
monskers's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 49 posts (88 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dark Archive

I"m a dirty Windows phone user, but I love my phone. I'll end up buying a Windows Tablet when they come out.

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Thank you for the fast reply.

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What is the recommended number of ability score points for an AP? Also, what is the recommended player count? I didn't see it any of my books, I probably missed it. Any help is appreciated.

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I have two separate, "Late July" shipments coming, well it looks that way at least. Is there anyway to get them combined? I really want that $10 off of shipping. Pretty please.

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Dark Archive

If you must censor the images, I would use book covers and a fat graffiti marker, like this: http://artprimo.com/catalog/molotow-markers-wide-markers-c-28_37_181.html

Just make sure it doesn't bleed through.

Dark Archive

AvalonXQ wrote:
Yes, provided you take a full-attack action (which means you can't move in the same round except to take a 5-foot step).

Thank you.

Dark Archive

At higher levels do 2handed users get to make more than one attack? If my base attack bonus is +14/+9/+4 would I be able to take a full round action and attack 3 times?

Dark Archive

I have seen a barbarian dip into bard. He dubbed it a Bard-barian. He had a lot of fun play it.

Just make want you want and enjoy it. That's what I learned from the Bard-barian

Dark Archive


okay, you got me.

Dark Archive

Jadeite wrote:
It might be best to wait for Ultimate Combat and Inner Sea Magic, otherwise a guide might be outdated again in a few weeks once they are released.

Valid point. +1 to you.

Dark Archive

I would like to see an update as well, since I have no clue what I am doing.

Dark Archive

Matthew Winn wrote:

If you want everything, today, no waiting, no entering anything on your own...

I think just shy of $100. But like I said, that's buying all the info for CORE+Blog(anything in a paizo blog is added, gratis)+AP's, APG, Ult Mag, all the companion books, Inner Sea World Guide, both Bestiary's, etc etc etc, IE EVERY SINGLE BOOK paizo has put out for PFRPG or Golarion (they included pre-pfrpg 3.5 stuff like Elves of Golarion) AND anything that was WotC open content that Paizo did not transfer over.

That's a metric ton of splat. I recommend just buying what you need right away and spacing it out. It's a pretty big chunk to pay all at once.

I just paid for the core at first. I picked up a data set about every other week until it was done.

$100. At first I was like that's a bit expensive just to build a character every so often. Then I remember I use the official 4e character builder at $75 a year so the $100 doesn't seem so bad now. I have two big paizo orders coming this month, so I'll probably pick it up next month then.

Dark Archive

So out the door, how much does HL cost? With everything of course I have all the books so I would want access to all that info even if I don't GM.

Dark Archive

Just get minecraft add mods, POW. Pathfinder Online is done.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
monskers wrote:
Will this module be PFS sanctioned?
All modules going forward will be.

You are my hero

Thanks for being superduper

Dark Archive

Power Word Unzip wrote:
I highly recommend Foxit PDF reader over Adobe for general PDF browsing. Files load more quickly and the transition between pages is nearly seamless, even on older machines with outdated processors and lower amounts of RAM.

+1 internet for you

I use foxit as well and don't have any slowness issues.

Dark Archive

Will this module be PFS sanctioned?

Dark Archive

Thanks, this is great.

Dark Archive

Stomphoof wrote:

Man if I felt more comfertable DMing Pathfinder and could afford a plane ticket I WOULD TOTALLY be a Tier 1 volunteer :(

Ah well, maybe next year :3

I with you on this one.

Dark Archive

Crystal Frasier wrote:
I don't know how much awesome there is, but I can confirm that caffeine, gin, and the Arrogant Worms are all major ingredients.

No chocolate?

Dark Archive

damn you pathfinder and your awesomeness. Now another thing to add to my preorders.

Dark Archive


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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I gave the GS a try the other night, I was not overly impressed.

He was a 1st level Dwarf with a musket(1D12 damage, 40ft range). I played in a PFS game. In the last combat, which lasted 8 rounds I did a total of 8 point of damage. In the first round I shot, hit, 7 points of damage. Second round, full action reload. Third round, shoot, hit, rolled a big 1 point damage. Fourth round, full action reload. Fifth round, missed with a one on the die<insert slapped forhead here>.Sixth round, standard action Quick Clear. Yes I know I could have spent a Grit and cleared it as a move action, but it's still a full round action to load a musket at this point. Seventh round, full action reload. Eighth round, no action, bad guys all died before my turn.

Yeah, I had some bad luck, but that what happens every so often. Anyway I did 8 points of damage in 8 rounds out of a possible 24 points of damage. If I would have rolled avg damage 6-7 I would have done 13 points of damage. That's not really overwhelming. If he would have been shooting at AC one of those would have missed, at which point I would have be nothing more than a tree stump. With the rapid reload feat and use of a grit point, I could have got off another shot. I have point blank shot as a feat right now. Another shot would have brought my total possible damage up to 36 and avg damage would have been about 17-19 points of damage. I can't wait until level 5 when I can add my Dex mod(3) to my damage rolls.

I had a couple decent combats, and one with a crit and confirm. My crit did 31 points of damage. I rolled avg damage in most of my combats nothing to exciting. However, I was still shooting every other round and if I had to hit AC I would have missed a few times, making me practically useless.

After the game we talked about the gunslinger a bit, and most agreed that it's was underwhelming. The Crit was awesome, but everything else was eh, okay at best. The tables opinion was that the GS was more fluff than substance. Yes we all understood it was a level 1 GS. Most also understood GS don't begin to shine until about level 5. Which is about 11 more PFS games for him at one every 2 weeks.

At this point I will continue to play my GS just to see what he can do at higher levels, but I'm going to have to multiclass into something else so I can make my self useful during reload rounds. Bard or Inquisitor maybe. I would like to get him to level 6, but that's going to take some time in PFS. But if I get him that high before the ultimate combat comes out I'll follow up with another post.

Well, as for which AC to hit, Touch AC with in a certain range works for me. The force of the bullet, at close range, is what does the damage, much like the force of a mace, quarterstaff, or most blunt weapons. Most blunt weapons don't penetrate armor, yet they still do lethal damage. It's the force of the impact that does the damage. Why don't blunt weapons hit touch AC? Maybe because you have to generate enough force to do damage through the armor. While a bullet has enough force to do damage through the armor, without penetration, at close range.

Dark Archive

sadie wrote:

Anyone interested in playing a Gunslinger, I've posted a prototype:


I just made a gunslinger yesterday, for PFS, and I wish I would have come here first.

Anyway, SGmendez gave two great suggestions. I'll play with the sheet, and see if I can come up with anything.

I'm off to transfer my character to this sheet.


Dark Archive

This kind of makes me sad.

I'm not a fan. The benefits look very focused and not overly powered by any stretch of the imagination, but still don't like it.

Just my opinion.

I hope it doesn't carry over to other products.

Dark Archive

thanks for the post. This will help me out a lot.

Dark Archive

Does Mirror Image stack with other effects, like blur or displacement?

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

thank you both for your quick reply.

Dark Archive

how do I determine a mounts carrying capacity?

Dark Archive


All I can say is make the game your own. Play it the way you want to play it.

Dark Archive

I would treat an ambush as a readied action.

As soon as they see or hear you they spring into combat. I think the immediate danger rule applies. if you had an invisibility spell that could beat the ambushers perception for that 10 minutes then maybe, if you were really quiet.

Dark Archive

Tom Baumbach wrote:
No, the benefit is listed under Weapon and Armor Proficiencies in the description of a class's features. Inquisitors also gain the weapon proficiency of their deity's favored weapon.

Thanks, that's what I kind of figured, but I just wanted to check.

Dark Archive

Do non- cleric classes get any advantage with a chosen deities favored weapon?

Searched but couldn't find and answers. If class matters I'm a halfling cavalier.

Dark Archive

Starglim wrote:
Page 12, "Multiplying" and page 144, "Criticals"

+1 paizo forums to you. thanks for the quick reply.

Dark Archive

I would like to say thanks for making a graphically pleasing character sheet. You get a +1 to awesomeness for it being free and keeping it updated.

Only thing I see that needs adding, and others have stated the same, is to fill out the skill section. However, as you stated, there is room to write them in. Plus I really don't use any of those knowledge skills. It's the only nit picky thing I could really find.

Hopefully in the future you'll make sheets for the new classes coming out in the ultimate combat book.

Thanks again.

Dark Archive

is there a place in the rule book that show how this is all figured out.

Dark Archive

I never really thought about the "cheesecake" factor in Pathfinder. All in all it doesn't seem that bad, at least to me. Mostly cause I know it's not real, it a fantasy, pretend, & an imagining. The artist probably sits down and draws what he would like to see in his world. I'm sure a majority of us have seen far worse example of cheesecake in public, especially you warm weather climate people. Is it bad or good, it's neither probably its just there.

Personally, I love all but a few instances of Paizo's art work and I hope they continue to create awesome art paired with a great gaming system.

Dark Archive

It depends, if it's creative and fresh sure, but it's the same old tired lame lines I'll slap my forehead.

Dark Archive

Trinam wrote:
Mr.Fishy wrote:

Two Shields!

Double the attacks and double the defense...WAIT! Mr. Fishy will dual wield a wizard and a cleric CoD Fu. Fear Mr. Fishy's two finned fury!
You'll need an enlarge person to carry them, or else be dual-wielding gnomes. You have Catch Off Guard and Throw Anything, right Mr. Fishy?

I'm dual wielding Gnomes Gunslingers, and both are dual wielding pistols.

Dark Archive

Darkholme wrote:

Fighter: Some kind of Swashbuckler-esque archetype maybe. Think 3 musketeers.

I would like see this an arch type of a gunslinger.

Dark Archive

You just read through this entire thread like I just did.

Dark Archive

I don't know, imo more option/choices really doesn't seem that bad to me. Even if I don't care for them. I just hope they are balanced and are fun to play for whom ever decides to play them.

Dark Archive

Azmyth wrote:

I might be off in left field, but it's my understanding that the mis-fire/failure/jam/broken (whatever you want to call it) is a product of an imperfect technology, not necessarily the skill (or lack of it) of the user...

I agree with this. Also I would like to add that I see the gunslinger as a one shot, and rush into melee type of character. Reloading seems to be a pain.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the quick replies. This clears things up quite a bit.

Dark Archive

Just looking for clarification on this.

If my Halfling Cavalier has spirited charge and uses a lance while mounted what is the multiplier on the damage?

While charging.

If you are unmounted the Lance 1D6 damage.

If you are mounted the Lance is 2D6 damage.

Spirited Charge gives a triple damage with a lance. [while charging.]

So if I understand this, which I don't, I get 6D6 on a mounted charge. Is that right?

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:


I figured I'd have some major issues to fix/clarify/correct when I got back, but this just takes the cake. Here we go:

1. Cheating is a ridiculous word in this context. The GM did NOT cheat. In fact, I'm removing the word "cheat" from the thread title. THAT's how ridiculous I think it's usage here is.

2. The GM made a simple mistake based on me not adding the language from the boards clarifying the conversion issue to the 2.2 update. I have notes added to my 2.3 draft right now that say to include this information. I'll clarify again here: please don't ad hoc your conversions. Just use the free info Vic linked to above and use the 3.5 monsters. There's a reason I'm retiring or converting all Season 0 scenarios--but it's going to take time.

3. Even though the GM made a simple mistake, it's still entirely possible for a low hit point squishy wizard to get killed pretty much all the time. I play wizards almost exclusively in PRPG and I've lost a fair share of them. It's part of being a squishy character. Live with it.

4. I can certainly appreciated feeling a bit heated after character death. Yeah, you might feel an overwhelming wave of anger and sadness at the loss of something you've put so much time into. But after you feel those emotions, take a deep breath (I mean a REALLY deep breath, maybe count back from 10) and then remember that this is a GAME. GAMES ARE FUN. You died. So what? Make another character and have fun!

5. In addition to #4, there's this: everyone at the table wanted to help raise your character and get on with adventuring! Why did you bail the table when you died? You could be raised by the table (even before the next encounter!) and you could've possibly finished playing the scenario or at least had some resolution to your PC's death before the group wrapped up play. Next time: remember it's a game, don't run away when you die, and wait to see what the table will do to help you.

6. Lastly, the GM controls his/her table. I will not override decisions at the table...

Wow, came here to play Pathfinder, and got a life lesson. Very well said. I think I am going to like this community.