![]() 1. I like science fiction space opera and the tropes and romanticism that comes with it. I haven't been on these boards for that long (comparatively), but know how much amazing roleplay can come from players who are eager to interact. I'd like to be part of that again but as a player this time. 2. I do not have the rules currently. I wouldn't be opposed to purchasing them eventually, though I would rather wait for a sale if possible to save some extra bucks. As I'm not knowledgeable in the series, I don't see myself picking them up otherwise I become engulfed by the fandom. 3. Currently, my strengths as a player are the semi-regular posting pace I have going. College this semester is a bit easier than the last so I can usually post every two days or so. I also playing off others actions as that gives the narrative a better flow IMO. My weaknesses include a tendency to forget details of scenes, especially there's a flurry of posting before I can get to the boards that day. I also a lack a lot of setting information, but I'm trying to fix that by starting from the first series. Its been on my to-do list anyway. 4. I remember someone telling me about an episode once, though I haven't watched it yet. The plot was a sort of dimensional ripple and all these different Enterprises (I think that was the ship's name) met up from different dimensions. I was just heartbroken about the Enterprise from the dimension where the Borg (killer/assimilating robots?) had gotten to everyone else and they were the last survivors and the fear they must have felt when all the other iterations wanted to send everyone back home. 5. Uh....(there's that lack of knowledge showing) The Next Generation? I think its the happier of the bunch? From the box art on series at least. 6. I've been doing a lot of GMing. Long posts, short posts, great setting starters, minimal effort due to classes, I've got all the good and bad here. ![]()
![]() Been a while since I used the system, but I have a rough idea of what I'd like to try. If anyone could help me with this, I would be really appreciative. I'd like to make a young kid who's quirk allows him to 'lock' an object/person's momentum at its current rate for a limited amount of time. Ideal: If I can manage it, I'd like whatever is affected to be 'locked' in the position it was activated in, and the subject to be invulnerable while affected. Second-Best option: limited durability with subject able to act, but the initial momentum carries the subject at rate and direction when activated. Explanation: The kid almost never uses his power on himself, the last time he tried he almost couldn't stop for fear of grinding against the pavement. Normally, he tries to make opponents leave through their own momentum, but in preparation for the entrance exam, he has tried to come up with ways to deal with villains. He has to be careful though unless he wants to accidentally kill anyone. For this reason, he never affects anything too small that can pierce through a body. ![]()
![]() I'd love to be a part of this. May I introduce Digger Wesrick, Human Envoy. He's an old-timer, getting on in years, but has learned in his time that he's better at nudging at the edges than charging in. He's a stubborn old man with an inexplicable fear of zero gravity, but he'll be at your back in the worst of times and take all the credit for a victory even if all he did was shoot from the back. He's meant to act as a face primarily, with battle support and partial skill monkey. He's supposed to be that endearing crotchety guy, and hopefully that came across. ![]()
![]() Dot. Would you be open to using A Touch of Class? It was produced by ENsider and has some interesting class options. ![]()
![]() @ GM Mawgrim
![]() My submission Digger Wesrick - a Human Outlaw Envoy, is ready for review. He's an old soul in an old body, with only his amicable nature and experience to get him out of trouble. ![]()
![]() All right, most (if not all) mechanical choices are decided, so let me introduce you to the Star, Yu Na Byeol, a.k.a. Twitch.
Elaborated Backstory: Two teenagers Adam and Julie were loitering near the entrance to the downtown pedestrian mall. They each were dressed oddly for the environment, one in the N7 armor of the Mass Effect series, and the other in the familiar clunky looking Power Armor of the Fallout universe. While they got odd looks from the older folks, moving past for an afternoon of shopping, each of them was nervously waiting in anticipation. ”Delta Squad! She’s taken down Beta squad and is heading for the objective, take her down!” Their coms squawked loudly and suddenly they were both at full attention, their cosplay armor and guns at the ready. A skater punk was making his way over, a mocking grin with board in hand ready to teach these weirdos to grow up. That grin turned into a panicked yell as the two cosplayers suddenly turned their guns on him. Paintballs flew through the air and almost pelted the skater who fell to the floor as a young Korean girl ran past clutching a glowing, golden rifle in her hands. Her sneakers hit the ground hard as she kicked up to dodge the flurry of pellets. Bringing the scope to her eye, she took half a second to aim before. BLIP! BLIP! A glowing symbol appeared on Julie’s gut and Adam’s shoulder, both having just enough force to knock them down onto the ground. The Korean girl landed in front of them. She wore a cosplay outfit of a game not yet released, and her eyes shone golden as she reloaded her magazine, the spent one dissipating as she threw it behind her. She smiled as her signature symbol, the winking wide smile emoji popped up where she had hit them. ”Thanks for playing guys!” she said excitedly as she bounded into the pedestrian mall, to face the next squad attempting to stop her. ----------After the Event--------- Yu Na Byeol, took the longest gulp of water she had since the event began. Running around streaming and entertaining was one thing, but doing it in full cosplay with fans literally running after you was far more taxing than she realized. But it had been a blast. Her contact at Real Pixel was still raving about the amount of pre-orders that had been placed. It was always numbers with him, always subscriber counts, ad revenue, and viewer counts. The fans were numbers to him and most of corporate, but she loved her audience, her friends, her community. Even now her channel was still being flooded with excited messages about the day’s events and people watching it now that they were off work or out of class. She just lay there, in her private tent for a while, smiling as she watched the love (and the small amounts of hate and pervs) scroll by.
![]() Alright, settled on playing a Star because I want that pleasing crowd clashing with being a team player element. A couple rough concepts and would love some input or feedback: Twitch
![]() @ Stalwart I like it, and you even worked your organization in well. The only thing that I wish was the case is that eventually, Siphon began to enjoy villainy. As is she's more of a villain by circumstance and doing it to keep herself healthy and parents happy. I'm working on my innocent, but it's taking a bit. Hopefully I'll have something soon. ![]()
![]() Here's Kibbens, the Ysoki Themeless Solarian. I'm definitely still working on all the crunchy bits, but I have a decent backstory in the works. ![]()
![]() Dotting. Quick question, when you said you'd like a character that would get along with the other players, does that rule out those with a sharp tongue and an abrasive personality. I have a character in mind that's a bit pompous, easily frazzled, and has a prickly exterior. He really is a good guy though, when you get past the hard surface. ![]()
![]() A couple questions: 1. If a servant class is 'called' or 'claimed' does that cut it off from being used by other players or 'clansmen?' 2. When are you thinking of wanting everyone to be ready by? That'll give me a decent idea of how much time I have to consider choices. 3. Same as the first question, but with clansmen, is it first come first served, an official recruitment, or free to do what we'd like? ![]()
![]() I have one major hindrance and one minor hindrance currently, allocated to a soon to be picked edge and an extra skill point. Where is the need for an extra minor hindrance coming from? For the edge, I'm taking First Strike: Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+
If I need an extra minor hindrance, I'll take Minor Ruthless. ![]()
![]() Okee-doke. Here's my submission. I need to figure out an edge or I like, but should be done besides that.
Name: Alpha Race: Human Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 15 +1Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d4, Fighting d8, Lockpicking d6, Notice d4, Piloting d4, Shooting d8+1, Stealth d8 Pace: 10/6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 8, Charisma: 0 $1000Gear: Pulse Pistol [(10/20/40) 2d6 damage, RoF 1, 24 shots ], Ablative Armor +2 [Heavy Armor, covers torso/head, drops by 1 when you would take a wound], Rebreather Mask [2 hours of breathable air, +4 to Vigor to resist poisonous gas], Laser Sight [+1 to Shooting] Special Abilities: •Delusional (Minor Hindrance): Believes his dupes are his living brothers, and the original switches personalities from brother to brother at times. •Vow (Major Hindrance): If he agrees to a contract, he has an unbelievable compulsion to see it to completion. No matter what. Super Powers: 20/20
The best killers aren't born. They're made. Alpha was the name he was given, standing on the corpses of his brothers that lay slaughtered under him. It hadn't been easy, but survival was necessary. Of course, the experiments were finished, they had already gotten the formulae down to bestow a powerset fit to take down any troublesome super they needed to disappear. All they needed was the most qualified specimen to receive the bounty of their efforts. And that is how Alpha came to be the last of the test subjects, his strength of will and his quick motions allowing him to outlast the stronger, the smarter, and the tougher of his brothers. That word is inaccurate in truth. Clones don't have brothers. They also aren't the most stable of individuals. After the powers had inoculated inside him and the torturous pain and seizure episodes had subsided, Alpha enacted his escape. It wasn't the smartest idea to staff supers to guard a test subject who could copy their powers. It was grisly work, but it was efficient. It was a promise the brothers had made to each other. "No matter who survived, kill them all. Kill everyone associated with this project." And Alpha was trained to never go back on a contract. These days, Alpha is more of a gun for hire, but his unique power set usually involves being hired to make certain individuals disappear. Slight degradation of his mind has set in as well, and he normally keeps his dupes out and active (named Beta and Gamma) as two brothers given a second chance.
Considering replacing Vow as a major hindrance with a Power Negation major hindrance (if any of the dupes touch each other or the original they short everyone out for a while). Also, hoping combining copycat and duplication isn't that powerful. I didn't take any defense or offense really, so I'm hoping to copy powers on the fly to make up for that. Sorta a swiss army knife kinda thing. ![]()
![]() Should have a character done by tonight. Finally pinned down the "identity" of the villain I want to try playing. And as far as advice on larger game sizes go, I agree with some of the points made by Rigor. I tend to run slightly larger groups to not feel as much impact when one or two inevitably lose interest or stop playing. Case in point: A great group of six, two ghosted on me but we still had a relatively balanced four so we're still going strong. ![]()
![]() Alright, decisions made. I'll grab insect control and to better fit thematically, I am Bane no longer. Call me Tox. Not sure about relaitonships or important figure we saved. I'm leaning towards refusing to tell Kid Quickman my identity, since he views the legacy as someone who could be pressured to revealing him to higher heroes. I was thinking Sorrel for knowing me in my civilian life first, but his relationship names me as the same (before he was transformed) so its a bit redundant. As for figures... I dunno, political figures are classic though done repeatedly. I'm favoring an instructor at Titan? I'm not sure we have anyone in common that could be declared as important to the the entire team, so I'm leaning towards the city importance. ===Updated Character sheet=== Real Name: Jae-Lin Park
His costume is simple enough. He wears a generic, grey sweatshirt and jeans. The only thing separating the masses from himself, it the white full face mask he dons, with two thin slits for his eyes and the gas mask-like attachment the mouth. Abilities
Secret Identity
When our team first came together...
A week later, I began to experiment and put on this *taps mask* ever since. Why do you keep a secret identity?
Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity?
Who thinks the worst of your masked identity?
Why do you care about the team?
Why do you spend time at the Taylor Institute?
![]() This is what I've got so far, tell me what you think? Also, can't decide on a secondary power for the life of me. Help! Real Name: Jae-Lin Park
His costume is simple enough. He wears a generic, grey sweatshirt and jeans. The only thing separating the masses from himself, it the white full face mask he dons, with two thin slits for his eyes and the gas mask-like attachment the mouth. Abilities
Secret Identity
A week later, I began to experiment and put on this *taps mask* ever since. Why do you keep a secret identity?
Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity?
Who thinks the worst of your masked identity?
Why do you care about the team?
Why do you spend time at the Taylor Institute?