
mrPaljas's page

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Shrink Laureate wrote:
I've added johnnyjester's updated version of the PF2 AutoSheet, and mrPaljas's A5 character sheet.

Hey I saw that you added mine as well which is awesome! But it's not completely correct. The format is actually a PDF which you can't fill in. I'm maybe going to add the form fields to the pdf, but that's something for later.

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TLDR: I adapted the official black and white character sheet into A5 format. Still a work in progress, so suggestions are always welcome! Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gFTexXKBl6lWKlVdxIpv1hD6Nz8b7-6M/view

Hi everybody, I'm relatively new to the game (been playing a cloistered cleric for the past year) and have been experimenting with a couple of character sheets, to find the best setup that works for me and the character I'm playing.

I want to have the most compact setup as possible so I want to take an A5 notebook, and have my character sheet at the front, and my notes and spells after that. It also fits with my character a lot, because it would kinda be like his journal, since he's a big bookworm as well.

I really like the official character sheet, and haven been using it so far, but you can't really shrink it down to that size, and I don't want to turn the notebook sideways to read it.

So I tried to keep the same sizes for all the sections in the sheet as the original, and also tried to keep the pages not too separate from each other.

The 4 A4 pages from the original sheet have been transformed to 12 A5 pages, which seems like a lot, but I'm not going to use every section of them (I don't really use the character sketch, personality and campaign notes section), and this also gave me the option to give some sections more room (for example, I added Lores, and Bonus feats, since we have archetypes too), and the option to expand (you can keep adding feat or spell pages).

The link to the pdf is above but if you want to check out the psd files or the individual png files, you can access the google drive folder here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15F6npkOaVP9Wds9vrnLM64cH0mH7mX7X?us p=sharing

I'm planning to make more changes as I test it out, and there are already some things I might want to change, but if you want to make some suggestions, go right ahead!