unnambed's page

61 posts (591 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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CalebTGordan wrote:

A few thoughts

The second type hasn't really been given much love. We have several of them, but there could be more, especially now that we have even more base classes. These classes marry two classes into one, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of both classes without feeling like you are being left behind. These classes often have unique abilities as well, like imbuing arrows with magical power, mixing divine and arcane energies, or dealing sneak attack damage with any spell that does damage. These types are needed because someone wanted to multi-class but didn't want to feel like they were losing anything by doing so.

The problem with these PrCs is that many feel they are underpowered and the PrCs are disliked because they are so underpowered. Many feel you give up so much more than you get.

Many say that the Magister is better than the Mystic Theurge. Maybe this is the Solution: create base classes that are a a marriage of 2 classes into 1.

The other solution is to redesign these PrCs to make them more potent.

I agree that PrCs maybe much less popular than before.

Has anyone tried transforming Loremaster into a base class?

Spiral_Ninja wrote:

I like the Priest out of Tome of Secrets. I also like Occupations, though I'd stick with starting money by adventuring class and just add a bonus based on the amount shown for Occupation without the x10 multiplier.

Personally, what I'd like to see in an Ultimate Classes book would be a compilation of all the classes and class options from all of the other books in one centralized book.

And by that, I don't mean a reprint of feats or spell lists, but each class and it's archtypes and other options (such as FC options), one chapter each, all in a nice, easy, centralized source.

I think this is a great idea.

Let's remember that the base classes we have today were not as good as they are now. They've all been improved over the years.

Maxximilius wrote:

I don't like it, even if I don't even know what the original warlock looked like. I have yet to see people who loved the warlock and who love Adamant's version... or most of the Tome of Secrets's content, by the way, considering the poor execution of it. There are lots of interesting ideas and concepts in the Tome of Secrets, but you have so much broken mechanics to fiat that ultimately, I wouldn't suggest the book when others did the same but did it better.

That is fair.

Maxximilius wrote:

-A ray specialist spellcaster. Anyone remember the warlock from 3.5?

There are tons of warlock conversions out there, and Rite Publishing again will soon release The Secrets of The Warlock.

Am I the only one who likes Adamant's Warlock?

I ask because most posts seem oblivious to it's existance. I'm not saying it couldn't be improved; I am saying it's pretty good as is.

There has got to be more people excited about this project.

We have Witches, Wizards and soon we'll have expanded Warlocks. I think this is great. I love how this game is growing!

I am looking forward to this!

I hope for more balanced races; the poor Kobold gets the short end of the stick. I am fond of Orcs and goblins too.

Can't wait till June!

- 1st level abilities in all schools not just Evocation.

- maybe pacts that change their primary attribute from Charisma to Intellligence or Wisdom.

- Change the class name to warloghe or waerloga to differentiate it from the DnD class.

I am glad you're expanding on this class. It always looked interesting to me.

Many feel the Theurgist would be way too powerful. They are probably right.

Thanks to everyone that answered.

Gorbacz wrote:

Under your proposal, a Wiz/Clr combo would be outrageously powerful due to being able to have the access to every spell out there, pretty much and cast an insane amount of them per day. Nobody would play a Sorcerer, or any other full caster class.


He'd be a glass cannon for sure. He'd also have restrictions others would not have.

ShadowcatX wrote:

First, the sorcerer is unable to know the multitude of spells that the wizard could know making it weaker than the wizard. Then the wizard gets its higher level spells a level early making it more powerful than the sorcerer. The wizard uses a superior casting stat. Finally, the wizard could have as many spell slots as a sorcerer, more on odd levels. (Focused specialist.) Finally the class had absolutely no class features. All of that together is what made the original sorcerer bad.



Don't forget that the Eschew Materials feat was not free. The Sorcerer also could not replace lower spells at higher levels. Let's just not lump them under class features; they can really make a difference.

(Thankfully, it is a slow day.)

ShadowcatX wrote:

It appears that you only want posts that support your point of view. If that's the case, then what's the point of asking the question?

Some post's are easier to answer quickly. My lunch break is over now. I will have to respond to others later.

Sorry if this was the impression I was giving.

ShadowcatX wrote:
unnambed wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

Thread should probably be in ... uh...Homebrew? Conversions? Not sure, but not General Discussion.

I'm not trying to build a new class. I'm asking a question.
Cheapy's right none the less. You're asking a question about homebrewing a class. It should be in homebrew.

You may be right.

If someone wants to homebrew this class, be my guest. I do not.

I wondered what people thought of this idea. Many think it would be overpowered. I am unsure.

FallofCamelot wrote:
What do people thing about the Mystic Theurge requiring just 1st level spells in divine and arcane so you can pick the class up at 3rd level?

I like the idea.

Kyras Ausks wrote:

i really don't think have every spell (kinda) is that powerful mainly because you might know 1000 spell but still only cast one as turn.

Excellent point!

Galnörag wrote:

So that you suffer the downsides of being a prepared caster, and the delay of a spontaneous caster. Only to moderate the awesomeness of getting both. Otherwise I agree, no arcane bond, no arcane discoveries/bonus feats, no channel energy, no domains, less skills on the list, and maybe 0+skills per level. I would leave them with the bad BAD, and only good will save.

Basically you can use a club and a HELLUVA lot of magic.


If you're the party's healer, remember that you can not spontaneously cast healing spells.

Also, you better use many buff spells on yourself often. Otherwise, you maybe facing a monster with just a robe, a club and a smile (if you're spells don't work, you're out of spells and etcetera).

Cheapy wrote:

Thread should probably be in ... uh...Homebrew? Conversions? Not sure, but not General Discussion.

I'm not trying to build a new class. I'm asking a question.

Gorbacz wrote:

Your proposal is way too powerful. Domains, familiars, hexes are all icing on the cake, what makes full casters truly powerful is, well, full casting. Giving them double the package is just overwhelmingly overpowering.

(Dang! I didn't expect this much response this fast.)

I disagree.

If there is an advantage, the theurgist does not get it. If there is a disadvantage, the theurgist gets it.

Remember when Sorcerers were first introduced? They had none of the updates they have now. THAT is what the Theurgist would get if s/he chose Sorcerer as her/his arcane class.

I am faimiliar with the Magister class. I like it, too. I don't understand why it was necessary.

Since Mystic Theurge does not really work as a prestige class (you lose casting levels among other things), has anyone thought about transforming it to a base class?

In theory, it should work. The Player would choose a divine spell-casting class (Cleric, Druid and etcetera) and an arcane spell-casting class (Wizard, Sorcerer and etcetera); they would gain the appropriate spell lists and spells-per-day (& spells known if applicable). This is all they would get! They gain no domains, no familiars, no hexes, no turning undead and no etcetera. (If the spells-per-day includes domain spells, the player does not get them!)

They want spells and they would get spells (including 9th level). They might still have multiple prerequisite attributes for their spells. They would only have access to simple weapons and no armor; they would be too busy learning magic both arcane and divine. I guess we could call this class the Theurgist.

Has anyone already done this?

I remeber a scholarly priest from DRAGON magazine; I think he used INT instead of WIS for his divine spells.

Is there a character class like that now?

Also, is there a character class that uses WIS for aracane spells.

I suspect either class may make the Mystic Theurge a better option.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I live in Louisiana also. I like this thread and I advise to seperate the climate from the culture.

This thread is great about the climate: hot, humid, swamp with lots of animals and vermin.

Culture is so much more difficult. Does your fantasy world has similar human cultures to the many that formed Louisiana? What about the cultures of the fantasy races (elves, dwarves, halflings, etcetera) and how did they influence this area?

Religion would also play a huge factor. If I recall correctly, the Acadians(?) were banished from Nova Scotia(?) due to religious persecution. I believe they became the Cajuns but Louisiana history class was long ago. How does religion affect the various cultures? How do the deities of the native people, the foreign people (Europe and Africa) and the fantasy people (elves, dwarves, etcetera) interact? I think this would be a greater influence than Voodoo or other Hollywood stereotypes of the deep South.

Good luck.

Legends & Lore

(or Deities & Demigods)

If you need more inspiration, you could watch the "Strawberry Shortcake" series on Jaroo.

It's basically a 'kids in candy-land' cartoon.

Also, isn't there a candy called "the lemondrop kid"?

This is a great thread. In a world with magic, I wondered how farming, foraging and other aspects of domestic life would be affected.

Pale wrote:

I know that, according to lore, Thor's twin sons Magni and Modi inherit his belt and hammer in some combination. His son and daughter by Sif (Ullr and Thrud) also survive.

There are quite a few resources online that talk about who survives Ragnarok. (or comes back from Helheim like Baldur)

Thanks for replying.

I've done my homework.

Deceased :

Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdall, and Loki
Sun, Moon
Fenrir, Midgard Serpent - Jörmungandr

Surviving gods:

Vídarr and Váli

Módi and Magni

After that Baldr shall come thither, and Hödr, from Hel.

Hœnir chooses wooden slips for the purpose of prophecy

Sól will bear a daughter before Fenrir assails her, and that after Ragnarök this daughter will continue her mother's path.

Njörðr's status as a hostage during the earlier Æsir-Vanir War, and that he will "come back home among the wise Vanir" at "the doom of men."

From the last statement, I suspect the "home of the Vanir" survives and so do many of the Vanir, divinities of earth, fertility and prosperity, since the 'new earth' is bountiful.

I was wondering if anyone had a campaign world with these gods.

Also, there is no mention of the fates of any other gods and, especially, goddesses.

Thanks again.

Did anyone ever play in a campaign that occurred after Ragnarok?

If so, what gods did you use? Which of the nine worlds survived and in what form.



I'm looking for anywhere that has Spell lists (Bard, Druid, etc.) with the Schools included.

I trying discover from what schools of magic do most spells of the Bard originate. I also doing this for my Druid.


James Jacobs wrote:

Demons are actually female dominated, I'd say. At least as far as the leaders of the Abyss are concerned. The two most powerful demons are Lamashtu and Nocticula, after all.


This is great news. I am so glad I ordered the Books of the Damned.


W E Ray wrote:

.... Ah, now that fits much better with what's in the Bestiary -- additionally, it's something that that can readily be understood with out abstractions.


Next, we need distinct personalities like in Baator and the Abyss.

I'd like some strong female daemons; especially since demons and devils are mostly male or male-dominated.

Andro wrote:

It'd probably help if you provided some additional information on the inhabitants. How are they built? How do they deal with cold? What kind of crafts and trades are present in the village? A village of tall and lithe mountain ram-herders who ignore cold will look significantly different from a village of short and stocky metalworkers who hate cold.


Stepping through the looking glass, it is villages of "civilized" orcs. They would mirror rural human communities (perhaps darkly). Expect selfishness, superstition and impulsiveness.

Briefly, a benign influence has helped these orcs with education and magic and this effort has born some fruit after centuries.

There are crafts and trades present in the village (since the favored class of these female orcs is Expert); they produce simply but not crudely.

The do herd animals (pigs definitely) but I am still researching. These orcs don't farm but they do "garden".

If you would like more detail, please ask.

Deepest thanks to everyone who responded.

Orville Flibblegribble wrote:
Do they have access to magic? If you have the spells wall of stone and stone shape you could make just about anything you wanted. I had an adventuring party once who built an entire village in about a week using those two spells. I believe we made all the houses domes for the structural integrity.

They would have access to divine magic.

This sounds perfect!

I would love to read more about this wonderful idea if you feel like sharing.

If not, thanks a million.

Does anyone know something about architecture? If so, your response could really help me.

I am designing (in my mind) a country village in temperate hills or mountains but built by a humanoid race (so it would not be exactly like a human village).

What would be a simple but solid design for the houses? The house may look more like an outbuilding than a (human's) home. I imagine unadorned and functional structures but I don‘t know what they would be.

I envision one room buildings -neither huge nor small- with a fireplace. Would adobe brick be a good building material? What would be a good but simple roof for these buildings? Would doors hinges bee too complex? Could doors just be remove and replaced as needed?

What spells would be useful in homebuilding?


James Jacobs wrote:
Another way to look at daemons is that they personify ways that a mortal can die. Demons don't; they personify mortal sins.

I like that idea! It really differentiates Daemons from Demons and Devils.

My only question: why would Daemons want to destroy all life? If they eat souls, they then would starve without any prey.

Daemons would be selfish and predatory but not stupid. What would motivate them eliminating their food source?


Odraude wrote:

Couldn't think of what the right place for this was so... here we go.

I understand the difference between devils and demons. But its very vague to me on the difference between demons and daemons.

"Daimones" were originally nature spirits; nature was not nuturing to ancient people. Nature could be really terrible.

Also, druids can have Neutral evil as an alignment. I think of any neutral alignment in terms of natural forces.

Daemons and Neutral Evil represent the savagery of nature. The attack of a grizzly bear or lioness; the terror of hurricane or earthquake; the endless dryness of a hot or cold desert.

Nature's cruel without malice and daemons destroy to destroy. Devils and Demons enjoy their form of evil. Daemons are unfeeling; they consume souls like animals feed. Daemons would care only about themselves and his/her private agenda. They think nothing of anyone or anything else. Like an animal, they only kill to feed or defend themselves. Wanton destruction is demonic and sadism is diabolic.

They are in my humble opinion anyway.

I only wish Pathfinder had found a better name for them; Daemon sound too similar to demon. Of course, the only name I can conjur is Dænom.


It may stink but it sounds and looks a little different.

Lord Fyre wrote:

But then there are some balanced races that cannot be used due to being hated.

  • the Drow (Bestiary 1 p. 114) – borderline more powerful (innate spell resistance). The Drow Noble is much more powerful.
  • the Duergar (Bestiary 1 p. 117) - more powerful then a standard PC race (powerful immunities and powerful spell like abilities)
  • the Goblin (Bestiary 1 p. 156)
  • the Hobgoblin (Bestiary 1 p. 175) - borderline more powerful (Unbalanced Stats)
  • the Kobold (Bestiary 1 p. 183) - borderline LESS powerful (Negatively Unbalanced Stats)
  • the Orc (Bestiary 1 p. 222) - borderline LESS powerful (Negatively Unbalanced Stats)

  • What a shame.

    I think these races and lizardmen should have been designed/redesigned as player character races. They may never be used by PCs but I think it would make more balanced as NPCs.

    You could simply use the domains of the Greek Gods. Based on your descriptions, these are the Olympians with their Roman counterparts' names.

    Truly, the Roman gods were different from the Greek Gods.

    I like Pink Dragons best.

    I am fond of Orange, Yellow and Purple dragons because they are so rare!

    RAM96 wrote:
    I appreciate your thoughts, what would make it better?

    I notice you have a kindgom based on Ancient Greece; a kingdom based on Ancient Germaic peoples; and a kinddom based on Oerth.

    You also have very generic dieties instead of the Olympians, the Aesir or the Oerthian pantheon.

    Have you ever studied a mythology? I did and I find it fascinating. I know it's not every ones cup of tea. It might help reshape your world.

    In example, www.theoi.com is a great reference website for studying Greek mythology. There are 3 or 4 generations of gods in conflict with each other! They could be the pantheons for your whole world.

    I would also reconsider some of your backstory. A world recreated by the "Great Demon Lords" would be a horrifying place to me. In my mind, it would be filled with creatures from the abyss.

    Just my opinions.

    William Timmins wrote:

    Frankly, 'PC level Pathfinder adept' is pretty much 'Witch.'

    Though I'd probably tweak it to be divine and Wis-based.

    Alternately, use a Priest with a nature theme.

    Alternately, use a Druid.

    If I wanted more distinctly Adept:
    Use Bard spells per day (would have to pick new 6th level list, not sure)
    Gain one domain from Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, or Weather. Gets domain powers plus domain spells are added as spells known.
    Use Arcane Bond as wizards instead of just familiars. (If the adept has Animal domain, must have a magic item instead)

    I think that would still be adepty and at least within spitting distance of PC-level.

    I do not understand.

    What are you trying to accomplish?

    gigglestick wrote:

    I think the original reply hits the point though. What you are creating is NOT an Adept, its something evolved from the adept into some other hybrid spellcaster.

    You don;t love the adept, you love your home-brewed splatclass, which is fine, but it's not the adept.

    I love the adept enough to try and vitalize the class and give it purpose: they would produce low-level divine magical items.

    I don't see any naysayers attempting this.

    A note on the Maven:

    Armor interferes with a maven’s gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail (see Arcane Spells and Armor on page
    83 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).


    Bonus Feats:
    A warrior gains bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level; a warrior may choose any combat-oriented feat for which she meets the prerequisites.


    Bonus Feats:
    An expert gains bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level; an expert may choose any skill-oriented feat for which she meets the prerequisites (i.e. Acrobatic, Athletic, Skill Focus, etcetera…).


    Bonus Feats:
    An aristocrat gains bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level. An aristocrat may choose any feat for which she meets the prerequisites.


    I hope my suggested upgrades to the NPC classes add something to your campaign. At least, your NPCs should now be more versatile and less predictable.


    To me, the Maven is an improved Magewright from the Ebberon campaign. IMHO, the Magewright is anemic.

    Like the magewright, the Maven is responsible for creating most of the low-level magical items found in the campaign.

    ..Table: The Maven alpha.........................................
    ..........................................Spells Known...

    ..Table: The Maven beta..............
    ...............Spells per Day...

    Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
    Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int).

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the maven NPC class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Mavens are skilled with all simple weapons. Mavens are proficient neither with any type of armor nor with shields.

    A maven casts arcane spells which are drawn from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list. Like a sorcerer, Mavens are spontaneous arcane spell-casters; she can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. Unlike a sorcerer, a maven’s intelligence (not charisma) determines the strength of her spells.

    To learn or cast a spell, a maven must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an adept’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the maven’s Intelligence modifier.

    Mavens, like wizards, do acquire their spells from books or scrolls; however, mavens “study” spells like wizards “master” spells (think “spell mastery” feat). A maven’s training emphasizes a small number of spells to such a great extent (read as exhaustive repetition) that she has them already memorized without referring to a spell-book.
    A maven’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A maven begins play knowing three 0-level spells and one 1st-level spell of her choice. At each new maven level, she gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: The Maven alpha under Spells Known. These new spells can be common spells chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, or they can be unusual spells that the sorcerer has gained some understanding or through research.

    A maven can not choose to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the maven can not lose an old spell in exchange for a new one. A maven memorizes her spells too thoroughly to ever forget.
    Like other spell-casters, a maven can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Maven beta. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score.

    When Table: The Maven beta indicates that the adept gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, she gains only the bonus spells she would be entitled to based on her Intelligence score for that spell level.
    Like sorcerers and bards, mavens choose spells as they cast them. They can choose when they cast their spells whether to apply their metamagic feats to improve them. As with other spellcasters, the improved spell uses up a higher-level spell slot. Because the maven has not prepared the spell in a metamagic form in advance, she must apply the metamagic feat on the spot. Therefore, such a character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than he does to cast a regular spell.

    Mavens has a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted on the Table: The Adept alpha under "Spells Known". These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

    Bonus Feats*:
    A maven gains bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level. A maven may choose any metamagic feat or an item creation feat for which she meets the prerequisites.


    To me, the new Adept is similar to the Mystic in the Dragonlance campaign; the Adept draws on her own divine energy instead of deity's divine energy.

    Also, wearing armor does not interfere with spellcasting; the Adept is a divine spellcaster. Armor is simply not part of the Adept's training. If she took a level of Expert for example, she could then wear armor and cast spells.

    Adepts would also be responsible for the creation of many low-level magical items that exist in the campaign.

    ..Table: The Adept.........................................
    ...............................................Spells per Day...

    Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
    Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the adept NPC class.

    Bonus Feats*:
    An adept gains bonus feats at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level. An adept may choose any metamagic feat or an item creation feat for which she meets the prerequisites.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Adepts are skilled with all simple weapons. Adepts are proficient neither with any type of armor nor with shields.

    Spells: An adept casts divine spells which are drawn from the Bard and Druid spell lists (and from her domain). Like a cleric, an adept must choose and prepare her spells in advance. Unlike a cleric, an adept cannot spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. Her alignment may restrict her from casting certain spells opposed to her moral or ethical beliefs.
    To prepare or cast a spell, an adept must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an adept’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the adept’s Wisdom modifier.
    Adepts, unlike wizards, do not acquire their spells from books or scrolls, nor do they prepare them through study. Instead, they meditate or pray for their spells, receiving them as divine inspiration or through their own strength of faith. Each adept must choose a time each day at which she must spend an hour in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain her daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether an adept can prepare spells.
    Like other spell-casters, an adept can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Adept. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Wisdom score.
    When Table: The Adept indicates that the adept gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, she gains only the bonus spells she would be entitled to based on her Wisdom score for that spell level.
    Each adept has a particular holy symbol (as a divine focus) depending on the adept’s magical tradition.

    At 1st level, an adept chooses one domain; she can choose an alignment domain only if her alignment matches that domain. Adepts select a domain that represents her spiritual inclinations and abilities.
    An adept can prepare any domain spell as if it appeared on the Bard and Druid spell lists. Adepts gain the listed powers from her domain, if she is of a high enough level.

    Adepts can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day as noted on the Table: The Adept under "Spells per Day". These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

    Chaotic, Evil, Good and Lawful spells:
    An Adept cannot cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity’s (if she has one).

    Summon Familiar*: At 2nd level, an adept can obtain a familiar (see below). Doing so takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100 gp. A familiar is a magical beast that resembles a small animal and is unusually tough and intelligent. The creature serves as a companion and servant.
    The adept chooses the kind of familiar he gets. As the adept advances in level, his familiar also increases in power.
    If the familiar dies or is dismissed by the adept, then the adept must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. Failure means he loses 200 experience points per adept level; success reduces the loss to one-half that amount. However, an adept’s experience point total can never go below 0 as the result of a familiar’s demise or dismissal. A slain or dismissed familiar cannot be replaced for a year and day. A slain familiar can be raised from the dead just as a character can be, and it does not lose a level or a Constitution point when this happy event occurs.
    A character with more than one class that grants a familiar may have only one familiar at a time.

    I like the witch from Arcanna Evolved. She's a simple straight-forward class with 5 paths; the Winter Witch was my favorite.

    I loved Green Ronin too; the problem with the splat-books is that I could fall asleep before I read everything my character could do. No character class or race takes 30+ pages in any player's handbook.

    Thanks guys.

    Scratch this idea.


    I vaguely recall a feat that permanently used a spell slot to change a spell into a spell-like ability usable 3 times a day.

    I do not remember where I read this feat. Does anyone here know.

    I'm thinking I could use this feat to change a sorceror into a warlockish character.

    Just a thought.


    What did everyone think of Green Ronin's Psychics?