The Prison: Intrigue of the Empire

Game Master Tie My Shöelace

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"We're almost to the gate, sir. How are the prisoners doing back there? It'll be just a few more moments to the accouterments and weapons station."

The voice echos through the dim windowless carriage as Agent Francis glares at the convicts enclosed with him. His gaze lingering on a short little gnome caressing a broken arm and a unusually hair man for longer than the rest.

"Alright now listen up, as I said before, I don't care about a damn thing you say, whether you did it or not. The Jury found you guilty and gave you your sentence. I got my list right here so there won't be no funny business about how you got jipped on anything. Now when we stop you all are gonna stay right here, no funny business or you'll end up like the little dumbass over there with the arm."

The carriage rumbles to a stop and a small elf enters the carriage from behind Agent Francis, "Berenbur Zookwinkle, come with me."

The gnome clumsily gets up and whispers a curse under his breath as he passes Agent Francis. "Same to you buddy."

A few minutes later the woman returns, "Alright next is..."

The Prison
Intrigue of the Empire

Hello and Welcome friends to The Prison.
In this adventure, your characters have been convicted for various crimes against the Empire or broken laws laid out by the Sovereign. In The Prison you will be fighting for survival and possibly making an escape back into the world above for vengeance. Your faith and reason for living may be tested but those who make it will only be stronger.

Before we get into the details of the campaign, I would like to lay out my expectations. In The Prison you have the chance to play an unusual sort of character. You will play as a group of convicts sent to The Prison -- someone who will take this new and challenging experience and turn it into wisdom and strength and possibly be the ruler of the underworld or the savior of those wronged above.

Any alignment falls into play, even lawful good, because the Empire is not a wholly lawful society and often gets rid of those in their way. This does not mean that your alignment gives you the right to make this into a free for all. As a matter of fact this will likely test your alignment and those who do not wish to cooperate with eachother will find themselves drowning very quickly. Those free for all campaigns exist elsewhere and if they are what you are looking for, perhaps you are in the wrong place. This is a campaign about surviving and succeeding in hidden desires. Someone mentioned a fantastic way to represent this type of campaign, remember the movie Alien well that is definitely a great way to describe the feeling your characters will have in the setting. I am looking for characters with interesting backstories, who would mesh well together. Good luck getting your "Ultra evil torture everything for fun" character into this campaign. Characters should be three-dimensional with personality, desires, and flaws. Disagreement between characters should be a natural occurrence based on strongly-held beliefs and philosophies, although they shouldn't derail the game.

For the ever important mechanics, Characters will start at level 2 to give your back story a little more umph, NPC classes are acceptable and slightly encouraged for your first level since it makes a bit more sense story wise. Characters will start with a 17 point-buy. But why such an odd number you ask? Read on and you'll see why. I strongly disfavor stat dumps without appropriate story justification. And if you do have dump stats, expect there to be consequences for them. One trait generic trait is allowed. All classes and archetypes published in Paizo books are allowed, I will also allow the psionic classes (but not races). All races found in the Advanced Race Guide are allowed. Also all characters will start with half (rounded up) their starting skill points per level. WHAT! GM you are so mean. Yes, but I haven't told you why yet, keep reading. These stats are the minimum that your character will start with. Once you have your character and back story written we will then go back and adjust your mechanics up to (could still be less) a 25ish point-buy, two traits, a bonus feat, and max skill points +2. This is to encourage you to write a full back story and incentives you to fill out your character so she can be the best she can be.

Here is a player's guide for you to get acquainted with the setting a little more and help flesh out your character. I strongly urge you to create NPCs and Organizations and Cities that interest you since I will be pulling from those to immerse you into this game. A great example of that is Trusk Warchild created by Unruly.

Here is the players guide on the forum for those that cannot access google documents. I warn you though this is not formatted for the forum and therefore is messy.

Unformatted Player's Guide:

This campaign is firstly a survival campaign emphasizing the lack of resources on the party. There is also the limiting factor of magic. There are magical deadzones and places called twisters which warp magic in unpredictable ways.
Players are thrown into The Prison for committing a crime against the Empire, very little is known as fact to the common person about The Prison though there are several rumors about the place but cannot really be confirmed.
There will likely be a lot of downtime for the party as they travel about trying to initially survive, and gather resources to survive the upcoming Flood. Which means lots of opportunities for crafting and community building.
Eventually they can settle in a town and start building their own kingdom, or they can try to find a way to escape back to the surface for some ulterior motive.
The Surface Empire
The Human Empire first came to power 600 years ago and has since expanded to cover most of the main continent, slowly assimilating all in their way. They were harsh and strict showing high favoritism to the higher races, and treating the lower races as slaves. Many races are now extinct from genocide on the main continent because of Human greed for power. However the last two Sovreaigns, Chaundler and Eigen has shifted away from that bloodlust. They realize in order to expand their territory further off the main land into the world beyond they will need the help of the other races.
About 150 years ago, Chaundler made the move towards a fauxdemocracy where races are “equal” and those who committed crimes were given a trial by their peers. These trials were often rigged with threats and bribes, clearly innocent people being executed and murderers getting off free with many questions asked.
About 80 years ago at the end of Chaundlers life, the Empire discovered a magic portal leading to a HUGE underground cavern. The first initial explorers where not heard from and they assumed it to be a one way portal, so they sent in a top military group consisting of several very experienced magic users and fighters. Though they were able to communicate with this group some, the magic was very distorted and eventually after a few years of not figuring a way out the portal was “converted” into a prison.
This allowed an easy way to deal with criminals and members of society who were useless and unproductive. Since the cost of keeping them was the transport to the portal. About 50 years ago there was a revolt with how many people were being convicted and basically given a death sentence even though they were “guilty” of minor “crimes.” In response to this Sovereign Eigen implemented different types of sentencing with varying levels of equipment people would be given to survive.
The Empire has a strong hold on the justice system and can swing any case in their favor. They tend not to get involved in minor squabbles between the common people. These cases not of interest to the Sovereign are done by legitimate trial by peers with little sway on either side.
People that have committed minor misdemeanors such as a bar fights, public drunkenness, involuntary property damage are sent to a local Reformatory. Here they are put into a bare cell and fed awful food for a certain amount of time relating to their crime. Once they have served time they are then released back into society. (Basically like a normal penitentiary)
Level 1 Conviction
People that have been sentenced to Reformatory multiple times without showing any signs of becoming a productive member of society are given this sentence. People who are medical hazards are also given this sentencing.
Given a survival kit and allowed to take in whatever they own up to 200g
Level 2 Conviction
People who have caused a decent damage to private or public property accidentally are given this sentence. This could be from an over the top barfight, or an accidental home laboratory fire that spread to others houses. This level also includes those who have stolen. This can be as minor as stealing a piece for food from a bazaar vendor as long as there is proof to convict. Other ways of earning this level of conviction is through public slander of the Empire. This is relatively easy to prove and only requires an employee of the Empire and two other witnesses (which can also be employees) to put their word forth. This can also be disproved by the same method.
Given a survival kit; choice of leather, studded leather, Lamellar cuirass, hide, scale mail, Four-mirror armor; choice of any simple or martial weapon under 40g, Choice of Limited spell component pouch or Light wooden shield
Level 3 Conviction
People who have cause purposeful large destruction of somebodies property such as arson, or intentionally destroying a vendor stall are sentenced here. Large scale stealing and stealing form the Empire also falls under this level. Lastly conspiring against the Empire, e.g. hiding a fugitive, trading with known terrorists will earn a person this sentence.
Given Survival kit; choice of leather, FRAGILE studded leather, Lamellar cuirass, hide, FRAGILE scale mail, FRAGILE Four-mirror armor; choice of any simple or martial weapon under 20g or choice of any simple or martial FRAGILE weapon under 40g, Choice of Limited spell component pouch or Light wooden shield
Level 4 Conviction
Those convicted of murder and those convicted of terrorism are under this category. Terrorism includes fighting against the Empire, sabotaging Imperial equipment, slowing Empire expansion among other things.
Given Lesser Survival Kit; Choice of Leather, FRAGILE studded leather, or hide armor; Choice of simple or martial weapon under 15g or choice of simple or martial EXTRA FRAGILE weapon under 30g.
Level 5 Conviction
This is the highest state and only given to serial/mass murders, those who commit treason (e.g. giving out secrets, betraying the Empire) and murdering an Imperial agent.
Given a water skin and 2 days’ worth of rations

Survival Kit (*included in Lesser)
Building tools (Hammer, Saw, Nails, ect.)
Candle X3
Flint and Steel*
Oil 1lb
Rations x5*
Rope 30ft*
Rope 20ft
Signal Whistle
Tindertwig x3
Tindertwig x2*
Torch x3*
Torch x2
Twine 50ft
Utility Knife*
Wandermeal (10 meals)*

(Extra) Fragile Weapons and Armor
Any time you confirm a critical failure with a fragile weapon it gains the broken condition. Extra fragile weapons are broken on a single natural 1. Fragile armor is broken whenever someone confirms a critical hit, however you only take normal damage for that hit (Exceptions apply).
Limited Spell Component Pouch
Any time a spell is cast with with a nonpriced spell component pouch there is a 10% chance the component is missing (this can be checked for before spells are prepared). From then on that spell component is permanently missing until replaced. For every two times the spell is cast the percent increases by 5%
This is open to you. You can pretty much create any organization you want for your backstory. They will probably get tied into the game at some point. Create your character into something that you would love to play through and it could very well happen.

Important NPCs
Sovereign Eigan: Eigan began her reign about 50 years ago and her life looks to be coming to an end. She is human and about 90 years of age, though she looks more like someone in their 70s, which doesn’t say much since that is still very old.
Agent Francis: He oversees all prisoner transportation. He is a relatively nice guy and usually tries to have a conversation on the ride with the convicts. He also oversees the equipment partitions before the convicts are throw in making sure everyone has what they want as best he can, though is strictly follows the customs of each level. However, Francis is not a person to be tested, he is not afraid of giving a few injuries to those who get out of line, even going so far as to break a few bones if necessary.

OTHERS: Make your own NPCs that may make an appearance later on. They may have gone down into the prison before you, or are coming after, or even be awaiting your return from below. Help me tell you a story you want to hear and be involved in, the more you want to interact with the people surrounding your character the more attached you become and the better story I can tell.

The Realm Below
The Rumors: Every few years there is a flood where horrors come in great numbers to feast upon the convicted. To date no one is known to have escaped. Magic functions strangely or doesn’t work at all under the ground which is why it is so hard to get information to the surface and making it impossible to escape. The Prison was created by Sovereign Chaundler as an easy solution to getting rid of all who opposed him.
The facts: Magic to the surface is heavily distorted, the only magic know to work reliably are sending type spells. This has been the only way to communicate to people of the surface and then it isn’t reliable due to only pieces being coherent to the receiver. There is native fauna and plant life below, how it got there is up for debate. There is a supply of water down below, again its origins are highly debated, There are light sources from bioluminescent mushrooms that grown in abundance in certain areas of the cave.
Resources: Certain resources don’t exist down below and people have used substitutes to good effect, while some have no known substitutes. Other resources are rare and thus much more expensive, while some are even more bountiful than the surface. This also includes spell components and other expendable resources for classes.
Magic: Arcane magic uses magical currents that flows around the world, the cavern below the surface is sometimes outside the normal flow of magic causing deadzones, other times magic gets twisted up into a highly concentrated area, and magical effects can get very distorted. Divine magic is a direct connection to the gods above who are granting some of their power. However, the connection to the gods is much weaker down below for some reason and sometimes the gods don’t respond to their followers, other times you may get the wrong god granting you power through some strange mistake or misunderstanding.

Humans only came into power in the last 600 years on CONTINENT. Extremely power hungry and hostile Humans have taken land from the other civilized races to create large cities and fertile farms. Only recently however have then be a lot more tolerant and even accepting of other races. Under Sovereign Eigen Human rule has expanded faster than her previous five Sovereigns, mostly due to her policies dealing with nonHumans.
Humans are the most populous civilized race in the region. In The Prison there are relatively less of them compared to monstrous races, though they still are the most populous.
Elves used to rule the land before the Humans started taking everything over. They have an innate dislike of Humans but have relented to the fact that Humans aren’t leaving anytime soon. Since Sovereign Eigen’s new policies have come into effect more and more elves are moving into the city to take advantage of the comfortable living arrangements and to avoid undue prosecution of being a drain on society.
Elves are also not as long lived as in standard fantasy, living only slightly longer than Humans, with an average lifespan of 100 years. Their children mature at the same rate as Humans as well.
Gnomes and Halflings
Prior to the Human era of history these races were nomadic and excelled at trading. Even before Sovereign Eigen came to power they had already integrated into Human society as politicians and traders. These two races have integrated so seamlessly that interracial marriages are not uncommon.
Dwarves and Humans have a cordial relationship. Prior to Sovereign Eigen’s rule were hired to help build cities or undertake other massive construction projects in Human cities, and then were returned to their homes and not welcomed to live in what they built. Recently Sovereign Eigen has actually been encouraging Dwarves to settle in the cities to help make better weapons and stronger buildings.
Half-Orcs and Half-Elves
With Humans expanding their territory at such a fast rate interracial breeding was a non-question. At first they were considered dirty and given all the bad jobs around the city. Now it is not uncommon to find forth and sometimes even fifth generation half breeds in the city, even in prominent positions.
Aasimars and Tieflings
Tieflings are mostly found in the noble houses whereas Aasimars are usually found in middle class families, though a few can be found in prominent positions in the hierarchy. Seeing Tieflings populating so many noble houses has spurned unspoken rumors among the other races that the reason Humans have come into power so quickly is due to pacts with powerful fiends long ago.
Tieflings are more common than Aasimars on the surface, though nearly equal in number in The Prison, due to Aasimars having an obscenely high conviction rate compared to any other race.
Catfolk, Ratfolk and Other Civilized Races
The less common civilized races have been assimilated in Human society as they expanded. Though they are not unwelcome, the other races have not mixed in with society and often keep to the selves working and staying out of trouble. Each having their own little distinct district in the major cities.
Orcs, Goblins and Other ‘Noncivilized’ Races
Originally conquered as slaves and used as such for nearly 500 years, they have been freed under Sovereign Eigen. Though most still work for coppers a week, several of the smarter ones have successfully started their own businesses. They still face an uphill battle for identity and are usually grouped all grouped as Laborers by most Humans regardless of their actual race.
There are a very few shifters in the world, they are not natural and are experiments of the Empire within the last 50 years. Generally keeping their secrets to themselves after the Empire has abandoned them, there are few cases known to the public. Those that are known have already been killed, mistaken for lycanthropes.
Humanoid Type (Shapechanger Subtype)
Medium Size
Base Speed: 30'
Attribute Modifications: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 to Cha
+2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Climb.
Low-Light Vision
Shifting (Su): A shifter can tap into her lycanthropic heritage to gain short bursts of power.
At character creation, a shifter chooses one of the following traits. Once chosen, this trait cannot be changed. Natural attacks while shifting qualifies as a natural attack for prerequisites, as does special powers or movement rates, even though they are not always available. However, the benefit to attributes does not count for such prerequisites. If a feat requires a Strength of 13, you must have a Strength of 13, without shifting, to qualify.
Beasthide: +2 racial bonus to Constitution and +2 natural armor bonus to AC.
Cliffwalk: +2 racial bonus to Dexterity and gains a Climb speed of 20'.
Dreamsight: +2 racial bonus to Wisdom and affected by the Speak with Animals spell. Shifters with this trait also gains +2 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks even when not shifting.
Gorebrute: +2 racial bonus to Strength and gains a natural attack (gore) for 1d6 (bludgeoning).
Longstride: +2 racial bonus to Dexterity, are always considered to have a running start when jump while shifted, and a +10' racial bonus to your land speed.
Longtooth: +2 racial bonus to Strength and gains a natural attack (bite) for 1d6 (piercing).
Razorclaw: +2 racial bonus to Strength and gains two natural attacks (claws) for 1d4 (slashing). These claw attacks always involve the hands and thus cannot be used anytime the hands cannot be used.
Swiftwing: +2 racial bonus to Dexterity and gains a fly speed of 30' (clumsy). This fly speed is provided by the arms and hands transforming into wings, which means anything that is held or wielded is automatically dropped. Likewise, the shifter cannot take actions that involve her hands, including attacks.
Truedive: +2 racial bonus to Constitution and a swim speed of 30'. Shifters with this trait also can hold breath for 4x Constitution score even when not shifting.
Wildhunt: +2 racial bonus to Constitution and the scent ability. Shifters with this trait also gain +2 racial bonus to Survival even when not shifting.
Winterhide: +2 racial bonus to Constitution, a +1 natural armor bonus to AC and cold resistance 5. Shifters with this trait also gain a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves to resist environmental effects of extreme cold.

Natural attacks while shifting qualifies as a natural attack for prerequisites, as does special powers or movement rates, even though they are not always available. However, the benefit to attributes does not count for such prerequisites. If a feat requires a Strength of 13, you must have a Strength of 13, without shifting, to qualify.

Shifting can be activated once per day as a free action that does not provoke and lasts for a number of rounds equal to 2+the shifter's Con modifier (After Shifting). It can be ended prematurely as a free action and is automatically ended anytime the shifter goes unconscious or dies.

Shifter Feats (Many monster feats listed can be taken by shifters and count as a Shifter Feat)
For each Shifter Feat taken by a shifter, add 1 round to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
For every two Shifter Feats taken, add 1 to the number of times you can shift per day.
Shifters must still qualify for these feats normally.

Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc and Sylvan
Favored Class Options:
Barbarian: Add +1 to the barbarian's total number of rage rounds per day.
Druid: Add +1/4 to the druid's total number of Wild Shape per day.
Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting reposition or trip.
Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger's animal companion. If the ranger ever replaces his animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.
Rogue: Add +1/5 of a new rogue talent.
Witch: Add +1/6 of a new witch hex.
Adulthood: 20 years
Intuitive: +1d6/Self-Taught: +1d8/Trained: +2d8
Middle Age: 40/Old: 60/Venerable: 80
Base Height & Weight:
Height: 4' 7" (male) or 4' 5" (female)
Weight: 100 lbs (male) or 85 (female)
Modifier: 2d8 / Weight Modifier: x7
Shifter Feats
Shifter feats are only available to shifters and often only to those with the appropriate shifter trait. Almost all of the shifter feats also add rounds to the duration a shifter's shifting ability. These additional rounds stack.

Beasthide Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Beasthide shifter trait
Benefit: The natural armor bonus provided by the Beasthide shifter trait increases to a total of +4.
Cliffwalk Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Cliffwalk shifter trait
Benefit: The climb speed provided by the Cliffwalk shifter trait increases by another +10'.
Dreamsight Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Dreamsight shifter trait
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +5 racial bonus to Perception and can see invisible creatures and objects as if you under the effect of the See Invisibility spell. This is considered part of your shifting and cannot be dispelled or suppressed unless your entire shifting is dispelled or suppressed.
Extended Shifting [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, at least 1 other Shifter feat
Benefit: Add 3 rounds to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Special: This feat can taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it's effects stack.
Extra Shifter Trait [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter
Benefit: Choose an additional shifter trait from the list detailed in the shifter race description. When you shift, you take on all shifter traits except the racial bonus to your attribute from the shifter trait chosen by this feat. For example, if you took Longstride as your primary shifter trait and choose Razorclaw as your shifter trait granted by this feat, when you shift, you would gain a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity, a +10' bonus to your land movement, are always considered to have a running start for jumping and would have two natural attacks (claws) for 1d4 damage. You would not gain the +2 racial bonus to Strength. The swiftwing and truedive shifter traits are mutually exclusive. You may not choose one if you already possess the other.
Gorebrute Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Gorebrute shifter trait
Benefit: You gain the powerful charge special ability, but only for the gore attack provided by your Gorebrute shifter trait. The total damage is your powerful charge ability is twice the normal amount of damage from your gore attack.
Great Bite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Longtooth shifter trait, +6 BAB
Benefit: The critical range on your bite attack from your Longtooth shifter trait improves to x3. This does not stack with other effects that increase the critical multiplier, but does stack with other effects that increase the critical range.
Great Rend [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Razorclaw shifter trait, +4 BAB
Benefit: You gain the rend special ability, but only if you successfully with both claw attacks granted by your Razorclaw shifter trait. This usually equates to an additional 1d4 + 1-1/2 Str modifier damage.
Greater Shifter Defense [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, Shifter Defense, three other shifter feats.
Benefit: While shifting, the damage reduction provided by the Shifter Defense feat improved to a total of DR: 4 / silver.
Healing Factor [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, Con 13
Benefit: While shifting, you gain the regeneration (1) special ability. Damage caused by silver overcomes this regeneration. Since going unconscious causes any shifting to prematurely end, this regeneration cannot help you if you go below 0 hit points unless you are normally capable of acting in such circumstances.
Longstride Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Longstride shifter trait
Benefit: The bonus to your movement rate granted by your Longstride shifter trait increases to a total of +20'.
Longtooth Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Longtooth shifter trait
Benefit: Your bite attack deals 1 Con damage on successful hit while shifting.
Razorclaw Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Razorclaw shifter trait
Benefit: You gain the pounce special ability, but only when using the two claw attacks provided by your Razorclaw shifter trait. Both of these claw attacks use your full base attack bonus and both gain the +2 benefit from charging. If you have the rend special ability and successful hit with both claw attacks, the rend damage is also applied.
Reactive Shifting [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, Improved Initiative
Benefit: You can use your shifting ability as an immediate action, even when flat-footed or surprised.
Shifter Acrobatics [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Cliffwalk, Longstride or Swiftwing trait, 5 ranks in Acrobatics
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a racial bonus to your Acrobatics skill equal to the number of Shifter feats that you currently have, including this one.
Shifter Agility [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Cliffwalk, Longstride or Swiftwing trait
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 untyped bonus to Reflex saves.
Shifter Defense [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, two other shifter feats
Benefit: While shifting, you gain damage reduction equal to DR: 2 / silver.
Shifter Ferocity [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, Wisdom 13
Benefit: While shifting, you gain the ferocity special ability. This will allow you to remain conscious if brought below 0 hit points.
Shifter Magnetism [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter, wild empathy class feature
Benefit: You gain a racial bonus to your Handle Animal skill and wild empathy checks equal to the number of Shifter feats that you currently have, including this one. This bonus applies even when you not shifting.
Shifter Instincts [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +2 competence bonus to Initiative and a +1 competence bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks.
Shifter Savagery [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Gorebrute, Longtooth or Razorclaw shifter trait, +6 BAB, ability to rage
Benefit: While shifting and raging simultaneously, the critical threat range of all of your natural attacks increase to 19-20 and the base damage improved by two steps, as if your size had increased by two size categories. This increase to the threat range does not stack with any other effect (such as Improved Critical), nor does the base damage increase stack with any other source that does not actually increase your size category. This leads to the following progression: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.
Shifter Stamina [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with either the beasthide, truedive or wildhunt shifter trait, Endurance
Benefit: While shifting, you are immune to nonlethal damage and any fatigue or exhaustion effect is suppressed. When your shifting ends, any fatigue or exhaustion effect that has not already expired during your shifting affect you normally.
Shifter Stealth [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Cliffwalk, Longstride or Swiftwing trait, 5 ranks in Stealth
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a racial bonus to your Stealth skill equal to the number of Shifter feats that you currently have, including this one.
Swiftwing Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Swiftwing shifter trait.
Benefit: The fly speed provided by your Swiftwing Elite shifter trait improves to a total of 40' and the maneuverability improves to good.
Truedive Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Truedive shifter trait
Benefit: The swim speed provided by your Truedive shifter trait improves to a total of 40'. Also, you do not take penalties for fighting underwater.
Wildhunt Elite [Shifter]
Prerequisite: Shifter with the Wildhunt shifter trait
Benefit: While shifting, you gain blindsense 30'.
Above: Alchemists are commonly employed by the Empire to create cheap potions to heal as well as to increase production on various tasks. Many own their own shops/labs to try and find new and better ways to create potions.
Below: Alchemists are much harder to find underground since there is a lack of supplies to create their potions. Many Alchemists take up a new profession once underground. Several join with the druidic sects underground because they tend to have a small supply of common ingredients. There are a lucky few who have adapted their practice to use what materials they can scrounge from the underground.
Recommendations: Due to the lack of resources early in the campaign this class will be extremely challenging to play, but may be a boon to a party later on once established.
Above: Barbarians are extremely rare on the surface, mostly because they are quickly throw into The Prison for some outburst or another.
Below: As a conjugate to the above, Barbarians are fairly common below due to being thrown down there so very often and join one of the established barbarian tribes. Most tribes do some amount of raiding on other settlements, though there are a few that tend to keep to themselves.
Above: Theater is the most common form of entertainment in the Empire and many of the tropes travel from city to city. The bigger cities usually have at least one stationary troupe. Bards tend to stay away from anything mentioning the Empire or ancient civilizations as those topics tend to get their fellows a case of disappearing.
Below: Bards are welcomed in most areas and settlements. They are one of the few classes that do well economically since entertainment is scarce and in high demand.
Above: Almost all Cavaliers have a military background, though a few are athletes that participate in the Garganmoth games every few years to show off their skills.
Below: Not many trained military officers make their way down into The Prison, mostly due to being smart enough not to mention anything about the dictatorship being run by the Sovereign. Those that do end up do end up down below sometimes get recognized if they are prominent. Most end up adapting their skills towards domesticated Giant Spiders and Giant Lizards.
Recommendations: Mounts likely won’t be accessible early on in the campaign, so several class features will be collecting dust until such a time that mounts are accessible. But perhaps riding a giant spider is worth the wait. So make sure you are able to survive the early game well enough to get to that point.
Above: The Empire has allowed religion to exist under strict circumstances, which more or less forces many clerics to become healers. Those that wish to be more involved with their god and carry out their will must do so secretly for fear of repercussions.
Below: Clerics are also a well-respected class that can fit in anywhere due to their innate healing. However they are much farther from their gods so sometimes they won’t respond (they are still affected by the magical deadzones that populate The Prison). Unlike the surface people are much more openly pious and several settlements revolve around certain faiths.
mostly against the empire, have set up an underground network for people.
Thrive below but keep to themselves, prefer to be imprisoned away from oppressive empire, help out certain settlements who return the favor
Above: People fight everywhere, in the military, in the bars, in competitions. The world belongs to fighters (metaphorically).
Below: See Above.
Above: The Empire has put a lot of research into creating a triggered explosive powder but has not revealed its secret to the world yet. Most people that a gun shoots out a small round metal ball at high speeds, but they do not know why or how it does so. Guns are strictly military issue and used to keep the “peace.”
Below: Guns are scare down below, but not unheard of. The rare wielder of such a weapon is generally respected for fear of the damages it can cause. Explosive powder is extremely hard to come by and is hoarded by settlements lucky enough to have some.
Recommendation: Since supplies are hard to find, a secondary weapon is likely necessary. A smart gunslinger will be able to make use of her environment though.
Above: Inquisitors are find themselves commonly out of a job due to the Empire’s tyrannical ways of enforcement. Some work in the bounds of the law, while others secretly move behind the scenes.
Below: Inquisitors are slightly more common below ground, but the link to the gods is weak and as such they have a harder time upholding their faith because sometimes their faith isn’t there for them.

Above: Masguses are elite military trained combatants. It is rare for one to seen in the major cities due to usually being out on special operations for the Sovereign. Not much is known about what they do and those that do talk to them don’t get much information out of the encounter.
Below: Even more rare that seeing them in the city is seeing them in The Prison, and those that are found are instantly assumed to have committed treason against the Empire.
Above: Monks have slowly assimilated into the current culture of the Empire. They used to be in remote locations away from prying eyes and civilization but Human expansion has changed all of that. Those that didn’t put up a fight were welcomed. Those that did not are no longer around.
Below: Fighting against the Empire is a surefire way to get thrown into the Prison, and that is how most monks ended up down there. Usually the entire clan was thrown in there and they tend to stick together.
Above: Another of the Empires elite forces. They are similar to Maguses except without the innate magical talent.
Below: See Magus
Above: Oracles are one of the more free classes on the surface since they tend to not be affiliated with any politics like other divine casters. That being said they still populate the churches as well as the government and everywhere in between.
Below: Though Oracles don’t need a divine connection like other casters, they still need to touch into the arcane magic to be able to cast at will and are subject to both divine and arcane magical effects from the world, but to a lesser extent than others.
Very rare above since the empire has such a strong lock on interpreting the law. And even then they are highly hypocritical.
Usually fighters that have converted to a faith down below
Similar to the druid but more open in protest of the empire also more along the lines of diplomats for the druids in the settlements
Favored enemies: Human, Humanoid (general), aberration, animal
Above: Typically Rogues are scouts or guides for the various areas. The iconic thieving rogue is very uncommon due to a highly law abiding regime. But that does not mean there aren’t those skilled enough to get away with such things.
Below: Rogues are much more common down below, especially because of the dim light and darkness everywhere giving them the edge in surprise. Thieves are also fairly common due to a generally lawless environment.
Above: Sorcerers are people with extremely high emotions capable of controlling the magical force and bending it with those emotions. Generally feared for their explosive personalities and fits of destruction many are unjustly shunned by society for their gifts. Few of the more powerful one are recruited by the Empire for testing.
Below: Sorcerers generally find themselves the most powerful magic class in The Prison due to not needing nearly as many resources as the other magical classes since they bend magic by sheer force.
Above: Sorcerers that displayed an acute understanding of magical beasts were sought after by the Empire. From there they were trained to attune their magical abilities to summon creatures from all over and keep them under control. The Empire also experimented with bonding these creatures to a host, though many died in the process a few lived and now have a beast connected to their very nature.
Below: Summoners are even rarer than Maguses and Ninjas because of the Empires investment in them. The few cases are people naturally gifted in the way of summoning and these are few and far between since there are no real mentors to train them in the world above.
Recommendations: Since the Eidolon is itself partially magic as well as bonded by a magical link they are also effected similarly to how regular magic is.
Above: Witches are all but nonexistent in the Empire. The Empire sees them as a threat since they spend so much time in isolation and are usually unwilling to help them in their quest for expansion. Only recently have they not been exterminated on sight when discovered in their hidden abodes. Now they are being captured and studied by the Empire, trying to learn their secrets of magic.
Below: Witches are found in the dark corners of the caves sometimes, and often times people never return from seeking them out. There are a few stable places of magic in The Prison and this is where witches tend to set up home since their magic relies so heavily upon preparing their spells and then casting them.
Recommendations: Witches not only have to cast magical spells but also have to communicate with a higher power through their familiar to gain spells. Most familiars will not be going into the cave with their master since they will have been confiscated by the Empire. To make things slightly easier on the Witch. The Familiar will keep ¾ of the previous days spells stored so the witch will have some spells to prepare in case she cannot communicate that days to gain new ones. Hexes are innate supernatural magical effects and thus are less a subject to the magic distortions of The Prison.
Above: Wizards are the most common form of magic users on the surface world due to the vast knowledge the Empire has surrendered to the public about magic. Many are on good terms with the Empire because they know that they will be without a spellbook should they ever be convicted.
Below: Contrary to the situation above, wizards are few and far between. Since it takes such a long time to gather the resources to make another spellbook and then even more to fill it up to something worthwhile many wizards retire into another roll that can help out in settlements that offer them protection.
Recommendations: Wizards will be without a spellbook and limited spell components. Keep that in mind as you create your character and try to find possible solutions to this problem.
Psionics will be played like magic. Though not nearly as common as magic, psionics are known well enough that the common person has at least heard about the abilities and it is more than a rumor at this point.

This will be my first campaign DM in a pbp. I have played D&D/Pathfinder for eleven years. Players who make it into this campaign will be expected to post once every 48-hours, and I will uphold that same posting activity. Some days there will be more posts than others, but this campaign will be run at a leisurely pace. If you do not post once within 48 hours during combat, actions will be taken for you. I reserve the right to eject from the campaign anyone who has not posted in 72 hours without prior warning of absence. I do emphasis Quality of Quantity. I don't care if you can post five times a day, if it isn't of substance it doesn't count as a post in my book.

I expect players to engross themselves in the roleplaying element and contribute interestingly to the story.

I do not use map tools unless required. And there should be very few times that happens. I will be taking applications until Sunday, 8/1/13. I have not decided how many players I will be taking, but the total will be between 4 and 6, depending on the exact needs of the party. As a warning, I also tend to select players over the course of the application period. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. If you don't have a posting history, I'm still happy to consider you but I may ask for a writing sample.

Introducing Reflin Tree Runner
Cleric 1 (Divine Strategist)/ Monk 1 (Maneuver Master)
Plan is to continue with Monk to Horizon Walker

I would like to make my submission as a pairing with Malachi Ekdikesis (Soldier-1st).

Base Character Sheet

Under my back story, I am unsure how well equipped I would be entering the prison.

Character Concept:
Reflin is my plan to create one of the fastest possible characters. I just want to see what it will be like to have 65 base speed at level 7. I am pairing that with flurry of maneuvers to create a character that enters combat first, disarms people, and watches the enemy fight without weapons.

"Commander Rekic, I would like you to meet Specialist Reflin Streetrunner. I believe he is the man you are looking for."
The commander nods in greeting. "Specialist? Of what?"
I start to respond but Sergeant Tresk cuts me off, "He finds people for us, Sir. He is a thief-catcher. He is also probably the fastest person in the city."
The commander gives me a long look-over. "Speed is helpful, but he'll be catching some of our most dangerous criminals, how is his combat?"
Sergeant Tresk smiles. "If I may?" He motions to the door. The commander nods and Tresk brings in one of the guards. "I want to to fight this elf here. No killing blows though." The guards looks confused but nods. I step in front of him and pull out my nunchaku's. He attacks with his short sword. I wrap my nunchaku around his wrist and force the weapon out of his hand. It drops to the floor and I kick it away. He feints and tries to go past me to get at his sword. I grapple him, pin him to the ground and start tying up his arms. I stop, the point being made. I let the guard up and retake my seat in front of the commander's desk.
The commander waves the guard away. "I think we have found our man. Now, Specialist Reflin, I have a unique job for you. The people just voted in a new law, called the Execution Exception. The idea is that even though no one has found a way back from the prison, some of the most devious criminals might just manage. And so, starting next month, we will be executing two criminals in the prison, chosen by the people. Your job will be to find, capture, and bring the two criminals to the stronghold we have there. They will be executed, word will be sent back here, and the mind's of the people will be put at ease.." I start thinking through the task and my mind gets stuck up on a problem. The commander notices my look and continues, "Yes, that does mean you will be sent through the portal that you will never be able to return. The commander continues but I can only think of leaving this world for... some world I know barely anything about. Or maybe it is the same world.
The commander goes over details like rendezvous times through some sort of magic, equipment allotments, and some tips for surviving the underground, though the tips all sound like everyday survival tips. I'm ready to say no, though I let the commander finish speaking. "And finally, here are the files for the two criminals that have been chosen this year, Malachi Ekdikesis and Tarquin Jeryl."
And now I have to say yes.


Years prior

"And what do we have here?" The gang humans step out of the alley. I wasn't surprised, but I had hoped they would let me pass. I could take off now and they would never catch me, but I also have a message to deliver. The moment of hesitation gives them enough time to surround me and close in.
"Just delivering a message."
"I meant how dare an elf pass into this part of town? Your kind does not belong here." I sigh and pull out my nunchaku, knowing exactly where this is going. I strip the short sword from the hands of the first guy who attack, and manage to deflect the second attacker. Attacks three and four break my defenses though, drawing heavy blood. The fight continues in similar fashion, and I am soon winded, wounded, and reeling. The attacks stop as a voice breaks through the fight.
"Town guard, what's going on here?" There is no response and the attacks continue. This time though, the guard starts fighting on my side and together me manage to scatter the attackers.
I put away my weapon and offer my hand to the guard. "I appreciate the help. It's not often someone will stand up for an elf in the city."


Malachi was the man who helped me that night. He was the one that actually got me the job as a theif-catcher in the watch. But then a while ago he started telling me that the government was rigged, that it was just a front for an oligarchy that was running the city. He gave me some proof, but I told him that even if that was the case there was little we could do about it. I was a servant of the government and I would not turn away from that duty. He told me he was going to ask his superior about it, and then he was gone. Sentenced for treason and given a level 5 conviction. And now they were going to kill Malachi. I am loyal to my country, but today they through away the right for my services. He saved my life, and now I have to save his.


"What is it Sergeant?" Tresk pauses at the brusqueness of the commander's tone.
"I.. uh... Reflin missed a check-in point."
"I think it's just that he's having more trouble than we anticipated, Sir. It shouldn't be anything to worry about but you said to keep you informed."
The commander sneers. "So he ran into trouble, or he deserted us."
Sergeant Tresk blanks. "No, Sir, he wouldn't have deserted us. He is-"
"It doesn't matter! He is not being helpful. Send someone else after Razmir."
Sergeant Tresk sighs. "Yes, Sir." He turns to go.
"Lidiya", roars the commander past the closed door. A female hurries through the door a set of parchment and a quill at the ready. "Declare a new conviction: Reflin Streetrunner, for treason. Level 5 conviction. Let's add him to the Execution Exception list as well; that will be a touching tribute, co-conspirators dying for their...well I guess they're dying for nothing." The commander rumbles in laughter. His serious look returns quickly. " And Sergeant, let's try to do better next time."

Specific Callouts for Ten Minute Background:
Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile, a prized possession…whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum…more elements are encouraged!

-combat maneuvers
-loyal to allies because he is so often on his own
-unsure if his choice was the right one. Committed to it, but unsure

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

-IC – Save Malachi
-OOC – Develop anti-corrupt government agenda

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him or her but that he or she is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character.

-IC – his defection to warn Razmir

-OOC No Idea why Sergeant Tresk called him Streetrunner instead of Treerunner

-OOC – The commander sending more men after Razmir

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

-Malachi Ekdikesis
-Sergeant Tresk
-Commander Rekic

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don’t have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

-Razmir’s saving him
-Lawful, but only to a rule that deserves it

I look forward to your review.

May I present Iozif Alamancar, Male Human Expert 1/Sorcerer 1.

Iozif was born a poor peasant, on a poor farm, in a poor town. His entire family of 8 toiled ceaselessly as turnip farmers, and from the age of 4 onward he toiled as well. The Alamancars fought the soil throughout the year to barely scrape enough to live on, and before young Iozif reached his tenth birthday one of his sisters died of pneumonia and his eldest brother was conscripted by the Sovreign to work as a soldier. Coming from bleak and unforgiving conditions such as these, Iozif did not expect much of life. He understood that, even if he were to grow old, the only thing he would be good for in life would be sowing fields.
Then one day, his life made a drastic turn with an event which would steer his future. When toiling in the fields one breezy afternoon, a fourteen year old Iozif heard a great noise beyond the fence, and quickly ran to see what had occurred. Upon investigation, he discovered a cart overturned along the side of the road, with an aged man laying nearby the driver's seat, grabbing at his throat. Iozif ran down to the aslant vehicle to assist, and the barely conscious man was feebly attempting to open a bottle containing some viscous blue fluid. Iozif helped the man to open the bottle and drink its contents, and wrapped the man's wounds in scraps of Iozif's own shirt.

After the man drank the potion, he became much more vigorous and aware. He identified himself as Aldert Gillis, an alchemist and herbalist by trade. He thanked Iozif many times for his help, and while grimly surveying the wreckage of his cart confessed that he was too old to continue driving his car. He had an illness which caused him to occasionally lapse into sleep during the day, and he'd always feared something like his situation would occur, but he did not have another person to drive his cart for him. Seeing an opportunity, Iozif brought the man to his parents, who decided after some discussing with the man to allow Iozif to go with him, to study as Aldert's apprentice and help the man with his business.

For 3 years Iozif studied to be an herbalist under the tutelage of Aldert, and also ran errands and drove the herbalist's cart to and from market. He learned much about the remedial properties of local flora and fauna, as well as gaining some knowledge of medical diagnoses and treatment. His life under Aldert's wing was a much better life, with full meals, easier work, and a promise of a brighter future when he would run the herbalist's apothecary on his own.

However, Iozif's life once again took a dramatic turn at the age of 17. During an ordinary delivery of poultices into the big city, Iozif became suddenly very sick, and he collapsed just inside the city gates. When he was retrieved by the city guards and taken to the healers, magical diagnostics revealed that he had a previously unseen magical disease infecting his respiratory system.

The Soevreign were informed immediately of the threat to public health, and they came to a quick and brutal decision. They had to choose between trying to cure the young boy of the unknown disease, and risking infecting more people, or removing him through death or throwing him in the Prison. The decision they came to was to remove Iozif immediately to the Prison, despite him being free of any crime.

The crunch and additional character information are on my profile. Thank you for considering my submission.

Will get the crunch up tomorrow.

And because I mentioned him in my profile and I thought he'd make a good villain, I'll put up a concept for the alchemist whose goal is to give everyone magical abilities.

Variel Backstory:
Variel Narinimis was born the son of two great sorcerers, and every elf in his hometown of Eurunes knew he would possess an aptitude for magic unparalleled in all the land. He was the source of much attention from adults during his childhood, and even into his fifties Variel sat at the center of much expectation. However, he did not manifest any magical powers whatsoever, and rumors spread around the community that he wouldn't possess any of his parents abilities. His parents were indignant, and knew that it was only a matter of time before Variel's powers became apparent. More time passed, and by the time he was 90 Variel still did not possess any innate magic. Instead, he was content to explore the wonders of alchemy and physiology. When Variel turned 99, his parents, disgusted with his lack of magical powers, threw him out of Eurunes.

At this point in his life Variel, feeling ashamed, angry, and frustrated, wandered far from his home town, barely scraping together enough to survive on. He eventually settled in the town of Dewleaf, a human village not far from the capital city. There he continued his alchemical research, with a new goal in mind: giving those without innate magical talent fantastic abilities, and putting everyone on the same level. He experimented with many varied methods, from organ transplanting to potion brewing to rituals committed at leylines of power. However, his first true breakthrough was made with a fungus which symbiotically binds itself to a person, feeding off and amplifying their innate magical potential to grant them magical powers which they never possessed before. Variel experimented quite a bit with this new discovery, delivering it to unsuspecting victims through food, drink, or other methods, then watching them to observe the results. His experiments led to four deaths in Dewleaf, and the suspicions around town caused him to move on to other locales. He currently wanders from settlement to settlement, staying no more than a few years at each to observe the effects the fungus has on its hosts. His research has reached the point where the fungus's host is reliably kept alive, although there may be unforeseen long-term consequences to his experiments...

Possible statblock:
Variel Narinimis CR 2
XP 600
Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 3
NE Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 24 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 vs. disease, +2 vs. poison.
Immune sleep; Resist Disease Resistance +2, Elven Immunities, Poison Resistance +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Sickle +4 (1d6+2/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +2d6
Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) Spells Prepared (CL 3, 4 melee touch, 4 ranged touch):
1 (4/day) Enlarge Person (DC 14), Cure Light Wounds (x2) (DC 14), Deathwatch
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Arcane Vendetta, Brew Potion, Elven Weapon Proficiencies, Toughness +3
Traits Anatomist, Forlorn
Skills Acrobatics +0, Climb +0, Craft (alchemy) +9, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Heal +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +6, Ride +0, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +0, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +5 Modifiers Alchemy +3
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
SQ Breath Mastery, Elven Magic, Fast Poisoning (Move Action), Feral Mutagen, Mutagen (DC 14), Poison Use, Urbanite
Combat Gear Chain shirt, Dagger, Sickle;
Special Abilities
Alchemy +3 (Su) +3 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Anatomist +1 to confirm critical hits.
Arcane Vendetta +2 bonus on damage vs. arcane spellcasters
Breath Mastery At 1st level, the internal alchemist can control his breath and the flow of vital energy within his body. Without preparation, he can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to his Constitution score (after this, he must begin making Constituti
Disease Resistance +2 (Ex) +2 to save vs. Disease.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Fast Poisoning (Move Action) (Ex) Apply poison to a weapon as a move action.
Feral Mutagen (Su) Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. These are primary attacks and are made using the alchemist’s full base attack bonus. The claw attacks deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if the alchemist is Small) and
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mutagen (DC 14) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a Physical attribute, -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 natural armor for 10 minutes/level.
Poison Resistance +2 (Ex) +2 to save vs. Poison.
Poison Use You don't accidentally poison yourself with blades.
Sneak Attack +2d6 +2d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Urbanite +2 Diplomacy to gather information & Sense Motive to read a social situation.

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Holy ....!

That prologue of yours, am I the only one expecting that I will be executed then all of a sudden a dragon will appear and kill everybody, Skyrim style!

What's the verdict on druid animal companions?

Except in this case you might be be the one thats executed right before the dragon shows up :P
This will be a different experience for me, instead of building up the crunch first and struggling with the backstory and character concepts, I will build the backstory first with just a basic idea of crunch to start with :)
Basic idea I am going off of;
Breaker barbarian
Power attack and improved sunder
Next to no gear :)

Now begin!

Dotting for interest. I'll try to flesh out the concept I posted early in the original thread of a druid who got caught on purpose so she can get inside and help her hippy-dippy parents into something fuller and backstory-er. When I get the chance to, of course.

background and appearance:

Zeherin Kune is the result of a elven noble family's desperation, as the elven family was losing power to the humans. The Kune family decided to do what the humans were doing and began striking deals with fiends to be precise the Rakshasa. The result was the conception of Zeherin Kune the hope of the family.

Zeherin Kune is a mixture of elven grace and rakshasa power, his ears are pointed yet similar to a feline, his face is framed by high cheekbones and yellow eyes, his nose descends down and is flat like a lions. His body is graceful like an elf's but it also exudes a feline sense of power and superority.

convicted and npc:
Zeherin Kune was convicted of trading information with known terrorists to gain an advantage for the Kune family. The trial was done in a day and the Kune family for political protection officially renouced him. Zeherin Kune is now bound for the prison and his family is destined to slowly wither away.

Sashara Kune, the mother of Zeherin Kune. She is the only member of the Kune family that did not treat him as merely a tool. She is the only one that actully loves him and as such if forced to choose he would save her instead of the rest of the family.

I wont formulate stats until I know what they will actully be, as for class i'll either roll a sorcerer or a magus with the following archtype if you will allow it. us-games---magus-archetypes/cabalist. I will also be taking the tiefling heritage feat Rakshasa spawn.

This thing I will dot, for it is grand and full of promise. My initial thoughts are of either a prince thrown in for high treason, or a knight thrown in for preaching his faith in all the wrong ways.

Trusk Warchild, Half-Orc(Deep Kin subtype) Cave Druid 2, applying for a position. I'll be going after the coveted Prisonborn character slot, for various reasons noted in my character bio. Character bio is HERE. It's also the one linked in the OP. I still have to flesh out a couple of the NPCs mentioned in the bio. They'll be added on at the end of the document.

This will be my second PbP, though really it should be considered my first. My real first one, which can be seen if you bother looking at my profile and checking out Chromie Blackwater, fell apart really early on because the DM backed out on us. Apparently he had a history of that, which I wasn't aware of. I will also say that I didn't put nearly as much work into Chromie as I have into this guy, since it was my first PbP and I wasn't exactly sure how to handle it.

As far as the crunch for my character, I'd still prefer to not go into it fully until I know exactly what I'm looking at if I get chosen to play. There's a lot that can change how a character plays out when you're talking about a variance of 8 extra points to buy attributes, 2-4 extra skill points, an extra trait, and a bonus feat. I will go into as much of my plan as I can without hard numbers though.

Stat Priority- Wis=Con>Dex=Str>Int=Cha(Going for hardy with a lot of cave-smarts, but not the smartest and less suave/diplomatic than he thinks he is)
Skills- Focusing on Survival, Heal, Knowledge(Dungeoneering), Knowledge(Nature) and Perception, with a few points also placed into Profession(Herbalism), Linguistics, and Spellcraft along the way.
Nature Bond- I'll be taking the Darkness domain instead of an animal companion.
Religion- Rather than worship a specific deity, Trusk worships all of nature, showing special reverence to the caves he lives in and the garden at Tranquility Grove.
Alignment-Neutral Good. Trusk believes that everyone should be free to live as they please so long as it isn't to others' detriment. He strives to help those in need and to better the life of everyone in the Prison.
Combat- I'll most likely be melee-focused, but what exactly I do will depend on what gear I'm allowed as a Prisonborn. I would prefer to fight with a club or quarterstaff, though a falchion isn't out of the question.
Traits- I'd like to get the Adopted trait, and grab the Elf Keen Senses racial trait with it. I'd also like to grab the Mentored trait and put it towards Profession(Herbalism).
Feats-For my starting feat I'll most likely grab Endurance. If I qualify for a bonus feat it will most likely be either Eschew Materials or Toughness.
Level bonuses- I will probably take these first two or three level's bonuses as HP, with later levels being a mix of skill points and HP.

Want to express interest. Will write char bio etc tonight.
Kitsune trickster 2.
CG. Too friendly. Too happy. And way too curious for her own good. Hence in jail.

Cha>Dex>int >Str>Wis>con

I haven't put a lot of thought into this, but I'm leaning toward a shifter natural weapon ranger. His alignment could be any of the six that aren't chaotic, but less likely to be LG. He'll belong to some kind of organization, whether officially recognized bounty hunters or assassins, maybe even city guard, or an unofficial vigilante group that deals with so called enemies of the state.

He views himself as a weapon created by the empire to deal with it's enemies in ways others can't, and doesn't begrudge them for his sentence, he knew he'd have to be punished as a face saving measure if he got caught doing what he was doing.

Whatever the group he is part of turns out to be, he is far from the first of their number to be sentenced to the prison, and there is at least one 'chapter' operating within it.

Finally, a question, would I be able to use the adopted trait to get either toothy (half orc alternate racial trait) or maw or claw (tiefling alternate racial trait). It strikes me as kind of dodgy to do something like that, but since the shifter race is basically a mad science experiment gone horribly right, I figure it's more plausible than most cases.

Shadow Lodge

Trusk that is not fair, that you are the example, you are a sure in! LOL

Anyways showing interest! I was hoping that you might have a gander at this character and tell me what you think, I know it is gestalt, though I think he will be a Ranger/Wizard.

*Disclaimer: I know it is not the right level, let alone most other prerequisites, just wandering if this is the right feel or I can easily create another.

The Exchange

I feel like I have seen this campaign thread before somewhere... Excellent template Tie My Shöelace

Just because I'm being used as the example doesn't mean I'm a guaranteed player. From what the DM was saying in the interest check thread he wasn't exactly looking to have anyone playing a character that was born and raised already inside the prison.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping it would give me a leg up.

Wow, seeing the background that Unruly wrote for Trust is f%@*ing humbling. I'm going to take a few days to rewrite mine and really step it up.

Tie My Shöelace wrote:
I will be taking applications until Sunday, 8/1/13.

Not sure if you meant Sunday 8/4/13, or Thursday 8/1/13.

Grand Lodge

17 point buy
Summoner 1 (shadow caller)
Init +1; Senses Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light Vision
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
SR 0 ; ER Cold 5, Electricity 5
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Shadow Blending (PFBty2 123), Shadowy Resistance (PFBty2 123)
Spd 30 ft/x4
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
BAB +0, CMB +0, CMD +11
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT) (PFCR 118), Eschew Materials (PFCR 123)
Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +5, Linguistics +6, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +7
SU Life Link (PFAPG 56)
MC Shadow Eidolon (PFARG 110), Summoner Cantrips (PFAPG 55), Eidolon (PFAPG 55 - 56)
Traits Fast-Talker (Social) (PFAPG 330)
Languages Aklo, Common, Infernal, Terran



An ambitious(if somewhat naïve) young Fetching born in a remote part of the Empire, she fled her home as a girl after her adopted Human family discovered her magical abilities and nearly killed her for it. You see while still young she appeared to be a normal human baby. But as she grew up her skin remained paled white/ Forever scarred by the experience of losing her family to misunderstanding and hate, she became self-conscious about her magical powers and was driven to find ways of concealing them from others.

The young woman wondered for years, manipulating others with her magic in order to survive before eventually finding herself singing over to The Recongregationism - The Recongregators believe that the Empire, after long centuries of stagnation, has become decadent and corrupt. To remedy this, Recongregators believe that only through change can the Empire hope to prosper, believing that the greatest threat that humanity faces is its lack of progress and terminal stagnation. Working quietly behind the scenes, the Recongregators seek to influence or engineer events that will lead to change and progress.

She joined not out of any real love or loyalty for the creed of the Recongrators, but for the wealth and power she knew it could bring her. Not only did she find that her magic and natural skills of deception served her well, but that her powers could be accepted and even desired by them. Soon after her initiation, She realise that a good part of the leadership were more concerned with acquireming influence for themselves than anything else Despite this revelation, she continued on as a Recongregator (more an act of wanting to belong to something than being alone), living life as she had never lived it before. She continued to develop his abilities, both magical and mundane, and slowly grew into a master conman herself.

Over time, she discovered more and more of the underpinnings of those in power in the empire. Though she possessed no
qualms against taking advantage of others for self-serving reasons, she became witness to kidnappings, murder,
torture, and worse things within the shadows. Becoming incensed with the more sinister practices of the wealthy and powerful, but despite the wealth and power it brought her, she had found out that some of the Recongregator had be turned by Imperial secret service. And although she had tried to bargain with them she was still sentenced to a level 4 crime. Some of the Higher ups had pinned their murderers and other dark crimes on her.

Though she hates both the loss of her former life style
and the intolerance his people show towards those with unusual magical ability, she found the atmosphere down in the prison to be more accepting.(although she is a newly arrival)

Ever the con artist at heart, however, Nives continues to deceive
and manipulate, striving to regain some of the wealth and power she once held. She is secretly also wanting to find a way out and bring swift revenge on the ones that sold her out

Here is my 10 min background to add to my character 's fluff:

Alignment: A woman should be relying on her own strengths if she doesn't want to be more than a pretty house wife.

Personality: nives has a soft spot for children and for those striving to make the best of situations beyond their control. Despite her otherwise serious demeanor Nives loves being dramatic. Se also recognize that some people must get the job done. And if it comes to getting it done by any means necessary and there are no other options then so be it.

Ten Minute Background

Part I - Core Concepts

1) Synthia is a Fletching striving to get higher up in a society that rejects all non human. Since her race looks very human like (except from skin and eye colors) she managed to live in that society. Gaining acceptance is her core desire

2) Wealth and personal power are the tool she figures on how to obtain what she wants. She is a very passionate woman. Able to think calmly ahead but not so much in the heat of action where her emotions steers her actions

3) Her magical energy is was fuel her passion at the same time she hates them as it made her stand out in the up world, therefore making her rejected

4) Synthia is a polyvalent individual, relying mostly on her charms and magical summoned creatures. Her prowess in arcane magic allows to be vary versatile

Part II - Goals

1) Synthia long term goal is to obtain a position of power and wealth. Her secret goal is to be truly admired and accepted

2) Short term are surviving in the prison, expanding her magical energies. Finding a way out and getting revenge

Part III - Secrets

1) (Aware) Synthia has allowed her feeling toward a certain member of the Recongregator to drop her gaurd down and give him secret information she only only privy to

2) (Unaware) He sold her out to the secret service to ensure his own survival and secure his position, wealth.

Part IV - People

1) Synthia has no other living relative, but has made a few contacts in her hired help's work.

Part V - Memories and Mannerisms

1) Synthia first fully manifested her shadow form during an event long ago while living as a teenager in an orphanage
She manifested, during a fight while on sneaking out with Cyril's (a friend). To a nasty men fighting with en Elven curve blade, called Jade the Necromancer. A human barbarian Alchemist type who was a lot better at swordplay then Nives fused form. Jade had rigged a bombe type device to release some poison in a orphanage. Jade wanted to study the interaction of this poison of his and the creation of Alchemical undead (not tied to magic and Negative energy)

3) Synthia meet Arstil during that night as she is a sponsor of that orphanage.

4) Hurting Children is the one thing completely unforgivable to Synthia. Adults have the tools (moral values, intelligence, education, cultures etc...) to understand that they are responsible for their actions, children aren't usually.

YoricksRequiem wrote:

Wow, seeing the background that Unruly wrote for Trust is f+@+ing humbling. I'm going to take a few days to rewrite mine and really step it up.

LOL I know right! Time to use my brain and search for the little bit of creativity inside.

Introducing Johnny Adams (nice average sounding name :)
Barbarian 2 (breaker)
Power attack, improved sunder. I plan on sticking with barbarian through and through, gaining battle scavenger at level 3 and mostly fighting unarmed and largely wreaking things :)

Conviction and Mechanics:

He has been sent to the reformatory a couple of times for bad behaviour and drunken brawls and what not. Gained lvl 3/4 conviction when he was in a bar where some members of a freedom fighters rebellion group were about to be arrested. In a drunken brawl (again) he ended up fighting the guards and helping the rebels, in which one escaped. The government convicted him as one of the rebels and held him personally responsible for the escaped rebel, hence the overtly large conviction.

Character Concept:

He should have very little reliance on weapons of any sort, and be a destructive little nuisance, a style of play that intrigues me.
He will also be a chance to play the rebellious teenager that I never was XD

10 minute background]
1: 5 background and concept elements.
1: He is young, probably only 15 or 16.
2: He can be very brash and rejects authority of any kind. He is always ready for a fight if he can swing it :)
3: Is headstrong and figures he knows it all. He will make knowledge checks often, and if he doesnt know anything, he will make up stuff that sounds plausible or he thinks he knows.
"Red dragons breathe fire so they must be weak to water, if we can submerge it completely with water it should be weakened greatly! Right?"
4: He has violent tendencies and can have quite the temper. This comes out in his combative nature and his tendencies to wreak things around him, eg throw a table at the wall when he is mad, just for a burst of release.
5: He is a teenager through and through. He likes to drink, party, girls, adventure and the thrill of danger, starting fights, getting into trouble, shirking duties and responsibility and "hanging out." He also idolizes the gang life and is part of a (minor) gang called the Skull Shredders.

2: 2 goals for the character.
1: He has something to prove. He really doesnt know what yet, but he has an undeniable urge to prove himself and gain the acceptance of those around him. He is a teenager who feels like he doesnt belong.
2: I would like him to "grow up," to mature into an adult and learn from his past experiences. Become a better human being. Failing that, he will turn into one rotten guy ;)

3: 2 secrets about the character.
1: He is surprisingly loyal and likes to "stick up for the little guy", so to speak. He would do most anything for his friends and even complete strangers, unless, of course it was him doing the things... He feels ashamed about this and often tries to hide it or brush it off as "no big deal" and gets kind of shy about it.
2: He thinks that the members of the Skull Shredders will come to his aid, besides, I am sure that they will figure something out. Secret? They wont.

4: 3 people tied to the character.
1: The Skull Shredders. a minor gang consisting of a handful of guys. They do petty crimes, hang out in back alleys and smoke, and generally be a nuisance and and eyesore to the neighbourhood.
2: Jimmy, the leader of the Skull Shredders, is his childhood friend and they are best buds. He has given up on Johnny, but who knows? He is a gang member committing petty crimes and whatnot and from a less-prestigious family. They might just meet up sometime... They were known as the JJ Jones brothers (Jimmys last name).
3: Constable Bill. He was the one who would often catch/chase Johnny and Johnny made sure to give him no end of trouble. Bill figures that he is a no good troublemaker. (I doubt that you would see a lawman in the prison, so I will add a few more)
4: Phillipe LePaul. He was the rebel that got away thanks to Johnnys intervention, yet he doesnt give two hoots about Johnny. He has a "sucks to be you" kind of attitude about it.
5: Agent Francis. Johnny gave him no end of trouble when he was incarcerated. Whatever that gnome above did, Johnny did 5 times worse. He would pick fights with the guards and get beat down. He would attempt to make a break for it and got beat down. He wreaked some of the supplies and got beat down. He even headbutted Francis and... got beat down...
Francis was very glad to get rid of him and send him on through the portal, nursing a broken nose. "Good riddance damn convict scum."

5: 3 mannerisms, qualities and quirks.
1: Brash and headstrong and very combative.
2: Has at least a bit of a superiority complex, he believes that humans are superior and any other races should "just get out of the way"
3: He likes to graffiti and has his own signature. He likes to "tag" buildings and under bridges and whatnot. Its his "artistic pride" as he calls it. (is there a trait that would allow me to cast arcane mark once per day or whatever that I could use as his "Tag"?)

Thanks to Reflin Tree Runner for the formatting style :)

What do you think about my submission so far?

Well, I'm glad you guys like my background. I just finished up doing a little bit more work on it, actually. I decided I was going to flesh out Trusk's childhood friend and brother-from-another-mother, Daniel Jameson Jr.

I'm trying to figure out who I want to add to next. I don't think I could pull another full bio out of my head right now, but maybe over the next week or so I'll get some more creative juices going. At the very least I'll add physical descriptions of some of the NPCs. Definitely going to give at least a physical description for Cynthia Jameson and Delia Wintersong. I should probably go with physical descriptions for everyone I listed, actually.

The Exchange

I started on my Kitsune's history. hopefully i will have it done soon. Only combat she will be good with, is a bow. But im sure, if you put her in a social situation, especially where we need to get out of, she will excell

Lantern Lodge

Renewing my application

Phrr, Son of Phrrush
Lv2 Deep Ranger (Not going with an NPC class since he's been raised to follow in his fathers military footsteps. How does a surface born catfolk become a deep ranger you might ask? Why by being thrown into the prison, deep ranger specific class effects start showing up around level 3 or 4)
Havn't decided on weapon spec yet, going to wait and see what works for him.

character concept:
Based on one of the starting chars from the sequel, 10 points if you know what I'm talking about but don't ruin the secret.
Son of a prominent military scout/ranger, raised to follow in his fathers footsteps only to have his father rebel against the empire landing him a serious conviction and a life he never planned on. An angry young man who thinks the whole world is against him, and surprisingly isn't entirely wrong, with a lot of room for character growth.

10 Minute Background:

1. 5 character concept elements
1. Young probably 16 and rather too self centered in his youthful arrogance.
2. Comes from a life of everything going right that all came crashing down about as hard as it possibly could have.
3. Stubborn and nursing a deep hatred for the empire that drives him to act against any form of empire order he sees.
4. Has a deep love of hunting, trapping and spending time in the wilds and nature where he can feel at peace, will probably take some time to get used to the caves though.
5. In the midst of everything else he's having something of a religious crisis, his history of worshiping the gods of nature teetering towards worshiping a god of destruction.

2. 2 Goals
1. Phrr's goal is to escape the prison and bring destruction to the corrupt empire that turned against and killed his father.
2. My goal for Phrr is to have him change, develop and either fall completely into his darker desire or hopefully turn around and find a new purpose in life.

3. Secrets
1. Phrr managed to smuggle in a stack of letters that his father sent him and hidden upon them is some dark secret of the empire above, a secret so severe it drove a loyal military hero to revolution. (this is both a secret the character knows and one he doesn't

4. 3 NPCs tied to the character
1. His mother who was sent into the prison before him to meet some as of yet unknown fate.
2. A sympathetic ratfolk named Carlile who was his jailer while he was being interrogated and felt sorry for the poor young man, eventually helping to smuggle in his father's letters. Phrr does not accept this help particularly well, seeing the ratfolk as a vermin and dog of the empire and being less then kind in response, possibly to his later regret. Still on the surface for now...
3. Sylphias the interrogator, the one who tried to 'convince' Phrr to spill all his father had told him, has a particular hatred for this prisoner since he was unable to get much out of him. Still on the surface for now...
4. Any of the members of his father's failed rebellion who were captured and sent into the prison before or after him. Their feelings about him are likely mixed.

5. 3 Manerisms/quirks/qualities
1. Seen by his parents as something of a catfolk exemplar, a throwback to their glorious ancient days, he has something of a speech impediment that resembles the accentation of the ancient catfolk tongue.
2. Teenager tendancies, never assumes he's wrong, thinks he'll live forever, etc...
3. catlike tendancies to hiss/purr as the situation merits.

A little Crunch:

Statline 17 points after racial adjustments
12str 15dex 12con 12wis 14int 12chr
lvl1 feat>Catfolk exemplar giving both low-light vision and scent
Favored enemy Animals from years of fondly remembered hunting with his father.

The Exchange

Kitsune Trickster

Stats after racial modifiers(17 pt buy) :
str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16

Feat lvl1 : Realistic Likeness
lvl2 : Dodge (Aiming for stances feats)

Here is what i have so far, input welcome :

Name: Yuki Tsune
Race: Kitsune
Gender : Female
Height: 4’7”
Weight: 95 lbs
Age: Approx 16
Hair (Human): Snowy white hair, long, tied at the tip
Hair/Fur (Kitsune) : White fur all across, with grey tints at the tips of her fur. Black tips on her ears
Eyes (Human): Frosty Blue / Emerald Green, Asian look
Eyes (Kitsune): Emerald Green / Frost Blue
Skin (Human): Slightly tanned, almost no blemishes on her skin. Very exotic.
Skin (Kitsune): Very little skin can be seen due to her fur, but if inspected, very dark skin

Identifying features (Human): Her nose twitches from time to time. Part of her hair covers her left eye. She walks with a bit of a skip, and amused smile, as if she knows something funny no one else does. Very optimistic, sometimes to the frustration of others.

Identifying features (Kitsune): She will hide this from most, not a lot of people know her true kind. When in her kitsune form, she will try to hide anything relating to her human form. She’s a bit more introvert. Her ears twitch more to every and any sound, she seems a bit skittish.

Abridged History:
She grew up in a normal home, sire and a dame to raise her. She was the youngest, and smallest of her litter. 4 Older brothers, who picked on her a lot, her being the runt of the litter. When she finally made her way into the human world, she quickly learned how to please them. She started her own performance show, using her natural transforming ability to play all the characters in her show. To the delight of most people. Her characters usually were those of the crowd, or of local news events. One day an official of the high court, out on business attend her show, she used him in her show, the official was most annoyed and felt slanted. Along with his two bodyguards, she was arrested for slanting the name of an Empire official and was sentenced to the prison. Even with this, she didn’t falter, to her, it was just a new uncharted and unexplored place of people who need to laugh and have fun.

Celeador wrote:
I feel like I have seen this campaign thread before somewhere... Excellent template Tie My Shöelace

Indeed, I loved your formatting for your recruitment, made me want to join before I even knew exactly what the campaign was about. Though I am unsure how you did some of your formatting.

YoricksRequiem wrote:
Tie My Shöelace wrote:
I will be taking applications until Sunday, 8/1/13.
Not sure if you meant Sunday 8/4/13, or Thursday 8/1/13.

Well now, isn't that a mystery! I doubt recruitment will go on that long anyway, so highly unlikely we will have to worry about that.

Lecky wrote:
What's the verdict on druid animal companions?

Do'h! I feel dumb now, I forgot to flesh out the druid and ranger section since those were the largest sections after the witch. To answer, you likely won't start with your animal companion unless you find a clever way to get it inside. But you will be able to get one in the cave after some time and checks.

wolfman1911 wrote:
Finally, a question, would I be able to use the adopted trait to get either toothy (half orc alternate racial trait) or maw or claw (tiefling alternate racial trait). It strikes me as kind of dodgy to do something like that, but since the shifter race is basically a mad science experiment gone horribly right, I figure it's more plausible than most cases.

You'd probably be better off just grabbing the Extra Shifter Trait feat and getting a bite that deals 1d6, plus an extra round of shifting. plus 1/2 shift times/day. So the return questiong; Why do you want the trait instead of the feat?

Special Note: I don't think I made myself very clear about how the crunch would work. Here is what I more or less wanted to say. Also I forgot to do HP as well since we are starting at level 2.

Each character will start at

  • 17 pt-buy
  • one trait
  • half skill points (after int bonus, racials unaffected)
  • Half HP+1 per level (full level one)
    THEN Then we will go through your background and add the bonuses in based on what you have written for you character upto:
  • additional 7-9 points to work with on point buy
  • bonus trait
  • 2+max skill points
  • bonus feat

    E.G. A fighter starts with 15 str, one trait, 2 skill points.
    You write about how he doesn't know his own strength and sometimes breaks mugs in taverns. I'd say up the strength to 16 or 17.
    You write about how he was trained to react fast to situations and respond with retaliatory strikes. Bonus trait reactionary, bonus feat combat reflexes.
    You write about how he worked in a bakery and got a burn across the side of his face and now he always looks angry. Bonus skill profession (baking), bonus skill (intimidate)

    Disclaimer: I do not guarantee these bonuses, the more you have written about your characters life, the more chances you have of getting the bonuses. The more well written the life is, the higher the chances of getting the bonuses.

    Hope that makes sense. I'll be providing detailed feedback soon. And by soon I mean eventually.

  • Lantern Lodge

    Special note about the adopted trait (I've had trouble with this one too) It is not meant to get you one of the alternate racial traits it allows you to take one of the traits in the trait list that is exclusive to a specific race like the half-elf "failed apprentice" trait.

    dotting for interest.

    Oh wow, there is a very simple answer to that question, I didn't see it. My eyes rolled right past longtooth onto razorclaw.

    That solves that issue quite nicely, actually.

    The Exchange

    Send me a PM if you want me to show you how. I think that it adds a nice level of *pop* to the recruitment thread. Keep it up! This forum can use more roleplay intense games.

    I am not dumb enough to try and take the prison born slot from the example. I have done a revision of my character to remove that conflict.

    I think I am much closer to what I am looking for.

    Lantern Lodge

    Think I've got my concept down a lot better now, wrote out a document for it and everything, let me know what you think.

    Will have a much more detailed character creation up this weekend, but for now just letting you know that I'm applying.

    Former guardsman turned traitor once he realized the failure of the system to promote goodness or lawfulness. After confronting his superiors about the corruption in the government, was labeled as a traitor and convicted as a level 5 prisoner. On his way down into the darkness, he knew he'd need a light to guide him. He prayed, and the General of Vengeance set his soul ablaze.

    Let's see here, a list of every character application thus far (I think doing this periodically really helps during recruitment). In order of first post as the alias or first post with full character details:

    • Reflin Treerunner, Elf Cleric/Monk by Shadowtail24
    • Iozif Alamancar, Human Sorcerer by Shane Gifford
    • Frepply, Grippli Druid by Freddy Honeycutt
    • Zeherin Kune, Elf Magus or Sorcerer by Viluki
    • Trusk Warchild, Half-Orc Druid by Unruly
    • Keston Bane, Shadow Elf Ranger/Wizard by Bloodwolven
    • Synthia, Fetchling Summoner by Algar Lysandris
    • Johnny Adams, Human Barbarian by Gobo Horde
    • Phrr, Catfolk Ranger by Hordshyrd
    • Yuki Tsune, Kitsune Rogue by Seth86
    • Malachi Ekdikésis, Human Cleric/Paladin by SOLDIER-1st

    First, I'd like to say, I used everyone's main profile name, sorry if you like to go by one of your aliases. Secondly, I only listed heroic classes, as a few people elected to start with an NPC class. Finally, although I tried to be thorough with spelling, I'm sorry if I misspelled something.

    Tie My Shöelace, If you'd like to copy this list and say which characters are sufficiently prepared for submission and which still need work, go right ahead. :) (Edit: As in, which characters have met your bare minimum and/or have correct crunch)

    Hordshyrd wrote:
    Special note about the adopted trait (I've had trouble with this one too) It is not meant to get you one of the alternate racial traits it allows you to take one of the traits in the trait list that is exclusive to a specific race like the half-elf "failed apprentice" trait.

    Well, that takes a bit of the appeal out of the trait, in my opinion, but I can also see that being how it's supposed to be. I guess I'm going to go with something else then. I guess getting that extra +4 to Perception on top of all my other stuff would be a little bit OP.

    Anyways, based on the clarification of how the crunch is supposed to work, I've gone and made up my stat block. It's my first time using Hero Lab, so if it's wrong, let me know and I'll fix it.

    Trusk Warchild
    Male Half-Orc (Deep Kin) Druid (Cave Druid) 2
    NG Medium Humanoid (human, orc)
    Init +1; Senses darkvision 90 ft.; Perception +7
    AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
    hp 19 (2d8+6)
    Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +6
    Speed 30 ft.
    Special Attacks touch of darkness 1 rounds (6/day)
    Spell-Like Abilities Touch of Darkness 1 rounds (6/day)
    Druid (Cave Druid) Spells Prepared (CL 2):
    1 (3/day) Cure Light Wounds, Obscuring Mist, Ant Haul (DC 14), Shillelagh (DC 14)
    0 (at will) Mending, Create Water, Purify Food and Drink (DC 13), Stabilize
    Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13
    Feats Blind-Fight, Eschew Materials
    Traits Weathered Emissary
    Skills Heal +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6 (+7 while underground), Perception +7, Survival +10 (+11 while underground); Racial Modifiers +1 Knowledge (dungeoneering), cavewight
    Languages Common, Druidic, Orc
    SQ nature bond abilities (darkness), spontaneous casting, tunnelrunner, wild empathy
    Special Abilities
    Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
    Cavewight +1 Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks while underground.
    Darkvision (90 feet) (Acute Darkvision) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
    Druid (Cave Druid) Domain (Darkness) Granted Powers: You manipulate shadows and darkness. In addition, you receive Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
    Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
    Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells.
    Touch of Darkness 1 rounds (6/day) (Sp) With a melee touch attack, target suffers 20% miss chance
    Tunnelrunner (Ex) Move through rubble and squeeze through narrow passages at normal speed.
    Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

    I have to say, I'm seriously hoping I can get at least my full skill points if I get picked. Being a druid with only 4 skills at level 2 feels kind of wrong. I'm pretty sure I can pull off my character concept just fine without them, but it will probably take me longer to be that "all-knowing druid of the caves" that I was kind of hoping I'd come off as.

    The Exchange

    I'm playing a rouge. Loosing 4+ skill points is bad too :-P

    The Exchange

    Let's see if i get the Crunch part correct :
    Str10,Dex16,con 10, int14,Wis10,cha16
    Trait : charming. +1 bluff and diplomacy against those who find you attractive
    HP: 13

    Skills. (12 at lvl 2)
    Acrobatics , bluff, diplomacy, disable device, disguise, knowledge local, linguistics, perception, perform act, profession actor, stealth, use magic device

    Drow ninja, more specifically. Background and character creation to come.

    Working on Riley Thorne. Current plan is to be the fallen prince, given level 5 for murdering his half brother and plotting a coup. Thrown into the Prison, he seeks to claw his way out with an army at his back- after all, all the empire's enemies are gathered here...

    Crunch wise I'm looking at a divine hunter paladin, although I have had inclinations towards an antipaladin. Though class wise I could go anywhere, I want a charismatic martial type. Maybe cavalier, or even a bard.

    Before I go ahead and write up a whole royal family or what-have-you, I'd like to know if the fluff idea is acceptable, or otherwise.

    Iliante, drow ninja

    Iliante is a drow with the slender build and features of elves, including the distinctive long, pointed ears. His crimson eyes lack pupils. His skin is coal black and covered by scars of torture and tattoos of devotions written in elven script. His head has stark white stubble growing back during months of confinement without shaving. He currently wears a loin cloth and carries a waterskin and cloth bag of rations.


    He killed the empress. The disguise magic and information successfully carried him through the empire to the palace boundary where they constantly detected magic. Night, information, and training brought him to her personal water closet. He waited; patience always his ally. When she arrived, assisted by servants onto her more personal imperial throne, he silently watched from above clinging like a spider to the high wall. He slowly crept down and slid the poisoned knife into her heart. She gurgled as the poison paralyzed her muscles, lungs, and heart turning her blue during his retreat.

    The dogs found him, especially bred for scent and hunting. They should have started searching elsewhere. Either he was betrayed, or someone took initiative. They beat him. They tortured him. But his appearance advertised all they needed to know. He was an assassin from the Mountain, the most famous of the surviving clans of drow and led by the Grandfather. This clan’s name provided the word ‘assassin’ to the human vocabulary, because they could not pronounce the proper elven word. Imperial ninjas aspired to be as good as drow.

    He told them everything that he knew about the job, which was not much. The Grandfather told him to kill the empress. He trained in the manner to infiltrate the empire. He trained in a simulated palace. He knew the routines. He did not know why and did not care, because his life had been chosen before his childhood. He does not fear death, because the Grandfather has shown him the paradise that awaits him.

    He never knew why he was fortunate enough to be raised in the Mountain. Why does water fall down? It just does. His first memories were of the Grandfather telling him what was important and why he should listen to his trainers. One day if he succeeded, he would be shown paradise. He worked hard every day. His first test was the tunnels. Some did not survive. He was alone against the creatures traveling from one side to the other. His success meant he lived.

    Weapons were luxuries and implements of poison. He honed his body to act and react. He practiced climbing to become the spider, silent and deadly. He endured many tests. And finally, he was rewarded. The Grandfather brought him to paradise and finally bestowed upon him his name Iliante, it means ‘the spider’ in elven. Several years ago, he left the mountain to perform his first missions gathering information to watch, remember, return, and repeat. He learned about the lands of the empire as well as those below the surface.

    The imperials convicted him of murdering an imperial agent, a decoy of the empress, a level five conviction. He could believe it, because the empress was not mourned. However, he doubted. Maybe he did kill her, and a decoy replaced her allowing the current administration to continue. It did not matter to him. His next trial was the prison.

    In his last meal at the imperial jail, there was a wafer within his slop of supper. The elven word Vaeresaesol meaning ‘resurrection’ was branded to the edible wafer. He understood it to be his first contact within the prison.

    Agent Francis oversaw the unlocking of the manacles on his feet, waist, hands, neck, and mouth. ”I haven’t seen these precautions taken in a long while. You must be something special, blackie,” he reacted. The wineskin and cloth bag of rations were tossed at his feet. He continued to squint in the daylight as he collected his gear and assembled with the other new prisoners.

    Home at last, he thought to himself as he was pushed into the maw of the prison entrance.

    Grandfather The title of the leader of the drow assassins of the Mountain. Not much is known of him, other than his followers are completely devoted to him. His agents deal in information and death within the empire.
    Vaeresaesol A successful drow living within the prison. He plays the role of information broker and fixer. Very few people are privileged with a private audience with him.

    Assassins An ancient clan of drow who sequestered themselves beneath a remote mountain. Their trade became information and death. Militaries throughout history that sought to siege and assault the Mountain lost their commanders and patrons to poisoned death, so they were left alone. Imperial ninjas emulate the assassins’ skills. Maybe training was sold by the Grandfather centuries ago.


    Lawful Evil Male Drow
    Alternate Racial Trait
    Ancestral Grudge The enmity between the drow and elves and dwarves is long-standing and deeply entrenched. drow with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the dwarf or elf subtypes (with the exception of drow) because of their special training against these reviled foes. This racial trait replaces poison use.)
    Darklands Stalker The lands outside of drow cities, from rough-hewn tunnels to rocky caverns, are treacherous to navigate. drow with this racial trait may move through difficult terrain without penalty while underground. In addition, drow with a Dexterity of 13 or higher gain Nimble Moves as a bonus feat. (Whenever he moves, he may move through 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. This feat allows you to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain.) This racial trait replaces the spell-like abilities racial trait.

    Class Ninja
    Favored Class Ninja
    Age 25 Height 6-ft, 0-in Weight 125 lb.
    Hair white Eyes red
    [spoiler=GAME MECHANICS]Initiative +5; Senses Perception +4, Darkvision 120–ft

    AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor +3 dex)
    HP 17 (2d8 +2 Con +2 favored class)
    Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
    Armor none
    Defensive Abilities
    Immunities Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
    Spell Resistance SR 8, drow possess spell resistance (SR) equal to 6 plus their total number of class levels.
    Special Defenses

    Speed 30–ft, Climb 20–ft
    Melee Unarmed +3 (1d6+2) 20/x2
    Special Attacks
    Light Blindness As deep underground dwellers naturally, drow suffer from light blindness. Abrupt exposure to any bright light blinds drow for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
    Ancestral Grudge The enmity between the drow and elves and dwarves is long-standing and deeply entrenched. drow with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the dwarf or elf subtypes (with the exception of drow) because of their special training against these reviled foes.
    Poison Use A ninja is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison herself when applying poison to a weapon.
    Sneak Attack +1d6. If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

    Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
    BAB +1, CMB +3, CMD 16

    Armor Proficiencies (Light) – ninja
    Weapon Proficiencies (Simple plus kama, katana, kusarigama, nunchaku, sai, shortbow, shortsword, shuriken, siangham, wakizashi and rapier, hand crossbow) – ninja & drow
    Improved Unarmed Strike – 1st

    Traits Warrior of Old (+2 Initiative)

    Skills 8 ranks
    (1) Acrobatics* +7
    (1) Climbing* +15 (Wall Climber)
    (1) Disguise +6
    (1) Disable Device* +7
    (1) Knowledge (local) +4
    (1) Perception +6 (Keen Senses, Light Blindness)
    (1) Stealth* +7
    (1) Use Magic Device +6
    * = Armor Check Penalty none

    Languages Elven, Undercommon

    Ki Pool 3 points per day. A ninja gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy she can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in the ninja’s ki pool is equal to 1/2 her ninja level + her Charisma modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. At 10th level, she also reduces the DC of Acrobatics skill checks made to jump by 1/2 (although she still cannot move farther than her speed allows).
    By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. In addition, she can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Finally, a ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. A ninja can gain additional powers that consume points from her ki pool by selecting certain ninja tricks.
    The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If the ninja possesses levels in another class that grants points to a ki pool, ninja levels stack with the levels of that class to determine the total number of ki points in the combined pool, but only one ability score modifier is added to the total. The choice of which score to use is made when the second class ability is gained, and once made, the choice is set. The ninja can now use ki points from this pool to power the abilities of every class she possesses that grants a ki pool.
    Ninja Tricks
    Wall Climber (Su) A ninja with this ability gains a climb speed of 20 feet, but only on vertical surfaces. This ability cannot be used to scale perfectly smooth surfaces or to climb on the underside of horizontal surfaces.

    Waterskin – 4 lb.
    Rations (2 days) – 2 lb.

    Currency none

    Load to 58 lb., Light load

    I have mostly finished, but the details and ideas keep coming and I keep revising....



    I plan to have minumum stats of 10 and will not be stat dumping in this game.

    Any suggestions to help my character have better chances to get framed and imprisoned?

    Do you have to necessarily be framed in the strictest sense of the word, or could you have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time? As a real world example, take NYPD's Stop and Frisk program. They disproportionately target minorities with it and take certain "liberties" in concluding whether or not someone is "acting suspicious." So maybe the Empire has something like that going on, and you intentionally went to one of those areas and did something that you knew would get you labeled as "acting suspicious." Then, when they stop you on the street, you punch a cop and run or something. You're setting yourself up with the intent of being imprisoned. Or, you could just get the cop who's had a bad day and decided that he didn't like the way you looked, so he harasses you and you get sent to jail for calling him a pig after he stopped you for no reason.

    Or, if you're really wanting to get framed, have your character be carrying some form of contraband in a package that was given to him by someone else. They asked him he to make a delivery to someone, but the reality is that they gave him contraband. He gets stopped for "acting suspicious" and they find the contraband in the package. Your character has no idea it was there, but you still go to jail. Real drug smugglers try this stuff all the time. They'll have a friend visit from another country, then try to get them to deliver a gift to another friend on their return home. Stupid/overly trusting people don't ask questions and then get busted at the airport with a couple kilos of cocaine. Usually the person with the drugs on them ends up in prison rather than the person who planted it, too. Who's going to believe the guy that just got busted with a bunch of cocaine stuffed into his suitcase when he says "It's not mine, officer, I swear! I don't know where it came from!"

    Humm good idea, I think maybe being caught with holy symbols of an outlawed deity or something of that nature might work. Something that gives obvious grounds for imprisonment, though I am not certain in this campaign world what contraband would lead to conviction that quick.

    Thanks for the pointer, I think I going with trained as a druid and released in town as a "tribal druid on a walk-about around town". Sure to get picked up and identified rather quickly, like an aborgine with a spear getting stopped in NYC.......

    The Exchange

    I didn't get an (x new) update on this thread on the list I've got running, so I didn't realize the full thread was up.

    Before I continue with the character I started on, is it possible to play an Elan, as an experiment of the Empire? As a failed transformation, described in Expanded Psionics. Long story short, the procedure is a failure, and you retain 1-2 racial traits of your base race.

    In either case, I will be submitting Cruven the Craven, who has deviated quite a bit from my original concept. Instead of using his fear to help him force others into submission, he'll be using his fear as a survival tool, to combat things that frighten him, and let's be honest, that's quite a few things.

    He'll either be a halfling, or a Failed Transformation:Halfling Elan, depending on whether you allow it, of course.

    Iozif Alamancar wrote:
    Tie My Shöelace, If you'd like to copy this list and say which characters are sufficiently prepared for submission and which still need work, go right ahead. :) (Edit: As in, which characters have met your bare minimum and/or have correct crunch)

    Thanks for the list. As for crunch that is unimportant to have at this point. The main reason is for people (like me) who start with the crunch and fill out their character then create their back story.

    Trusk, the Warchild wrote:
    I have to say, I'm seriously hoping I can get at least my full skill points if I get picked. Being a druid with only 4 skills at level 2 feels kind of wrong. I'm pretty sure I can pull off my character concept just fine without them, but it will probably take me longer to be that "all-knowing druid of the caves" that I was kind of hoping I'd come off as.

    Everyone usually gets their full allotment of skill points. The purpose is to write about how you got those skill points, which you did so you'll definitely see those coming to you.

    Communist wrote:
    Before I go ahead and write up a whole royal family or what-have-you, I'd like to know if the fluff idea is acceptable, or otherwise.

    Go for it! Remember create NPCs who you want to see and scenarios you'd like to see played out.

    Frepply wrote:
    Humm good idea, I think maybe being caught with holy symbols of an outlawed deity or something of that nature might work. Something that gives obvious grounds for imprisonment, though I am not certain in this campaign world what contraband would lead to conviction that quick.

    Anything and everything is contraband if you are unlucky. However since the Sovereign has been preaching tolerance they won't stop you based on race (at least they won't say they did) but because of the way you are acting or dressed.

    Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

    I didn't get an (x new) update on this thread on the list I've got running, so I didn't realize the full thread was up.

    Before I continue with the character I started on, is it possible to play an Elan, as an experiment of the Empire? As a failed transformation, described in Expanded Psionics. Long story short, the procedure is a failure, and you retain 1-2 racial traits of your base race.

    In either case, I will be submitting Cruven the Craven, who has deviated quite a bit from my original concept. Instead of using his fear to help him force others into submission, he'll be using his fear as a survival tool, to combat things that frighten him, and let's be honest, that's quite a few things.

    He'll either be a halfling, or a Failed Transformation:Halfling Elan, depending on whether you allow it, of course.

    I'll get back to you on the Elan thing this weekend after I have looked over it and formed a preliminary ruling.


    Dark Archive

    I have finished up my character's background. His name is Erol Deepdelver, dwarven miner mage.

    10 minute backstory:

    Step 1:
    He was a member of the Dwarven Vaegerhos mining and smithing guild, a massive trade organization that provides raw materials and finished items to the Sovereign's nation.
    He worked as a miner mage, a wizard who ventured into the mines alongside his fellow dwarves to help search for new veins, increase the speed and efficiency of mining, and protect the miners from cave-ins, dangerous creatures, and other hazards. He also worked in the manufactury, smithing and assembling items for shipment.
    Although he was loyal to his guild he was also a member of a small group within it called the Sappers. They knew of the Sovereign's tyrannical ways and provided supplies and weapons to groups who fought against her reign.
    When the authorities discovered the Sapper's activities they quickly moved to capture every rebel in the Vaegerhos guild's large holdings. Erol stayed behind in order to buy time for others to escape. Though he did not fight the soldiers he managed to distract them, helping the Sapper's leadership to flee.
    Since he did not fight the soldiers, but merely delayed them, Erol was not charged with the most serious of crimes (I'm assuming level 3 or 4 for supplying weapons to enemies of the state), but he also earned the court's wrath by refusing to give up his fellow conspirators.
    Although at first he hoped that the Sappers would rescue him before his exile, he has since reserved himself to a life underground without hard feelings towards his former guildmates. Having no attachments besides the guild, he has decided to forge the best new life he can underground rather than dwell on what could have been. He feels sure he can use his skills of mining and magic well in a world he sees as simply a set of deeper and darker mines.
    His prized possession is a ring he inherited from his father, a thick gold ring with a single emerald and bands of runes running around it. He values it so much he has made it his bonded item.

    Step 2:
    Erol hopes to still find a way to oppose the Sovereign, and hopes one day to see her overthrown.
    Erol's other goal is to improve his skills at mining, crafting, and magic by learning all that he can from his new environment. He is eager to examine new materials, new crafting methods, and new forms of magic. If any exist, he will quickly become fascinated by hints of older cultures or races, and will be eager to seek them out.
    Now that he is in this place Erol plans on creating a new life, as a clan oriented dwarf he feels the need to install himself as part of a community. He may even one day consider starting a family.

    Step 3:
    One of Erol's uncles, Halgro Deepdelver, is a devout follower and supporter of the Sovereign, and this uncle confessed to him that he was responsible for informing the Sovereign's soldiers about the Sappers. Erol is greatly angered and shamed by this, and would hate for this information to become known.
    Although Erol is not aware of it, the runes on his father's ring pertain to something within the prison. What do they reveal about the place? How did his father come upon the ring? Did his father know its significance of the runes, or did he just think it was a normal ring? Did he really die in a cave-in like Erol was told, or did something else happen to him? The simple ring raises many questions.

    Step 4:
    One of the dwarves, Velok Steelhammer, who was sent through at the same time also belonged to the Sappers, and so he is a firm ally of Erol.
    The leadership of the Sappers heard about Erol's sacrifice and sees it as the organization's duty to help him. Although there is very little he can do while Erol is in prison, they may attempt to smuggle items or information through using another person being exiled, or make similar small attempts at aid.
    Since several members the Sappers were being sent through at once the Sovereign paid another criminal, Nalisse Ferdova, who was being exiled to watch the dwarves and sabotage any attempts they made to escape, contact the outside, or organize the settlements in the prison. Obviously Erol and the other dwarves are unaware of this.

    Step 5:
    Erol finds the monotony and physical strain of swinging a pick or hammer as calming, and mines or smiths as a way to relax when he is troubled.
    Erol is never entirely satisfied with anything he builds, constantly tinkering with it and attempting to find ways to improve it. Once he decides that an item is good enough he tends to move onto a different one, planning to revisit the old one once he has learned more. In this way he tends to accumulate projects that others would believe are finished, but he still insists are works in progress.
    Erol shares the stereotypical dwarf love of gold, gems, and other treasures of the earth, but he is even more intrigued by new materials or techniques. He would gladly exchange a diamond for a chunk of new ore or explanation of a new smithing method, just for the opportunity to experiment with it.

    In the previous thread it was mentioned that there may be an issue with spellbooks. I was thinking Erol could have his spells engraved on a pair of steel bracers (since he doesn't have many as a second level wizard). My thinking was that a dwarf who lives and works in mines would want to have them always easily accessible without risking the frailness of paper. The spells would also not detect as magic or be readable to someone else unless they cast Read Magic, so it would be possible that they were overlooked. Once Erol gets into the Prison he will cross the bridge of finding a way to make a new spellbook for the spells he gains later. Would this be an acceptable solution?

    The Exchange

    Tie My Shöelace wrote:
    I'll get back to you on the Elan thing this weekend after I have looked over it and formed a preliminary ruling.

    Alrighty then.

    I am so excited to spend a ton of time this weekend working on my background. I love games that put such a high level of importance on it.

    Tie My Shöelace wrote:



    Frepply wrote:
    Humm good idea, I think maybe being caught with holy symbols of an outlawed deity or something of that nature might work. Something that gives obvious grounds for imprisonment, though I am not certain in this campaign world what contraband would lead to conviction that quick.

    Anything and everything is contraband if you are unlucky. However since the Sovereign has been preaching tolerance they won't stop you based on race (at least they won't say they did) but because of the way you are acting or dressed.

    So how would naked have gone over?

    Because the GM has suggested we post scenarios we'd like to see played out, here's some that I've thought of:

    Personal Scenes:
    • Iozif discovering his powers for the first time. Will this be during a combat? Will he wind up in a dark place, and suddenly his finger starts to glow like ET's? There are many opportunities that arise from this one.
    • Iozif discovering the voice of the fungus. I'm okay with either you deciding what the fungus says or me, but the first time Iozif starts to hear voices in his head should make for a good scene, especially if there are others around.
    • I'd like for Iozif's alignment to slowly shift during the game, away from Good and probably to stay somewhere around Neutral, maybe Chaotic Neutral depending on how things go. The fungus will warp his mind and drive him toward its own goals, though what those may be is still completely up in the air. However, the fungus is likely up to no good, and will probably drive Iozif to do something heinous down the line. :)

    There are scenes I'd like to see involving other candidates, but seeing how I don't know who's making it in (myself included!), I'll just leave those out for now.

    Frepply wrote:
    Tie My Shöelace wrote:



    Frepply wrote:
    Humm good idea, I think maybe being caught with holy symbols of an outlawed deity or something of that nature might work. Something that gives obvious grounds for imprisonment, though I am not certain in this campaign world what contraband would lead to conviction that quick.
    Anything and everything is contraband if you are unlucky. However since the Sovereign has been preaching tolerance they won't stop you based on race (at least they won't say they did) but because of the way you are acting or dressed.


    So how would naked have gone over?

    Hey! I already had the idea of getting chucked in naked!

    Lol I kid ^-^
    But I did think of it...

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