December 26th Update
![]() Given the nature of his ability, for now I'll say no unless Luke states that he wasn't trying to hide the use of his ability from the rest of you. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Samuel carefully places the book beside him on the cusions, as if he doesn't want to dirty it with his hands too much. he chuckles as he slips you the pills under the table. "Glad I could help you find some good research materials," he says, a bit embarrassed that he "conned" his way into decent reimbursement for at least a while. The effects aren't immediate, but time will tell. At Luke's question, he gives some time to consider. "Not much else, at least nothing that catches the eye. She had some books herself, mostly kids stuff, you know, classic tales. She'd always read to Copper, who doesn't know how. Can't remember the book specifically though..." ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Lady Anya's shoulder visibly drop. "I'm sorry...I feel like a bird in a cage sometimes. It is a rather nice cage, and with a handsome caretaker...." "What you can do to help is find the source of this illness, perhaps even put a stop to this outbreak. I'll help how I can, but my reach is limited. Though...I do feel bad for the featchling population. Even if they are the cause, they are victims like the rest of the town, and the anger pointed at them is concerning..." ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Police Captain Suarez look of concern splits into a huge grin as he gingerly picks up the gun. He takes a solid minute looking it over and admiring its construction. "One hell of a gun...." he agrees, before setting it down. He picks up his desk phone and begins typing in a number. "Sinclair will be getting explicit order to pass the case and move on to....more pressing matters. Go ahead and wait for him in the break room. About ten minutes pass by before the heavy footsteps of Sinclair march through the breakroom door. His blue eyes stare at you with an accusatory glare. It doesn't matter if this was a dead case or he'd rather get rid of it. The fact that you want it and he was ordered to give it up just rubs him the wrong way. [b]"Shall I give you the report?" Sinclair ennunciates, glancing at the two other officers sitting at a small table on the other side of the break room. He whips out his notepad and steps in closer. "What the hell is going on Walton?" he hisses in your ear. "Why you going after my case?" ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Laurentiu lefts his head. His expression is the same, almost unemotional. Median and Lia, as far as you can tell they're just normal bonfires. Normal, giant, blazing furiously bonfires being tended to around the town. "Allow me to escort you inside. The master will wish to speak with you. The servants will take your carriage and secure it." If you follow him, he will lead you to a sitting room. The room has red wallpaper with floral designs of the local flowers in gold leaf. The armchairs are made of soft leather and surround a low glass table set with light refreshments, and a glass chandelier glitters overhead, unlit. It smells of musty books, though none can be seen on the shelves. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() I know some folks pulled night duty, but for the sake of narrative, we can say you guys got cat naps here and there. Also, for moving forward as Wade will busy with studies, we'll assume he's present as well. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() And for those intersted in the name of the next module... Current module name: The Midnight Mirror ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() At the mention of of Mark's death, Silas snorts in derision. "Not surprised. That's what happens to most newbies to the underworld. You play with fire, and all the rest..." Seeing that his words were only drawing more questions, he continues. "He was a drug dealer." he states flatly. "My dealer specifically. Trying to earn some money on the side, must've had a deal that went bad." ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Alright, then for Unbeugsam, you get A Mighty Cleaving WarHammer, Iron Rope, and a Feather Token (Tree). ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Or, you Jix could have the right boot, Median the left, and they'll have to three-leg-race it to do anything ;D ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() We'll sort out Owl's leave from the game after the fight, but for now to not complicate things I'm going with my usual "fade with no explanation" for player absence." Lia shoots a cold cantrip of permafrost pain, but the cold didn't has as much power in it as she could gather and all it does is merely chill the leather armor of the thug. "Magic user eh? I'm gonna enjoy pulling you apart." Median keeps swinging her blade, her arms not able to muster enough momentum to definitely drive the blade through the dense muscle of the alchemist. Laetitia focuses on one of the thugs, her bolt striking the man and piercing through his shoulder. He cries out in pain, and turns to her. And with that one swing, Irian rips his blade from the alchemist's shoulder, down her chest to her waist. A gurgle of blood bubbles up from the alchemist's mouth, and she drops the ground, unmoving. Seeing there boss defeated, the remaing thugs see that much of the party is in fighting shape. "Run!" one of them yells. The last of the thugs are attempting to flee, but should you not fell them, they will be caught by the perimeter. Later outside. You all leave the warehouse, sweaty, breathing heavy, a bit sore. You see a small group of thugs tied up together, unharmed, but restrained. They all stare at Lia and angrily start to move towards her before one of the town's guards swiftly strikes them to force them down. "The deed is done then?" Sheriff Feldane asks, meeting you halfway. "Also, apparently someone makes delicious noodles here?" ![]()
![]() Announcement as I pull myself from my finals. REcruitment closes when I post on this thread tomorrow after my final. I'd like to thank Bronwyn for her active help in this as the timing of the recruitment was poorly timed for my studies. Please finalize any details, backstories, and such before the cut off. Good Gaming! ![]()
![]() I'm currently GMing a game of Masks by Magpie Games, which is based on the Apocolypse system. Unfortunately, real life has weathered the player count down to an active three players currently. However, the three remaining are eager to continue and I've decided to once again open a re-recruitment. For those interested: Short summary of Masks:
Masks is a tabletop roleplaying game in which you play young superheroes who are growing up in a city several generations into its superheroic age. Halcyon City has had more than its fair share of superheroes, superteams, supervillains, and everything in between. Over the course of three different generations of super-people, Halcyon City has seen it all. You play members of the fourth generation, young adults trying to figure out who they are and what kind of heroes they want to be. The rest of the world is telling them what to do, but they’ll find their own path amidst the noise. And kick some butt along the way. After all, what’s the point of being a hero if you can’t fight for the things you believe in? Masks is based on the award-winning Powered by the Apocalypse system developed by Vincent Baker and used in Apocalypse World, Monsterhearts,Urban Shadows, and more. It’s a rules-light system that fuels some of the best innovations in gaming in the last ten years, and Masks has been built from the ground up to incorporate everything I’ve learned about Powered by the Apocalypse games. When you take an action that would trigger a move, you roll two six-sided dice, add them together with one of your Labels (a stat that describes your hero), and look to the move to see what the results are. On a 10+, you get what you want, and maybe a little extra. On a 7-9, you get what you want, but at some kind of cost or with a complication. On a 6 or less—a miss—the GM says what happens next, and chances are things get complicated for our young heroes. Masks produces stories like those found in Young Justice, Teen Titans,Young Avengers, X-Men, and more, using the Powered by the Apocalypse rules to provide an easy but useful skeleton for awesome storytelling!
The current playbooks already claimed: The Transformed, The Janus, The Outsider
Available playbooks can be found here and here. Please choose a playbook that is not currently in play. Masks playbooks bios:
The Bull – You’re tough, gruff, and powerful on the outside, and caring on the inside—oh, and you were made by an evil organization that’d love to get you back: can you learn to rely on the team enough to save you from yourself? The Nova – You’re amazingly, egregiously, horrifyingly powerful, and keeping control is a struggle: can you come to terms with your power before it destroys you? Or someone you care about?
The Legacy – You’re carrying on a long tradition of heroism and nobility: how can you balance that legacy with your own identity?
The Delinquent – You’re a rabble-rouser, a rules-breaker, and an incorrigible prankster, someone who pushes people away while secretly wishing they would stay close: can you stop being a little s&#$ for long enough to let them know you actually care?
The Beacon – You’re here because this is awesome, and you may not quite fit in, but screw it, you’re going to do this anyway: can you prove that you actually deserve to be here? Or are you just a wannabe? The Innocent - Hopeful, troubled, out of place, noble. e Innocent is the kid version of a dangerous person, in whom anyone else can see the potential for great nobility...and the potential for great horror. Their story is all about simultaneously being an unformed font of possibility while having clear evidence for a particular life path in front of them. The Joined - Unsure, supportive, jealous, defiant. The Joined is a mix of emotions and ideas, de ned more by the hero to whom they are connected than by anything else. The Joined is different from any other playbook in Masks, and making it work requires substantial buy-in from all the players involved. Don’t play the Joined unless both you and the other player are on-board. The Newborn - Curious, strange, quixotic, dogmatic. The Newborn is a kid trying to figure out how the world works, and clinging to principles in an attempt to impose order on their understanding of it. They don’t quite know for sure what their ideals are or should be, but they’re testing them out with every action and idea. The Reformed - Haunted, redemptive, dangerous, tarnished. The Reformed is still young, but even in their short time, they’ve done things—if not quite unforgivable, then pushing the limits. They filled the role of the villain, and they did it willingly and knowingly. And now they’re trying to do better, to be better, but redemption doesn’t come that easily. The Star - Arrogant, ambitious, flamboyant, delightful. The Star is a young celebrity, aware of their status and interested in obtaining more of it. If they’re a showboat, but they’re also still a superhero, and those two poles pull them in drastically different directions.
The actual playbooks are listed here. If you're wondering about some of the more important mechanics before you decide to sign up or pass, I invite you to read the following two sections. Interaction is the basis of this game, and how you percieve your place in the world and influencing people into changing are core mechanics. Rules for Labels:
Characters in Masks each have five mechanical attributes called “Labels.” Labels represent how your character views their identity. Are you a Danger or a Savior? A Freak or Superior? Or are you just Mundane? Each Label ranges from -2 to +3; the higher the rating is, the more the character sees their self by that light. If you have Danger +3, you see yourself as a threatening, violent figure. If you have Mundane -2, you see yourself as anything but a normal person. The Labels include: Freak, which is all about being strange, unusual, unknown, different, unique, powerful, weird, and special.
The Labels shift and change over the course of the game as your self-image changes, most often due to the influence of others. As these Labels shift, so does your position in the story: a hero who sees their self as a Danger is better at directly engaging villains and threats, but their low Mundane means they might struggle to connect with ordinary people after a fight. Rules for influence:
Influence is a mechanic used to keep track of whose words matter to you. When you have Influence over someone else, it means they care about what you say. When someone else has Influence over you, it means that you’re affected by their words. Much of Masks involves giving, taking, and losing Influence over others. After all, you can’t convince your teammate to stop being a Danger if you don’t have Influence over them. When you do have Influence over them, and you tell them how they endangered civilians, your words might lead their Labels to shift. They might be chagrined at your words, and shift their Danger up, and their Savior down—they see themselves as more of a Danger, because of what you said. Or, they might resist, argue with you, and wind up shifting their Savior up and their Danger down—they don’t care what you say because they define who they are, and they choose to be a Savior. Influence allows for a quick and easy way to understand whose words can cause your Labels to shift. You care about what they say, so your self-image is tied up in how they view you, what they say about you, and what you accept about their perspective on the world. Of course, you are just a young superhero, trying to find your way. And that means in Masks, all the adults have influence over you by default. But you can resist what they say to free yourselves of their words. You just have to stand up to them, and tell them that you make your own path…easy, right?
If I haven't scared you off quite yet, then feel free to reply! I'm looking for two new heroes to join the team. Recruitment lasts for one week (or until I can pull myself out of the middle of finals) but I'll stop accepting applicants on May 9th, Wednesday. Pertinent Info
Thanks for reading! ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() Jae Lin does, what he regrettably calls, damage control. It wasn't as if Kid would purposely sabatage his schedule and efforts, but he just had to make sure everything was where it needed to be. No surprises. He didn't have time for surprises. He would make calls to work, his parents, the school, even the apartment management just to make sure bills were paid on time, schedules were unaltered, and nothing was out of place. He'd take an hour to decompress later tonight, screaming at some faceless person on the other side of an MMO he enjoyed. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Irian's longsword crashes into the side of the transformed alchemist, and you think you may have heard something snap internally. She snarls at you, the pain of the blow drawing even more of her bestial nature. Retcon is fine as it was my fault for missing it earlier. So many moving parts
Jix stealths so hard all her prior posts disappear, her alias is blank, and the DM is wondering when to run another recruitment for a rogue he thought he had. //joke Will Save: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Owl, realizing he needed to change the situation in order to gain the advantage, feints out his opponent and makes a break for the ladder. The alchemist, realizing how large a threat Irian is, pours her attention in on him, and shouts to her minions.
Bite Irian: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 - 2 = 4 Damage: 1d8 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 - 2 = 2
Crossbow Attack on Irian: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Players up! ![]()
Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○
![]() Twitch grabs the salt shaker and places it places it in the center of Moxie's improvised map. "Guys, just leave the distractions to me. I mean, I've made a whole career about getting attention, shouldn't be to hard right? One Tron bike maze later and we'll clean this up no problem." It only made sense. Salt was in her name. Copying Amir, I want Moxie to make me lead centerpiece, Provoking: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 6) + 2 = 11
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() "What's wrong with my legs?" Tox asks, looking at his body through Sorrel's. Unfortunately, the misunderstanding causes him to lose balance as he imitates a clown on a balancing ball and flops to the floor. "Sorrel, I take back every mean thing I said about you." Tox grumbled as he sat up on the floor, twisting his body so he wasn't prone. "I imagined this would be hard, but....I did not anticipate how hard..." ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() OMG PROGRAMMING IS HARD. Sorry for the wait folks. Updating everything tonight so should get those messages sent out sometime tonight. ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() Huh, the clopping sound of hooves on pavement is actually kinda nice. He was going to have to stop it with the weird Sorrel body thoughts. He had already had to make one visit to the restroom last night. He really didn't want to. when the group had gathered at the Institute, he watched as Michael and Solmira started on something. "Have an idea?" he asked Solmira's body. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() And so our heroes, through the valiant heart and the work of some unlikely hands, manage to fend off the evils of the elemental princes. Through their quick work and quick wit, through common thugs and regal knights, through random monsters and strange suits of armor, only for now is their journey at an end. Krogar enjoys the bitter brew of the tavern, as he waits for his companions to return with the ninth cart of loot. A waft of smoke catches his attention, and his slow amble to the back of the tavern allows him to catch the feared arsonist Basion Thermander unawares, preparing the oil to light the tavern ablaze. His heart is filled with honor and pride as he personally leads the man to the shackles, never to burn another victim as long as his short life may live. With the loot totaled, Darwin finds he can retire with ease. But hat's life without adventure? After a few heartfelt goodbyes, Darwin boards a ship for charter, set for land of mystery where it is said large reptilian beasts stalk the land. He catches himself gripping the side of the wooden banister unconsciously, almost tingling in excitement. With one final look back, he watches as the land he's known all his life disappears behind the horizon. Jamenas was the member of the group that chose to stay in Dessarin Valley, dedicating the next few years to hunting down cultists that the routed cults had let scatter. He made contacts with the various settlements, organized spies, and supply routes. He still isn't done, as there may be something about this land that breeds evil. Wherever you are, you hear tales from the bards, of a man of nature and divine might, sundering sect after sect of evil. Non one knows the name of the man who leads this band of cult destroyers, but his enemies do, and they can only bear whisper it. Abu moves back to the city. With his funds from the raided fort. He establishes small business, a pitance next to the large stalls in the market that held the lion share of the customers. Well...at first. No one knew why, but the slave population of the town began to decrease, especially the children. Soon, anti-slavery laws were being passed, whispers of a large benefactor pushing the policies through the local government. Finally, a well-respected merchant in the market went bankrupt. His goods could not outpace Abu's, and every day he would grow redder, more embarrassed, and storm around in a fit of rage. The final straw was when Abut paid a visit to the merchant's stall, and the man jumped the small gnome. Abu, never seriously in danger, had him arrested and thrown to the wilderness to survive. The merchant's son now runs a small group of Abu's network, helping to train the unskilled workforce Abu had acquired. And thus our story ends. Our heroes, though having gone their separate paths, will time to time look up at the same night sky, and remember the battles they shared, the drinks they shared. And they'll fall to slumber remembering that familiar warmth of the campfire, Darwin excitedly recounting the day's battles, Abu laughing as he counts the day's 'catch', Jamenas smiling as he settled in against the mossy log he rested on, and Krogar reciting his nightly prayers but stopping on occasion as he smiles at Darwin's tales. Good times all. May you hold them forever. ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() I just noticed a lot of you have cute mashed up names. Jae-rel rubs his aching muscles, brushing flecks of bricks off Sorrel's natural fur. "What do you mean Kid's right- Oh! Right, Kid. He's not answering to the communicators?" Jae-rel tries pinging for him. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() So....this is a bit embarrasing. When this was a larger group, I had this encounter stay the same assuming the additional actions of the other characters would help make up for the cr difference. Forgot to change things when the party lineup shrunk. Suffice it to say, you all should be level 2 right now, before the fight even. This mistake is my blunder, so here is what I propose. 1. We retcon the start of this combat as if it'd never happened.
Also, Gauntlet, remember when we discussed me having the ability to alter your class? I propose that you can only donate up to half your hitpoint maximum to maintain Gauntlet. In my mind, this will raise the risk and foresight needed instead of just throwing yourself at the front all the time. If Gauntlet's protection should fail, you then have to make a choice whether to stay in the fight melee or try and back up. Thoughts on any of the above? ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() To all my games, I am going to be leaving tomorrow for a humanitarian trip to help those in need. I will only have access to my smartphone at the time, so I will not be able to post during this time. I estimate my return to the boards in the first week of January. If I'm a player and you find this absence unfavorable, I understand if you remove me from the game. If I'm the GM, and you'd rather leave the game if it stalls for this long, I understand your withdrawal. In either case, message me and we'll get things sorted out. But I do wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() To all my games, I am going to be leaving tomorrow for a humanitarian trip to help those in need. I will only have access to my smartphone at the time, so I will not be able to post during this time. I estimate my return to the boards in the first week of January. If I'm a player and you find this absence unfavorable, I understand if you remove me from the game. If I'm the GM, and you'd rather leave the game if it stalls for this long, I understand your withdrawal. In either case, message me and we'll get things sorted out. But I do wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ![]()
Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○
![]() To all my games, I am going to be leaving tomorrow for a humanitarian trip to help those in need. I will only have access to my smartphone at the time, so I will not be able to post during this time. I estimate my return to the boards in the first week of January. If I'm a player and you find this absence unfavorable, I understand if you remove me from the game. If I'm the GM, and you'd rather leave the game if it stalls for this long, I understand your withdrawal. In either case, message me and we'll get things sorted out. But I do wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() To all my games, I am going to be leaving tomorrow for a humanitarian trip to help those in need. I will only have access to my smartphone at the time, so I will not be able to post during this time. I estimate my return to the boards in the first week of January. If I'm a player and you find this absence unfavorable, I understand if you remove me from the game. If I'm the GM, and you'd rather leave the game if it stalls for this long, I understand your withdrawal. In either case, message me and we'll get things sorted out. But I do wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() "I've never been here before<" Tox hisses into the comm. "I can get out and meet you somewhere in the city, maybe the set of restrooms near the entrance, but I've been wandering since last night. Didn't want to give away what's going on." After being talked through hallways and turns, he finally reaches Sorrel's room. He looks exhausted, irritated, but a bit relieved. "I finally learned how to walk on these things. I haven't really had the time to grab something, and since I wasn't wearing pants I don't' think you keep your change anywhere else for the vending machines. We got a solution for this yet." He falls face first onto the bed. ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() Tox is trying to maintain a good school image and find time to work and play hero in between. He has a full schedule with a statistics course, Advanced biology, Medical terminology, Acting 1 (it was a gen ed), and Current Issues course focused on Heroes, ethics, and morality. "I'm going to be honest, I didn't get a lot of sleep and I'm having a pretty rough week. If you guys are cool with it, let's talk about it later." He thought about adding the little Spanish he did know, peppering it in, but decided it would be weirder for him to try. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Let me start by saying this would be much more dramatic if I had kept to my timetable and posted when I meant to. Unfortunately, the surges of schoolwork are some of the strongest tides I've seen. Current Day, at the Hospital *beep* *beep* *beep* *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-* ===================================== At Defender HQ
The local papers have been having a field day with the efforts of your team, most quickly picking sides even if owned by the same parent company. Thor Girl has been demonized to some extent, blamed for summoning the strang gate structure downtown that is almost indestructible. The actual portal has faded, but the gate remains. The city isn't happy with her slaughtering 70% of the rare fish and water mammals that had been in the tank she attempted to break down, her blow sending a vibration deadly to the sea creatures in the facility. The tank intact, it seemed like wonton violence, and thus most people look at her as a vengeful fledgling of a god, trying to take revenge with violence. Bran is actually revered as a hero by some small circles. Saving a member of the Defenders will do that for your reputation, The animals he killed raised some fuss with the public, but not many could argue with the results. Unfortunately, this was the most positive of the publicity of the team. Bioshock has been labeled as a possible terrorist, possibly in league with Haxor and responsible for a train for almost derailing on the track. The small detail of how he saved Blink's life is passed over, and the city grows to hate him in only a couple days. Today, a retraction is being printed as corroboration of stories has led to the truth of the matter, but not everyone learns the truth, and his name is dragged through the mud in most circles. Blink and Whippoorwill are recovering normally. Whippoorwill was assigned assistant monitor duty with Matrix, and spends her time drilling Wingblade in new fighting techniques, ones involving how to get out of situations when captured or injured. Blink is allowed a "home arrest" for the time being, and she along with Hashtag has been allowed some quality time as she recovers. They stay in a small apartment, a Foursight assigned as a guard to keep an eye (or four) on the folks that can disappear with a blink. It's only been a couple days, but they've been enjoyable. Blink seems weak, but she's a strong-willed person, and she's expected to recover soon. Now, we return to the present. Hashtag, Bioshock, Thor Girl, Bran the Blessed, Wingblade; you are all sitting around a small round table, water and snacks have been provided. You were told you would be seen in a few minutes. That was twenty minutes ago. Still, you can't leave. Not yet. Finally, the door opens. Nick walks into the room, his poker face firmly placed on his face. You guys watch as Tectonic, an old member of the team, peeks in from the side of the doorway, she smiles awkwardly, gives Hashtag and Wingblade a thumbs up, and ducks out of view. "Let's not mince words." Nick begins, taking a seat. "As much as I love interrogations, interviews, wordplay, and such, this is serious. He presses a button on the console in front of him. And an image of a person is lit up in a three-dimensional hologram above the table. A Young man with shoulder length long hair. He's a tad overweight, but his smile is genuine. Under one arm is a laptop, his shoulder supports a messenger bag. "Mack 'Haxor' Lindale. Deceased today, 11:45 am. Cause of Death: Natural." He looks at you all for comment. ![]()
Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○
![]() Twitch finishes showing The Kilt that he's second to last, as Amir is actually the one in last. People commenting that the Kilt is funny and Amir seems kinda boring. First place is actually a two way tie between Siphon and Manifest. Power and Danger really sell after all. Afterwards, she does a bit of searching for Moxie's question and scrolls through the results. "People are kinda split. Most think you're her kid or something. Other's are guessing clone, and about twenty percent actually believe your time travelling. And if you need some money, I can give you a loan. Least I could do after that great battle footage. " ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() This is so topsy-turvy with the body switching. You guys were busy when I was cranking out a few essays. Tox finally seems to get a handle on keeping his nerves under control. The conversation whirled around him and it took everything he had mentally to control these secretions of Sorrel's. Has he been dealing with this 24/7? With the sudden appearance of faculty, Tox suppresses another attack of stress as he glances over to his body. There was no way he could let Kid be evicted and he wasn't about to rat out his friends and their current situation. We still have coms right? "We'll see you later Tox," Tox says, trying to not chew on the words too hard as they came from his mouth. Now he was thinking about how his tongue tasted, and suddenly the experience became a very intimate french kiss with Sorrel's entire mouth as he tried to think about anything else than the natural taste of stranger's tongue. "If you need anything, you know how to reach us..." Tox is obviously hinting here. ![]()
Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○
![]() Miss Moxie wrote: Moxie / Siphon / Twitch relationship goals. I love this...this is great and will most likely be a live event Twitch holds without telling either of you. And also love Amir's apartment is called the sand castle. And I'm fine without much influence over folks for now. Twitch is meant to be a somewhat antagonizing force at first, with the eventual turn into either an endearing one or repenting one. ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() I kind of like it if Tox wasn't aware of the situation, that he's trying not to panic in Sorrel's panic prone body. Might make for a nice surprise later if this isn't immediately resolved. And thanks Sorrel, I'm gonna mark potential which also means I get an advancement. ![]()
![]() All right, most (if not all) mechanical choices are decided, so let me introduce you to the Star, Yu Na Byeol, a.k.a. Twitch.
Elaborated Backstory: Two teenagers Adam and Julie were loitering near the entrance to the downtown pedestrian mall. They each were dressed oddly for the environment, one in the N7 armor of the Mass Effect series, and the other in the familiar clunky looking Power Armor of the Fallout universe. While they got odd looks from the older folks, moving past for an afternoon of shopping, each of them was nervously waiting in anticipation. ”Delta Squad! She’s taken down Beta squad and is heading for the objective, take her down!” Their coms squawked loudly and suddenly they were both at full attention, their cosplay armor and guns at the ready. A skater punk was making his way over, a mocking grin with board in hand ready to teach these weirdos to grow up. That grin turned into a panicked yell as the two cosplayers suddenly turned their guns on him. Paintballs flew through the air and almost pelted the skater who fell to the floor as a young Korean girl ran past clutching a glowing, golden rifle in her hands. Her sneakers hit the ground hard as she kicked up to dodge the flurry of pellets. Bringing the scope to her eye, she took half a second to aim before. BLIP! BLIP! A glowing symbol appeared on Julie’s gut and Adam’s shoulder, both having just enough force to knock them down onto the ground. The Korean girl landed in front of them. She wore a cosplay outfit of a game not yet released, and her eyes shone golden as she reloaded her magazine, the spent one dissipating as she threw it behind her. She smiled as her signature symbol, the winking wide smile emoji popped up where she had hit them. ”Thanks for playing guys!” she said excitedly as she bounded into the pedestrian mall, to face the next squad attempting to stop her. ----------After the Event--------- Yu Na Byeol, took the longest gulp of water she had since the event began. Running around streaming and entertaining was one thing, but doing it in full cosplay with fans literally running after you was far more taxing than she realized. But it had been a blast. Her contact at Real Pixel was still raving about the amount of pre-orders that had been placed. It was always numbers with him, always subscriber counts, ad revenue, and viewer counts. The fans were numbers to him and most of corporate, but she loved her audience, her friends, her community. Even now her channel was still being flooded with excited messages about the day’s events and people watching it now that they were off work or out of class. She just lay there, in her private tent for a while, smiling as she watched the love (and the small amounts of hate and pervs) scroll by.
![]() Alright, settled on playing a Star because I want that pleasing crowd clashing with being a team player element. A couple rough concepts and would love some input or feedback: Twitch
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() Jae Lin looks around, as an uncomfortable silence fills the room as if suddenly there was a conversation taking place between unseeable beings and unhearable words. "Feel a bit better Solmira?" he asks, hoping that at least a bit of his smile is showing through the silk mask he wears. ![]()
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○
![]() I just noticed you have four conditions....Wow. Tox is shocked by Somira's revelation. If anyone would have everything together, it would be the really powerful telekinetic alien. Apparently, he had been out of touch with the team long enough that he missed really important things like this. Comfort and Support Solmira: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 2) + 3 = 10
"Solmira...I had no idea." Tox moves from his easy-exit area and approaches her. "You know, you don't have to do this alone. I mean, I thought I had to do things alone with my situation, but we're a team. Maybe we've forgotten that, but we're young. We'll all make mistakes time and time again, and no amount superpowers are going to make that easier. But when times are tough, we can come together." Tox turns the others. "Right guys?" ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Laetitia focuses on the fabric, and channels her inner energy, coaxing the remnants of impressions back to the surface. Her vision focuses on the fabric, and only the fabric. She can hear unintelligible whispers and rough hands receiving it from a women's grasp, bottle clink in the background as she glimpses various potions and bottles line an outdoor stand. She then sees it being wrapped around a hand waving amicably. A moment passes as it is slowly wound around into a cord, and then it begins, the strangling the desperate reaching and attempts to free himself as he is being strangled. Owl, from what you've seen around town and the townsfolks reactions, the harrow card isn't a moniker of any sort that the townsfolk would recognize. It was placed specifically to show the sphinx on it. You all are about to come to a decision when a whisper makes it into Owl's ear. "Come to the carnival quickly. Urgent. Please help." The whisper is undoubtedly a message spell, and with a small breeze, its gone. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Alright, I can definitely say that the game will be resuming by Saturday at the latest. I'd rather start sooner but academic responsibilities are keeping me in check. But loving what you guys are putting out. Kinda wanna clean it up for publishing as a web serial or something. Or start an rpg podcast. If any of you want to add a scen like wing blade just to flesh or your character for my or other players sake, I encourage you to do so. ![]()
December 26th Update
![]() Excerpts from DM Defaults Diary ===Day 14===
I've done it! I've successfully created a game that goes on for days with the characters wholly satisfied and having fun RPing against each other without having to wait for my input. I should make more of these. ===Day 21===
What have I done..... I find myself over 20 posts behind in reading with them pumping out more by the day. With each passing day, the number grows and grows. I pray I make it out on the other side.... If I don't make it back, I bequeath the DM position to Storyteller Shadow. Just a joke post of my current thoughts as I look to catch up on the reading. tbh, a little daunting but excited to see what you came up with.