1 (3 per day)
Known: Color Spray, Silent Image, Mount

Animal Companion:

Fire Pelt: Zriorica (uses the stats of a leopard)
Level 1 HD 2

Str: 12 Dex: 21 Con: 13 Int: 2 Wis: 12 Cha: 6

Size: Small
Speed: 50ft

BAB +1
Fort: +3
Ref: +3
Will: +0

AC/Touch: 16/16
Flat-footed: 11

Bite 1d4
2 claws (1d2)

Attack (bonus)

low light vision

2 per level:

Acrobatics +9 (1 rank, +3 in class +5 dex)
Perception +5 (1 rank, +3 in class +1 wis)

Link: handle animal as free action, or push it as move action
Share Spells: can cast on AC any spell that could target you


light crossbow 35gp 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft 4lbs P


Armored Kilt 20gp +1AC +6Dex 0ACP 30ft 10lbs

95 gp

dunebugg wrote:
You say that you were sentenced to Life in Talingarde prison - even though the players guide, all the traits, and everything else, says you are sentenced to death.

Not all of them. Extortion, forgery, fraud and high theft all have a sentance of 'life of hard labor in the salt mines.' The first book says that the guards will execute the whole party regardless of their sentance, though.

Of course, Cyx's crime is sedition, which does carry a sentance of death, so your point stands.

As for advice to give, I will say that it is my experience, and apparently others as well, that it is not a common thing for a premade character to get picked, especially if you point out that it is a premade character. I think I've only ever had one premade character picked for for a game here, and that was because they were looking for something specific that that character happened to be. That is why I am very hesitant to make an alias for a character before the game has started.

I like the new buttons too, for the phone related comments earlier except that I'm using a tablet.

I don't mind if you start without me. I will be home around four or so, and will be able to finish up then, I don't have much left.

That's fine, I kinda like that idea, actually. I thought about doing that myself, except that I wasn't sure I could make it plausible that it happened and he got out alive.

This is what I have for the moment, I'll be working on his sheet later on, but his gifts starting out will be Gibbous Moon, Inspiration, and either Evasion, Weather, or City out of Lore of the Forsaken. He will be designed so that he has a decent dicepool for each of those, and he may have some level of Fighting Style: MAC out of Dogs of War, assuming that is acceptable.

James Hawthorne:
James Hawthorne would have gone far in the Marine Corps, if not for his near psychotic break in Afghanistan.

James always wanted to be a Marine for a number of reasons, movies being one. Another reason was the escape from home that it offered him. Life wasn't bad growing up, James will be the first to admit that compared to some folks, he was lucky, but it wasn't great either. He had a fine relationship with his mother, and he and his brother were like, well, brothers. His mother raised the two of them mostly by herself, and he would have preferred to have never seen his father at all.

When James's father was around, he was loud, angry and presumably drunk, though it wasn't that big of a deal becasue of how rarely he was around. He was also frequently accompanied by a combination of four other guys, who James's mom took to calling 'the mob' with a reference to the pitchfork and torch wielding variety, as opposed to organized crime. In an exchange that would later explain a great deal (and infuriate Hawthorne in the process), James once heard a member of the mob refer to his father as "Cold Chill" as though that was his name. Both of them looked embarrased afterward, and it was never brought up again. James never asked about it, preferring to avoid contact with his father, rather than risk his wrath.

In high school, he was involved in student government, showing a talent for leadership. After high school, he continued to show leadership, and was given some measure of authority over his fellow recruits. Before long, he decided that he wanted to become an officer, and so started taking classes when he got the chance. It wasn't long after he got a degree and submitted the paperwork, he was given a tour in Afghanistan. The First Change began shortly before he was to return, and took place over the course of several months.

First, it was little things. Here, a peculier feeling that led to his squadmate pausing, and only being injured rather than killed by the bomb that detonated a moment later, or being able to finish sentances for other people without being able to explain why. From there it progressed to a growing sense of distraction, staring at things that weren't there and so on. By the end, he had started talking about 'the great wolf', and predicted the death of three of his squadmates before he was reported to the medical board. As a favor to his future career choices, and because he'd had a spotless record prior to that, James was given a medical discharge.

He was discharged and made it back home before his first transformation. As near as he could tell, he ran as far as he could, and then started howling at the moon on the edge of Seattle. His first site as a werewolf was a battle between the pack he would come to join and a pack of Ivory Claws, both of which had responded to his howls. The two fought, and eventually the Ivory Claws were driven back, and James was collected and taken away. After learning the names of his new packmates, James immediately realized all there was to know about his father. The two have since met, as Uratha, and though James has gained a great deal of understanding and respect for the old man, he still doesn't particularly like his father.

Since his departure from the Marine Corps, James has been working for as a bartender for a club in Portland, while he decides what else to do, now that he has almost completed a now useless degree in Military History. He visits his mom from time to time, though the task is difficult given that she lives on the edge of Pure Territory.

The Pack:
Rock catcher (Storm Lord Rahu)- so named by 10 stories, for a time that he caught a large boulder that was thrown off a mountain that threatened to crush a bus full of children/nuns/hot women/hot nuns

10 stories (Iron Master Cahalith)- supposedly refers to a story in which he was fighting with a claimed, and either went out a window or off a cliff and fell ten stories while grappling with the beast. The story goes that two went over the edge, and one walked away. An alternate explanation is that he has ten different stories to explain how he aquired a prominent scar

Jackie the Boatman or less affectionately: Jackie the Necro (Itheur Bone Shadow)- named for his affinity for ghosts and his skill in dealing with them, it should be mentioned that no one aside from ten stories and Rock Catcher could get away with calling him Jackie the Necro, though Rock Catcher has never done it.

Shadowless Pete (Ghost Wolf Irraka)- Tried for Storm Lords but didn't make it, his initiation was fear of the dark, which included running a gauntlet through the shadow blindfolded. He reached the destination with his blindfold removed but his eyes shut tight. He claims that he never opened his eyes, and Rock Catcher believes him, even if Skolis didn't accept him. Got the nickname 'shadowless' because he tries to avoid trips to the Hisil where it can be avoided, and because he's darned sneaky.

I haven't decided on Totem Spirit or a name for the pack he joined, and I haven't come up with anything about his father's pack, aside from the fact that he calls them 'the mob' but that isn't their name.

Developing. I'm going to come up with stats first, because I've found that a backstory comes easier when you know what the character will do. I'm thinking he'll be something of a squad leader/social dealings sort, with Gibbous Moon gifts for certain.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Could make it a feat…

Dual Worshipper
Your character worships two deities equally. The deities chosen must be no more than one step away from your alignment.
Requirements: Character level 1st
Benefit: When selecting a domain, you may choose from any domain offered by either deity you worship.

Obviously only of benefit to clerics, and quite underpowered as written. Thoughts?

You can already do that, as a cleric devoted to an ideal. There is zero in the the mechanics or the fluff that says you can't call out the gods that represent the ideal your character is devoted to. Suppose you choose Fire and Law as your domain and you are good, there is nothing saying that you can't brand yourself as being divinely inspired by both Iomedae and Sarenrae.

Also, my favorite change between Apocalypse and Forsaken is the downplaying of the green aesop, so that glorifying ecoterrorism isn't a major part of the game anymore. Also, the tribe pulling for the extinction of the human race is now correctly identified as among the villains.

Anyway, so far I'm thinking of a character that is a college student, probably recently left the military.

When get home I'll look through my books for inspiration, but I can guarantee I'll have a character by Monday.

All right, then I'm calling the Storm Lord Cahalith. As for playing out the first change or not, I don't have an opinion.

I've always liked playing Irraka and Cahalith, especially the latter. Tribe is too dependant on what character I come up with to call, but I really like Bone Shadows and Hunters in Darkness.

If I had to call it now, I'd probably offer up an Irraka HiD or a Cahalith Storm Lord, because those are two characters that I really liked.

I have a thing for the greataxe, myself. Though I will admit that the greatsword will consistently do more damage.

I would like to note that I am interested as hell.

Sorry to say, I think I'm going to have to withdraw. School is starting to dogpile, and I don't think it will get any better until after finals.

I believe this is all in order. I'm not sure about some of it though, if there are any mistakes, let me know. Also, I don't know what I'l ldo for an avatar, I imagine him being not humanoid at all, but looking somewhat more like the cybran mantis from Supreme Commander. I may change my mind, though.

Full Name: FAMAS G2 003
Race: Aballonian
Class: Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Gender: male
Size: medium
Age: ?
Alignment: TN
Deity: -
Location: Quotient
Occupation: Mercenary

Strength 13
Dexterity 18 (+2 stat)
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10 (-2 stat)
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

FAMAS G2 003 was designed and built as one of the first of his model in a factory operated by Those Who Wait, with the intention that he and the rest of his generation would stand guard over a newly found city of the First Ones. His generation was taught of the First Ones during the process of their creation. They were taught that they had been designed as the perfect guardians, and that theirs was an awesome duty.

For several years, FAMAS 003 and his brothers watched over the dead city, turning away those adventurers that they could, destroying those who would not be dissuaded. After some time, FAMAS began to wonder why these fools would make their pilgrimages, only to meet with ignoble end. A seed of wonder was planted within him, that would eventually lead to him and his brothers being turned from their task. After a time, one of the FAMAS G2s began detecting a signal coming from inside the city. After a long debate, it was decided that one among their ranks would be sent into the city to investigate, but would be exiled on pain of death should he return, in keeping with their teachings from Those Who Wait.

While their brother looked around inside the city, the FAMAS models kept their vigil, to the point where, as promised, they turned their guns on FAMAS G2 023 when he returned to them. He was destroyed, but not before he relayed enough of what he'd learned that the rest of his generation were willing to openly question the philosophy of Those Who Wait. More scouts were sent into the city, and were allowed to return to tell of what they'd learned. FAMAS 003 himself learned of The Epoch, a machine god that must surely be the culmination of what the First Ones had created on Aballon. The entire generation knew that Those Who Wait would destroy them if they learned of this, and they knew that, as simple guardians, they were not up to the task of teaching about the Epoch themselves, so they agreed to scatter across Aballon, seeking out a prophet that they could offer their services to, as guardians, protectors and soldiers. FAMAS G2 003 has searched long and far, and his travels have recently brought him to Quotient, and possibly the Lyracist.

Combat stats:
Perception +6
Initiative +4

-Fortitude +2
-Reflex +6
-Will +2

AC/Flatfoot AC 17/13
Touch AC 14

CMB +2
CMD 16

Hit Points: 30

BAB +1
Speed: 30'


4 skill points per level

Acrobatics +7 (+4 dex, + 1 rank, + 3 class, -1 ACP)
Craft (Alchemy) +4 (+1 rank, + 3 class)
Perception +6 (+1 rank, +2 wis, +3 class)
Survival +6 (+1 rank, +2 wis, +3 class)

Feats and Traits:

Race Abilities:
Shortwave Communication (100' range)
Sunlight Dependant: sickened in areas of darkness
Lowlight Vision (60')

Class Abilities:

Rapid Reload (musket): reloading a two handed firearm becomes a standard action instead of full round
Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus to hit and damage within 30 feet


Grit 2/2

Deadeye: take -2 penalty and spend grit to target touch ac beyond the normal range
Steady Aim: use move action to increase accuracy of a two handed firearm, increasing its range increment by 10 feet.
Quick Clear: as standard action, remove broken condition from a single currently wielded firearm if the condition is caused by misfire. Alternately, spend 1 grit to do so as a move action.


Musket 1500 1d12 X4 40ft misfire 1-2(5 ft) capacity 1 9lbs B&P


Studded Leather 25gp +3 +5 -1 30ft 20lbs


Gunsmith's Kit 15gp 2lbs

Since Rovagug has been brought up, I submit this for your consideration: Rovagug is an outer God. That's why the locals all had to join together to seal him away. It's also why the outer gods don't care, sure he's a threat to each of them, but not more than any other outer god.

Talk amongst yourselves.

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