Vencarlo Orinsini

joela's page

Organized Play Member. 4,644 posts. 7 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Anyone know if available to order from FLGS?

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Hi, y'all!

All this info is good to know. I'll be running the second edition version shortly for my gaming group. While I have the first edition rules, I never ran it or played in it to any great extent. Thus I shouldn't be suffering any "Which rule is that from?" phenomenon. I hope :)

Dark Archive

shallowsoul wrote:

Now of course if you are able to play multiple games and you are able, and want, to play both then you are lucky. Some of us don't have that luxury and have to decide which game they will run. I am planning on buying the books but I think my group and I will continue with Pathfinder while maybe playing a game of D&D every now and then in the future.

How about you?

Switch back and forth not only between the two systems but the other games as well (e.g., Savage Worlds, FATE, etc.) One of the things my gaming groups have found irritating about Pathfinder and D&D is that it's real hard to have a pickup game with the rule sets. There are just times when you want and/or have the time for a session or two and don't want to spend the hours during the week to make a decent 10th - 15th level PC. Or deal with the long combat sessions. On the other hand, both companies put out great products. So we'll be playing around with them all to see what fits our schedules these next few months.

Dark Archive

Heine Stick wrote:
Just above the top review there's a link named "Write a review".

Ugh. I hate my aging eyes. Thanx, Heine!

Dark Archive

Just finished Skinwalkers last night. How do I post my review in the review tab?

Dark Archive

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

Give me an idea for a game product you'd REALLY like to see, but WOULDN'T have expected Super Genius to have done. I have a new venue, and new ideas flowing, and new writers coming to me so, give me your Rogue ideas!

I've pretty much made clear what I've always wanted from SGG games and would like from Rogue: a campaign setting.

This new world would bring the various RGG products from Anachronistic Adventurers, classes like the Godling, magic systems (especially spell points), the monsters, etc., into a cohesive whole. Examples of such contained backgrounds include Eberron by WotC, Amethyst Renaissance by Dias Ex Machina, Third Dawn Campaign Setting by Dreamscarred Press, and NeoExodus: A House Divided by Louis Porter Jr. Design, Inc. Heck, you could have some sorta competition to create such a setting among fans, or at least part of it.

Course this "Rogue planet" would be compatible with Pathfinder.

Hope this is interesting enough to warrant a free pdf :)

Dark Archive

hedgeknight wrote:
Books arrived Saturday afternoon > received RC (Pathfinder) after waiting four years! And the RC (Swords & Wizardry) is a mighty fine tome too! Now, the decision is which to focus on...Pathfinder or S&W...

Any news about purchasing it from one's FLGS? Or POD?

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Saw it. Enjoyed it. My favorite part? The new relationship between Lois and Clark.

Dark Archive

Discussions here on the boards heightened my awareness of such art:

Science fiction authors attack sexism amid row over SFWA magazine

Dark Archive

Thanks, everyone! Still havin' fun pickin'. And, again, thanks to Louis and Steven for their amazin' presents. DEF was not expecting them! You guys ROCK!

Dark Archive

Rite Publishing wrote:


I will join LPjr in sending you a gift it you email me. worldsmith at gmail dot com. Pick a pdf from Rite Publishing you want I will send it.

OH. *sniff* Thanks, Steven. I-I honestly don't know what to say except "y'all rule!"

Dark Archive

LMPjr007 wrote:
joela wrote:

It's my birthday today and I decided one way to celebrate is spend some cash on Pathfinder-compatible products. There's a lot of those, though, and I'm only allocating a hundred bucks.

So, what do you recommend? I'm primarily lookin' at pdfs.

Thanks in advance!

Since it is your birthday Joela why don't you do this, send me your email address and I will send you a PDF copy of NeoExodus: A House Divided campaign setting as a birthday gift. I mean it IS your birthday and you should be getting a gift, instead of spending your money on a gift.

And if you feel the need to thank me, then tell everyone you know who plays Pathfinder to support the 3PPs of Pathfinder. That is thanks enough. Happy birthday.

Oh, wow. Thanks, Louis! That was unexpected *sniff*

Dark Archive

It's my birthday today and I decided one way to celebrate is spend some cash on Pathfinder-compatible products. There's a lot of those, though, and I'm only allocating a hundred bucks.

So, what do you recommend? I'm primarily lookin' at pdfs.

Thanks in advance!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Will be interesting to compared the upcoming Paizo Pathfinder product with the supp from SGG.

Dark Archive

Abandoned Arts wrote:

Not to derail the thread, but don't even get me started on Fifty Shades of Grey. A BDSM novel in which there is no mention of the concept safewords? No joke - that is just a seriously and gravely irresponsible depiction.

Wait. Really? Talk about major error. That's like not using a d20 in D&D or Pathfinder. Safewords are essential. What was the author's reasoning for that?

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Dark Archive

Saw the Pathfinder Society's running several tables at Comic-Con. Who's running/participating?

Dark Archive

Because Pathfinder is considered backwards-compatible with 3.x stuff, has anyone out there just used the Core rulebook and strictly 3.x for their games (i.e., using the various Complete books, MM, MM2, & MM3, Spell Compendium, modules galore, etc.)? Impression I get is most folks drop their 3.x stuff as soon as their Pathfinder equivalents are available by Paizo or third-party providers with an occasional dip here and there from 3.x.

Dark Archive

What were the major ideas of sci-fi published in the latest 60's and 70's? I remember the Cold War and supercomputers but that's about it. Any books you'd recommended written in that era that exemplifies the trends of that time?

Dark Archive

Huh. Interesting but not surprising.

The acquisition has me wondering. I remember NG trying to develop a retro version of 4e a whiles back. It failed miserably, but I wonder if FGG would consider resurrecting it. I'm guessing no, but still have to ask.

Dark Archive

Interesting forum post. Has anyone ever dealt with outright blatant homophobia or, more commonly, what I call "locker room" humor in their games, either from the GM, players, or both?

Example from a real game: "Your PC enter the prison section --"

"Oh, fu#@! Don't drop the soap!"
"Haha! Yeah, your elf better watch it in there, Brian. Or he's gonna get the shaft!"
"Yeah, Brian. And none of that mamsy-pansy safe shooting cr&% your character does all the time. These guys mean serious business, what with no women for so many years."
"Still can't tell if elves are male or female. Or how they like to get it."
"Hey, at least they're gettin' some, Mr. 40 year old virgin, either with pu#^# or fu$#@$ by a f!@$^&!"
"Ass#%$%! At least when I'm fu$#*^$, I know it's a lady, not like that b8$#@ you call your [girlfriend/wife/roommate with benefit]!"
"Fu#$ you, f+%$#^!"

Etc. NOTE: Cleaned up the language a bit. I left the group shortly.

Dark Archive

Well put. Still not sure of the reasons, though I agree about the perception issue on physical copy versus virtual. Thoughts?

Book publishers are being sued by the Justice Department for allegedly colluding to raise e-book prices. This isn't a case of simple greed.

Full article

Dark Archive

Has there been a response from the Paizo staff, either officially or personally, to WotC's announcement of a new version of DnD?

Dark Archive

Looking forward to KUG.

Dark Archive

Louis Agresta wrote:

Here's the latest update. Not ready to say anything about Razor Coast, because I've got nothing concrete to say. But I've made a little forward motion...

Update from Lou

Since Nick's back in Hawai'i, do you think he'll return to writing rpg fray?

Dark Archive

I'd like to see more creatures from the other planets located in the Golarion solar system.

Dark Archive

TOZ wrote:
Kirth should be along soon to report his playtest findings. :)

What summoning level is that? ^_^

Dark Archive

I know it's been asked before, but what's the impact to the game if spells that normally take a standard action to cast now take a full turn. Thanks!

Dark Archive

Any thought of a print edition? Or use rpgnow's service?

Dark Archive

Not into MMOs but this is big. Congrats, Paizo!

Dark Archive

After a successful Pathfinder RPG Beginner Box one-shot, gonna start a campaign. Setting's Land of the Linnorm. Suggestions on PC races and classes? Not too sure, for example, how the paladin fits in the setting or many of the classes from the APG, especially the alchemist, cavalier, and summoner. Same with the halflings. On the other hand, the samurai and ninja from Advanced combat actually fit in the setting.

Dark Archive

Karui Kage wrote:

This may be a bit of self-advertisement due to my own involvement, but I wanted to let everyone know about Josh Frost's new company and subsequent RPG. He just launched a Kickstarter for the project with Hugo Solis (Butterfrog) as Artist, and myself as a Developer, plus many others. If you want to see a new take on the science-fantasy genre (the fantasy world is inside a dyson sphere!), then give it a look! :) -all-new-science-fantas

OH. It'll be available at retail stores in the future?

Dark Archive

Kthulhu wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

There is also the fact that 5th level in 3rd edition dnd (and thus pathfinder) pretty closely resembles the absolute peak of human ability. So in E6, the heroes are able to just get past what real human beings can actually do before they start to level off. The fighter is just a little bit tougher then the best soldier on earth, and the wizard is just a little bit smarter then einstein and steven hawking.

What this mean is that things that are rationally a threat remain a threat. It is good for dms that dont like the 'superhero' feel of mid to high levels. Falling off a cliff or into lava is still very deadly, and even magic is still with the bounds of the believable.

True. Although, since I feel that the Pathfinder rules are fairly stable up to 12th level or so...

That's interesting, Kthulhu. Could you elaborate?

Dark Archive

Looking forward to this. I have several adult gamers who are not in the mindset to read the 600+ tome that is the Pathfinder Roleplaying Corebook. This intro should be just fine to wet their appetites.

Dark Archive

Ross Byers wrote:

I wrote this awhile ago. I like it.

Spell points are probably more user-friendly, though.

Whoa! Ross, I didn't even know you played, never mind created your own rpg material! I'll definitely check your Zelazny-inspired system out!

Dark Archive

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
And definitely don't lick a co-worker's least while anyone else is around......that didn't end up well at wonder I can't find a job...:(

Damn blacklisters!

joela wrote:
There have been a few changes at work. Now I have a new boss who, shall we say, I find pleasing to look at. While it definitely makes it easy to pay attention in conversation, is it time to look for a new job? :(

I command you not to get off on this!

Anyway sexual harassment is bad, and I agree with the Seinfeld quote upthread.

And is "take a picture, it'll last longer" ever actual permission? NO.

Definitely no sex in any way shape or form! Eek! Our spouses would kill us!

Dark Archive

Tensor wrote:
Treppa wrote:
joela: Do you have a question, a complaint, or are you just taunting the rest of us? ;)

Also, I still don't understand your original question -- What are you doing that makes you feel guilty??

Doin'? Nothin' Feelin'? Ugh.

Dark Archive

Treppa wrote:
joela: Do you have a question, a complaint, or are you just taunting the rest of us? ;)

Yes, yes, and of course not! I'm too young to be a troll ^_^.

In all seriousness, it's a weird situ to be in, at least for me. I do feel guilty about it even though nothing's every going to happen. Especially on the upcoming road trips starting in a few months. Strictly business. *Whew*

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:
joela wrote:
joela wrote:
There are a lot of attractive folks at my job and, because of where my cube's situated, I see them. A lot. I've been enjoying it but am wondering if that's the wrong attitude. These are my colleagues!
There have been a few changes at work. Now I have a new boss who, shall we say, I find pleasing to look at. While it definitely makes it easy to pay attention in conversation, is it time to look for a new job? :(
Do you otherwise enjoy your job?

Best. Job. Ever.

Dark Archive

joela wrote:
There are a lot of attractive folks at my job and, because of where my cube's situated, I see them. A lot. I've been enjoying it but am wondering if that's the wrong attitude. These are my colleagues!

There have been a few changes at work. Now I have a new boss who, shall we say, I find pleasing to look at. While it definitely makes it easy to pay attention in conversation, is it time to look for a new job? :(

Dark Archive

Any chance the Splinter of Faith series will be complied into a massive compendium?

Dark Archive

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

I think we have 11 base classes in the Core Rule book and 6 Base Classes in the Advanced Players Handbook and One more Base class in the Ultimate Magic, and Finally one more Base Class in the Ultimate Combat. We also have 3 more Altertante classes, One in the APG, and the other two in the UC.

This would mean that there are 22 classes to choose from.

Do we need any more classes? Do we have too many? Do we have too few? What do you think?


Too many. Three core (melee, caster, expert), with archetypes and alternative classes to fill in the niches would be perfect.

Dark Archive

Roman wrote:
So what should/will Paizo do to respond to and how will Pathfinder be impacted by 5e D&D?

IMO, take a quick gander at the new rules over drinks with their friends over at WotC, then get back to business making the Pathfinder Roleplaying game the best possible game they can.

Dark Archive

Will be interesting to see what Mr. Cook brings to the 4e table.

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Welcome, Mike.

Dark Archive

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

100% recession proof!

Although, I bet they've been taking a hit from the internet, too.

Uh, yeah, they have. Especially streaming. But that's a different topic ^_^

Dark Archive

I would like to see an iconics book that fleshes out their stats at levels 1, 5, 10, and 15. Accompanying each statblock would be a snippet of their history and personality at that time, with explanation to why they have those particular feats, equipment, etc.

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